
Install an agent.


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...] 
installAgent [args...]


-name, --name
   Required. Name of the agent resource

-host, --host
   Required. Host name or IP of the agent machine

-port, --port
   Required. SSH port (22) of the agent machine

-sshUsername, --sshUsername
   Required. Username to use to ssh to the agent machine

-sshPassword, --sshPassword
   Optional. Password to use to ssh to the agent machine (exclude this
   flag to use Public Key Authentication instead)

-installDir, --installDir
   Required. Installation directory of the agent

-javaHomePath, --javaHomePath
   Required. Path to Java on the agent machine

-tempDirPath, --tempDirPath
   Required. Path to directory to install from on the agent machine

-serverHost, --serverHost
   Required. Host name or IP of the uDeploy server or Agent Relay the
   agent should connect to

-serverPort, --serverPort
   Required. Agent communication port of the uDeploy server (7918) or
   Agent Relay (7916) the agent should connect to

-proxyHost, --proxyHost
   Optional. Host name or IP of the Agent Relay if used

-proxyPort, --proxyPort
   Optional. HTTP proxy port of the Agent Relay if used (20080)

-mutualAuth, --mutualAuth
   Optional. True if the agent should enforce certificate validation
   for mutual authentication