Unix/Linux Installation

  1. Download and unpack the installation files to the installer_directory.


    If you are installing uDeploy on Solaris, UrbanCode recommends the Korn shell (ksh).

  2. From the installer_directory run install-server.sh. The uDeploy Installer is displayed and prompts you to provide the following information:

  3. Enter the directory where the uDeploy Server will be installed. If the directory does not exist, enter Y to instruct the Installer to create it for you. The default value is Y.


    Whenever the uDeploy Installer suggests a default value, you can press ENTER to accept the value.

  4. Please enter the home directory of the JRE/JDK used to run the server.

    If Java has been previously installed, uDeploy will suggest the Java location as the default value. To accept the default value, press ENTER, otherwise override the default value and enter the correct path.

  5. Enter the IP address on which the Web UI should listen. UrbanCode suggests accepting the default value all available to this machine.

  6. Do you want the Web UI to always use secure connections using SSL?

    Default value is Y.

    If you use SSL, turn it on for agents too, or the agents will not be able to connect to the server. This also applies if using mutual authentication. If you change the port numbers for agent communication, you need to provide the port numbers when installing the agents.

    This sets the install.server.web.always.secure= property in the installed.properties file.

  7. Enter the port where uDeploy should listen for secure HTTPS requests. The default value is 8443.

    This sets the install.server.web.ip= property in the installed.properties file.

  8. Enter the port on which the uDeploy should redirect unsecured HTTP requests.

    The default value is 8080.

  9. Enter the URL for external access to the web UI.

  10. Enter the port to use for agent communication.

    The default value is 7918.

  11. Do you want the Server and Agent communication to require mutual authentication?

    If you select Y, a manual key must be exchanged between the server and each agent. The default value is N.

    This sets the server.jms.mutualAuth= property in the installed.properties file.

  12. Enter the database type uDeploy should use.

    The default value is the supplied database Derby. The other supported databases are: mysql, oracle, and sqlserver.

    If you enter a value other than derby, the uDeploy Installer will prompt you for connection information, which was defined when you installed the database. See the section called “Database Installation”.

  13. Enter the database user name.. The default value is uDeploy. Enter the user name you created when you installed the database.

  14. Enter the database password.. The default value is password.