Database Configuration

Out of the box, UrbanCode Release uses the Derby database--no additional user actions are required. UrbanCode Release can also be used with Oracle, MySQL or MS SQL Server.

Database configuration is done by modifying parameters in the file, which is located at user_home_directory/.urbancode/urelease/conf. On Unix, the user_home_directory is /home; on Windows it is determined by the user profile, which typically is \Users\current_user.

Because UrbanCode Release is deployed as a Tomcat web application, the conf file will not be created until UrbanCode Release is deployed, which means that the configuration changes cannot be made until after initial deployment.

To change the database, first deploy UrbanCode Release as described above, then shutdown down the Tomcat server. Next, modify the conf file following the instructions below for your database type. Once configured, restart Tomcat.