© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
The latest version of this document is available at the following Web site:
http://download.boulder.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/v7/rmt/7002/docs/readme/readme.htmlThis file is available in the following national languages:
Brazilian Portuguese Chinese — Simplified Chinese — Traditional French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish This release fixes a number of known issues with releases 7.0 and of IBM® Rational® Manual Tester. For more details, see section 3.0 later in this document. This release also includes national-language editions of the help system for supported languages.
In addition, see the release notes for version 7.0 of this product to learn about its new features and any limitations or problems known at the time of its release. The release notes for version 7.0 are available at: http://download.boulder.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/v7/rmt/70/docs/readme/readme.html
This section describes the installation requirements and specific installation instructions for this fix pack.
For information about installing Rational Manual Tester, Version 7.0, including installation prerequisites, see the installation instructions online at http://download.boulder.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/v7/rmt/70/docs/install_instruction/install.html.
These instructions were last updated for the release.Prerequisites
Before you can install this fix pack, you must update your Installation Manager to version Whenever you use Installation Manager to update an installed package, it automatically updates itself if necessary. For additional information about Installation Manager, Version, refer to http://download.boulder.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/v7/im/1003/docs/readme/readme.html.
The following are two common ways to install this fix pack:
- If Manual Tester, version 7.0 or is already installed on your system, then you can install this update using the Update Packages wizard in IBM Installation Manager. For general instructions on installing an update, refer to the section "Updating Rational Manual Tester" in the Installation Guide.
- If you are installing Manual Tester, Version 7.0 for the first time, then you can install this update at the same time that you install Manual Tester 7.0. When you run the Installation Manager, click Check for updates on the Install page of the Install Packages wizard.
For general instructions on installing an update, refer to the section "Installing IBM Rational Manual Tester by using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface" in the Installation Guide.
Installing on Windows VistaThis release supports Windows® Vista Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions. For more information about Vista support for all Rational products, please visit http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21250765.
The steps for installing Rational Manual Tester on Windows Vista are generally the same as for Windows XP, with the following notes:
- You must run Installation Manager as administrator. (Right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.)
- If you are starting the installation of Rational Manual Tester from the launchpad program, then you must run the launchpad program as administrator.
Note: If the launchpad program starts automatically (for example, if you are installing from a CD), first quit the launchpad program; then navigate to the CD or disk image, right-click launchpad.exe (at the top level of the CD or image), and click Run as Administrator.Starting the application on Windows Vista
If you select either an installation location or shared resources directory within the Program Files directory, then you must also start Manual Tester for the first time as administrator. For more information on running Rational Manual Tester on Windows Vista, refer to the technote at http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21257842Important note about upgrading from Microsoft Windows XP to Windows Vista
If you plan to upgrade your Microsoft Windows XP operating system to Windows Vista and IBM Rational Manual Tester, Version 7.0 or is currently installed, refer to the instructions on the Support Web site, http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21257411.
The following fixes are included in this fix pack:
On localized Windows operating systems, the tours now display properly in all supported languages. In Simplified Chinese, the tour displays in English.
This note refers to scripts migrated from version 6.1.x. These now display properly.
This step is no longer necessary.
This section describes known limitations and problems specific to this release, and any workarounds that are available.
For information about known limitations, problems, and workarounds for version 7.0, please refer to the release notes for Manual Tester, Version 7.0: http://download.boulder.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/v7/rmt/70/docs/readme/readme.html
Contrary to the Installation Manager online help and product Installation Guide documents, you cannot use the Uninstall Packages wizard rollback feature; the rollback feature is not supported in Installation Manager Version and (the current version).
The Rolling back updates online help topic indicates that you can use the Uninstall Packages wizard to revert to a previously installed version of a package. For example, if you install Rational Manual Tester 7.0 and then update to version, the help topic states that you can use the rollback feature to revert to 7.0; this is not possible. Also, the Silent Install Commands online help topic indicates that you can use a rollback command during silent install; this command is not supported.
Workaround: In order to revert back to an earlier version of a package, you must uninstall the entire package; a single uninstall removes the 7.0 and upgraded package. In the example, you would need to uninstall and then reinstall the 7.0 package.
This occurs when you run and then stop a test case from ClearQuest® Test Manager that contains a manual test script. If you close Manual Tester after the Run Test Script window opens, you will see a null pointer exception (Java® error). To avoid the error, be sure to click Apply a couple of times in the Run Test Script window before stopping the test or exiting the Run Test Script window.
When you run a manual test using ClearQuest Test Manager, and you capture images using the Run Test Script window during the test, these images are not saved to the manual test log. If you require images in the test log, you should run the test directly from Manual Tester.
When you import scripts from Test Manager into Manual Tester, an extra space is added at the end of a group statement. The space is not noticeable, except if you want to cut or copy and paste the group in Manual Tester. If you fail to select the space when selecting the group for copying, you won't copy the whole group, including substatements, as expected.
You can either delete the spaces in the imported script, or just remember to drag all the way to the right when selecting a group statement to ensure you pick up the space character.
Certain buttons on the Manual Tester toolbar, including Undo and the text-editing buttons (Bold, Underline, and so forth) disappear after you run a test case in ClearQuest Test Manager that includes a manual test. When the test is complete and you switch from ClearQuest mode to authoring mode, the toolbar buttons are no longer visible. You can still use these functions via the Edit menu. Or, to bring back the buttons, restart Manual Tester.
The ability to export multiple manual test scripts to CSV at once is not working. You must export each script separately.
When you select an existing statement and then paste one or more statements on top of it, the paste operation does not work as expected:
- If you select the last statement in the script and paste over it, the paste does not work.
- If you select any other statement except the last one in the script and paste over it, the statement(s) are pasted one step below where they should be.
In both cases, it is better to delete the unwanted statement(s) first, and then paste the new statements.
If you select some text in a table cell within a manual test script, Manual Tester may crash, especially if you select text across multiple cells. If you encounter this problem, try to use keyboard functions such as Insert and Delete to make your changes rather than selecting text.
Certain actions while running a test script may cause the Run Test Script window to get into a "hybrid" state, with some functions of the authoring editor available. It is best to avoid getting into this state. Here are some recommendations:
- If test authoring commands somehow do become enabled in the Run Test Script window, do not use them.
- Do not open the Welcome page (accessible on the Help menu) from the Run Test Script window.
- If you do not have ClearQuest installed, do not attempt to show the ClearQuest navigator (Window menu, Show View command) .
- Do not reposition the Properties view on top of the script view in the Run Test Script window.
If you find that Manual Tester does get into this state, you can fix it by deleting your Manual Tester workspace. This directory is automatically created by Manual Tester and stores data such as window position, size, etc. If you delete it, you will lose your window customizations but no critical data. The directory is C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\IBM\RMT7.0\workspace
When Manual Tester 6.1.x and 7.0 are installed on the same computer, you may see some nonsense values in the Execution Results when running scripts in version 6.1.x. In version 6.1.x, you can delete the nonsense execution results (using the Preferences dialog box), taking care not to delete the four default results (error, fail, inconclusive, and pass).
IBM Rational Test Manager is not currently supported on Windows Vista operating systems. Users who rely on this software should avoid upgrading to Vista at this time.
On the Windows Vista operating system only, if you are logged in as a nonadmin user and open manual test scripts from the file system (for example, by double-clicking the files in Windows Explorer), you will start multiple instances of Manual Tester. These instances cannot work together: you cannot copy text from one to another, for example. You should open your test scripts from within Manual Tester, using the File>Open command or the Recent Files view.
On the Windows Vista operating system, you must run the Manual Tester installation as an administrator. Belonging to an administrator group is not sufficient. For more information about installation on Windows Vista, see the notes in the Installation section above.
You should also run the application once as an administrator. Navigate to and right-click the file, located in your Manual Tester installation directory under RMT7.0\rtmt.exe, and select Run as administrator. If a nonadmin user launches Manual Tester for the first time after installation, he or she will see an error with no explanation: "An error has occurred. See the log file..."
Manual Tester cannot import files saved in the new Office 2007 file formats.
The Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery do not support the new high resolution display setting "Larger scale(120DPI)- make text more readable" on the Windows Vista operating system. The gallery content does not display if this option is set. If you changed to the new high resolution display option, change to a lower resolution setting (for example, the default 90 DPI setting).
To change this setting, follow these steps:
1. Open the Control Panel.
2. Click Ease of Access Center > Make Computer easier to see > Change the size of text and icons.
3. Select 90 DPI (the default setting).
4. Click Save settings.
On the Japanese version of the Windows Vista operating system, the Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery require Mozilla Firefox as the Web browser preference; the gallery content does not display on other Web browsers. To use these galleries, install Mozilla Firefox, and then set the Web Browser preference (click Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser) to Mozilla Firefox.
IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.
For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you will need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook.
For FAQs, lists of know problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the IBM Rational Manual Tester Software Support Web site.
For Rational software product news, events, and other information, visit the IBM Rational Software Web site.
Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:
- What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
- Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
- Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
- Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.
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