IBM Rational Method Composer Release Notes
Version 7.5
Interim Fix 2
IBM® Rational® Method Composer V7.5, Interim Fix 2 is an update to IBM Rational Method
Composer V7.5. Version 7.5 is required for this update. This document contains a summary of defects fixed in this release.
to IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide for instructions
on how to install Rational Method Composer V7.5 and uninstall
the product. The Installation Guide (install.html
) can be found
in the [INSTALLDIR]/rmc/readme
the interim fix update
There are two methods available for upgrading to this interim fix.
I. Online update
- Close Rational Method Composer.
- Start the IBM Installation Manager by selecting Start > All Programs
> IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.
- Click Update. The Installation Manager checks for updates.
If a new version of Installation Manager is available, you must install it
before you can continue the Rational Method Composer installation. Click Yes at
prompt to update Installation Manager. If your Installation Manager is current,
go to step 5.
- Click OK at the prompt to restart Installation Manager. Click Update.
- On the Update Packages page, select IBM
Rational Method Composer 7.5 . Click Next.
- On the "Select the updates for fixes to install" page, verify the Version
7.5 ifix2 check box is selected. Click Next.
- Accept the license agreement and click Next.
- On the "Select features you want to install" page, click Next.
- On the "Review summary information" page, click Update.
- When the update is completed and you are informed that packages were installed
successfully, click Finish to close the Update Packages windows.
- Exit the IBM Installation Manager.
- Confirm the update was successful by using the Help menu
in Rational Method Composer and selecting About IBM Rational Method
Composer. You should see: Version: 7.5.0 ifix2.
II. Alternative update
- Go to and from the "Download package" section download
- Extract
to a folder, <TARGET_DIR>
- Launch IBM Installation Manager.
- Select File > Preferences and click Add Repository.
- Enter the location
and select diskTag.inf
in the Add Repository window and click OK.
- Click OK to close the Preferences window.
- Click Update on the main Installation Manager screen and update Rational Method Composer V7.5.0 by following step 4 of the On-line update procedure.
Removing the update
To remove updates,
follow these instructions:
- Close Rational Method Composer.
- Start the IBM Installation Manager by selecting Start > All Programs
> IBM Installation Manager.
- Click Roll Back to display the Roll Back Packages window.
- On the " Select the packages you want to roll back to" page, select a version
that has been installed on your machine to roll back, and then click Next.
- On the " Review rollback information" page, click Roll Back. A progress
bar is displayed.
- When the update completes and you are informed that packages were rolled
back successfully, click Finish to close the Update Packages windows.
- Exit IBM Installation Manager.
fixed in this release
The following table lists significant defects
fixed in this release.
Description / Comments |
PK76696 (RATLC00406589) |
Drop down for the publishing directory looses history of directories. |
PK69278 (RATLC01398192) |
The search in the published web site doesn't return results for text which is part of the main description. |
RATLC00407872 |
Compact skin should include all non-empty user-specified text and relationships. |
RATLC00408765 |
Failed to assign a practice to a custom category. |
RATLC01376962 |
Spell checker only replaces the first wrong word if there is more than one of the same word in the Rich Text Editor. |
RATLC00406859 |
Drop down for the publishing directory looses history of directories. |
RATLC00407809 |
Extends and Replaces Content Variability is not available for all categories. |
RATLC00407525 |
Replace that precedes the Extends rule is not working for activities. |
RATLC00407798 |
The First Steps link of the Welcome page does not work on Linux. |
RATLC00408258 |
Problem with saving the publish options in configuration. |
RATLC01376009 |
If the Editor is opened, the Save button must be twice when renaming a plug-in. |
RATLC01376785 |
Practices should be removed from the filter list when adding a guidance to the process element. |
RATLC01377014 |
Spell Checker: Cannot replace the misspelled word for check item name. |
RATLC01377143 |
Log files for WBM export should not be created inside the method library. |
RATLC01477659 |
Startup and shutdown options are missing. |
RATLC00406465 |
Do not publish white papers as concepts and vice versa. |
RATLC00407380 |
Inconsistency in role labels. |
RATLC01377621 |
Should not overwrite the readme file when upgrade RMC from version 7.5 to iFix1. |
RATLC01378605 |
Cannot import to Rational Method Composer when the exported WBM 6.1.2 xml file contain new task type, such as HumanTask. |
RATLC00406579 |
Import from WebSphere Business Modeler drops elements. |
Upgrading V7.2 libraries to release 7.5
There are several ways to upgrade libraries for use with this release. Each of these is described in this section.
Note: All of the plug-ins that are shipped with Rational Method Composer have been renamed. Therefore, we recommend that you create a new library in your configuration management system, rather than trying to upgrade your existing library.
a) If you use any plug-ins shipped with Rational Method Composer V7.2 follow these steps to upgrade your library:
- Using Rational Method Composer V7.2, export every plug-in you created in your library. Be sure that all configurations you wanted were exported. If any were missed, export them individually.
- Make a copy of the
folder that is shipped with Rational Method Composer V7.5.
- Delete the
file if it is present.
- Rename the directory name for your library, if you want it to be something other than
- Open this new library in Rational Method Composer V7.5.
- Import the plug-ins and configurations that you exported.
- You might want to rename your plug-ins now to conform to the new naming format. If you choose a unique 'first part' (the portion before the first 'dot' in the name), then all of your plug-ins will be listed together in the library view.
- Make any additional changes necessary. (See the next section for additional tasks you may need to do.)
- Verify that your library publishes correctly.
- Check your new library into your configuration management system.
b) If you created your own library, and do not depend on any plug-ins that were shipped with Rational Method Composer V7.2:
- Make a copy of your existing 7.2 library (but do not copy the
- If your configuration management system includes any extra files in your library on your hard drive, be sure to remove those from your copy (for example, CCRC adds
files that you need to delete).
- Make all of the files in the copy of your library writable.
- Update the name of the directory that holds the copy of your library to be the name you want for your new Version 7.5 library.
- Open this copy of your Version 7.2 library in Rational Method Composer V7.5 and allow it to upgrade the library. (See the next section for additional tasks you may need to do.)
- Check this new library into your configuration management system.
c) Updating the library using your configuration management system:
- Using your client software for your configuration management system (not Rational Method Composer), check out all
files in your library. (Alternatively, check out all files in your library, but realize that when you check them back in, many will not have changes.)
- Open the library in Rational Method Composer V7.5 and allow it to upgrade the library. (See below for additional tasks you may need to do.)
- Check all changed files back in.
- Search for any files that are new and check those into your library. (For example, you may find
files for some of your processes.)
Some changes that you might need to make to your library after you have upgraded to Rational Method Composer V7.5:
- Rational Method Composer V7.5 supports different ways to order custom categories when they are published. You may want to take advantage of this (for example use alphabetization).
- Verify that all image maps migrated properly.
- Image maps that do not have an attribute called GUID will not be migrated with the correct hyperlinks and need to be all manually adjusted.
- A correct link in an image map should look like this:
<area shape="rect" alt="Requirements" coords="2,79,584,113" href="./../../../rup/disciplines/rup_requirements_discipline_8EEB5209.html" guid="_ydt60dnmEdmO6L4XMImrsA"></area>
Enabling auto-synchronize feature in the published sites
Auto-synchronize feature finds and highlights the element in the left tree-view when the corresponding link is clicked in the right content-view. By default, this feature is disabled. To enable the auto-synchronize feature:
- Publish your content.
- Navigate to
<published site folder>/theme
and open the appSettings.js
file for editing.
- Change the value of
to true.
- Save and close
Rational Asset Manager integration support
This release of Rational Method Composer supports integration with Rational Asset Manager V7.1.1.
In this release of Rational Method Composer, the practices library is translated in the following languages:
- German (DE)
- French (FR)
- Italian (IT)
- Spanish (ES)
- Portuguese (pt_BR)
- Japanese (JP)
- Korean (KO)
To download the latestest practices library for a given language, follow these steps:
- Go to and from the "Download package" section download the libraries in the language of your choice. The library files are named as
where XX
indicates the language.
- Extract the contant of the zip file to a location on your hard drive. (You may want to extract the files to the standard library location of the Rational Method Composer installation folder, such as
"C:\Program Files\IBM\RMC75\rmc\lib.7.5_XX.prac"
- Start Rational Method Composer.
- Select File > Open > Method Library.
- Browse to the location where you extracted the library file and select the directory, click OK and Finish.
- Consider making a backup of the library before making changes.
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