Rational Method Composer 7.2 iFix003 is an update to IBM® Rational® Method Composer (RMC) 7.2. A summary of defects fixed in this release is provided below.
The IBM Rational Method Composer 7.2 Release Notes can
be downloaded from the IBM Publications Center at http://www.ibm.com/shop/publications/order. Select your
country, then select Search for Publication using the publication
number GC23-6208-02.The Rational Method Composer 7.2 Release
Notes can also be found at [INSTALLDIR]/rmc/readme/readme.html
to IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide for instructions
on how to install Rational Method Composer 7.2, upgrade libraries, and uninstall
the product. The Installation Guide (install.html
) can be found
at [INSTALLDIR]/rmc/readme
. It can also be obtained from the
IBM Publications Center by searching for publication number GI11-8260-02.
The following are additions and corrections to documentation for Rational Method Composer 7.2.
If you have purchased or are otherwise entitled to use Rational Method Composer, you are entitled to a permanent product license. Beginning with Rational Method Composer 7.2, the default installation of Rational Method Composer instantiates a trial license.
As a result, permanent license users must perform two steps: (1) install Rational Method Composer (which provides a trial license); (2) activate the installation to use a permanent license. To activate the permanent license, use the Manage Licenses wizard. For more information on managing licenses for your Rational product, see the Rational licensing support page at: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/rational/support/licensing/.
If you are entitled to a permanent license and receive warnings about trial license expiration, a permanent license for the installation must be activated. After activating the license you will have a permanent installation and will no longer receive trial license expiration warnings.
Trial licenses expire 30 days after installation. Trial license users who upgrade to a permanent version do not need to uninstall or reinstall Rational Method Composer -- users need only activate the existing installation.
For related information, see “Managing Licenses,” in the IBM Rational Method Composer 7.2 Installation Guide.
The IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide 7.2 includes references to floating license support for release 7.2. Floating licenses are not supported for Rational Method Composer.
Item 20 in the Known Issues section of the release notes, Controlling the behavior of the Back button when navigating in a published site, contains an error in the pathname of the file that contains this app setting. The pathname is theme/appSetting.js. The corrected text is:
20. When navigating from one page to another in a published site and you click the Back button, the previous page is returned but not to the previous scroll location in that page. This is because there are two ways to return to a previous page. One is to retrieve the cached page and the other is to reload the page. By default, Rational Method Composer 7.2 has the bookmark feature enabled and reloads the page. You can change this with an app setting in the theme/appSetting.js file.
Documentation for the following features has been added or modified in Help.
If you have already installed Rational Method Composer 7.2, you can apply this update by following these instructions:
To remove updates, follow these instructions:
The following table lists significant defects fixed in this release.
APAR/ID | Description / Comments |
PK53719 | Japanese font corruption in Activity Diagram |
PK56802 | Task Main description and Step description are not displayed in German RMC 7.2 |
PK59042 | Inconsistent data returned when reporting in RMC |
PK59103 | Activity (Detail) Diagram: hyperlink to task descriptor description is missing. |
PK61109 | Cannot build a repository for ifix2 (rmc72-ifix2.update.zip) using PU |
PK61302 | Published html site is not displaying anything |
PK61451 | Elements with umlauts in element names have dysfunctional hyperlinks in deployed WAR files |
RATLC00396922 | Deep-copy of patterns does not automatically synchronize against target process configuration |
RATLC01250026 | WBM: Role resource in task of a WBM process is missing after import to RMC |
The following table lists significant defects fixed in release 7.2 iFix002. These changes are also included in this release.
APAR/ID | Description / Comments |
PK53719 | Japanese font corruption in Activity Diagram |
PK53720 | Directory Not Found Error if Names for Capability pattern is in Japanese |
PK53870 | RMC: Network Connection is not available under workbench preferences |
PK54570 | RMC: Activity diagram does not show in browsing perspective or published content |
PK55220 | Artifacts in ADD are not generated correctly |
PK55169 | Activity diagrams are published when the options are disabled |
RATLC00395486 | Cannot extend and copy from Delivery Processes anymore |
RATLC00396350 | Need to use more MSP text fields for the work product descriptors when exporting processes into an MSP xml file |
The following announcements and known issues apply to this release.
The New Tailoring Session Wizard includes a new check box that allows you to select a configuration to use for deep copy. Only configurations that contain the selected source delivery process are listed. Previously, deep copy operated only on the default configuration and copied every element. With this new option you have a greater degree of control over which items will be copied.
When performing a deep-copy on processes under a non-default configuration, contributed and replaced activities are also copied. This is true for the process editor as well as the tailoring perspective editor and the initial tailoring wizard.
For example, from the Authoring perspective:
You can add new content elements to a tailoring plug-in. This is done by using the Custom Contents package which is created automatically when a new Tailoring plug-in is created.
Previously, a consistency check was performed after each edit was completed in the configuration editor. For large configurations, this could degrade performance. Automatic consistency checking is no longer performed. Instead, a new option, Show Configuration Errors (visible in the upper-right corner of the configuration editor page), is available. This option allows you to specifically request that a consistency check be performed. A complete consistency check is also done when you save a configuration.
You can now export on-line help to a Web application server. The hosting machine must have a valid Rational Method Composer license registered through the Installation Manager.
-classpath D:\myApp\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.help.base_[version].jar
org.eclipse.help.standalone.Infocenter -command start
-eclipsehome d:\myApp\eclipse -port 8081
These commands are for Apache 2.2
LoadModule proxy_module
LoadModule proxy_http_module
ProxyRequests off
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /rmc_online_help http://hostmachine:8081/help
ProxyPassReverse /rmc_online_help http://hostmachine:8081/help
When you rename a folder under source control, the folder and its contents are checked out. When you check in a renamed folder, you must also check in the folder's contents even if those files were not renamed, that is, you must check in all elements that have been renamed or whose pathname has been changed.
For example, if you rename a capability pattern, you are prompted to check out the folder and its related .xmi files. If, after renaming the folder, you then undo the checkout for related .xmi files, the system will not be able to find those files under the new pathname. Check-in the .xmi files to assure that the renamed folder is recorded as part of the pathname of the .xmi files.
When importing existing plug-in and configuration projects into an empty workspace library from Rational ClearCase Remote Client, the Problem view reports URI errors. To fix this error, close and reopen the workspace library after the import.
If you make a deep copy of a process, or create a tailoring process from a set of imported plug-ins, and the process's configuration contains plug-ins that are not imported or references to plug-ins that do not exist, then the deep copy or tailoring process creation fails if the process being copied contains references to those missing plug-ins.
To resolve the problem: (1) import all plug-ins required by the process, or (2) follow these steps to fix reported errors and then make the deep copy again:
If you use a workspace-based library outside a Rational ClearCase dynamic view and then use the Share project option to add a plug-in or project to a Rational ClearCase dynamic view, you must reload the library to prevent errors in subsequent operations.
Legal notices for IBM Rational Method Composer are provided
in the file notices.html
in the installation directory. Please
refer to this file for applicable legal notices.
contact your IBM representative or send email to rupfeed@us.ibm.com
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