IBM Rational Method Composer Release Notes

Version 7.2 iFix 2


This is an updated version of IBM® Rational® Method Composer (RMC) 7.2. A summary of defects fixed in this release is provided below.

The IBM Rational Method Composer 7.2 Release Notes can be downloaded from the IBM Publications Center at Select your country, then select Search for Publication using the publication number GC23–6208–02.The Rational Method Composer 7.2 Release Notes can also be found at [INSTALLDIR]/rmc/readme/readme.html.

Refer to IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide for instructions on how to install Rational Method Composer 7.2, upgrade libraries, and uninstall the product. The latest version can be obtained from the IBM Publications Center by searching for publication number GI11-8260-02. The Installation Guide (install.html) can be found at [INSTALLDIR]/rmc/readme. The latest version can be obtained from the IBM Publications Center by searching for publication number GI11–8260–02.

Important installation information

The following are additions or corrections to installation information for Rational Method Composer 7.2.

Permanent and trial license installation

If you have purchased or are otherwise entitled to use Rational Method Composer, you are entitled to a permanent product license. Beginning with Rational Method Composer 7.2, the default installation of Rational Method Composer instantiates a trial license.

As a result, permanent license users must perform two steps: (1) install Rational Method Composer (which provides a trial license); (2) activate the installation to use a permanent license. To activate the permanent license, use the Manage Licenses wizard. For more information on managing licenses for your Rational product, see the Rational licensing support page at:

If you are entitled to a permanent license and receive warnings about trial license expiration, a permanent license for the installation must be activated. After activating the license you will have a permanent installation and will no longer receive trial license expiration warnings.

Trial licenses expire 30 days after installation. Trial license users who upgrade to a permanent version do not need to uninstall or reinstall Rational Method Composer -- users need only activate the existing installation.

For related information, see “Managing Licenses,” in the IBM Rational Method Composer 7.2 Installation Guide.

No support for floating licenses

The IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide 7.2 erroneously refers to floating license support for release 7.2. Floating licenses are not supported for Rational Method Composer.

Updating Rational Method Composer 7.2

If you have already installed Rational Method Composer 7.2, you can apply this update by following these instructions:

  1. Close Rational Method Composer.
  2. Start the IBM Installation Manager by selecting Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager.
  3. Click Update Packages to display the Update Package window.
  4. From the page Select a package group to search for updates, select IBM Rational. Click Next.
  5. From the page Select the updates for fixes to install, ensure the Version check box is selected. Click Next.
  6. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  7. At the Review update information page, click Update.
  8. When the update completes and you are informed that packages were installed successfully, click Finish to close the Update Packages windows.
  9. Exit the IBM Installation Manager.
  10. Confirm the update was successful by using the Help menu in Rational Method Composer and selecting About IBM Rational Method Composer. Click Feature Details and confirm the version number of Rational Method Composer Platform Feature has been updated to

Defects fixed in this release

APAR/ID Description / Comments
PK53719 Japanese font corruption in Activity Diagram
PK53720 Directory Not Found Error if Names for Capability pattern is in Japanese
PK53870 RMC: Network Connection is not available under workbench preferences
PK54570 RMC: Activity diagram does not show in browsing perspective or published content
PK55220 Artifacts in ADD are not generated correctly
PK55169 Activity diagrams are published when the options are disabled
RATLC00395486 Cannot extend and copy from Delivery Processes anymore
RATLC00396350 Need to use more MSP text fields for the work product descriptors when exporting processes into an MSP xml file

Known issues

The following known issues exist in this release.

Error when importing plugins or configuration projects into a workspace library

When importing existing plug-in and configuration projects into an empty workspace library from Rational ClearCase Remote Client, the Problem view reports URI errors. To fix this error, close and reopen the workspace library after the import.

Issue with deep copy of a process or creation of a tailoring process when not all required plug-ins exist or are imported

If you make a deep copy of a process, or create a tailoring process from a set of imported plug-ins, and the process's configuration contains plug-ins that are not imported or references to plug-ins that do not exist, then the deep copy or tailoring process creation fails if the process being copied contains references to those missing plug-ins.

To resolve the problem: (1) import all plug-ins that process requires, or (2) follow these steps to fix reported errors and then make the deep copy again:

  1. Open the Problem View and right-click an error item.
  2. Click Quick Fix to populate a Quick Fix window.
  3. Select Resolve this unresolved reference in the Select a fix section.
  4. Click Find Similar Problem, select all found items, and click OK.

Adding a workspace library to source control

If you use a workspace-based library where the workspace is outside a Rational ClearCase dynamic view, and then use the Share project option to add a plug-in or project to a Rational ClearCase dynamic view, you must reload the library to prevent errors in subsequent operations.

Supported integrations

Rational Method Composer 7.2 and later supports the following integrations:

Removing the update

To remove this update, follow these instructions:

  1. Close Rational Method Composer.
  2. Start the IBM Installation Manager by selecting Start > All Programs > IBM Installation Manager.
  3. Click Roll Back Packages to display the Roll Back Packages window.
  4. From the page Select a package group to search for packages to roll back, select IBM Rational. Click Next.
  5. From the page Select the packages you want to roll back to, select a version that has been installed on your machine to roll back, then click Next.
  6. From the page Review rollback information, click Rollback. A progress bar is displayed.
  7. When the update completes and you are informed that packages were rolled back successfully, click Finish to close the Update Packages windows.
  8. Exit IBM Installation Manager.

Legal notices

Legal notices for IBM Rational Method Composer are provided in the file notices.html in the installation directory. Please refer to this file for applicable legal notices.


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