IBM Rational Functional Tester, Version Readme

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Readme file

1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
3.0 Fixes contained in this release
4.0 Known limitations, problems and workarounds
   4.1 Unable to find the object in the ObjRecProp.rftop file
   4.2 AUT objects un-recognized when the application is not invoked from Functional Tester on Linux
   4.3 Unable to install Functional Tester 6.x after uninstalling Functional Tester 7.x on Linux
   4.4 IBM Rational ClearCase and Functional Tester integration is not available in Microsoft Windows Vista
   4.5 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs while running a script
   4.6 The environments that were enabled for testing get disabled after upgrading Functional Tester.
   4.7 The rollback feature is not supported in Installation Manager, Version
   4.8 Unable to play back Functional Test scripts on an agent machine with Rational Test Agent McK SR6.
   4.9 Enabling browsers and Java environments requires administrative privileges in Microsoft Windows Vista
   4.10 Enabling SAP GUI for Windows and server for testing
   4.11 Functional Tester does not support multi-tab documents in Internet Explorer 7.0
   4.12 In Internet Explorer 7.0, scripts must be recorded and played back at 100% zoom
   4.13 Rational ClearQuest Test Manager 7.0 is not compatible with Functional Tester 7.0 or later
   4.14 Record and play back of Functional Tester scripts on Internet Explorer 7.0 is slow
   4.15 Unable to play back scripts for Siebel applications recorded in different versions of Functional Tester
   4.16 Unable to install Functional Tester 7.0 if Performance Tester 7.0 is already installed on the system
   4.17 Recording on Internet Explorer 7.0 pauses due to intermittent errors
   4.18 Record and playback on browser fails
   4.19 Internet Explorer 7.0 crashes during playback
   4.20 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET crashes while adding scripts to a project that resides in ClearCase
   4.21 Accessing the Application Configurator and the Enabler in the agent machine
   4.22 Unable to test AJAX based applications on Firefox if an action generates more than two AJAX requests
   4.23 The Interface Summary for HTML.Document test objects points to GuiTestObject API details
   4.24 After installing or upgrading Functional Tester on Microsoft Windows Vista, a non-administrator user cannot start Functional Tester
   4.25 The scripts in the imported project contains errors after upgrading Functional Tester to
   4.26 Unable to start Functional Tester if it is installed into an existing Eclipse that contains a hyphen in the install path on Linux
   4.27 Unable to install Functional Tester into an existing Eclipse IDE
   4.28 Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery do not support the high resolution setting on Windows Vista operating system
   4.29 Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery require Mozilla Firefox as the supported Web browser on Japanese Windows Vista operating system
   4.30 Unable to play back .Net scripts stored in the network
   4.31 Uninstallation of Functional Tester 7.x does not delete all the contents in the install directory
5.0 IBM Rational software support
6.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

The latest version of this documents is available at:

This fix pack contains updates for IBM® Rational® Functional Tester, Version 7.0. The IBM® Rational® Functional Tester, Version fix pack includes the following new features:
This readme file is available in the following national languages:
Brazilian Portuguese Chinese - Simplified Chinese - Traditional
French German Spanish
Japanese Korean  

You can install this fix pack as an update to IBM Rational Functional Tester or 7.0, or you can install it when you install IBM Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0.
See the release notes for version 7.0 of this product to learn about its new features and any limitations or problems known at the time of its release. The release notes document for version 7.0 is available at:

2.0 Installation information

This section describes the installation requirements and specific installation instructions for this fix pack.

Note about upgrading from Microsoft Windows XP to Windows Vista: If you plan to upgrade your Microsoft Windows XP operating system to Window Vista and an earlier version of IBM Rational Functional Tester is currently installed, refer to the instructions on the Support Web site

For information about installing Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0, including installation prerequisites, see the latest version of the Installation Guide online at:

2.1 Hardware requirements

There are no additional processor or memory requirements for installing this fix pack; however, there might be additional disk space requirements depending on whether you install the fix pack when you install Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0 or you install the fix pack as an update:

If you choose to download the update as a compressed file for local installation, you require approximately 400 MB to store and extract the compressed file.

2.2 Software requirements

This section describes the additional software requirements for installing Rational Functional Tester, Version; to see the requirements for installing Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0, see the Installation Guide.

To update an existing Eclipse IDE to version 3.2.2 or later:

Prerequisite: Internet access is required
  1. Start Rational Functional Tester
  2. Click Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration.
  3. In the Manage Configuration dialog box, expand the folder that contains the current Eclipse IDE and click Eclipse Project SDK 3.2.1.r321*.
  4. In the right-hand pane, click Scan for updates and select an update site mirror.
  5. Click OK.
  6. After the update completes, close the product.
    Now your Eclipse IDE meets the prerequisite version for installing this fix pack.

2.3 Other requirements

Internet access is usually required because, by default, the update is located and installed by Installation Manager directly from the IBM update repository for Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0.

Important: When Rational Functional Tester is installed, the location of its update repository is automatically embedded in Installation Manager. For Installation Manager to search the default update repository, the preference Search the linked repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default.

To install the fix pack from a different repository location (for example, if the fix pack is available on a shared drive or HTTP or HTTPS server), you must add the repository location in Installation Manager.

To add a repository location:

  1. Start Installation Manager
  2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences, and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens.
  3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
  4. In the Add repository window, enter the URL of the repository location or browse to it and enter a file path, and then click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Preference page.

2.4 Installation instructions

The following are the two common ways to install this update:

By default, the update is installed directly from the IBM update repository; however, it is also available for download. For details, see the specific installation instructions below for Rational Functional Tester, Version
2.4.1 Installing Rational Functional Tester, Version, as an update

Install the fix pack with the same user account that installed the product.


Note: Before installing Functional Tester, you must copy the msvcp71.dll file into the System32 directory (C:Windows\System32), if it is not already available. This is required to use the .NET scripting feature of Functional Tester. You can copy the msvcp71.dll file from any other Windows operating system such as Windows XP or download it from Internet.

To find and install Rational Functional Tester, Version, as an update:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager. On Windows Vista, you must run the Installation Manager as an administrator.
  2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click the Update Packages button.
  3. If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
  4. In the Update packages wizard, select the Installed Location for Rational Functional Tester and click Next. Installation Manager searches for updates in the Rational Functional Tester repository on the Web, as well as any repository locations that you entered. A progress indicator shows the search is taking place.
  5. By default, recommended updates are displayed and selected on the Update Package page. Select Version for Rational Functional Tester and click Next.
  6. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for the update. On the left side of the License page; click each item to display the license agreement text.
    1. If you agree to the terms of the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
    2. Click Next to continue.
    3. On the Summary page, review information displayed, then click Update. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  7. When the update process completes, a message that confirms the success of the process is displayed near the top of the page. Click View log file to open the log file for the current session in a new window. You must close the Installation Log window to continue.
Note: During upgrade, the Web browsers, Java and the Eclipse environments that were enabled for testing is disabled if you cancel the upgrade after you get an upgrade warning.

2.4.2 Downloading the fix pack for local installations

You can download a compressed file containing the Rational Functional Tester, Version 7002 fix pack; the files that you extract from the compressed file form a repository for the fix pack. You can install the fix pack from the repository on your own computer, or you can copy the repository to a shared drive or a HTTP or HTTPS server.

To download and install the fix pack:

  1. Download the fix pack from
  2. Extract the compressed file in an appropriate directory. For example, extract the file to C:\temp.
  3. Add the fix pack repository location in IBM Installation Manager:
    1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
    2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences, and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens.
    3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
    4. In the Add repository window, browse to and enter the file path to the rft\updates directory. For example, enter C:\temp\rft\updates and then click OK. Click OK to close the Preference page.
  4. Install the fix pack as described previously in this document.
Note: During the process of updating from a local repository, Installation Manager might prompt you for the location of the repository for Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0. If you installed the product from CDs or other media, they must be available when you use the update feature.

2.4.3 Installing Rational Functional Tester, Version for the first time on Microsoft Windows Vista

Prerequisites:  Before installing Functional Tester on Windows Vista, you must copy the msvcp71.dll file into the System32 directory (C:Windows\System32), if it is not already available. This is required to use the .NET scripting feature of Functional Tester. You can copy the msvcp71.dll file from any other Windows operating system such as Windows XP or download it from Internet.

Installing Rational Functional Tester, Version on Windows Vista operating system is similar to installing it on other Windows operating systems. However, there are some important differences as described in this section:

Note: If the launchpad program starts automatically (for example, if you are installing from a CD), stop the launchpad program and then restart it using the Run as administrator command; navigate to the CD or disk image, right-click on launchpad.exe (at the top level of the CD or image) and click Run as Administrator.
Sample installation steps for Rational Functional Tester, Version on Windows Vista
For additional details refer to the Installation Guide and the Release notes for version 7.0.
  1. Start the Launchpad program as administrator. (Right-click the Launchpad program and click  Run as administrator)
  2. Click Install IBM Rational Functional Tester. A message window opens to indicate if the IBM Installation Manager is detected on your system.
  3. If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your system, then you are informed to install it before you can continue.
    1. Click OK to install IBM Installation Manager. The IBM Installation Manager installation wizard starts. Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of IBM Installation Manager.
    2. When the installation of IBM Installation Manager completes successfully, click Finish to close the wizard.
    3. Read the message that opens and click OK. Installation Manager starts and automatically opens the Install Packages wizard.
  4. If IBM Installation Manager is detected on your system, click OK and the Installation Manager starts and automatically opens the Install Packages wizard.
  5. On the Install page, click Check for updates.
  6. If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
  7. On the Install page, click Check for newer versions and extensions.
  8. Select the latest version of the product . Follow the on-screen instructions to install the product.

2.5 Uninstalling the fix pack

The rollback feature in the Uninstall Packages wizard is not enabled in Installation Manager, Version If you installed Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0 or Version, and then updated to version, it is not possible for you to revert to version 7.0 or by using the Uninstall Packages wizard.

To revert to Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0, you must uninstall the entire package. A single uninstallation procedure removes the version 7.0 package and the upgraded version and package. After uninstalling, you can reinstall the version 7.0 package.

Before you uninstall Rational Functional Tester, Version complete the following steps:

  1. Log in with a user account that has the same privileges as the account that was used to install the packages to be uninstalled.
  2. Close Functional Tester, the Eclipse and Visual Studio IDEs, as well as any open Web browsers, and all other applications that are enabled by Functional Tester.

To uninstall Rational Functional Tester:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  2. On the Start page, click Uninstall Packages.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the package.
For additional instructions on uninstalling Rational Functional Tester see the Installation Guide or see the Installation Manager online help

3.0 Fixes contained in this release

 This fix pack resolves the following problems:

The following known limitations or problems that were listed in the version 7.0 release notes have been fixed in this release:

4.0 Known limitations, problems and workarounds

This section describes known limitations and problems specific to this release, and any workarounds that are available.

4.1 Unable to find the object in the ObjRecProp.rftop file

The ObjRecProp.rftop file does not list all the objects available in the object map.
If the object is not found in the ObjRecProp.rftop file, you can add it in the CustomObjRecProp.rftop. While adding the object details, ensure that you specify the domain, object class name, properties and weights in the format used in the ObjRecProp.rftop file.

Alternatively, you can copy the object details as mentioned below.

The standard controls that are not listed in the ObjRecProp.rftop file are mapped to Html.HTML object in the default properties file.
  1. To find the object name, right-click the object in the Script Explorer and open the Object Map editor. Click the Recognition tab. The .class field indicates the object name.
  2. From the ObjRecProp.rftop file, copy the Html.HTML object details into CustomObjRecProp.rftop under HTML domain
  3. Modify the Html.HTML to the required object name and customize the required details. You can add, edit or delete the object properties.
For example: To modify the properties of the html.DIV object, copy the Html.HTML object details and rename the object name to html.DIV and make the required changes.

For Java, .NET and Windows
  1. To find the object name, right-click the object in the Script Explorer and open the Object Map editor. Click the Administrative tab. The Proxy Class Name (#proxy) field indicates the object's proxy name.
  2. Open the rational_ft.rftcust file available at <Functional Tester install directory>\FunctionalTester\bin. Search for the proxy name. The Used By tag indicates the object name used for the proxy.
  3. Search for this object name in the ObjRecProp.rftop file and copy the object details into CustomObjRecProp.rftop under the specific domain.
  4. Modify the object name and customize the required details. You can add, edit or delete the object properties.
Note: For Windows, if you are unable to find the object name using the above method, based on the type of object, copy either WIN32OBJECT, TOPLEVELWINDOW, or ACCESSIBILITYOBJECT object details and customize it.

4.2 AUT objects un-recognized when the application is not invoked from Functional Tester on Linux

Using the Application Configuration tool you must invoke the test application. If you do not invoke it from Functional Tester the objects in the application-under test (AUT) will not be recognized.

Workaround: Set the LD_Preload environment variable along with other functional test variables. This enables the tool to recognize the objects in the AUT when invoked outside Functional Tester.

For example: export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/IBM/SDP70_RFT_V7/Functiona lTester/bin/

4.3 Unable to install Functional Tester 6.x after uninstalling Functional Tester 7.x on Linux

While uninstalling Functional Tester 7.x , the configuration and customization data residing in /etc/opt/IBM location is not removed and therefore you get an error while installing Functional Tester 6.x.

Workaround: Move the files from /etc/opt/IBM to a different location if you want to re-use the data or delete the files before installing Functional Tester 6.x.

4.4 IBM Rational ClearCase and Functional Tester integration is not available in Microsoft Windows Vista

In Microsoft Windows Vista, Functional Tester cannot be integrated with Rational ClearCase.

4.5 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs while running a script

Sometimes while playing back a Functional Test script, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs. This is a problem with Eclipse.

Workaround: Perform the following:

  1. Un-check Project > Build Automatically option.
  2. Click Project > Clean. In the Clean dialog box, select Clean All Projects and click OK to build the project from the scratch.
  3. Execute the scripts.

4.6 The environments that were enabled for testing get disabled after upgrading Functional Tester.

After upgrading Functional Tester, the JREs, Web browsers, and Eclipse platforms that were configured for testing are disabled. Only the default JREs and Web browsers are enabled after an update.

You need to re-enable the required JREs, Web browsers and the Eclipse platforms for testing after upgrading Functional Tester.

4.7 The rollback feature is not supported in Installation Manager, Version

Contrary to the Installation Manager online help and the 7.0 product Installation Guide, you cannot use the Uninstall Packages wizard rollback feature; the rollback feature is not supported in Installation Manager, Version
The Rolling back updates online help topic indicates that you can use the Uninstall Packages wizard to revert to a previously installed version of a package. For example, if you install Rational Functional Tester, Version 7.0 and then update to version, the help topic states that you can use the rollback feature to revert to 7.0; this is not possible. Also, the Silent Install Commands online help topic indicates that you can use a rollback command during silent install; this command is not supported.
Workaround: In order to revert to an earlier version of a package, you must uninstall the entire package. In the example, a single uninstallation procedure removes the version 7.0 package and the upgraded package. After uninstalling, you would need to reinstall the 7.0 package.

4.8 Unable to play back Functional Test scripts on an agent machine with Rational Test Agent McK SR6.

Unable to play back a Functional Test script on an agent machine and the TM log displays the message "Product/Project Version Incompatibility".

This problem occurs if the Rational Test Agent is installed after Functional Test agent.

Workaround: Perform the following on the agent machine

  1. Close the Rational Test agent.
  2. Rename install.bat.sample as install.bat. This file is available at <Functional Test install directory>\Functional Tester\install scripts location.
  3. Run the install.bat file to re-install Functional Test agent.

4.9 Enabling browsers and Java environments requires administrative privileges in Microsoft Windows Vista

In Windows Vista, you must have administrative privileges to enable or disable JREs and Web browsers for testing.
From the Start menu, right-click the Java Scripting or .Net 2005 Scripting program shortcut and click Run as Administrator to start Functional Tester as an administrator. 

4.10 Enabling SAP GUI for Windows and server for testing

Before testing SAP applications, you must enable the SAP client and server for testing.

Enabling  SAP GUI (client) for Windows

  1. Start the SAP Logon and log in to the SAP server.
  2. Click the Customizing of Local Layout toolbar button.
  3. Click Options and click the Scripting tab.
  4. Select the Enable Scripting check box.
  5. Clear the Notify When a Script Attaches to a Running GUI check box and the Notify When a Script Opens a Connection check box.
  6. Save the settings and restart the SAP GUI.
Enabling SAP server

You can enable scripting temporarily from the SAP client by performing the following procedure. The value set using this procedure is lost if the server is restarted.

  1. Start the SAP Logon and log in to the SAP server.
  2. Start a RZ11 transaction.
  3. Type sapgui/user_scripting in the Maintain Profile Parameters window.
  4. Click  Display.
  5. Click Change value in the Display Profile Parameter Attributes window.
  6. Type TRUE in the New value field.
  7. Save the settings and log out from SAP GUI.
  8. Exit from the SAP Logon program.
Note: If the server administrator edits the application server profile of the SAP system to include sapgui/user_scripting = TRUE, scripting is enabled by default when the server is restarted.

4.11 Functional Tester does not support multi-tab documents in Internet Explorer 7.0

Currently, Functional Tester does not support testing multi-tab documents in a single Internet Explorer 7.0 browser window. Functional Tester considers only the document in the first tab of the Internet Explorer 7.0 browser for testing.

4.12 In Internet Explorer 7.0, scripts must be recorded and played back at 100% zoom

Do not zoom in or out before recording and playing back scripts in Internet Explorer 7.0.

4.13 Rational ClearQuest Test Manager 7.0 is not compatible with Functional Tester 7.0 or later

Functional Tester 7.0 or later does not support integration with Rational ClearQuest® Test Manager 7.0.
Use Rational ClearQuest Test Manager with Functional Tester 7.0 or later.

4.14 Record and play back of Functional Tester scripts on Internet Explorer 7.0 is slow

Recording and playing back Functional Tester scripts in Internet Explorer 7.0 is slower than in Internet Explorer 6.0.

4.15 Unable to play back scripts for Siebel applications recorded in different versions of Functional Tester

You cannot play back scripts recorded using Functional Tester on Functional Tester 7.0.

Workaround: Upgrade to to play back scripts recorded using Functional Tester 

You cannot play back scripts recorded using Functional Tester 7.0 on Functional Tester

Workaround: Record the scripts again on Functional Tester

4.16 Unable to install Functional Tester 7.0 if Performance Tester 7.0 is already installed on the system

Functional Tester 7.0 uses RAC 7.0.1 and hence you cannot install it on a system that has IBM Rational Performance Tester, Version 7.0 (which uses RAC already installed.
While installing Functional Tester 7.0, perform one of the following steps:

4.17 Recording on Internet Explorer 7.0 pauses due to intermittent errors

While recording on Internet Explorer 7.0, errors are thrown intermittently pausing the record process.  

Workaround: Perform any of the following:

4.18 Record and playback on browser fails

Sometimes browser enablement does not automatically add the associated JRE to the set of known JREs and enable it. This causes record and playback on HTML to fail.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Control Panel from the Start menu and open the Java Control Panel.
  2. Check the location of the JRE used by the browser in Java Applet Runtime Settings or Java Runtime Environment.
  3. Open the Functional Tester Enabler.
  4. Add the JRE used by the browser and enable it.
  5. Restart the HTML test application.

If the associated JRE is not found in the system, install a new JRE, associate it and enable the browser environment.

For more information on browser enablement see Enabling the Java plug-in of a browser in the Functional Tester help.

4.19 Internet Explorer 7.0 crashes during playback

When multiple popup windows running on different threads are involved, closing a popup window will open another popup window. During playback, any action after the close action may result in browser crash.

Workaround: Insert sleep() function after the close action in the script. 

4.20 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET crashes while adding scripts to a project that resides in ClearCase

While adding scripts using the recorder to a project that is not checked out from ClearCase, Visual Studio.NET crashes when you stop the recorder.

Workaround: Check-out the project from ClearCase before you add new scripts.

4.21 Accessing the Application Configurator and the Enabler in the agent machine

In the agent machine, shortcut menu options are unavailable to invoke the Application Configuration Tool and the Enabler. 

Workaround: Use the command-line interface to run the Application Configuration Tool and the Enabler.

For example:

To configure the test application:  java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -appConfig    

To enable the test environment: java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -enable

For information about classpath, see Functional Tester commnad line interface topic in the online help.

4.22 Unable to test AJAX based applications on Firefox if an action generates more than two AJAX requests

Firefox cannot handle more than two AJAX or XMLHTTP requests generated by a single user action.

4.23 The Interface Summary for HTML.Document test objects points to GuiTestObject API details

In the Script Explorer, if you right-click an HTML.Document test object and click Interface Summary, the GuiTestObject API reference is shown instead of the Document test object.

For information about the Document test object API details, see the API Reference topics in the Help.

4.24 After installing or upgrading Functional Tester on Microsoft Windows Vista, a non-administrator user cannot start Functional Tester

After installing or upgrading Functional Tester on Microsoft Windows Vista, an administrator must start Functional Tester for the first time to initialize it.

Subsequently, a non-administrator can start Functional Tester. This is a limitation of  Windows Vista.

4.25 The scripts in the imported project contains errors after upgrading Functional Tester to

Sometimes the scripts that could be executed in previous version of Functional Tester may display errors after upgrading to Functional Tester

Workaround: Right-click the project that contains the script in the Functional Tester Projects view and click Reset Java Build Path.

4.26 Unable to start Functional Tester if it is installed into an existing Eclipse that contains a hyphen in the install path on Linux

You cannot start Functional Tester if you install it into an existing Eclipse that contains a hyphen in its install path or if the existing Eclipse uses a JRE that contains a hyphen in its install path.

Workaround: Perform the following:

  1. Rename your Eclipse and JRE directories so that they do not contain hyphens.
  2. Install Functional Tester.
  3. Rename your Eclipse and JRE directories to their previous state which contained hyphens.
  4. Modify the and rft.csh files under the etc/profile.d directory to reflect the correct paths containing hyphens.

4.27 Unable to install Functional Tester into an existing Eclipse IDE

Errors occur while installing Functional Tester into an existing Eclipse if the specified Shared Resources Location or the Extend an Eclipse IDE path contains a lower case character for the drive, for example specifying the Shared Resources Location as c:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70Shared or the Extend Eclipse IDE Location as c:\tmp\eclipse322\eclipse instead of specifying the 'C' drive as 'c'.

While specifying the installation location in the Installation Manager, use the Browse button to select the required directory. 

4.28 Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery do not support the high resolution setting on Windows Vista operating system

The Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery do not support the new high resolution display setting "Larger scale(120DPI)- make text more readable" on Windows Vista operating system. The gallery content does not display if this option is set.

This setting is enabled through the following steps:
  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click Ease of Access Center > Make Computer easier to see > Change the size of text and icon.
  3. Select  Larger scale(120DPI)- make text more readable.
  4. Click Save settings.
If you changed to the new high resolution display option, change to a lower resolution setting (for example, the default 90 DPI setting).

4.29 Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery require Mozilla Firefox as the supported Web browser on Japanese Windows Vista operating system

On the Japanese version of the Windows Vista operating system, the Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery require Mozilla Firefox as the Web browser preference;  the gallery content does not display on other Web browsers.


Install Mozilla Firefox, and then set the Web Browser preference (click Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser) to Mozilla Firefox.

4.30 Unable to play back .Net scripts stored in the network

The project in the network may not have Full Trust permission in the local computer due to its security policy. A RuntimeSecurityPolicyException message is displayed in the playback log or in the RFT debug log.

Workaround: Perform the following:

If you still continue to see the message, perform the following steps:

    1. Click Tools > Internet Options in the Internet Explorer window.
    2. In the Security tab, select  Local intranet zone.
    3. Click Sites.
    4. In the Local Intranet dialog box, click Advanced.
    5. Uncheck Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.
    6. Specify the project path and click Add.
    7. Click OK.

4.31 Uninstallation of Functional Tester 7.x does not delete all the contents in the install directory

Sometimes after uninstalling Rational Functional Tester 7.x, the contents in the SDP70 directory does not get deleted. You must manually delete SDP70 directory before reinstalling Functional Tester.

5.0 IBM Rational software support

IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.

For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you will need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook.

For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the IBM Rational Software Support Web site.

For Rational software product news, events, and other information, visit the IBM Rational Software Web site.

Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

To view the latest Rational Functional Tester product information, technical notes and download product updates, visit Rational Functional Tester Support site.

6.0 Notices and trademarks

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2007

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this documentation in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this documentation. The furnishing of this documentation does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

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