IBM Rational Data Architect Version - Release Notes

1.0 About this release
1.1 New in this release
1.2 Product fix history
2.0 Installation information
2.1 Hardware requirements
2.2 Software requirements
2.3 Other requirements
2.4 Installation instructions
2.4.1 Reverting to previous versions of Rational Data Architect 7.0
2.4.2 Compatibility with other products
2.4.3 Installing Rational Data Architect, Version as an update
2.4.4 Downloading the fix pack for local installations
2.4.5 Installing Rational Data Architect Version for the first time on a Windows Vista computer
2.5 Starting Rational Data Architect, Version on a Windows Vista computer
2.6 Uninstalling the fix pack
3.0 Known limitations and problems
4.0 Product support overview
4.1 Supported data sources
4.2 Overview of supported data sources and objects
5.0 Notices and trademarks
5.1 Notices
5.2 Trademarks and service marks

1.0 About this release

IBM(R) Rational(R) Data Architect Version contains enhancements and fixes to the Version 7.0, Version, Version, Version, and Version releases. This fix pack is cumulative, and contains all fixes and new features from Versions,,, and, as well as the additional features and fixes described in the following sections.

Back to the table of contents.

1.1 New in this release

IBM Rational Data Architect Version introduces new features or enhancements for the following components:


Compare and synchronization

Data modeling and reporting

1.2 Product fix history

Problems in the following components have been fixed in this release:


Data modeling and diagramming

Data modeling import and export

DDL generation

Compare and synchronization


Back to the table of contents.

2.0 Installation information

This section describes the installation requirements and specific installation instructions for this fix pack.

Important note about upgrading from Microsoft Windows XP to Windows Vista:
If you plan to upgrade your Microsoft Windows XP operating system to Windows Vista and IBM Rational Data Architect, Version 7.0 is currently installed, refer to the instructions on the Support Web site,

For information about installing Rational Data Architect, Version 7.0, including installation prerequisites, see the Installation Guide online at

For instructions on installing Rational Data Architect on a Windows Vista computer for the first time, see Installing Rational Data Architect, Version on a Windows Vista computer.

2.1 Hardware requirements

There are no additional processor or memory requirements for installing this fix pack; however, there might be additional disk space requirements depending on whether you are installing the fix pack at the same time that you install Rational Data Architect, Version 7.0 or if you are installing the fix pack as an update:

If you choose to download the update as a compressed file for local installation, you require approximately 2 GB to store and extract the compressed file.

2.2 Software requirements

This section describes the additional software requirements for installing Rational Data Architect, Version; to see the requirements for installing Rational Data Architect 7.0, see the Installation Guide.

Before you can install this fix pack, you must install IBM Installation Manager, Version or higher. In Installation Manager, if you have not disabled the default setting to search the linked repositories during installation and update, IBM Installation Manager, Version is automatically installed on your computer when you attempt to update or install packages using an earlier version of Installation Manager.

If the target system cannot access the Installation Manager update site (for example, if the system is behind a firewall that denies access), you can download Installation Manager from Install Installation Manager and then restart the installation of Rational Data Architect, Version

If you are extending an Eclipse IDE, then before you install this fix pack you must install version 3.2.2 of the Eclipse IDE and one of the following Java runtime environments:


For Windows Vista: If you install Eclipse inside the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files), then you must run Rational Data Architect as the administrator. (Right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.

To update an existing Eclipse IDE to version 3.2.2 or later, if you have internet access, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the existing Eclipse IDE.
  2. Click Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration.
  3. In the Manage Configuration dialog box, expand the folder that contains the current Eclipse IDE and click the entry starting with Eclipse Project SDK 3.2.1.r321.
  4. In the right-hand pane, click Scan for updates.
  5. In the Update Site Mirrors window, select an update site mirror and click OK.
  6. In the Updates wizard, on the Search results page, select an Eclipse update site and click Next.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Updates wizard to install the update.

    Note: When you are prompted to verify the update of the features that have not been digitally signed, click Install All.

  8. After the update completes, in the Install/Update window, click Yes to restart the product.

    See the Rational Data Architect support page for additional technotes about extending an Eclipse 3.2.2 IDE.

Now your Eclipse IDE meets the prerequisite version for installing this fix pack.

2.3 Other requirements

Internet access is usually required because, by default, the update is located and installed by Installation Manager directly from the IBM update repository for Rational Data Architect, Version 7.0.

Important: When Rational Data Architect is installed, the location of its update repository is automatically embedded in Installation Manager. For Installation Manager to search the default update repository, the preference Search the linked repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default.

To install the fix pack from a different repository location (for example, if the fix pack is available on a shared drive or HTTP or HTTPS server), you must add the repository location in Installation Manager. To add a repository location:

  1. Start Installation Manager
  2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences, and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens.
  3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
  4. In the Add repository window, enter the URL of the repository location or browse to it and enter a file path, and then click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Preference page.

2.4 Installation instructions

The following are the two common ways to install this update:

By default, the update is installed directly from the IBM update repository; however, it is also available for download. For details, see the specific installation instructions noted below for Rational Data Architect, Version

2.4.1 Reverting to previous versions of Rational Data Architect 7.0

The rollback feature in the Uninstall Packages wizard and the rollback command for silent installation was not supported in Installation Manager, Version at the time that Rational Data Architect was released. Therefore, if you installed Rational Data Architect, Version 7.0, and then updated to version, it is not possible for you to revert to version 7.0 by using the wizard or the command.

Workaround: To revert to an earlier version of a package, you must uninstall the entire package. A single uninstallation procedure removes the version 7.0 package and the upgraded version package. After uninstalling, you need to reinstall the version 7.0 package.

To install Rational Data Architect Version, Installation Manager or higher is required. Installation Manager supports rollback. The following scenarios describe the rollback behavior:

2.4.2 Compatibility with other products

Rational Data Architect can be installed into the same package group with other compatible products that have been installed using Installation Manager. Before you can share a package group with these products, you must upgrade to Installation Manager Version or higher. The following products have been tested with Rational Data Architect Other products have not been tested and you should not attempt to install them into a package group that is shared with Rational Data Architect See the installation limitations for additional information.

2.4.3 Installing Rational Data Architect, Version as an update

Install the fix pack with the same user account that installed the product.


To find and install Rational Data Architect, Version as an update:

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
    On Windows Vista:
    You must run Installation Manager as administrator. (Right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.)
  2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click the Update Packages button.
  3. If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
  4. In the Update packages wizard, select the Installed Location for Rational Data Architect and click Next. Installation Manager searches for updates in the Rational Data Architect repository on the Web, as well as any repository locations that you entered. A progress indicator shows the search is taking place.
  5. By default, recommended updates are displayed and selected on the Update Packages page. Ensure that you select Version for Rational Data Architect, then click Next.
  6. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for the update. On the left side of the License page; click each item to display the license agreement text.
    1. If you agree to the terms for all of the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements
    2. Click Next to continue.
    3. On the Summary page, review the information displayed, and then click Update. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  7. When the update process completes, a message that confirms the success of the process is displayed near the top of the page. Click View log file to open the log file for the current session in a new window. You must close the Installation Log window to continue.
  8. For Windows Vista: Refer to section 2.5 Starting Rational Data Architect on Windows Vista for information about starting Rational Data Architect on Windows Vista.

2.4.4 Downloading the fix pack for local installations

You can download a compressed file containing the Rational Data Architect, Version fix pack; the files that you extract from the compressed file form a repository for the fix pack. You can install the fix pack from the repository on your own computer, or you can copy the repository to a shared drive or an HTTP or HTTPS server.

To download and install the fix pack, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the fix pack from
  2. Extract the compressed file in an appropriate directory. For example, extract the file to C:\temp.
  3. Add the fix pack repository location in IBM Installation Manager:
    1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
    2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences, and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens.
    3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.
    4. On the Add repository window, browse to and enter the path to the repository.config file in the rda7fp5\ directory. For example, enter C:\temp\rda7fp5\repository.config and then click OK.
    5. Click OK to close the Preference page.
  4. Install the fix pack as described previously in this document.

    Note:During the process of updating from a local repository, Installation Manager might prompt you for the location of the repository for Rational Data Architect, Version 7.0. If you installed the product from CDs or other media, they must be available when you use the update feature.

2.4.5 Installing Rational Data Architect, Version for the first time on a Windows Vista computer

The steps for Installing Rational Data Architect, Version on a Windows Vista computer are essentially the same as installing on other Windows computers. However, there are some important differences that are summarized below.

Sample installation steps are provided in this section. For additional details and installation scenarios, see the Installation Guide.

Installation notes for Windows Vista:

Sample installation steps for Rational Data Architect, Version on Windows Vista

  1. Start the installation launcher program as administrator. (Right-click the installation launcher (install.exe) and click Run as administrator.
  2. If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your system, then you are informed that you must install it before you can continue.
    1. Click OK to install IBM Installation Manager. The IBM Installation Manager installation wizard starts. Follow the on-screen instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of IBM Installation Manager.
    2. When the installation of IBM Installation Manager completes successfully, click Finish to close the wizard.
    3. Read the message that opens and click OK. Installation Manager starts and automatically opens the Install Packages wizard.
  3. If IBM Installation Manager is detected on your system, Installation Manager starts and automatically opens the Install Packages wizard.
  4. On the Install page, click Check for updates.
  5. If a new version of Installation Manager is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to install it before you can continue. Click OK to proceed. Installation Manager automatically installs the new version, stops, restarts, and resumes.
  6. Click Check for new updates and extensions and select the latest version of the product (
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation. Note that you should not choose a Shared resources directory or an installation location in the Program Files directory (C:\Program Files).

2.5 Starting Rational Data Architect, Version on a Windows Vista computer

If the installation location or shared resources directory for Rational Data Architect is in a directory in the path C:\Program Files, then you must run Rational Data Architect as the administrator. To run as administrator, right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.

On Windows Vista, the Program Files directory is virtualized in order to allow users who are not running as the administrator to have write access to this protected directory. However, the virtualization workaround is not compatible with Rational Data Architect.

If you selected an installation location or shared resources directory in the path C:\Program Files and you do not want to require running Rational Data Architect as administrator, then do one of the following steps:

For more information on running Rational Data Architect on Windows Vista, refer to the technote at

2.6 Uninstalling the fix pack

See Reverting to a previous version of Rational Data Architect 7.0 for additional information.

Before you uninstall Rational Data Architect, Version, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in with a user account that has the same privileges as the account that was used to install the packages to be uninstalled.
  2. Close Rational Data Architect, Version and any other applications that you installed with IBM Installation Manager.
  3. If any applications opened by Rational Data Architect are still open, such as a browser or IBM WebSphere Application Server, then close them.

To uninstall Rational Data Architect, Version

  1. Start IBM Installation Manager.
  2. On the Start page, click Uninstall Packages.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

For additional instructions on uninstalling Rational Data Architect, see the Installation Guide or see the Installation Manager online help.

3.0 Known problems, limitations, and workarounds

The following information is the currently known limitations, problems, and workarounds. The Rational Data Architect Support Web site also contains technotes and service flashes that describe changes to the documentation and known limitations and workarounds that were discovered after this document was created. The Rational Support Web site address is:

If you install Rational Data Architect Version into a shared package group with other compatible products, you cannot roll back any shared products to a previous version. However, you can uninstall any shared products.
Samples and Tutorials Galleries on Windows Vista

-- The Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery do not support the new high resolution display setting "Larger scale(120DPI)- make text more readable" on Windows Vista operating system. The gallery content does not display if this option is set.

This setting enables through the following steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Click Ease of Access Center > Make Computer easier to see > Change the size of text and icon.
  3. Select  Larger scale(120DPI)- make text more readable.
  4. Click Save settings.


If you changed to the new high resolution display option, change to a lower resolution setting (for example, the default 90 DPI setting).

-- On the Japanese version of the Windows Vista operating system, the Samples Gallery and Tutorials Gallery require Mozilla Firefox as the Web browser preference; the gallery content does not display on other Web browsers.


 Install Mozilla Firefox, and then set the Web Browser preference to Mozilla Firefox (click Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser).

Database connections

Limited support for MySQL 4.1: The following properties are not displayed correctly in the Properties view: unique index, auto increment columns, column default value for NULL and binary. In addition, C procedures and functions are not supported.

Data model reports
Compare and synchronization
  • There is only initial support in the compare editor for Oracle table and index partitions. Partition differences appear on one line in the compare editor. To work around this issue, you can use the Property Compare area in the compare editor to view the detailed differences.
  • Sometimes a Compare With > Original Source action does not complete because the database connection timed out. To work around this problem, you can either disconnect from and then reconnect to the database, or reset the connection time-out limit to a very large number such as 9000. The default value is 120. To change the connection time-out limit, click Window > Preferences > Data and enter a new value in the Connection timeout field.
  • If you have installed the ClearCase Remote Client, you must complete some setup steps before you can use the data object compare editor to compare an object that is under source control. If you do not perform these steps, you will see an xtools error message when you try to compare objects that are under source control.
    1. Click Window > Preferences.
    2. Expand the the ClearCase Remote Client node under the Team node and click Editors/Workspace.
    3. Select Use tools in the IDE if they support the selected file type in the When comparing and merging files area.
  • When you are using the compare editor to merge data objects, do not edit the objects that you are comparing outside of the compare editor. For example, do not make changes in the Properties view. If you edit the objects outside of the compare editor, you might see an error message or unexpected behavior.
  • Some results of compare and synchronization show no differences between some data type changes.
  • When you compare an object in the Database Explorer with another object, and then synchronize the information, the DDL that is generated is not always accurate.
  • When you are comparing objects in the compare editor and you perform a Copy from Right to Left action, the Generate Left DDL button is not enabled.
  • In the following scenario, the delta DDL statement from the comparison is generated incorrectly:
    1. Reverse engineer a schema that contains an alias into a physical data model in a data design project.
    2. Modify the existing alias to point to a different table.
    3. Compare the modified alias with the original (right-click the alias object, then select Compare With > Original Source).
    4. In the compare editor, click Copy from Left to Right to copy the changes to the server version of the alias.
    5. Click Generate Right Delta DDL, and save the DDL statement.
    6. The DDL statement is incorrectly generated. It includes a CREATE TABLE statement for the new aliased table, even though that table already exists.

    To work around this problem, modify the DDL statement in the SQL editor before you deploy it.

Impact analysis on Linux
  • On Linux operating systems, the Analyze Impact window does not have a default selection for Objects Returned. You must make a selection or you will see an error.
Data diagrams
  • The Delete from model action on a diagram shortcut object does not delete the diagram object from the model. To work around this issue, you can delete the diagram object from the model by using the Delete action in the Data Project Explorer.
  • Large diagrams can fail to be saved as images when you right-click in a blank area of a diagram and select File > Save As Image File. Entries are created in the log file if logging is enabled, but there is no error message. To work around this problem, break up the large diagram into smaller diagrams.
  • On Linux operating systems, diagram print functions do not work.
  • The new Zoom icon on the data diagram palette is not accessible from the keyboard. To use this function from the keyboard, select the Zoom menu action from the data diagram toolbar.
Logical and physical data modeling
  • When you are creating a new physical data model by using the New Physical Data Model wizard, you might see an error if you manually specify a template location. This error can be safely ignored.
  • The Cancel button in the key migration window does not work. This window opens every time a key attribute or column is added, modified, or deleted. Even if you click Cancel, the intended key migration still proceeds. To work around this problem, wait for key migration to complete and then use the Undo action to revert back, if desired.
Data model transformation
  • When you select a template physical model in the Transform to Physical Data Model wizard, the template support allows the reuse of UDTs only. For example, any UDTs that are defined in the template model and which match the domains (marked as UDT) in the logical data model, are re-used during transformation. Any other information in the template is just cloned, and is not looked up and re-used by the transformation.
  • If you transform a logical data model to a UML model, you will see an error that says there is no valid license key for the Transformation Fuse Utility. You can continue with the transformation. but you can only create a new UML model or replace an existing UML model. You cannot merge the transformation to an existing UML model. Comparing and merging to an existing UML model is not supported in Rational Data Architect, but you can use this feature if you have both Rational Data Architect and Rational Software Architect installed in the same Eclipse instance.
Data model import and export
  • On Linux operating systems, you cannot run the Data Model Export wizard for IBM Rational Rose and Sybase Power Designer bridges.
Domain data modeling
  • If a domain model or a project containing a domain model is renamed, the domain references in the project properties are not automatically updated. To work around this problem, manually add the renamed project or the project containing the renamed model back into the domain references for the project.
Reverse engineering from a DDL file

For DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows and zSeries only: By default, the parser assumes that the terminator is the semicolon (";"). If the file uses a different terminator character, you must include the following statement in the first line of your DDL file:

-- <ScriptOptions statementTerminator="@" />

Where "@" is the terminator character that your DDL file uses.

DDL generation
  • When you run Generate DDL for a schema with nicknames, you might see a message in the Data Output view similar to the following: Table xxx already has a primary key. The message shown in the Data Output view can be ignored.
  • DDL statements for stored procedures whose name requires a delimiter in the DDL statement (for example, CREATE PROCEDURE "a.b") is not generated correctly. The delimiting quotation marks are not generated. In the example statement, the DDL is generated as CREATE PROCEDURE a.b. To work around this issue, modify the generated DDL statement to include the delimiting characters.
DDL parser for DB2 for z/OS

The following DDL statements have limitations:

Statement Limitations
ALTER TABLE The following alterations are not supported:
SET CURRENT SQLID Only supported: SET CURRENT SQLID = string-constant
SET SCHEMA Only supported: SET SCHEMA = schema-name, SET SCHEMA = string-constant
-- The -- style of comments is not supported for DB2 for z/OS.
DDL parser for Oracle
  • The REPLACE clause is not supported.
Server discovery

On a Linux operating system, the Undefined Remote Servers do not appear for ODBC data sources, unless you create an ODBC wrapper with the wrapper name ODBC outside of the Rational Data Architect product, such as the DB2 Universal Database Control Center, or a command line. You must name the wrapper ODBC so that it is properly discovered. The wrapper on a Linux operating system is defined with a MODULE wrapper option, as in the following example:


In this example, MODULE '/usr/lib/' is the full path to the library that contains the ODBC Driver Manager.

Discover function and mapping editor
  • The reference to data model files (DBM, LDM or XSD) in an MSL file is not updated automatically when you copy, move, or import the data model files. The mapping editor will not load the MSL file correctly if the reference to the data model files is invalid. Update the reference manually in the MSL file by opening it with a text editor (right-click the MSL file and select Open With > Text Editor). Change the XML attribute "location" of the <msl:inputs> and <msl:outputs> elements to the correct path to the data model file starting with the project name (for example, /myProject/SourceDB.dbm).
  • If an entity or attribute name contains a "/" (forward slash) character, you cannot generate mappings in the mapping editor for these objects.
  • If a mapping model contains multiple source databases, you can only generate scripts from that mapping model in a federated environment.
  • When you switch focus from a mapping line to a tree node in the mapping editor, the property page is empty directly after the switch. To work around this issue, select the tree node again to see the tree node properties.
  • There might be some cases when the Advanced Configuration wizard does not recognize your Wordnet installation. If this problem occurs, ensure that the WNHOME system variable is set for Wordnet. The variable should be set to the root directory where Wordnet is installed, for example, C:\Program Files\WordNet\2.1.
  • If you run discovery with data sampling algorithms against a DB2 Version 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database and discovery returns an error, run the following bind command from a DB2 command line on the database: C:\SQLLIB\bnd>db2 bind db2schema.bnd
  • If you add a bookmark to a mapping line, the bookmark is indicated by an icon on the mapping line in the editor and Outline view, and the bookmark is also added to the Bookmark view. However, the screen reader does not read that there is a bookmark on a mapping line in the mapping editor. To work around this issue, you can use the screen reader to read the bookmarks in the Bookmark view.
  • When you launch the Discover Relationships function, be aware that aliases are treated as tables. You should decide whether to include them in the set of source schemas, or the target schema when you define the scope of the discover function.
  • For the algorithms that include data sampling, only the data in Oracle and DB2 databases are sampled. To cache the sampled data, you must specify a cache database. Only DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows is supported as a cache database.
  • On Linux operating systems, the thesaurus option for the semantic name algorithm using Wordnet and Sureword is not supported. The thesaurus option using a glossary model is supported.
  • On Linux operating systems, an ellipsis [...] button is missing from the Data sampling connection information table on the Specify Connection Information for Data Sampling and Caching page of the Advanced Configuration wizard. Without this button, you cannot open a window to select a connection for the target physical data model, so you cannot move forward in the wizard. This problem prevents Signature or any algorithm based on data matching from being used in discovery.
  • User Defined Types (UDTs) are not sampled when you discover relationships.
  • In the Mapping Editor preferences, when you set the preferences for discovering relationships, the Algorithms page contains a selection for how to order multiple algorithms. You can specify the Composition by sequence or Composition by weight. When you select Composition by weight, this assigns a weighting value to each algorithm. Currently the option only applies to algorithms that return a single value.
  • The SQL/XML query generation ignores the actual value of "x" of an XSD attribute maxOccurs="x"' if x is a number greater or equal to 1. The generated query will create XML elements for all rows from a source column. It will not limit the amount of selected rows to the number defined under maxOccurs. This is due to the incapability of SQL2003-conforming SQL/XML queries to express this requirement. For elements that are defined with the attribute maxOccurs="0", the mapping editor prohibits a mapping. Therefore, elements defined as maxOccurs="0" will not appear in the result.
  • When UDTs are present on the target side, the generated scripts might not parse due to null value handling for UDTs.
  • In the following two scenarios, not all of the artifacts are generated in the DDL script, and the script cannot be deployed without modification:
    • You are mapping from source table T1 in A.dbm to target table T2 in B.dbm, and neither A nor B are federated to an Information Integrator server. In this case, the only deployment platform available will be A.dbm and only an insert script is generated. No table object T2 for A.dbm is generated, even though this is necessary for the script to run. If you want to run the script, you must create the table.
    • You are mapping from source table T1 in A.dbm to target table T2 in B.dbm, and both A.dbm and B.dbm are federated to an Information Integrator server. In this case, the Information Integrator sever is available as a deployment option. However, if you select the Information Integrator server, only the nicknames for T1 and the insert script is generated. You must generate the nicknames for T2 from B.dbm onto the Information Integrator server before the script will run properly.
Federation support
  • You can generate DDL scripts for a federated server from the Database Explorer . After you generate a script, you can deploy it to like servers on DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, DB2 Universal Database for iSeries, Oracle, SQL Server, Teradata, Web services, XML, and Sybase. To deploy the DDL scripts on any other data source, you must deploy them using the DB2 command line (run them as DB2 scripts). When you deploy, you might get a message saying that the wrapper already exists. If you see this error, then disconnect from the database and reconnect.
  • After you create a federated server in the Database Explorer, the newly created server will not automatically be displayed in the Defined Server folder. You must refresh the folder to see the new server.
Object name character limitations
  • If you attempt to use the ClearCase SCM Adapter in an environment where the adapter has not been set up, the product will shut down.
  • You can not expand the folders of objects in a development project that was checked out by using the ClearCase resource manager.
  • You might see the following warning after you install the ClearCase Remote Client for Eclipse:
    The current configuration contains errors and this operation can have unpredictable results.
    You can ignore this warning.
  • All of the menus associated with RequisitePro integration appear in English only.
  • A link policy between any requirement type and the Atomic Domain element kind in the Link Policy panel is not honored. To work around this problem, select Data Domain as the Element Kind in the Link Policy panel instead of selecting Data Atomic Domain as the Element Kind.
Glossary modeling
  • You cannot access the naming content assist icon in the Properties view by using the keyboard. To work around this issue, click Window > Preferences > Data > Naming Standard to view the naming standard patterns.
  • Screen readers cannot read the content assist window in the Properties view. To work around this issue, you can open the glossary model that is associated with the current project in the glossary model editor to read the entries.
  • When you create a new glossary model from the File > New menu, the destination folder is blank. To work around this issue, highlight a data project in the Data Project Explorer before clicking File > New > Glossary Model.
SQL Tools
  • The SQL Editor does not currently support host variables during the Run SQL action. To work around this issue, you can run the SQL from the SQL builder, if it is a DML statement.
  • If you modify a statement in the SQL source area of the SQL builder and then you save the statement while it is invalid, the current text is not saved. Instead, the text that was in the SQL source area before modifications were made to the SQL source area is saved. If you attempt to run the invalid statement from the SQL builder, the last valid statement is run instead.
  • In the SQL builder, the product does not draw lines in the graphical tables for conditions that are specified in the WHERE clause that represent a join.
  • The full SQL syntax is not supported. For example, User Defined Types (UDTs) and Table functions are not supported.
  • In order to use XML data types and work with XML schemas, you must connect to a UTF -8 database.
  • The amount of data returned from the database for XML documents is unlimited. Depending on the amount of data that you return, performance might be affected.
  • If you define a table that contains XML data, but does not include a primary key, updating the XML column will fail in the table editor. You must add a primary key or unique index to the table that contains the XML data.
  • Working with multiple root elements in the Annotated XSD mapping editor can lead to errors when you save the annotated XSD file. To work around this issue, create a separate set of XML Schema document files for each root element.
  • If you select an XML schema to register for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 9, and that schema has been registered before in the same project, sometimes the XML Schema Registration wizard shows an additional temporary copy of the same schema in the schema list. You must manually delete the temporary copy before you can complete registration.
Routine development
  • You cannot create a SQL native stored procedure that targets DB2 for z/OS Version 9 (new-function mode). To work around this issue, you can install Data Studio Version 1.1.2 into a shared package group.
  • When you import a DB2 for z/OS SQL or Java stored procedure, the Enable debugging check box is missing from the Import Stored Procedure wizard. Therefore, the debugging option is not allowed. To work around this issue, you can install Data Studio Version 1.1.2 into a shared package group.
  • When you import DB2 for z/OS SQL or Java stored procedures containing certain parameters, you cannot deploy them.
  • Oracle stored procedures or user-defined functions are not correctly deployed from the SQL editor. Although though the Data Output view reports that the deploy was successful, the procedure or function does not appear in the Database Explorer. Oracle SQL scripts are deployed against Oracle, but procedures and functions are not compiled automatically.
  • If you create a stored procedure with a name like "a.b"."a.b", you can deploy it to a DB2 for z/OS server without a problem, and schema "a.b" containing stored procedure "a.b" is successfully created. However, you cannot drop the stored procedure.
  • User-defined types (UDTs) are not supported as parameters for routines.
  • When you deploy a stored procedure or a user-defined function using the Ant deployment feature, the following message might appear if you do not have the tools.jar file located in your classpath: Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in F:\jre\1.4.2\lib\tools.jar. Ignore this message. tools.jar is part of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), not part of the Ant deployment feature.
  • To deploy Java stored procedures that target DB2 UDB for iSeries from the file system by using Ant deploy, you must ensure that you have the jt400.jar in your system classpath.
  • When you create a Java stored procedure and change the method name, right-clicking in the editor and clicking Save does not work. To save the updated stored procedure, click File > Save.
  • If you attempt to deploy an exported stored procedure by using the instructions in DeployInstructions.txt, you might get an error message that says : ...[createsp] Could not connect to the target database. [createsp] work around this issue, ensure that db2jcc.jar and the appropriate license files are in your system classpath.
  • Before you delete a data development project, close the open routines and SQL editors that belong to the project. If you do not close the open routines and SQL editors, the project and its contents will still be deleted, but you will see error messages.
  • You might see a cannot load class error when you deploy or run Java stored procedures. This error can occur if there is a mismatch in JDK version between RAD v7 and the DB2 server, if the DB2 server is on a down-level JDK. To prevent this error, you should specify the "-source 1.4" option in the Compile options field of the Deploy Routines wizard when you are  deploying Java stored procedures against servers that use a JDK level of 1.4. (for example, a DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows V8.2 server). In general, use the appropriate compilation option "-source JDK level " to match the JDK level on the database server.
  • If you drag and drop a stored procedure or UDF between unlike servers (for example, from a DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows server to a DB2 UDB for z/OS server), you will see a warning during the drag and drop operation about certain incompatibilities between the two servers. If you continue with the operation and then try to open the stored procedure or UDF, you might see an error.
  • Running SQL Profiling against a DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows V8.2 server may cause a null pointer exception if the server is missing the prerequisite stored procedure (SYSIBM.SQLCAMESSAGECCSID) that is required by the JCC driver to retrieve error message text. To work around this issue, you can create a connection to the server without the retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true setting.
  • During monitoring of the execution of SQL procedures, profiling events are generated for DML statements such as INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE that are issued in the procedure. However, events are not generated in a deterministic fashion for variable assignments and control structures such as WHILE or IF. Therefore, tuning data will not be captured for these procedural statements.
Stored procedure debugger
  • The stored procedure debugger cannot be used for debugging DB2 for z/OS stored procedures. Although debug options in the user interface are available, they do not function. To work around this issue, you can install Data Studio Version 1.1.2 in a shared package group.
  • For DB2 for iSeries, unified debugger function is not supporting if you connect using the the AS/400 Toolbox. To work around this problem, connect using the DB2 Universal driver.
  • In the Data perspective, you might get the "session manager not available" error message when you select the debug option for a stored procedure. The error message indicates that the session manager on the DB2 server is not starting or is unreachable. To fix the problem, you will need to run the session manager that is shipped with the product.

    To start and configure the session manager that is shipped with the product:

    1. Start the session manager:
      • On Windows:
        1. Open a command window and change to the <product installation>\rda\bin directory. By default, the product is installed in the C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70 directory on Windows.
        2. From the command prompt, run db2dbgm.bat and note the IP address and the port number for the session manager.
      • On Linux:
        1. Open a terminal window and change to the <product installation>/rda/bin directory. By default, the product is installed in the /opt/IBM/SDP70 folder on Linux.
        2. From the terminal window, run sh and note the IP address and the port number for the session manager.
    2. Start the product and modify preferences for the debugger to use the local session manager:
      a. Click Window > Preferences, expand the Run/Debug node, and click DB2 Stored Procedure Debugger.
      b. In the Debugger pane, select Use already running session manager.
      c. In Host field, specify the IP address of the machine. You can also obtain the IP address from the command or terminal window where the session manager is running.
      d. In the Port field, specify the port for the local session manager. By default, the port number is 4554. You can also obtain the port number from the command prompt or terminal window where the session manager is running.
  • When you are connected to a UNIX DB2 server, timeout exceptions can occur when you are adding breakpoints or running in debug mode.
  • The debugger does not run for a stored procedure whose name contains both English and Chinese characters.
  • Watch expressions are only supported for dynamic Java stored procedures. They are not supported for SQL and SQLJ stored procedures.
  • The debugger does not stop at a breakpoint if it is not positioned at the first token of an executable statement, such as SET. In addition, it does not stop on DECLARE CONTINUE, CLOSE CURSOR, or ROLLBACK.
  • If you are debugging a Java stored procedure and you select a Terminate action, it might take several minutes for the debug session to fully terminate. New debug sessions that are started during this time may behave erratically.
  • If you are debugging a Java stored procedure that calls a second Java stored procedure, you cannot debug the second stored procedure. You cannot step into the nested store procedure, and any breakpoints that you set in the nested stored procedure will be ignored. This restriction is for DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
  • If you get a Timeout occurred while waiting for packet error while you are debugging a Java stored procedure, try increasing the Java timeout setting. To increase the Java timeout setting, click Window > Preferences from the workbench menu bar. Expand the Java node and click Debug. On the Debug preferences page, increase the Debugger timeout(ms) value in the Communication timeout section. It is recommended that you at least double the default value.
  • When you are debugging a Java stored procedure, if you use the Change Value action to modify a variable that has an empty string value, the OK button in the edit dialog might not become enabled. To enable the OK button, select the Input an evaluation radio button, set the value to a non-empty string (for example, 'a'), and then select the Input literal text radio button.
  • If you do not see local variables when you are debugging a Java stored procedure, the stored procedure might have been deployed without the -g compiler option. Ensure that you specify the -g compiler option when you deploy Java stored procedures.
  • If you see an 'invalid stack frame' message in the Variables view, go to the Debug view and click on the thread object above the stack frame and then click on the stack frame. This should refresh the Variables view and the error should no longer appear.
  • When you are debugging an SQLJ stored procedure that is running on DB2 UDB for iSeries V5 R4, the current line that is being executed will not correspond to the indicated SQLJ source line displayed in the Debug view unless you have applied an iSeries PTF that updates the linemap to correspond to the SQLJ source instead of the Java source.
  • Debugger preferences for session manager timeout are not recognized. These preferences are set as follows: Click Window > Preferences, expand the Run/Debug node, and click DB2 Stored Procedure Debugger. Modify the Session manager timeout in minutes field.
  • The debugger cannot process a stored procedure that has large number of variables on DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. The maximum number of variables is 200.
  • Cursor movement in a debug session: In some cases, when there is more than one variable declaration in a procedure, you must click Step Into or Step Over more than once in order to move to the next line. For example, you must click twice on this line: DECLARE v_dept, v_actdept CHAR(3); and three times on this line: DECLARE v_bonus, v_deptbonus, v_newbonus DECIMAL(9,2); You must click a number of times equal to the number of variable declarations.
  • If you start a debug session for a Java stored procedure and add breakpoints, then disable the breakpoints, the breakpoints are still enabled. To work around this issue, when you start a new debug session, you should first remove all of the old breakpoints and then add new breakpoints.
  • In some cases when you are working with multiple data development projects, you might see an error when you attempt to debug a stored procedure that says "Unable to locate stored procedure PROCNAME. Procedure may have been deleted from workspace" or "Source not found".
  • If you are debugging a SQL stored procedure right after you terminate a debug session of a Java stored procedure, the debugger might shows "User defined function ... has been interrupted by the user."  To work around this issue, try debugging the SQL stored procedure again.
Table data editor
  • If you define a table with a single column of data type XML, or any table with non-unique rows, and then use the table editor to delete a row, all rows that match the selected row are deleted. To work around this issue, do not use the table data editor to delete a row in a table with duplicate rows.
  • In the table data editor, if you perform an XML validation on a XML table that does not have a primary key, the XML validation will only work the first time, when you insert the XML value. In addition, an update of an existing XML column with XML validation will fail. To work around this issue, create a primary key for tables that contain XML columns.
EMF Preferences window error
  • If you open the EMF Compare/Merge Preferences page, you will see a "no valid license key" error. This Preferences page is not supported in Rational Data Architect, but you can use it if you have both Rational Data Architect and Rational Software Architect installed in the same Eclipse instance.
Back to the table of contents.

4.0 Product support overview

This section describes which data sources and data objects are supported in Rational Data Architect.

4.1 Supported data sources

  • Cloudscape
    • Version 5.1
  • DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, Enterprise Edition and Workgroup Edition
    • Version 7.2
    • Version 8.1
    • Version 8.2
    • Version 9.1
    • Version 9.5
  • DB2 for iSeries
    • Version 5 Release 2
    • Version 5 Release 3
    • Version 5 Release 4
  • DB2 for z/OS
    • Version 7.1
    • Version 8.0 compatibility mode
    • Version 8.0 new-function mode
    • Version 9.0 compatibility mode
    • Version 9.0 new-function mode
  • Derby
    • Version 10.0
    • Version 10.1
  • Informix Dynamic Server
    • Version 9.2
    • Version 9.3
    • Version 9.4
    • Version 10.0
    • Version 11.0
  • Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise
    • 2000 SP2
    • 2005
  • MySQL
    • Version 4.0
    • Version 4.1
  • Oracle 8i
    • Release 3 8.1.7
  • Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
    • Release 3 8.1.7
  • Oracle Enterprise Edition 9i
    • Version 9.2
  • Oracle 10g
  • Oracle 11g
  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
    • Version 12.0
    • Version 12.5
    • Version 15
  • Teradata
    • Version 2.6 and above
  • Generic JDBC
    • Version 1.0
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4.2 ClearCase support

Rational Data Architect supports the IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client adapter and IBM Rational ClearCase LT, which provides services for development teams to work with resources in a shared repository.

For information on installing ClearCase LT, see the technical note called "Acquiring ClearCase LT as part of the Software Development Platform". To find this technical note, go to and enter 1188585 in the Search box. For information on installing the ClearCase Remote Client Adapter, install Rational Data Architect, select Help->Help Contents from the tool bar, and search for the topic named Support for sharing data projects in Rational Data Architect.

Back to the table of contents.

4.3 Overview of supported data sources and objects

The following two tables describe the objects that Rational Data Architect supports. "Yes" indicates that the support is available. "No" indicates that some or all of the function is not available. "N/A for this data source" indicates that the data source does not support that object.

Table 1. Creating models
Object DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows DB2 for z/OS DB2 for iSeries Derby Oracle SQL Server Sybase Informix Teradata
Table Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table partition key Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No
View Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Synonym) Yes
Alias Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
Materialized query table Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No
Nickname Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source No
User defined type - distinct Yes Yes Yes No N/A for this data source No No Yes No
User defined type - structured Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source No No
Sequence Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No
Procedure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
User defined function Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Method No No No No No No No No No
RoutineResultTable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
RoutineResultTable parameter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Remote server Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source No
Storage Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No
Range partition Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No
Join index N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source Yes
Table 2. Creating models by using reverse engineering
Object DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows DB2 for z/OS DB2 for iSeries Derby Oracle SQL Server Sybase Informix Teradata
Schema Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Table Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Constraint Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Trigger Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Index Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alias Yes Yes Yes N/A for this data source Yes No No Yes (Synonym) N/A for this data source**
Materialized query table Yes Yes No N/A for this data source Yes Yes No N/A for this data source Yes (Join index)
Nickname Yes N/A for this data source** N/A for this data source** N/A for this data source** N/A for this data source** N/A for this data source** N/A for this data source** N/A for this data source** N/A for this data source
User defined type - distinct Yes Yes Yes No N/A for this data source No Yes Yes Yes
User defined type - structured Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source No Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source No Yes
Sequence Yes Yes Yes No Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source Yes N/A for this data source
Procedure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
User defined function Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Method No No No No No No No No No
RoutineResultTable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
RoutineResultTable parameter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Dependency constraint Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No
Dependency trigger Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
Dependency routine Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No
Dependency view Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Dependency materialized query table Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No N/A for this data source No
Dependency sequence No Yes No No Yes N/A for this data source No No No
Storage partitioning group Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source
Storage group N/A for this data source Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source
Storage partition Yes Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source Yes No No N/A for this data source N/A for this data source
Storage table space Yes Yes No N/A for this data source Yes No No No No
Storage table space container/volume Yes Yes No N/A for this data source N/A for this data source No No No No
Storage table space relationship with table Yes Yes No N/A for this data source Yes No No No No
Storage table space relationship with materialized query table Yes Yes No N/A for this data source Yes (materialized view) No No No No
Storage buffer pool Yes Yes N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source N/A for this data source
Storage partitioning key Yes Yes No N/A for this data source Yes No No No No
Refresh Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Filter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

** You can use WebSphere Information Integrator to reverse engineer metadata from all of the relational data sources that WebSphere Information Integrator supports.

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5.0 Notices and trademarks

5.1 Notices

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