IBM Rational Asset Manager, version 7.1.1

Installation guide

Version 7.1.1

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices.

First Edition (December 2008)

This edition applies to version 7.1.1 of IBM Rational Asset Manager and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007, 2008. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


Planning your installation
Rational Asset Manager installation scenarios
Upgrading Rational Asset Manager from a previous version
Installing Rational Asset Manager using the embedded WebSphere Application Server V6.1
Installing Rational Asset Manager to an existing WebSphere Application Server using Installation Manager
Installing Rational Asset Manager on an existing Apache Tomcat server
Installation requirements
Hardware requirements
Software requirements
User privileges requirements
Verifying and extracting electronic images
Extracting the files
IBM Installation Manager
Preinstallation tasks
Preconfiguring a WebSphere Application Server cluster for Rational Asset Manager
Enabling application security on WebSphere Application Server V6.1
Installing from the launchpad program
Starting the launchpad program
Starting an installation from the launchpad program
Installing IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, version 9.5
Registering the DB2 license key
Installing Rational License Server
Installing and configuring Rational Asset Manager using Installation Manager and the server setup application
Installing Rational Asset Manager server using Installation Manager
Configuring Rational Asset Manager using the server setup application
Manually installing and configuring Rational Asset Manager on an existing application server
Creating and configuring a database for Rational Asset Manager
Manually configuring and creating tables in DB2 using database scripts (Windows and Linux only)
Manually configuring and creating tables in DB2
Creating and configuring a database in Oracle 11g or 10.2(g)
Creating and configuring a database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Retrieving Rational Asset Manager applications from the installation media
Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media
Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media
Manually deploying Rational Asset Manager server setup to a cluster
Installing Rational Asset Manager server manually on WebSphere Application Server
Configuring file-based security
Configuring database connections
Deploying Rational Asset Manager server on WebSphere Application Server
Installing Rational Asset Manager server on Tomcat
Deploying Rational Asset Manager on Apache Tomcat V5.5 connected to DB2
Deploying Rational Asset Manager on Apache Tomcat V5.5 connected to Oracle
Deploying Rational Asset Manager on Apache Tomcat V5.5 connected to SQL Server 2005
Configuring the Rational Asset Manager server application
Additional configuration requirements for Linux and AIX
Enabling artifact content indexing for Linux and AIX
Enabling content indexing to run for non-root users (Linux and AIX)
Enabling database connectivity for non-root users (Linux and AIX)
Rational Asset Manager Tuning Guide
Creating a backup of a Rational Asset Manager repository
Installing the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client
Installing Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client using Eclipse update manager
Installing IBM Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface
Installing silently
Adding the server public certificate to the Eclipse client
Uninstalling Rational Asset Manager
Uninstalling Rational Asset Manager applications installed using the server setup application
Uninstalling Rational Asset Manager from WebSphere Application Server manually
Working with IBM Installation Manager
Installing Installation Manager on Windows
Installing Installation Manager on Linux and AIX
Starting Installation Manager on Windows
Starting Installation Manager on Linux and AIX
Uninstalling Installation Manager on Windows
Uninstalling Installation Manager on Linux and AIX
IBM Packaging Utility
Installing Packaging Utility
Trademarks and service marks


This installation guide provides instructions for installing, updating, and uninstalling IBM(R) Rational(R) Asset Manager.

You can find the most recent version of this Installation Guide online at

Before installing, you should consult the release notes for late-breaking installation issues. The release notes file is available online at:,

Note: Refer to for updated documentation and troubleshooting information.

Planning your installation

This section discusses the two basic installation configurations for the Rational Asset Manager server and provides some points to consider before beginning the installation process.

Installation scenarios

Rational Asset Manager offers four basic installation scenarios.

For any of these scenarios, you can optionally install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client to interact with the repository.


Rational Asset Manager requires a database for asset and data storage. To improve performance, the database server typically is on a separate physical machine from the application server and on a dedicated disk.

The user who configures the database tables and schema must have database administrator privileges.

Application server

If using WebSphere Application Server, you can choose to install a new embedded WebSphere Application Server, or use your existing version of WebSphere Application Server. Either server may be used in conjunction with any database or other platform software.

Embedded WebSphere Application Server is a lightweight version of the server. It is intended to support environments that run a limited number of applications and do not require the full administration support provided by WebSphere Application Server. The embedded WebSphere Application Server provides a lightweight version of the WebSphere Application Server administration console with limited configurability.

User registries

Although Rational Asset Manager supports adding users from an external registry (such as LDAP or a custom registry), it is not necessary to use an external registry. Users can be added manually.

Security and user authentication

If you plan to manually install Rational Asset Manager onto an existing WebSphere Application Server that is already configured for security (for example, using LDAP), reconfigure the application server for file-based security until the installation and configuration of Rational Asset Manager is complete. After installing and configuring the server application to use a custom user registry, you can restore WebSphere Application Server security configuration. For details, see Configuring file-based security.

File-based security is not intended for use in production environments.


Optionally, you can integrate with Rational ClearQuest(R), Rational ClearCase(R), and WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. Client applications must be installed on the same machine as the server and Rational Asset Manager server application. To improve performance, the servers for these applications typically will reside on machines other than the application server.

When integrating with Rational ClearCase, the WebSphere Application Server service must be started as the same user who has access to the versioned object base (VOB).


When you deploy Rational Asset Manager to a cluster environment, the components must be homogenous with regard to operating system and application server. If you plan to integrate with Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest, client applications must be installed on every component in the cluster, and must have the same installation path on every node in the cluster. Individual nodes cannot be configured independently

Large numbers of assets

If you expect that the repository will contain a large number of assets (for example, tens or hundreds of thousands), note that several asset management operations, such as indexing, might require several hours. There are data management and hard-disk management techniques that might improve performance under such conditions, such as using a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) and a technique called disk striping. Disk striping involves dividing data into blocks and storing the data blocks on multiple partitions on multiple hard disk drives. See the documentation for your operating system for instructions about how to set this up for your environment. Also, you might consider placing the repository index, assets and database each on a different disk.

Rational Asset Manager installation scenarios

This section discusses the steps to upgrade IBM Rational Asset Manager, to install it with embedded WebSphere Application Server V6.1, and to install it to an existing installation of WebSphere Application Server or Apache Tomcat server.

Upgrading Rational Asset Manager from a previous version

The following outline guides you through the upgrade process and provides some points to consider before beginning the installation process.

  1. Uninstall the old version of Rational Asset Manager (and embedded WebSphere Application Server, if necessary). For WebSphere Application Server, manually uninstall the enterprise and Web archive files and configurations using the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  2. If using WebSphere Application Server, create a back up of your server configuration using the <wasInstall>/bin/backupConfig.bat command. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server documentation for more information.
  3. Retrieve the Rational Asset Manager server setup application from the installation media using Installation Manager. On the Features pages of the Installation Manager, choose the following depending on which application server you use: On the next Features page, select the option to install to an existing WebSphere Application Server.
  4. Manually deploy to the application server.
    Note: Shared library references for the previous version of Rational Asset Manager must be manually remapped to the RAM1WebApplication after configuration has been completed. (For example, integration with Rational ClearQuest).
  5. Configuring Rational Asset Manager using the server setup application: Use the setup assistant to deploy the Rational Asset Manager enterprise and Web applications. This will update the applications to version 7.1.
  6. Optionally: Install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client.
    Note: Uninstall the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client plug-ins before installing the latest version of the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client.

    If you installed the Rational Asset Manager V7.0.0.2 Eclipse client into an existing Eclipse V3.3 environment using Installation Manager, you must use Installation Manager to uninstall it. You cannot use the Eclipse Configuration Manager to uninstall it.

    If you installed the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client plug-ins using Eclipse's update manager, use the Eclipse configuration manager (in Eclipse, Help -> Software Updates -> Manage Configuration) to remove any features entitled Rational Asset Manager prior to installing the latest version of the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client.

    You can install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client by the following methods:

Installing Rational Asset Manager using the embedded WebSphere Application Server V6.1

The following outline guides you through the installation and provides some points to consider before beginning the installation process.

  1. Install a database application for Rational Asset Manager:

    Rational Asset Manager requires a database for asset and data storage. If you do not already have one of the supported database applications installed, then you can install IBM DB2(R) Enterprise Server Edition, version 9.5 from the Rational Asset Manager launchpad.

    To improve performance, the database server typically resides on a machine that is physically separate from the application server and on its own dedicated disk.

    Users who configures the database tables and schema must have database administrator privileges.

    Choose one of the following databases:

    1. DB2
    2. Oracle
    3. SQL Server
  2. Install Rational License Server.

    Rational Asset Manager server requires the Rational License Server to distribute license keys to clients.

  3. Install the embedded WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and the IBM Rational Asset Manager server application.

    Use IBM Installation Manager to install an embedded version of WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.1 and simultaneously install the Rational Asset Manager server application. This is the easiest method for installing Rational Asset Manager server.

  4. Configure the Rational Asset Manager Server application using the server setup application.

    Before you can use Rational Asset Manager server, you must initially configure the Rational Asset Manager server application. The Rational Asset Manager server setup application is browser-based application and works like a wizard to set up databases, user authentication, and repository settings.

  5. For Linux. For AIX. Configure the server environment settings.

    Additional configuration steps are required on Linux(R) and AIX(R).

    1. Enable artifact content indexing for Linux.
    2. Enable content indexing to run for non-root users.
    3. Enable database connectivity for non-root users.
  6. Optionally: Install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client.

    You can install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client by the following methods:

Installing Rational Asset Manager to an existing WebSphere Application Server using Installation Manager

The following outline guides you through the installation and provides some points to consider before beginning the installation process.

  1. Install a database application for Rational Asset Manager:

    Rational Asset Manager requires a database for asset and data storage. If you do not already have one of the supported database applications installed, then you can install IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, version 9.5 from the Rational Asset Manager launchpad.

    To improve performance, the database server typically resides on a machine that is physically separate from the application server and on its own dedicated disk.

    Users who configures the database tables and schema must have database administrator privileges.

    Choose one of the following databases:

    1. DB2
    2. Oracle
    3. SQL Server
  2. Install Rational License Server.

    Rational Asset Manager server requires the Rational License Server to distribute license keys to clients.

  3. Create a back up of your server configuration using the <wasInstall>/bin/backupConfig.bat command. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server documentation for more information.
  4. If you are installing to WebSphere Application Server V6.1, make sure application security is enabled.
  5. Install the IBM Rational Asset Manager server application on the existing WebSphere Application Server.

    Use IBM Installation Manager to install the Rational Asset Manager server application on an existing WebSphere Application Server. On the Features page of the Installation Manager, choose either WebSphere Application Server V6.0 or V6.1 depending on your environment.

  6. Configure the Rational Asset Manager Server application using the setup assistant.

    Before you can use Rational Asset Manager server, you must initially configure the Rational Asset Manager server application. The Rational Asset Manager server setup application is browser-based and works like a wizard to set up databases, user authentication, and repository settings.

  7. For Linux. For AIX. Configure the server environment settings.

    Additional configuration steps are required on Linux and AIX.

    1. Enable artifact content indexing for Linux.
    2. Enable content indexing to run for non-root users.
    3. Enable database connectivity for non-root users.
  8. Optionally: Install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client.

    You can install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client by the following methods:

Installing Rational Asset Manager on an existing Apache Tomcat server

If you do not want to use the Rational Asset Manager with WebSphere Application Server, then you can install and configure Rational Asset Manager manually on Tomcat. The following outline guides you through the process of installing Rational Asset Manager on an existing Apache Tomcat server and provides some points to consider before beginning the installation process

  1. Install a database application for Rational Asset Manager:

    Choose one of the following databases to install:

    1. DB2
    2. Oracle
    3. SQL Server

    Rational Asset Manager requires a database for asset and data storage. If you do not already have one of the supported database applications installed, then you can install IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, version 9.5 which is included with the Rational Asset Manager installation media.

    To improve performance, the database server typically resides on a machine that is physically separate from the application server and on its own dedicated disk.

  2. Install the Rational Asset Manager server application on an existing Apache Tomcat server.

    The following are general steps that you must take to install the Rational Asset Manager server application on an existing application server:

    1. Installing Rational Asset Manager server using Installation Manager: On the Features pages, choose to install only Rational Asset Manager (to install the setup assistant enterprise archive file) and then choose a manual install, instead of installing to an existing WebSphere Application Server or installing with embedded WebSphere Application Server. This will result in the enterprise archives being placed on the file system.
    2. Configure security on the application server.
    3. Configure the data source for your application server.
    4. Deploy the Rational Asset Manager server artifacts.
  3. For Linux. For AIX. Configure the server environment settings.

    Additional configuration steps are required on Linux and AIX.

    1. Enable artifact content indexing for Linux and AIX.
    2. Enable content indexing to run for non-root users.
    3. Enable database connectivity for non-root users.
  4. Install Rational License Server.

    Rational Asset Manager server requires the Rational License Server to distribute license keys to clients.

  5. Configure the Rational Asset Manager Server application.

    Before you can use Rational Asset Manager server, you must initially configure the Rational Asset Manager server application. For example, you must enter the location of the license server.

  6. Optionally: refer to the Rational Asset Manager Tuning Guide.

    An important administrator responsibility is to ensure the best possible performance for users, regardless of the number of concurrent users or the number of assets in the repository.

  7. Optionally: Install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client.

    You can install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client by the following methods:

Installation requirements

This section details hardware and software requirements for successfully installing and running your software.

Hardware requirements

Before you can install the product, verify that your system meets the minimum hardware requirements.

Server (Windows(R) or Linux)

Hardware Requirements
Processor Minimum: 2 GHz Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4, dual CPU (or higher for best results)
Memory Minimum: 1 GB RAM (with embedded WebSphere Application Server and DB2 Enterprise Server Edition) or 2 GB (with ClearCase or ClearQuest clients)
Disk space

Minimum: 5 GB (with embedded WebSphere Application Server and DB2 Enterprise Server Edition); if you plan to add ClearCase or ClearQuest clients, consult their disk space requirements

Display 1024 x 768 display minimum using 256 Colors (or higher for best results)
Other hardware Microsoft(R) mouse or compatible pointing device

Server (AIX)

Hardware Requirements
Processor Minimum: 2 GHz IBM POWER5(TM) (or higher for best results)
Memory Minimum (non-production environments): 1 GB RAM (with embedded WebSphere Application Server and DB2 Enterprise Server Edition)

Minimum (production environments): 2 GB RAM (with embedded WebSphere Application Server and DB2 Enterprise Server Edition) or 4 GB RAM (with ClearCase or ClearQuest clients)

Disk space

Minimum: 5 GB (with embedded WebSphere Application Server and DB2 Enterprise Server Edition); if you plan to add ClearCase or ClearQuest clients, consult their disk space requirements

Display 1024 x 768 display minimum using 256 Colors (or higher for best results)
Other hardware Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device


Hardware Requirements
Processor Minimum: 1.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 (or higher for best results)
Memory Minimum: 512 MB RAM
Disk space Minimum: 500 MB
Display 1024 x 768 display minimum using 256 Colors (or higher for best results)
Other hardware Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device

Software requirements

Before installing the product, verify that your system meets the software requirements.

Operating system

The following operating systems are supported for this product:

Application Server (for server)

You can install Rational Asset Manager server that includes an embedded version of WebSphere Application Server V6.1. Or, you can install Rational Asset Manager server on one of the following application servers:

For WebSphere, both Network Deployment and clustered deployments are supported.

Database application (for server)

One of the following database applications is required for the Rational Asset Manager server:

You can use any of these supported databases in conjunction with an installation of Rational Asset Manager server installed on any of the supported application servers.

Web browser

One of the following supported Web browsers is required to run the Rational Asset Manager Web client, to view the documentation, and to support the Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) browser widget:

One of the following Java Runtime Environments (JREs):

Requirements for the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client

The following software is required for installing the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client.

Requirements for installing the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client into an existing Eclipse IDE

The Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client can be installed into, or extend, the following Eclipse IDE's:

Additional software requirements


You can optionally use Rational Asset Manager in conjunction with any of the following software:

User privileges requirements

You must have a user ID that meets the following requirements before you can install Rational Asset Manager.

Verifying and extracting electronic images

If you download the installation files from IBM Passport Advantage(R), you must extract the electronic image from the compressed files before you can install Rational Asset Manager.

If you select the Download Director option for downloading the installation files, the Download Director applet automatically verifies the completeness of each file that it processes.

Extracting the files

Extract each compressed file to the same directory. For Linux. Do not include spaces in the directory names, or you will not be able to run the command to start the launchpad from a command line.

IBM Installation Manager

IBM Installation Manager is a program that helps you install the product packages. It also helps you update, modify, and uninstall this and other packages that you install. A package can be a product, a group of components, or a single component that is designed to be installed by Installation Manager.

In most installation scenarios for Rational Asset Manager, you use Installation Manager. Rational Asset Manager V7.1 requires the IBM Installation Manager V1.1.2.

For more information about IBM Installation Manager, visit the Installation Manager Information Center at

Preinstallation tasks

Before you install the product, complete these steps:

  1. Confirm that your system meets the requirements that are described in the section Installation requirements.
  2. Confirm that your user ID meets the required access privileges for installing the product. See User privileges requirements.
  3. Read the topic Planning your installation.
  4. Read the topic Rational Asset Manager installation scenarios.

Preconfiguring a WebSphere Application Server cluster for Rational Asset Manager

If you will not be using the Rational Asset Manager server setup application to configure the server, and you are installing Rational Asset Manager in a WebSphere Application Server cluster, then complete the steps in this section before installing the Rational Asset Manager enterprise archive files. These steps are in addition to those required to install WebSphere Application Server in a cluster. If you will be using the Rational Asset Manager server setup application to configure the server cluster, it is not necessary to perform the steps in this section.

Before starting, you must determine for each node in the cluster where the persist files and local files will be.

The following steps are specific to WebSphere Application Server V6.1. The steps for WebSphere Application Server V6.0 are similar but are not specified.

  1. Create the URL resources for the persist and local folders.
    1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, navigate to Resources -> URLs.
    2. In the Scope field, select a node.
    3. Click New.
    4. In the Name field, type a name for the URL; for example, Rational Asset Manager Persist.
    5. In the JNDI name field, type url/RAM_Persist.
    6. In the Specification field, type the URL to the folder that this node will use for the persist folder; for example, file:///D:/RAMPersist. For better performance, use a network or shared drive that all nodes in the cluster can access for the persist folder. The format for this URL is:
      • For Windows. file:/d:/persistfolder, where the folder is a local folder.
      • For Linux. For AIX. file:/folder1/folder2/persistfolder, where the folder is a local folder or a mounted folder.
      • file:////, where the folder is located on a universal naming convention (UNC) drive.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Click New.
    9. In the Name field, type a name for the URL; for example, Rational Asset Manager Local.
    10. In the JNDI name field, type url/RAM_Local.
    11. In the Specification field, type the URL to the folder that this node will use for the local folder. For better performance, this should not be a shared or remote location. The format for this URL is:
      • For Windows. file:/d:/localfolder, where the folder is a local folder.
      • For Linux. For AIX. file:/folder1/folder2/localfolder, where the folder is a local folder or a mounted folder.
      • file:////, where the folder is located on a universal naming convention (UNC) drive.
    12. Click OK.
    13. Click Save.
    If you use network share drives for the persist folder and are using Windows, ensure that WebSphere Application Server has access authority to connect to network share drives. Java processes running as SYSTEM (the default value) will not connect to network share drives.
    1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Servers -> Application servers -> <server_name> -> Process execution.
    2. Under General Properties, in the Run As User field, type the name of an operating system user that has authority to access the network share drive with the persist folder.
    3. Click Save.
    Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server process is set to run as the same user.
    1. In Windows, click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services (or use the path that displays the Services.
    2. Right-click on WebSphere Application Server and click Properties.
    3. On the Log on page, click This account and type the same user ID that you entered for Process execution.
    4. Type the password for the user ID in the Password and Confirm Password text fields.
  2. Create the Service Integration Bus.

    The Service Integration Bus is the basic communication mechanism and must be created next, before the Java Messaging Service (JMS).

    For security in accessing the bus, determine the user account

    1. Define a user that will be used to sign in to the bus. This must be a user that is known to the cluster: either an administrator ID or, if using LDAP authentication, the ID of a user in LDAP.
      1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Security -> Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure.
      2. In the Authentication section, click Java Authentication -> J2C Authentication.
      3. On the next page, click New.
      4. On the Create Identity page, enter the following values:
        • Alias: Type an alias for the user ID for use by WebSphere Application Server.
        • User ID: Type the user ID for the user account that will be used to sign in to the bus.
        • Password: Type the password for the user ID.
        • Description: Optionally, type a description of the user account.
      5. Click OK.
    2. Create the Service Integration Bus.
      1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Service integration -> Buses.
      2. Click New.
      3. On the Create a new Service Integration Bus page, type a name for the bus; for example, RAMBus.
      4. Click Next.
      5. Click Finish.
    3. Configure where the bus resides and where log files are to be stored.
      1. On the Display Buses page, select the bus that you created in step 2b.
      2. On the next page, click Bus Members, then click Add.
      3. Click Cluster.
      4. Select the cluster that you are installing to.
      5. Click Next.
      6. Click File store.
      7. Click Next.
      8. On the Provide the message store properties page, enter the following information:
        • Log size: Type 10.
        • Log directory path: Type ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/filestores/
        • Minimum permanent store size: Type 20.
        • Permanent store directory path: Type ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/filestores/
      9. Click Next.
      10. Click Finish.
    4. Configure the security information to define who can access the bus.
      1. On the Display Buses page, select the bus that you created in step 2b.
      2. Click Security.
      3. Click Users and groups in the bus connector role.
      4. Click New.
      5. Click User name.
      6. Type the user ID defined for the Service Integration Bus.
      7. Click OK.
      8. Click Security for <Your_bus_name>.
      9. On the Configure the Securities Settings page, enter the following information:
        • Enable bus security: Check to enable.
        • Inter-engine authentication alias: Select the name of the authentication alias used to authorize communication between messaging engines on the bus; for example, <cell_manager>/RAMApp.
        • Permitted transports: Click Restrict the use of defined transport channel chains to those protected by SSL.
      10. Click OK.
    5. Create a topic on the bus. Rational Asset Manager will use the topic for communications between the nodes.
      • On the RAMBus page, click Destinations.
      • Click New.
      • Click Topic space.
      • Click Next.
      • In the Identifier field, type RAM_Topic.
      • Click Next.
      • Click Finish.
  3. Define the Java Messaging Service information.

    Java Messaging Service (JMS) runs on the bus. The bus provides the basic communications between the servers, and JMS provides the interface to the program.

    1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Resources -> JMS -> Connection factories.
    2. In the Connection factories section, click Scope and select the cluster.
    3. Click New.
    4. Click OK.
    5. On the General Properties page, enter the following information:
      • Name: Type a name for the factory; for example, Rational Asset Manager Factory.
      • JNDI name: Type a JNDI name for the factory; for example, jms/RAM_Factory.
      • Bus name: Select the service integration bus that you created in the previous step.
      • Target type: Select Bus member name.
      • Connection proximity: Select Bus.
      • Component-managed authentication alias: Select the alias that you selected in the previous step; for example, <cell_manager>/RAMApp.
    6. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Resources -> JMS -> Topics.
    7. In the Topics section, click Scope and select the cluster.
    8. Click New.
    9. In the General Properties page, enter the following information:
      • Name: Type a name for the topic; for example, Rational Asset Manager Cache.
      • JNDI name: Type a JNDI name for the topic; for example, jms/RAM_Cache.
      • Topic name: Type a name for the topic; for example, Rational Asset Manager Cache. This can be the same as the name, above.
      • Bus name: Select the bus that you created in the previous step; for example, RAMBus.
      • Topic space: Select the topic that you created in the previous step; for example, RAM_Topic.
  4. Save the configuration changes. You are now ready to install the application enterprise archive for Rational Asset Manager to the cluster.

Enabling application security on WebSphere Application Server V6.1

If you are installing to an existing WebSphere Application Server V6.1, application security must be enabled. If application security is not enabled, the Rational Asset Manager server setup application will be unable to make any configuration changes for WebSphere Application Server.

  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Security.
  2. Make sure Enable application security is checked.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Click Save.

Installing from the launchpad program

The launchpad program provides you with a single location to view release information and start the installation process.

Use the launchpad program to start the installation of Rational Asset Manager in the following cases:

By starting the installation process from the launchpad program, IBM Installation Manager is automatically installed if it is not already on your computer, and it starts preconfigured with the location of the repository that contains the Rational Asset Manager package. If you install and start Installation Manager directly, then you must set repository preferences manually.

Starting the launchpad program

If you are installing from a CD and autorun is enabled on your workstation, then the Rational Asset Manager launchpad starts automatically when you insert the first installation disc into your CD drive. If you are installing from an electronic image, or if autorun is not configured on your workstation, then you must start the launchpad program manually.

Complete the preinstallation tasks described in Preinstallation tasks, if you have not done so already.

To start the launchpad program:

  1. Insert the IBM Rational Asset Manager CD into your CD drive. For Linux. Ensure that you have mounted the CD drive.
  2. If autorun is enabled on your system, the IBM Rational Asset Manager launchpad program automatically opens. If autorun is not enabled on your system:

Starting an installation from the launchpad program

  1. Start the launchpad program.
  2. If you have not done so already, read the release information by clicking Release notes.
  3. When you are ready to begin the installation, click Install IBM Rational Asset Manager.
  4. If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your system or if an older version is already installed, then you must continue with the installation of the latest release.
    1. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of IBM Installation Manager. Refer to Installing Installation Manager on Windows for more information.
    2. When the installation of IBM Installation Manager completes successfully, click Finish to close the wizard. After the installation is complete, IBM Installation Manager opens automatically.
  5. If this is a new installation, click Install Packages and follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the installation process. For complete details, see Installing Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client by using the Installation Manager GUI
  6. If this is a product update, click Update Packages and follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the update process. For complete details, see Updating Rational Asset Manager.

Installing IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, version 9.5

If you do not already have one of the supported database applications installed, then you can install IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, version 9.5 which is included with the Rational Asset Manager installation media.

Installation instructions and release notes, as well as information about working with DB2 are available in the IBM DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX(R), and Windows Information Center. See

To start an installation of DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, version 9.5:

  1. Start the DB2 Setup Launchpad program. From the Rational Asset Manager launchpad program, click Install IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, Version 9.5. If you are installing from CD media, you might be prompted to insert the first DB2 installation CD. The DB2 Setup Launchpad starts.
  2. Make sure that you have read the release information that is available in the DB2 Setup Launchpad or in the information center.
  3. In the left menu, click Install a product, and then in the page that opens, under DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, click Install new. The DB2 Setup wizard opens.
  4. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the installation. For more information, see the installation instructions in the IBM DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Information Center or click Help in the DB2 Setup wizard.

Registering the DB2 license key

The DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, Version 9.5 license key must be registered using the db2licm command.

The DB2 product uses the license key information contained in the nodelock file. The nodelock file is created or updated by running the db2licm command and specifying the license file for the DB2 product. Creating or updating the nodelock file is referred to as registering the DB2 product license key.

The DB2 product uses the license key information that is contained in the nodelock file, which is created or updated by running the db2licm command and specifying the license file for the DB2 product. To register the license key, you must run the db2licm command on each computer where DB2 is installed.

To manually register your DB2 product license key using root authority:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.
  2. Register the DB2 product license key with the appropriate command: where filename is the full pathname and filename for the license file that corresponds to the product you are bundling.

For example, on AIX, if the CD-ROM is mounted in the /cdrom directory and the name of the license file is db2ese_o.lic, the command should be: /usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm/db2licm -a /cdrom/db2/license/db2ese_o.lic

After running the db2licm command, the DB2 product license key information is contained in the nodelock file in the following directories:

To register your DB2 product license key as the instance owner:

  1. Create the instance environment and become the instance owner.
  2. Register your DB2 product license with the appropriate command: where db2instance_path is where the DB2 instance was created and filename is the full pathname and filename for the license file that corresponds to the product that you are bundling.

Installing Rational License Server

Rational Asset Manager server requires the Rational License Server to distribute license keys to clients.

Perform(TM) the following steps to install and configure Rational License Server for IBM Rational Asset Manager:

  1. Install IBM Rational License Server.

    If you are using Rational License Server 7.0 or prior on any platform, you will need to upgrade to the Rational License Server for Windows 7.0.1 or the Rational License Server for UNIX and Linux Rational License Server 7.0.1 and are fully compatible with your previously installed license keys and will continue to service your existing client machines.

    IBM Rational License Server is included with the Rational Asset Manager installation media.

  2. Request and install your license keys.

    The number of licenses that are available dictates the number of users that can be simultaneously logged in to the Web application.

    For more information on Rational licensing and to get your Rational Asset Manager license keys, see the Rational licensing support page at

  3. Start the Rational License Server. See the IBM Rational License Management Guide or the License Key Administrator Help.
  4. Configure Rational Asset Manager server to communicate with Rational License Server.

    Configuring Rational Asset Manager server to communicate with Rational License Server can either be done using the Rational Asset Manager server setup application, or manually. For instructions on installing Rational Asset Manager and using the server setup application, see the section Installing and configuring Rational Asset Manager using Installation Manager and the server setup application. For instructions on manually configuring Rational Asset Manager server to communicate with the license server, see the topic Configuring the Rational Asset Manager server application.

If you use the Rational Common License (RCL) server, you must order Flex licenses through the Rational ordering link ( After ordering the licenses, you must provision the RCL server with the licenses and configure Rational Asset Manager to request licenses from the RCL server. Users of the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client must configure it to use the Rational Asset Manager repository in order to invoke its licenses.

Installing and configuring Rational Asset Manager using Installation Manager and the server setup application

This section describes how to install and configure the Rational Asset Manager server using Installation Manager and the server setup application.

There are three primary ways to install and configure the Rational Asset Manager server using Installation Manager:

  1. Install Rational Asset Manager server that includes an embedded WebSphere Application Server, V6.1.
  2. Install Rational Asset Manager server code on an existing WebSphere Application Server or cluster of servers.
  3. Install Rational Asset Manager enterprise and Web archives to the file system, so that they can be manually deployed to an application server.

Installing Rational Asset Manager server using Installation Manager

You can install the Rational Asset Manager server application (which also installs the server setup application), the help and documentation Web archive, or the asset-based development process Web archive using the Installation Manager. You can choose to install the server application with an embedded version of WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.1, on an existing version of WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.1 or 6.0, or to the file system for later deployment on a supported application server. You can install to a single node or to a cluster.

Before you begin this installation, make sure that the database application (DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server) is installed and running.

If you are installing to a WebSphere Network Deploy Server, make sure you have at least one cluster defined.

If you are installing to a cluster and will not be using the Rational Asset Manager server setup application to configure the servers, make sure that you have completed the steps in the section entitled Preconfiguring a WebSphere Application Server cluster for Rational Asset Manager.

If you start the installation from the launchpad, you will be prompted to install Installation Manager if it is not already on your system. Then the Install Packages wizard starts automatically.

  1. Start the Rational Asset Manager launchpad program (see Installing from the launchpad program). To use a different language, select it from the Language selection list.
  2. Select Install IBM Rational Asset Manager server V7.1. The Install Packages wizard opens.
  3. On the Install page, select IBM Rational Asset Manager server Version 7.1. If the latest version of Installation Manager is not installed, it will also be listed; select it. If installing from the launchpad, proceed to step 7.
  4. To search for updates to the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package, click Check for Other Versions and Extensions.
    Note: For Installation Manager to search the predefined IBM update repository locations for the installed packages, the preference Search service repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default. Internet access is also required.
    Installation Manager searches for updates at the predefined service repository for the product package. It also searches any repository locations that you have set. A progress indicator shows that the search is taking place. You can install updates at the same time that you install the base product package.
  5. If updates are found for the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package, then they are displayed in the Installation Packages list on the Install Packages page following their corresponding product. Only the latest updates are displayed by default.
  6. Select Rational Asset Manager server and any updates to the package that you want to install. Updates that have dependencies are automatically selected and cleared together.
    Note: If you install multiple packages at the same time, then all of the packages will be installed into the same package group.
    Note that the Rational Asset Manager client is not required for installing the server application.
  7. Click Next to continue.
  8. On the Licenses page, read the license agreement for the selected package. If you selected more than one package to install, there might be a license agreement for each package. You can select each package version to display its license agreement to the left. The package versions that you selected to install (for example, the base package and an update) are listed under the package name.
    1. If you agree to the terms of each license agreement, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
    2. Click Next to continue.
  9. On the Location page, type the path for the shared resources directory in the Shared Resources Directory field; or accept the default path. The shared resources directory contains resources that can be shared by one or more package groups. Click Next to continue.

    The default path is:

    Important: You can specify the shared resources directory only the first time that you install a package. Use your largest disk for this directory to help ensure that adequate space is available for the shared resources of future packages. You cannot change the directory location unless you uninstall all packages.
  10. On the Location page, either choose an existing package group to install the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package into, or create a new one. A package group represents a directory in which packages share resources with other packages in the same group. To create a new package group:
    1. Click Create a new package group.
    2. Type the path for the installation directory for the package group. The name for the package group is created automatically.

      The default path is:

      • For Windows. C:\Program Files\IBM\RAM71Server
      • For Linux. For AIX. /opt/IBM/RAM71Server
    3. Click Next to continue.
  11. On the Features page under Languages, select the languages for the package group. The corresponding national language translations for the user interface and documentation for the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package will be installed. Note that your choices apply to all packages installed under this package group.
  12. On the next Features page, select IBM Rational Asset Manager server, and choose from three options: If you choose not to install any of these options and proceed with the installation process, the Rational Asset Manager installation root folders will be created, which contain configuration files, database scripts, a documentation folder with the readme and installation guide files, and embedded WebSphere Application Server (if you select it in the next step).
  13. On the next Features page, select the application server:
  14. If you selected Packaged embedded WebSphere Application Server, indicate the server configuration:
    1. To create a service for the application server, click Yes.
    2. Specify the embedded WebSphere Application Server ports, or leave the default port assignments. The Available column indicates whether the port is already in use or not.
      Table 1. Port definitions for embedded WebSphere Application Server V6.1
      Port name Default value
      HTTP Transport Port (WC_defaulthost) 13080
      Administrative Console Port (WC_adminhost) 13060
      HTTPS Transport Port (WC_defaulthost_secure) 13443
      Administrative Console Secure Port (WC_adminhost_secure) 13043
      Bootstrap Port (BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS) 13809
      SOAP Connector Port (SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS) 13880
    3. Proceed to step 17
  15. If you selected WebSphere Application Server V6.0.x or V6.1.x, indicate the server configuration:
    1. In the Application server location text field, type the full path to the application server on the local machine, or click Browse and navigate to it.  For example, on a full installation of WebSphere Application, enterC:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\<profile_name> (where profile name is the name of the profile on the server). On an installation of embedded WebSphere Application Server installed with Rational Asset Manager, by default this is C:\Program Files\IBM\RAM71Server\ram\ewas\profiles\profile1.
    2. In the Server root URL text field, type the root URL for the server. By default, this URL is http://localhost:9080. If you use a different port number for your WebSphere Application Server administrative console for the profile you selected in the previous step (for example, if security is enabled, or if there are multiple profiles on the application server), enter that port number here in place of 9080.
    3. If you have security enabled on your application server, type an administrator's user name and password. If security is not enabled, clear the checkbox.
    4. In the Type of server configuration section, indicate whether you are installing a single node or a cluster and provide the server or cluster name. The server must be identified in the Server Configuration section and must be running.
    5. Click the Get list from server button.
      • For single node installations, the name of the server will be displayed in the text field (for example, "server1").
      • For cluster installations, a list of cluster names will be displayed. Select the name of the cluster to install to from the list.
    6. Click Next.
  16. On the Summary page, review your choices. If you want to change the choices or configuration details that you made on previous pages, click Back, and make your changes.
  17. When you are satisfied with your installation choices, click Install. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  18. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.
    1. Click View log file to open the installation log file for the current session in a new window. You must close the Installation Log window to continue.
    2. Click Finish. The Install Package wizard closes.
    Unless you chose a manual installation in step 13, the Rational Asset Manager Configuration Web page opens in a browser window. Follow the instructions to restart the server (or restart the server, if it was already running) and then click the link to start the Rational Asset Manager server setup application. The server setup application is a wizard for configuring the database, the database connection, security, and repository settings. For instructions on using the server setup application, refer to the section entitled Configuring Rational Asset Manager using the server setup application.

    If you chose a manual installation, manually deploy the server setup application to the application server. To manually deploy the server setup application to a cluster, see the topic Manually deploying Rational Asset Manager server setup to a cluster.

Configuring Rational Asset Manager using the server setup application

The server setup application is a browser-based Web application that opens after the Installation Manager has finished installing Rational Asset Manager features on a new embedded WebSphere Application Server or an existing WebSphere Application Server. It functions like a wizard to help you configure database, security, and repository settings. You can use the server setup application to later modify these settings instead of using the Administration pages within Rational Asset Manager Web client. You can also use the server setup application to deploy any of the Rational Asset Manager features on an application server.

To use the server setup application, the following prerequisites must be met:

The setup enterprise archive must be deployed and running, and the database server must be running. If the setup enterprise application is not already open, open it in a browser using the URL: http://<host>:<port>/ If security is enabled on the application server, you will be prompted for the user ID and password for an application server administrator.

  1. On the Introduction page, indicate the type of database and user authentication to be used.
    1. Select the database application from the list: IBM DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server.
    2. Select the type of user authentication that the Rational Asset Manager Web application will use:
      • LDAP: user information is stored in a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol repository. You will need administrative information for accessing the repository.
      • Other custom: user information is stored in a custom user registry, as defined for your application server; this might appear in the list as the name of the custom registry as defined for the application server. An example custom user registry is File, where user information is stored in a flat file on the server. Select this option if you are not using any of the other types of authentication.
        Note: File-based authentication is not intended for use in a production environment.
      • Federated repository: user information is stored in multiple repositories, such as LDAP repositories. This type of authentication is managed by WebSphere Application Server.
      • Local operating system: user information is stored in the user accounts database on the local operating system. This type of authentication is managed by WebSphere Application Server.
    3. Confirm that the server or cluster listed is the one that you want to configure.
    4. Click Next.
  2. In Section 1, Part 1, connect to either a new database that you will create and populate or to an existing database.
    1. Select whether to create a new database or use an existing database.
      • To create and populate a new database, click Create a Database. Proceed to step 2b.
      • To use an existing database (for example, if you are upgrading from a previous version of Rational Asset Manager), click Use Existing Database. Proceed to step 3
    2. Create a database.
      • For DB2, you can use a Java applet to create and populate the database, or you can perform these manually.
        • To use the Java applet:
          1. After the applet loads, it looks for an instance of DB2 on the local machine. Note that the browser that you run the server setup application on must me located on the computer where DB2 is installed. If it finds one, the location of the DB2 installation and its version are displayed. If it does not find one, you are prompted to enter the location.
          2. To use a different installation of DB2, click Change DB2 location.
          3. Once you have selected the appropriate location, type a name for the database in the Database name field (for example, RAMDB) and click Create Database.
        • To manually create and configure the DB2 database, click Manually configuring and creating tables in DB2 and follow the displayed instructions.
      • For Oracle or SQL Server, follow the instructions to manually create and populate the database.
      The instructions displayed in the server setup application are identical to those in Creating and configuring a database for Rational Asset Manager.
  3. In Part 2, specify the database connection properties.
    1. Type the name of the database in the Database name field; for example, RAMDB.
    2. Type the host name or IP address of the database server in the Database server text field; for example, (Do not use localhost.
    3. Type the port number in the Port field. For example, the default value for DB2 is 50000.
    4. Type the user ID and password of a user with administration authority for the database application.
    5. Select to either provide the location of the archive file or files required by the database on the server, or to upload them to the server.
      • To enter the location of the archive files on the server, type the full path to the folder that contains them; for example, C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java.
      • To upload the files to the server, select that option and browse to the file or files on the local machine. By default, these are available in <RAM V7.1 install root>\ram\ewas\universalDriver\lib on the local machine. When uploaded to the server, they will be placed in <WAS_install_directory>\profiles\<profile_name>\config\cells\<cell_name>\ram_jdbc
        Note: For Linux. For AIX. Replace backslashes ("\") in the directory paths with forward slashes ("/").
        Important: For Linux. For AIX. If you must run WebSphere Application Server or Apache Tomcat as a non-root user, then you must set the appropriate permission on the database Java archive files that you upload. Refer to the instructions in Enabling database connectivity for non-root users (Linux and AIX).
    6. Click Test Connection. The server setup application will report whether the server could connect to the database.
    7. If the connection test was successful, click Next. If the database was configured correctly, the Database Configuration summary page is displayed.
    8. The server setup application will prompt you to restart the server. If you will be continuing through other sections of the server setup application, you can wait to restart the server until you have finished those sections. If you are done with your configuration settings (for example, if you are using the server setup application to make changes to an existing setup), restart the server now.
    9. Click Next.
  4. In Section 2, configure users and authentication.
  5. In Section 3, Applications that are successfully deployed are indicated, with the cluster or server name that they are deployed on listed. To deploy any Rational Asset Manager enterprise archives that were not deployed by Installation Manager.
    1. Make sure that the check box for that application is checked.
    2. Select the cluster or server to deploy to from the list.
    3. Click Deploy Applications. The progress of the deployments is displayed on a separate page, and the result of the process is displayed on the Deploy Rational Asset Manager page.
    4. Click Next.
    5. On the Summary page, click Next.
  6. In Section 4, configure settings for Rational Asset Manager.
    1. Type the address for the license server in the format <port>@<host_name>; for example, By default, Rational License Server uses TCP/IP port 27000.
    2. Configure the address of the server with the applications that were deployed in step 5. Type the protocol, fully qualified host name, and port number; for example,
      Important: Always use a host name or IP address for these entries. Do not use localhost.
    3. Configure the paths for the applications. The default paths are based on the server address provided.
      • Rational Asset Manager: Type the deployment URL for the Rational Asset Manager server application; for example,
      • Web Services: Type the deployment URL for the Web services; for example,
      • Help and User Assistance: Type the deployment URL for the Rational Asset Manager user assistance application; for example,
      • Asset-Based Development Process: Type the deployment URL for the Rational Asset-based Development Process application; for example,
      To modify the locations or context roots (for example, if you have specified different context roots in WebSphere Application Server), click Edit.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Configure the persist and local storage folder locations. If you are installing to a cluster, the cluster name is displayed and you must do this for every node in the cluster.
      • Persist folder: Type the full path to the folder where assets and search indexes are to be stored on the file system. This can be a mapped directory. If installing to a cluster, this must be a location that is shared between all of the nodes of the cluster.
      • Local storage folder: Type the full path to the folder where data are to be stored by the Rational Asset Manager Web application. This must be a location on the local machine, and not a mapped or shared location. If installing to a cluster, each node in the cluster must have its own local storage folder that is not shared with the other nodes. If installing multiple servers on the same physical node, the servers should all use the same physical local storage folder.
        Tip: For best performance, the drive should be capable of fast reads and writes, and should not be the same drive as the operating system or application server. For cluster installations, each machine should have its own local folder on a hard disk local to the machine. Using a local folder that is shared between all application servers will degrade performance.
      For cluster installation, to use the settings that you entered for the first node for all nodes, click Use these settings for all nodes.
    6. Click Next.
    7. For cluster installations, Java Messaging Service (JMS) must be correctly configured for Rational Asset Manager to communicate between servers in the cluster. Confirm that JMS is configured correctly and click Next.
  7. In Section 5, confirm that the settings are correct and restart the server.
  8. Rational Asset Manager is now running. You can do any of the following:
  9. Optionally, you can configure settings for WebSphere Application Server on the Configure Performance and Tuning Settings page.
    1. Configure server settings.
      • Class garbage collection: Optionally, type the name of the garbage collection algorithm to use. The recommended value is intended to result in increased server performance:
        • For Windows. -XX:+UseParallelGC
        • For Linux. For AIX. -Xgcpolicy:optavgpause
      • JDBC maximum connections: Type a number equal to or greater than the number of users that might be logged in to Rational Asset Manager at one time. For example, 100.
      • Performance monitoring: For best performance, performance monitoring should remain disabled. To turn on performance monitoring on the application server, check Enable.
      • Maximum number of sessions: Type the number of sessions that WebSphere Application Server will maintain in memory. The default value is 1000. Increase this number to allow more sessions to be maintained in memory.
      • Session timeout (minutes): Type a number for the number of minutes before a user's session times out. The default number of minutes in WebSphere Application Server is 30.
        Tip: Reducing this number might allow for more users, especially if many users will be making brief transactions, but setting it too low might interfere with a user's experience or prevent users from uploading large assets.
      • Web container minimum size: Type the minimum number of threads to allow in the Web container. The default value is 25 for Windows and 15 for Linux and AIX. Increase this number if the CPU for the server is underutilized, or decrease it if the CPU is overutilized.
      • Web container maximum size: Type the maximum number of threads to allow in the Web container. The default value is 50for Windows and 30 for Linux and AIX. Increase this number if the CPU for the server is underutilized, or decrease it if the CPU is overutilized.
    2. If you use DB2, you can configure database settings. Suggested values and current values for the following parameters are listed. Changes made to settings take effect when you restart the database server.
      • MAXLOCKS: Type a number between 1 and 100 to specify the percentage of the lock list that is reached when the database manager performs escalation, from row to table, for the locks held by the application. Although the escalation process does not take much time, locking entire tables versus individual rows decreases concurrency, and potentially decreases overall database performance for subsequent attempts to access the affected tables.
      • LOGFILSIZ: Type a number to specify the size of each primary and secondary log file. The size of these log files limits the number of log records that can be written to them before they become full and a new log file is required. The value of the logfilsiz should be increased if the database has a large number of update, delete, or insert transactions running against it which will cause the log file to become full quickly.
        Note: Changing this parameter from the default is only necessary when there are a large number of assets in the repository (for example, tens or hundreds of thousands).
      • LOCKTIMEOUT: Type a number between 1 and 30000 to specify the number of seconds that an application waits to obtain a lock. Setting this property helps avoid global deadlocks for applications. A value of -1 means lock timeout detection is turned off.
      • LOCKLIST: Type a number between 4 and 60000, inclusive, to specify the amount of storage that is allocated to the lock list.
      • MAXAPPLS: Type a number greater than the number of expected concurrent connections.
    3. Click Next.
    4. On the Configure Java Virtual Memory Heap Settings page, you can change the heap size for the server. If installing to a cluster, you can set the heap size per node. The default is "No setting." Before selecting one of the other options (Low, Medium or High), ensure you know how much physical memory is available on the machine.
    5. Click Next. The summary page is displayed again. You can choose from the options in step 8.

For additional performance tuning information, refer to the Rational Asset Manager Tuning Guide.

Manually installing and configuring Rational Asset Manager on an existing application server

Follow these procedures to manually install and configure Rational Asset Manager if you want to use your existing WebSphere Application Server or cluster environment.

The following list is the order of the steps that you must take to install Rational Asset Manager for use with an existing application server:

  1. Create the database tables in an existing database (DB2, Oracle or SQL Server 2005).
  2. Retrieve the Rational Asset Manager server artifacts from the installation media using IBM Installation Manager.
  3. Configure a datasource for your application server (WebSphere Application Server or Tomcat).
  4. Configure security on the application server.
  5. Deploy the Rational Asset Manager server artifacts to the application server.

Creating and configuring a database for Rational Asset Manager

If your database software is installed and the database server is running, you can create and configure a database either prior to installing Rational Asset Manager, or while using the Rational Asset Manager server setup application (after Rational Asset Manager has been installed). If you are using DB2, the server setup application can create and configure the database for you.

If you choose to create and configure your database through the Rational Asset Manager server setup application, skip this section and proceed to Installing and configuring Rational Asset Manager using Installation Manager and the server setup application.

Manually configuring and creating tables in DB2 using database scripts (Windows and Linux only)

These are the instructions for Windows and Linux only for creating and populating tables in DB2 for Rational Asset Manager.

You can create the database and tables automatically by running batch files. DB2 must already be installed and running. Ensure that you know the location of the SQL scripts (typically, path to installation media\ db_scripts\DB2). Finally, ensure that you also know the installation directory for DB2 (typically C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB for Windows and opt/IBM/DB2/V9.5 for Linux.

Note: This method is not supported for AIX. Instead, follow the instructions described in the topic Manually configuring and creating tables in DB2.
  1. If you are installing from the CD, then copy the SQL scripts to your local file system.
  2. For Linux. Check that you have write permission for the directory containing the SQL scripts.
  3. In a command line, change to the directory containing the SQL scripts for DB2 (path to installation media\ db_scripts\DB).
  4. Run db2create_populate.bat (for Windows) or (for Linux).
  5. When prompted, enter the name of the database or press the Enter key to accept the default database name (RAMDB).
  6. At the next prompt, enter the installation directory path for DB2, or press the Enter key to accept the default value (C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB for Windows, and /opt/IBM/DB2/V9.5 for Linux.
  7. The batch file runs. The script performs the following actions:
    Note: When you run the batch file for the first time, you might see a number of SQL0204N error messages that name is an undefined name, and they will be similar to the following example:
    ** CLI error in executing the SQL statement:
    (-204): [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0204N  "RAMSCHEMA.FORUM" is an undefined name.  SQLSTATE=42704
    If you are running the batch file for the first time, then you can safely ignore these messages.
  8. Verify that the tables were created. For example, start the DB2 Control Center and browse for the RAMDB database. Verify that the database and tables were created.

Manually configuring and creating tables in DB2

These are the instructions for manually configuring DB2 and creating and populating tables for Rational Asset Manager in DB2. Follow these instructions if you cannot run the batch files used in the preceding instructions (for example, if you are running AIX).

DB2 must already be installed and running. Also, make sure that you know the location of the SQL scripts (typically, path to installation media\ db_scripts\DB2). Finally, ensure that you also know the installation directory for DB2 (typically C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB for Windows, opt/ibm/DB2/V9.5 for Linux and /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5 for AIX.

To configure DB2 and create the database tables:

  1. Start the DB2 Control Center.
  2. Select the instance of the database.
  3. Create and add a new database.
    1. Click Tools -> Command Editor.
    2. In the command editor, type (in uppercase):
      (where <DATABASE_INSTANCE> is the name of the database instance you selected in step 2)
    3. Click Execute.
    4. Clear the previous command from the command editor and type (in uppercase):
      (where <DATABASE_NAME> may be any name you choose; for example, RAMDB)
    5. Click Execute.
    6. Click Add, select the database you just created, and click OK.
  4. Execute the dbcreate.sql script.
    1. Click Open.
    2. Navigate to the dbcreate.sql file.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click Yes.
    5. Click Execute.
  5. Execute the RAMSCHEMA_DB2.sql script.
    1. Click Open.
    2. Navigate to the RAMSCHEMA_DB2.sql file.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click Yes.
    5. In the Statement termination character text field, in place of the default semi-colon character ( ; ), type a caret ( ^ ).
    6. Click Execute.
  6. Execute the bootstrap_DB2.sql script.
    1. Click Open.
    2. Navigate to the bootstrap_DB2.sql file.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click Yes.
    5. In the Statement termination character text field, in place of the caret ( ^ ), type a semi-colon ( ; ).
    6. Click Execute.
  7. Verify that the tables were created.
    1. Click Object View and open the database instance.
    2. Click Tables to verify that the tables contain data.

Creating and configuring a database in Oracle 11g or 10.2(g)

These are the instructions for manually creating and populating tables for Rational Asset Manager in Oracle 11g or 10.2(g).

Oracle must already be installed and running. Also, make sure that you know the location of the SQL scripts (typically, path to installation media \db_scripts\Oracle).

To create the database tables:

  1. Using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, follow the steps in the wizard to create a new database.
    1. Use global database name ramdb_<your domain>, and a system identifier (SID) ramdb.
    2. On the Custom Scripts tab, do not run the SQL scripts that are mentioned in the later steps. You must create a user account first.
    3. On the Character Sets page, select Use Unicode (AL32UTF8).
    4. Also on the Character Sets page, for National Character Set, select UTF8 - Unicode 3.0 UTF-8.
    5. Complete the other pages in the wizard, accepting the default values.
  2. Create a database user.
    1. Open Database Control.
    2. Navigate to the Users page. (In Oracle 10.2(g), click Administration, then Users; in Oracle 11(g), click Server, then click Users in the Security section.)
    3. Create a user named RAMSCHEMA that meets the following qualifications:
      • The user has the resource and connect roles.
      • The user's quota setting is unlimited.
      • For tablespace, you can use any default tablespace (with the exception of Temp) that meets the access level requirements for the user that you created.
      Tip: Oracle provides a default user named "Scott" that has the appropriate permissions. You can use this default user as the basis for your new user account.
  3. Run the scripts that will populate the database. (This step is not necessary if you are using the setup assistant; the setup assistant will run the scripts for you.)
    1. Click SQL+ to open it.
    2. Open the RAMSCHEMA_Oracle.sql file in the sqlscripts/oracle folder. Highlight the entire contents of the file, copy them (right-click, and then Copy), and then paste them into the top of the SQL+.
    3. Click Execute. When the process finishes, delete the commands from the top window.
    4. Repeat these steps for the bootStrap_Oracle.sql file.
  4. Verify that the tables were created.

Creating and configuring a database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

These are the instructions for manually creating and populating tables for Rational Asset Manager in Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

SQL Server 2005 must already be installed and running. Also, make sure that you know the location of the SQL scripts (typically, path to installation media \db_scripts\SQLServer).

To create the database tables:

  1. Ensure that your ID has permission to execute CREATE SCHEMA statements. (Typically, the database owner has this permission.)
  2. Create a new database with database name RAMDB.
  3. Execute the scripts that will populate the database.
    1. Open a command prompt.
    2. Type sqlcmd -d RAMDB -i path to SQL scripts\RAMSCHEMA_SQLServer.sql (where RAMDB is the name of the database that you created in step 2), and press Enter.
    3. Type sqlcmd -d RAMDB -i path to SQL scripts\bootStrap_SQLServer.sql (where RAMDB is the name of the database that you created in step 2), and press Enter.
  4. Verify that the tables were created.

Retrieving Rational Asset Manager applications from the installation media

To retrieve the Rational Asset Manager enterprise and Web archive files from the installation media, you can run the Installation Manager from the launchpad and choose to do a manual installation instead of installing with embedded WebSphere Application Server or to an existing WebSphere Application Server.

Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media

To install IBM Rational Asset Manager server on an existing application server, you must first obtain the EAR or WAR files for the server application from the installation media.

To obtain the EAR or WAR files for the server application:

  1. Start the Rational Asset Manager launchpad program (see Installing from the launchpad program) and then select IBM Rational Asset Manager. If Installation Manager is not already installed, follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation. The Install Packages wizard opens. Installation Manager is required for this procedure.
  2. The Install page of Install Packages wizard lists all the packages that are found in the repositories that Installation Manager searches. If two versions of a package are discovered, only the most appropriate version of the package is displayed.
  3. To search for updates to the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package, click Check for Other Versions and Extensions.
    Note: For Installation Manager to search the predefined IBM update repository locations for the installed packages, the preference Search service repositories during installation and updates on the Repositories preference page must be selected. This preference is selected by default. Internet access is also required.
    Installation Manager searches for updates at the predefined service repository for the product package. It also searches any repository locations that you have set. A progress indicator shows the search is taking place. You can install updates at the same time that you install the base product package.
  4. If updates for the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package are found, then they will be displayed in the Installation Packages list on the Install Packages page following their corresponding product. Only the most appropriate updates are displayed by default.
  5. Select Rational Asset Manager server and any updates to the package that you want to install. Updates that have dependencies are automatically selected and cleared together.
  6. Click Next to continue.
    Note: If you install multiple packages at the same time, then all the packages will be installed into the same package group.
  7. On the Licenses page, read the license agreement for the selected package. If you selected more than one package to install, there might be a license agreement for each package. On the left side of the License page, click each package version to display its license agreement. The package versions that you selected to install (for example, the base package and an update) are listed under the package name.
    1. If you agree to the terms of each license agreement, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
    2. Click Next to continue.
  8. If you are installing the first package on this computer, then on the Location page, type the path for the shared resources directory in the Shared Resources Directory field; or accept the default path. The shared resources directory contains resources that can be shared by one or more package groups. Click Next to continue.

    The default path is:

    Important: You can specify the shared resources directory only the first time that you install a package. Use your largest disk for this to help ensure adequate space for the shared resources of future packages. You cannot change the directory location unless you uninstall all packages.
  9. On the Location page, either choose an existing package group to install the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package into, or create a new one. A package group represents a directory in which packages share resources with other packages in the same group. To create a new package group:
    1. Click Create a new package group.
    2. Type the path for the installation directory for the package group. This is the directory where the Rational Asset Manager application files for manual installation will be created. The name for the package group is created automatically.

      The default path is:

      • For Windows. C:\Program Files\IBM\RAM71Server
      • For Linux. For AIX. /opt/IBM/RAM71Server
    3. Click Next to continue.
  10. On the Features page under Languages, select the languages for the package group. The corresponding national language translations for the user interface and documentation for the IBM Rational Asset Manager server package will be installed. Note that your choices apply to all packages installed under this package group.
  11. On the next Features page, select Rational Asset Manager manual installation options and clear Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server v6.1. Ensure that you select the archive that matches your application server.
    Note: For best results, select Rational Asset Manager Help and Documentation Web archive since you need to access to the help files for some configuration instructions.
  12. On the Summary page, review your choices before installing the package. If you want to change the choices or configuration details that you made on previous pages, click Back and make your changes.
  13. When you are satisfied with your installation choices, click Install to install the package. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  14. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.

The EAR and WAR files for installing the IBM Rational Asset Manager server application on an existing WebSphere Application Server are now available in the directory installation directory\ram\apps.

Table 2. Locations of downloaded files
Path File names Description
installation directory\ram\apps\was
  • Rational Asset Manager Enterprise Archive for WebSphere Application Server
  • Rational Asset Manager Server Setup Enterprise Archive
installation directory\ram\apps\tomcat
Rational Asset Manager Web Archive for Tomcat
installation directory\ram\apps\WAR rmcabdgovernprocess.war Asset-based Development and Governance process
installation directory\ram\apps iehs.war Rational Asset Manager Help and Documentation web archive

Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media

To install the version of IBM Rational Asset Manager server for the AIX operating system on an existing application server, you must first obtain the EAR or WAR files for the server application from the installation media.

For AIX, the EAR or WAR files for the AIX server application must be manually copied from the AIX CD or disk image of Rational Asset Manager to a local disk image. The Rational Asset Manager files are in the following locations:

Table 3. Locations of installation files for Rational Asset Manager server for AIX
Path File names Description
disk root\apps\was
  • Rational Asset Manager Enterprise Archive for WebSphere Application Server
  • Rational Asset Manager Server Setup Enterprise Archive
disk root\apps\tomcat
Rational Asset Manager Web Archive for Tomcat
disk root\apps\WAR rmcabdgovernprocess.war Asset-based Development and Governance process
disk root\apps iehs.war Rational Asset Manager Help and Documentation web archive

Manually deploying Rational Asset Manager server setup to a cluster

To manually deploy the Rational Asset Manager server setup application to a cluster, it is necessary to run a Jython script. If you used Installation Manager to install Rational Asset Manager to a cluster, Installation Manager performed this step.

Before running these scripts, you must have used Installation Manager and selected to do a manual installation.

  1. Locate the following scripts in the <Rational_Asset_Manager_install_directory>\ram\conf\bin folder:
  2. To deploy Rational Asset Manager server setup enterprise archive to the cluster, run the following command (Windows):
    wsadmin.bat -lang jython -user <user_name> -password <password> -f <install_dir>\ram\conf\bin\ <install_dir>/ram/apps/was/ <server_name> <contextRoot>
    On AIX or Linux, run the following command: -lang jython -user <user_name> -password <password> -f <install_dir>/ram/conf/bin/ <install_dir>/ram/apps/was/ <server_name> <contextRoot>

Note: The path to the Python script should contain backslashes on Windows and forward slashes on AIX and Linux. The path to the EAR file should contain forward slashes, regardless of platform.

To uninstall it from the cluster, run the following command (Windows):

      wsadmin.bat -conntype NONE -lang jython -f <installdir>\ram\conf\bin\

On AIX or Linux, run the following command: -conntype NONE -lang jython -f <installdir>/ram/conf/bin/

Installing Rational Asset Manager server manually on WebSphere Application Server

You can manually install the Rational Asset Manager server on an existing WebSphere Application Server installation.

Configuring file-based security

When initially installed, the Rational Asset Manager server application uses file-based security for user authentication. If you perform the installation scenario where you install the Rational Asset Manager server with an embedded WebSphere Application Server, the Installation Manager will automatically configure this for you.

To install Rational Asset Manager onto an existing WebSphere Application Server you must configure file-based security yourself.

Important: If you install Rational Asset Manager onto an existing WebSphere Application Server that is already configured for security (for example, using LDAP), then you must reconfigure the application server for file-based security until the installation and configuration of Rational Asset Manager is complete. After installing and configuring the server application to use a custom user registry, you can restore WebSphere Application Server security configuration. File-based security is not intended for production environments.

Configuring file-based security on WebSphere Application Server V6.1

You can authenticate users for Rational Asset Manager using file-based security on your local operating system. These instructions are for configuring file-based security on WebSphere Application Server V6.1.

Before starting, note the location of the files named users.props and groups.props. The install process places these in WebSphere Application Server install root/ram/conf/security.

  1. Start the server and open the administrative console.
    1. Open a command window and change to WAS_PROFILE/bin directory.
    2. Type startServer.bat server1.
    3. When the server has started, open a web browser and go to http://localhost:13060/ibm/console. (This port number might be different than 13060; to check, look in WAS_PROFILE/properties/portdef.props for the value of the WC_adminhost property and use it instead) If security is enabled, use https://localhost:13043/ibm/console. (This port number might be different than 9043; to check, look in WAS_PROFILE/properties/portdef.props for the value of the WC_adminhost_secure property and use it instead.)
  2. Click Security.
  3. Click Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure.
  4. Under Available realm definitions, select Standalone custom registry and click Configure.
  5. Click Custom Properties.
  6. Click New.
  7. In the Name field, type groupsFile.
  8. In the Value field, type the path to the groups.props file.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click New.
  12. In the Name field, type usersFile.
  13. In the Value field, type the location of the users.props file.
  14. Click Apply.
  15. Click Standalone custom registry at the top of the page.
  16. Click Save.
  17. In the Primary administrative user name, Server user ID and Password fields, type admin.
  18. Click OK.
  19. On the Configuration page, select Enable administrative security and disable Use Java 2 security....
  20. Ensure Enable application security remains checked.
  21. Ensure that Available realm definitions is set to Standalone custom registry.
  22. Click Set as current.
  23. Click Apply.
  24. Click Save.
  25. Log out of the administrative console.
  26. Restart the server or restart the computer. If you are using a clustered environment, restart the server or restart the computer where the Domain Manager (DM) is located.

Configuring database connections

This section describes creating a connection between the database and WebSphere Application Server.

Configuring a database connection between WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and DB2

You can manually create a database connection between WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and the database tables created for Rational Asset Manager in DB2.

If you work in a clustered server environment, use the WebSphere Administrative Console on the Domain Manager (DM) for all WebSphere Application Server Console steps.

  1. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  2. Log in using the user ID admin and the password admin (defined in the section "Configuring security," above).
  3. If DB2 and WebSphere Application Server are not installed on the same server, make sure that DB2 Agent Installer is installed with WebSphere Application Server in order to communicate with a remote installation of DB2.
  4. Create a database connection
    1. Click Resources in the navigation pane.
    2. Click JDBC.
    3. Click JDBC Providers.
  5. Create a JDBC Provider.
    1. Click New.
    2. For the database type, select DB2
    3. For the provider type, select DB2 Universal JDBC Driver.
    4. For the implementation type, select Connection pool data source.
    5. Click Next.
    6. On the Enter database class path information page, type the path to the DB2 java directory in the Directory location field.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Click Finish.
    9. On the JDBC Providers page, click Save.
  6. Bind the database to a JNDI name.
    1. Click the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider link.
    2. Under Additional Properties, click Data sources.
    3. Click New.
    4. In the JNDI name field, type jdbc/RAM_Con.
    5. Click Next.
    6. In the Database name field, type the name of the database.
    7. In the Server name field, type the name of the server.
    8. Click Next.
    9. Click Finish.
  7. Set up J2C authentication.
    1. On the JAAS-J2C authentication data page, enter the Alias, User ID and Password for authentication to the DB2 database.
    2. Click DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider.
    3. Select node_name/db2admin (or the name that you created for your JAAS-J2C authentication alias). In normal circumstances, the authentication alias is prefixed with the node name.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Click Save.
  8. Log out of the console.
  9. Restart the server.
  10. In a clustered environment, the Domain Manager (DM) must be restarted.

Configuring a database connection between WebSphere Application Server and Oracle

You can manually create a database connection between WebSphere Application Server V6.1 or V6.0.2 and the database tables created for Rational Asset Manager in Oracle 11g or 10.2(g).

If you work in a clustered server environment, use the WebSphere Administrative Console on the Domain Manager (DM) for all WebSphere Administrative Console steps.

  1. Ensure that the odbc14.jar file is from Oracle 10g (10.2) or later. Older versions of this file will not work. If necessary, copy the needed version of the file to a folder on the WebSphere Application Server server (for example, D:\Oracle).
  2. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  3. Log in using the user ID admin and the password admin (defined in the earlier section "Configuring security," above).
  4. Set up the Oracle driver path.
    1. Click Environment in the navigation pane.
    2. Click WebSphere Variables.
    3. Click New.
    4. In the Name field, selectOracle_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH
    5. In the Value field, select the path to the Oracle library with the required version of the ojdbc14.jar file (for example, D:\Oracle.)
    6. Click Apply.
    7. Click OK.
  5. Set up J2C authentication.
    1. Click Security.
    2. Click Global Security.
    3. In the Authentication section of the Global Security window, click JAAS Configuration.
    4. Click J2C Authentication Data.
    5. Click New.
    6. In the Alias Entry field, type RAM_Con.
    7. In the User ID field, type an Oracle user ID with administration privileges. For Oracle, the user ID defined here must be the name given to the schema (for example, ramschema).
    8. In the Password field, type the password for the user ID.
    9. Click Apply.
    10. Click OK.
  6. Create a database connection
    1. Click Resources in the navigation pane.
    2. Click JDBC Providers.
    3. If you use a remote installation of DB2, make sure the Node and Server entries are cleared and click Apply.
    4. If you work in a clustered environment, type the name of the cluster in the Cluster field and click Apply.
  7. If any other JDBC drivers have been defined for Rational Asset Manager (for example, JNDI Name = jdbc/RAM_Con), delete those drivers before completing the following steps.
  8. Create a JDBC Provider.
    1. Click New.
    2. For the database type, select Oracle.
    3. For the provider type, select Oracle JDBC Driver.
    4. For the implementation type, select Connection pool data source.
    5. Click Next.
    6. Click Apply.
    7. Click Data sources.
    8. Click New.
  9. Bind the database to a JNDI name.
    1. For the JNDI name, select jdbc/RAM_Con.
    2. For the Data store helper class name, select the level of Oracle installed (for example, Oracle 9i and prior data store helper).
    3. For the Component-managed authentication alias field, select the J2C authentication that you created earlier.
    4. For the URL field, type the path that the Oracle administrator provides. It will have the following form: jdbc:oracle:thin:@fully_qualified_machine_name:oracle_port_number:database_name.
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Click Test Connection.
  10. Save the WebSphere Application Server configuration.
    1. Click Save at the top of the window.
    2. In the next window, click Save.
  11. Log out of the console.
  12. Restart the server.
  13. In a clustered environment, the Domain Manager (DM) must be restarted.

Configuring a database connection between WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005

You can manually create a database connection between WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and the database tables that are created for Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

If you work in a clustered server environment, use the WebSphere Administrative Console on the Domain Manager (DM) for all WebSphere Application Server Console steps.

  1. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  2. Log in using the user ID admin and the password admin (defined in the earlier section "Configuring security").
  3. Click Environment -> WebSphere Variables. The WebSphere Variables page opens.
  5. In the Value field, type the path to the directory that contains the Microsoft JDBC driver for MSSQLServer 2005(sqljdbc.jar), and then click OK.
  6. Click Resources -> JDBC Providers, and then, in the JDBC Providers page that opens, click New.
  7. Create a JDBC provider.
    1. In the JDBC providers page, click New.
    2. For the database type, select User-defined.
    3. For Implementation class name, type
    4. For Name, type Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC provider.
    5. Click Next.
    6. For Class path, type ${MSSQLSERVER_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/sqljdbc.jar.
    7. Click Finish.
  8. Bind the database to a JNDI name.
    1. On the JDBC providers page, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC provider (the link for the JDBC provider that you created in the previous step).
    2. Under Additional Properties, click Data sources.
    3. Click New.
    4. In the Data source name field, type Microsoft SQLServer 2005 JDBC RAM.
    5. In the JNDI name field, type jdbc/RAM_Con.
    6. Click Next.
    7. For Data store helper class name, type
    8. Click Next and then click Finish.
    9. On the Microsoft SQLServer 2005 JDBC RAM data source page, under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties.
    10. On the Custom properties page, click New.
    11. In the Name field, type databaseName, and in the Value field type RAMDB or the name that you used for the database.
    12. Click OK. You return to the Custom properties page.
    13. Add another custom property for the server name. Click New. In the Name field, type serverName, and in the Value field type your server name (for example,, and then click OK.
    14. Add another custom property for the port number. Click New. In the Name field, type portNumber, and in the Value field type your port number (the default is usually 1443), and then click OK.
    15. Click OK. You return to the Custom properties page.
  9. Set up J2C authentication.
    1. Click the link Microsoft SQLServer 2005 JDBC RAM near the top of the page.
    2. Under Related items, click JAAS-J2C authentication data.
    3. Click New.
    4. Enter the Alias, User ID and Password for authentication to the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Click the link Microsoft SQLServer 2005 JDBC RAM near the top of the page.
    7. Under Container-managed authentication, select the entry that is the name that you created for your JAAS-J2C authentication alias. The node name is usually prefixed to the name of the authentication alias.
    8. Click OK.
    9. Click Save.
  10. Log out of the console.
  11. Restart the server.
  12. In a clustered environment, the Domain Manager (DM) must be restarted.

Deploying Rational Asset Manager server on WebSphere Application Server

This section describes deploying the Rational Asset Manager server application on WebSphere Application Server.

Deploying Rational Asset Manager on WebSphere Application Server V6.1

You can manually install Rational Asset Manager on an existing installation of WebSphere Application Server V6.1.

If installing the product into a clustered environment, use the WebSphere Administrative Console on the Domain Manager (DM) for all administrative console steps.

  1. Locate the Rational Asset Manager Enterprise Archive for WebSphere Application Server file Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
  2. Launch the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  3. Click Applications.
  4. Click Enterprise Applications.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Type the path and file name of the Rational Asset Manager Server EAR file.
  7. Click Show me all installation options and parameters.
  8. Click Next until you reach Step 6: Map Resource references to resources, or select this step in the navigation pane.
  9. On the page titled Map Resource References to resources, perform the following steps:
    1. In the javax.sql.DataSource section, select both modules in the table.
    2. Under Specify authentication method in the same section, select Use default method (many-to-one mapping) and under Authentication data entry select node_name/RAM_Con from the menu.
    3. Under JNDI names, select jdbc/RAM_Con and click Apply.
    4. In the section javax.sql.DataSource under Specify Authentication Data Entry, select Use Default Method and select node_name/RAM_Con from the menu.
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Click Next.
      Note: A page might display with a series of warnings that resource assignments (jms/RAM_Factory, jms/RAM_Cache, url/RAM_Local, and url/RAM_Persist) are missing for resource references. You can safely ignore these warnings. Click Continue.
  10. Click Next on the next three pages, or click Step 10 in the navigation pane.
  11. On the page titled Summary, click Finish.
  12. When the installation of the EAR file finishes, click Save to Master Configuration.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Install the Rational Asset Manager Help and Documentation web archive:
    1. Click Applications -> Enterprise Applications.
    2. Click Install.
    3. In the Specify path field, type the path and file name of the Rational Asset Manager Help and Documentation WAR file iehs.war. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    4. In the Context root field, type help for the context root.
    5. Click Next until you reach Step 3: Map virtual hosts for Web modules. Select the Web module and click Next.
    6. On the page titled Summary, click Finish.
    7. When the installation of the WAR file finishes, click Save to Master Configuration.
    8. Click Save.
  15. Install the Asset-based Development and Governance process web archive:
    1. Click Applications -> Enterprise Applications.
    2. Click Install.
    3. In the Specify path field, type the path and file name of the Asset-based Development and Governance process WAR file rmcabdgovernprocess.war. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    4. In the Context root field, type for the context root.
    5. Click Next until you reach Step 3: Map virtual hosts for Web modules. Select the Web module and click Next.
    6. On the page titled Summary, click Finish.
    7. When the installation of the WAR file finishes, click Save to Master Configuration.
    8. Click Save.
  16. Start the application.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Applications.
    2. Click Enterprise Applications.
    3. Select the newly installed Rational Asset Manager application and click Start.
  17. If Rational Asset Manager is accessed through the IIS or Apache server, perform the following steps; if Rational Asset Manager is accessed without a Web server front end, skip this step.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Servers.
    2. Click Web Servers.
    3. Select the Web server name and click Generate Plug-in. (If the Web server plug-in has never been created, refer to Installing Web server plug-ins.)
    4. Check the Web server name again and click Propagate Plug-in. This sends the plug-in to the Web server so that the Rational Asset Manager Server application can be referenced through the installed Web server.
  18. Restart WebSphere Application Server and Web servers.
  19. Use the following URLs to access Rational Asset Manager.
    1. If you use a Web server, type http://machine_name/
    2. If you do not use a Web server, type http://machine_name:13080/ (If this URL does not work, use the port number for the Default Host that is defined in Virtual Hosts under Environment in the navigation pane.)
  20. Configure the Rational Asset Manager server application. Refer to Configuring the Rational Asset Manager server application.

Installing Rational Asset Manager server on Tomcat

You can manually install Rational Asset Manager on an existing installation of Apache Tomcat.

Deploying Rational Asset Manager on Apache Tomcat V5.5 connected to DB2

Rational Asset Manager can be installed manually on an existing installation of Apache Tomcat. These instructions are for deploying Rational Asset Manager on Tomcat V5.5.

Tomcat server must be installed and running.

  1. Locate the Rational Asset Manager server WAR files. The installer places these files in Rational Asset Manager install root/tomcat
  2. Start the Tomcat Manager: open http://localhost:8080/manager/html.
  3. Configure Tomcat to access DB2.
    1. Open the file TOMCAT_INSTALL_PATH\conf\server.xml in a text editor.
    2. Locate any lines in server.xml that begin with <Connector and contain port="8080" orport="8009". Change the start of this line to <Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8".
    3. Between the opening and closing tags for Global JNDI resources <GlobalNamingResources> and </GlobalNamingResources> in server.xml, enter the text below for your version Tomcat.
      Note: For the values your_username and your_password, use a userid and password that has access to the database. The values shown for "maxWait," "maxActive" and "maxIdle" are sample values and can be adjusted according to your performance needs.
    <Resource name="jdbc/RAM_Con"
    url=" jdbc:db2://fully_qualified_server_name:db2_port_number/database_name "
  4. Configure Tomcat server for security.
    1. Edit the file Tomcat_install_path\conf\tomcat-users.xml.
    2. Add user IDs that are required for authentication.
  5. Copy the following JAR files from the DB2 installaton location\java folder of your DB2 installation to the Tomcat_install_path\common\lib folder:
  6. Restart Tomcat server.
  7. Install the Rational Asset Manager WAR files on Tomcat server:
    1. Open Tomcat Manager (http://localhost:8080/manager/html) and log with the correct userID and password for administrator.
    2. In the Select WAR file to upload field at the bottom of the Tomcat Web Application Manager page under WAR file to deploy, browse to the location where you retrieved the file from the installation media. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. Repeat the previous steps to deploy the file, entering this file as the WAR file to upload.
    5. The WAR files are displayed in the list of applications
  8. Install the Rational Asset Manager help WAR file on Tomcat server:
    1. In Tomcat Manager in the section Deploy directory or WAR file located on server, enter the location where you retrieved the file iehs.war from the installation media in the field WAR or Directory URL. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    2. Type /help in the Context Path (optional) field.
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. The WAR file is displayed in the list of applications
  9. Install the Rational Asset Manager Asset-based Process Governance documentation WAR files on Tomcat server:
    1. In Tomcat Manager in the section Deploy directory or WAR file located on server, enter the location where you retrieved the file rmcabdgovernprocess.war from the installation media in the field WAR or Directory URL. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    2. Type /abdprocess in the Context Path (optional) field,
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. The WAR file is displayed in the list of applications
  10. Open Rational Asset Manager using Tomcat (http://localhost:8080/ or through a Web server (http://Webserver_Name/

Deploying Rational Asset Manager on Apache Tomcat V5.5 connected to Oracle

Rational Asset Manager can be installed manually on an existing installation of Apache Tomcat. These instructions are for deploying Rational Asset Manager on Tomcat V5.5.

Tomcat must be installed and running.

  1. Locate the Rational Asset Manager Server WAR files. The installer places these files in <Rational Asset Manager install root>/tomcat.
  2. Launch the Tomcat Manager: open http://localhost:8080/manager/html.
  3. Configure Tomcat server to access Oracle.
    1. Open the file TOMCAT_INSTALL_PATH\conf\server.xml in a text editor.
    2. Locate any lines in server.xml that begin with <Connector and contain port="8080" orport="8009". Change the start of this line to <Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8".
    3. Between the opening and closing tags for Global JNDI resources <GlobalNamingResources> and </GlobalNamingResources> in server.xml, enter the text below for your version Tomcat.
      Note: For the values your_username and your_password, use a userid and password that has access to the database. The values shown for "maxWait," "maxActive" and "maxIdle" are sample values and can be adjusted according to your performance needs.
    <Resource name="jdbc/RAM_Con"
  4. Configure Tomcat server for security.
    1. Edit Tomcat_install_path\conf\tomcat-users.xml.
    2. Add user IDs that are required for authentication.
  5. Add the following JAR file to the Tomcat_install_path\common\lib folder: This file should be available from your database application provider.
  6. Restart Tomcat.
  7. Install the Rational Asset Manager WAR files on Tomcat server:
    1. Open Tomcat Manager (http://localhost:8080/manager/html) and log with the correct userID and password for administrator.
    2. In the Select WAR file to upload field at the bottom of the Tomcat Web Application Manager page under WAR file to deploy, browse to the location where you retrieved the file from the installation media. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. Repeat the previous steps to deploy the file, entering this file as the WAR file to upload.
    5. The WAR files are displayed in the list of applications
  8. Install the Rational Asset Manager help WAR file on Tomcat server:
    1. In Tomcat Manager in the section Deploy directory or WAR file located on server, enter the location where you retrieved the file iehs.war from the installation media in the field WAR or Directory URL. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    2. Type /help in the Context Path (optional) field.
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. The WAR file is displayed in the list of applications
  9. Install the Rational Asset Manager Asset-based Process Governance documentation WAR files on Tomcat server:
    1. In Tomcat Manager in the section Deploy directory or WAR file located on server, enter the location where you retrieved the file rmcabdgovernprocess.war from the installation media in the field WAR or Directory URL. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    2. Type /abdprocess in the Context Path (optional) field,
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. The WAR file is displayed in the list of applications
  10. Open Rational Asset Manager using Tomcat (http://localhost:8080/ or through a Web server (http://Webserver_Name/

Deploying Rational Asset Manager on Apache Tomcat V5.5 connected to SQL Server 2005

Rational Asset Manager can be installed manually on an existing installation of Apache Tomcat. These instructions are for deploying Rational Asset Manager on Tomcat V5.5.

Tomcat server must be installed and running.

  1. Locate the Rational Asset Manager Server WAR files. The installer places these files in Rational Asset Manager install root/tomcat.
  2. Start the Tomcat Manager: open http://localhost:8080/manager/html.
  3. Configure Tomcat server to access SQL Server.
    1. Open the file TOMCAT_INSTALL_PATH\conf\server.xml in a text editor.
    2. Locate any lines in server.xml that begin with <Connector and contain port="8080" orport="8009". Change the start of this line to <Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8".
    3. Between the opening and closing tags for Global JNDI resources <GlobalNamingResources> and </GlobalNamingResources> in server.xml, enter the text below for your version Tomcat.
      Note: For the values your_username and your_password, use a userid and password that has access to the database. The values shown for "maxWait," "maxActive" and "maxIdle" are sample values and can be adjusted according to your performance needs.
    <Resource name="jdbc/RAM_Con"
  4. Configure Tomcat server for security.
    1. Edit Tomcat_install_path\conf\tomcat-users.xml.
    2. Add user userIDs that are required for authentication.
  5. Add the following JAR file to the Tomcat_install_path\common\lib folder: This file should be available from your database application provider.
  6. Restart Tomcat.
  7. Install the Rational Asset Manager WAR files on Tomcat server:
    1. Open Tomcat Manager (http://localhost:8080/manager/html) and log with the correct userID and password for administrator.
    2. In the Select WAR file to upload field at the bottom of the Tomcat Web Application Manager page under WAR file to deploy, browse to the location where you retrieved the file from the installation media. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. Repeat the previous steps to deploy the file, entering this file as the WAR file to upload.
    5. The WAR files are displayed in the list of applications
  8. Install the Rational Asset Manager help WAR file on Tomcat server:
    1. In Tomcat Manager in the section Deploy directory or WAR file located on server, enter the location where you retrieved the file iehs.war from the installation media in the field WAR or Directory URL. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    2. Type /help in the Context Path (optional) field.
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. The WAR file is displayed in the list of applications
  9. Install the Rational Asset Manager Asset-based Process Governance documentation WAR files on Tomcat server:
    1. In Tomcat Manager in the section Deploy directory or WAR file located on server, enter the location where you retrieved the file rmcabdgovernprocess.war from the installation media in the field WAR or Directory URL. Refer to Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for Windows and Linux from the installation media or Retrieving the Rational Asset Manager server application for AIX from the installation media to locate this file.
    2. Type /abdprocess in the Context Path (optional) field,
    3. Click Deploy.
    4. The WAR file is displayed in the list of applications
  10. Open Rational Asset Manager using Tomcat (http://localhost:8080/ or through a Web server (http://Webserver_Name/

Configuring the Rational Asset Manager server application

To finalize configuration of the Rational Asset Manager server application, perform the steps in this section.

Note: Sample values in the section are for a basic standalone environment. For a more complex installations, the server administrator will need to customize these settings for their environment.

The application server that hosts the Rational Asset Manager server application must be started before you can complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Rational Asset Manager server application using the appropriate URL:
  2. Log in using admin for both the User ID and Password.
  3. The first time that you access Rational Asset Manager, you will see a Configuration Error page. Click thehere link and enter the administrator user ID and password at the prompts. The Rational Asset Manager Configuration page opens.
  4. Specify the license server path:
    1. Under License Server Path, type the port number, then the full name of the license server, separated by '@'. For example, 8010@license_server_path. If you have multiple license servers, separate multiple entries with commas. For example,,,
  5. Specify the Web server path:
    1. Under Web Server Path, type:
      http://host name:port number/
      where host name is the host name of the application server and port number is the HTTP transport port.

      For example, type:
  6. Specify the Web Services path:
    1. Under Web Services Path, type:
      http://host name:port number/
      where host name is the host name of the application server and port number is the HTTP transport port.

      For example, type:
  7. Specify the documentation path:
    1. Under Path to Information center, if the help and documentation Web application is on the same server as the server application, check Use default. Otherwise, clear the Use default check box and type the URL to the server where the help Web application is installed; for example,
    2. Under Path to Asset-based Development process, if the Asset-based Development and Governance Process documentation Web application is on the same server as the server application, check Use default. Otherwise, clear the Use default check box and type the URL to the server where the help Web application is installed; for example,
  8. Click on the Help link. (If the help system does not open, check that you included the documentation when you installed Rational Asset Manager server.)
  9. In the navigation pane, expand the section "Administering the repository," then "Configuring repository settings."
  10. Complete the remaining topics in the section entitled "Post-installation configuration." Additional steps that may be needed, depending on your configuration, are included in the section entitled "Optional configuration."

Additional configuration requirements for Linux and AIX

If you are running Rational Asset Manager on Linux or AIX, perform the tasks in this section as needed to complete your configuration.

Enabling artifact content indexing for Linux and AIX

To enable artifact content indexing on Linux and AIX, you must add the Stellent files to your library path environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for Linux) or LIBPATH (for AIX).

The Stellent files are located in the following directories, depending on which application you used for installing Rational Asset Manager server:

If you do not modify your library path variable to enable content indexing, you typically see an error on the Rational Asset Manager status page indicating that artifact indexing has been turned off.

To add update your library variable:

  1. Consult your shell's man page for specific details on how to set environment variables. For example, in the Bash shell, enter the command LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:path for WebSphere Application Server or Tomcat path shown above.
  2. After you update the environment variable, restart the Rational Asset Manager server.

Enabling content indexing to run for non-root users (Linux and AIX)

If you must run WebSphere Application Server or Apache Tomcat as a non-root user, then set the appropriate exporter permission on the directory that contains the files for Stellent content indexing.

To set exporter permission:

  1. Log in as root.
  2. In a command line, change to the directory of the Stellent content indexing files described in Enabling artifact content indexing for Linux and AIX.
  3. Type the following command: chmod 755 exporter.

Enabling database connectivity for non-root users (Linux and AIX)

If you must run WebSphere Application Server or Apache Tomcat as a non-root user, then you must set the appropriate permission on the database Java archive files that you upload.

To set permission:

  1. Log in as root.
  2. In a command line, change to the <WAS_install_directory>/profiles/<profile_name>/config/cells/<cell_name>/ram_jdbc directory.
  3. Type the following command: chmod 755 database jar file name (for example, chmod 755 db2jcc.jar).
  4. Repeat step 3 for each database Java archive file that you uploaded.

Rational Asset Manager Tuning Guide

The performance of Rational Asset Manager heavily depends on how you tune your application server, database, Web server, caching proxy, load balancer, and operating system. This section provides guidelines for how to tune these systems and Rational Asset Manager. Although it is not possible to cover every setting, the information provided here is a good starting point for driving high user loads on Rational Asset Manager. This section does not cover hardware setups or the expected user loads that can be supported in various setups. Refer to the Rational Asset Manager Capacity Planning Guide for this information.

Rational Asset Manager Tuning

The Rational Asset Manager configuration page has settings that you can adjust to achieve optimal performance. This page can be accessed by any repository administrator.

Table 4. Cross-Platform Rational Asset Manager Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Slow responses when searching for assets Local folder / Do not use a shared folder

For best performance, each application server should have its own local folder on a hard disk local to the machine. This folder contains the search index, so it is recommended that the local folder be placed on a drive capable of fast reads and writes. This should not be the same hard disk on which the application server or operating system is installed. Although you can use a local folder that is shared between all application servers, this will degrade performance.

To set the parameter, log in to Rational Asset Manager as an administrator and navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> Local folder.

General performance issues at regular intervals Statistics index builder schedule / 10 minutes

Frequently running the statistics index builder leads to poor performance. A default setting of 10 minutes is adequate for most environments.

To set the parameter, log in to Rational Asset Manager as an administrator and navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> Statistics index builder schedule.

General performance issues at regular intervals Process subscriptions schedule / Set time for low workload periods

Subscriptions can be processed at custom intervals. For better performance, set this interval to a time when Rational Asset Manager experiences a relatively low workload.

To set the parameter, log in to Rational Asset Manager as an administrator and navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> Statistics index builder schedule.

General performance issues at regular intervals User and group information update schedule / Set time for low workload periods

User and group information can be processed at custom intervals. For better performance, set this interval to a time when Rational Asset Manager experiences a relatively low workload.

To set the parameter, log in to Rational Asset Manager as an administrator and navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> User / group information update schedule.

General performance issues at regular intervals Review process notifications schedule / Set time for low workload periods

Review process notifications can be processed at custom intervals. For better performance, set this interval to a time when Rational Asset Manager experiences a relatively low workload.

To set the paramater, log in to Rational Asset Manager as an administrator and navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> Review process notification schedule.

In addition to the above parameters, administrators can access the Job Status page in Rational Asset Manager by navigating to Administration -> Configuration -> View Job Status. This page will display currently running or previously run jobs that might impact performance in Rational Asset Manager. Error messages might also display on the Job Status page.

Application Server Tuning

Rational Asset Manager works closely with your application server; therefore, optimizing your application server settings will improve the performance of Rational Asset Manager.

This section specifically covers WebSphere Application Server V6.1 settings that significantly affect performance. You can also adjust these setting in WebSphere Application Server V6.0, but the instructions to set the parameters might be different.

Important: Back up your WebSphere Application Server profile before changing any parameters.

Table 5. Cross-Platform WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Out of memory errors in logs Java Virtual Machine heap size / Between 1300 and 2000

On a server with 4GB of memory is installed, you can specify two instances with a heap size of 1300MB, or one instance with a heap size of 2000MB. You must watch the system paging to make sure that there is enough memory available. If your server has 8GB of memory, then specify 2 instances with a heap size of 2000MB for each instance.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Servers -> Application servers -> Java and process management -> Process definition -> Java virtual machine -> Initial heap size and Maximum heap size.

Database connection errors JDBC Maximum Connections / 100

Make sure that there are enough JDBC connections available to support all users that are logged into Rational Asset Manager.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Resources -> JDBC -> Data sources -> <Rational Asset Manager data source> -> Connection pool properties -> Maximum connections.

Refer also to topic "MAXAPPLS and MAXAGENTS parameters" under DB2 tuning.

Refer also to topic "Maximum number of processes for AIX and Linux" under operating system tuning.

Out of memory errors in logs - session issues Session Timeout / Default (30 minutes)

The default value for a session timeout in WebSphere Application Server 6.1 is 30 minutes. Although we did not change this value for our tests, setting this value to a shorter time will allow for more users, especially if you have many users making quick transactions. Setting this value too low might not allow users to upload very large assets.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Servers -> Application servers -> <Server name> -> Session management -> Set timeout.

High CPU usage observed Performance monitor infrastructure / disabled

By default, WebSphere Application Server v6.1 enables basic performance monitor infrastructure (PMI). Although PMI is a good tool for tuning an application server, for maximum performance, disable this feature after the server has been properly tuned. You must disable it for all instances and node agents.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Monitoring and Tuning -> Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) -> <Server name> -> Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).

General performance issues Prepared Statement Cache / 100

WebSphere Application Server provides the ability cache commonly used prepared statements. If cached statements are being discarded, turn on PMI in WebSphere Application Server and increase the value.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Resources -> JDBC -> Data sources -> <Rational Asset Manager data source> -> WebSphere Application Server data source properties -> Statement cache size.

Refer also to topic "Further Information for Tuning WebSphere Application Server."

Session timeout issues Maximum In-Memory Session Count / Default

By default, Websphere Applcation Server 6.1 will maintain up to 1000 sessions in memory. However, the Allow Overflow option is also selected, which indicates that additional sessions will be stored in a secondary session table. If you expect to have more than 1000 in memory sessions, you must increase the number for the secondary session table.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Servers -> Application Servers -> <Server name> -> Session Management -> Maximum in-memory session count.

Periodic slowness; observed performance spikes due to garbage collections Class Garbage Collection / Xgcpolicy:optavgpause (for WebSphere Application Server Fix Pack 16 and below) or -Xgcpolicy:gencon (for WebSphere Application Server Fix Pack 17 and above)

Your specific server environment or workload might benefit from one of the other garbage collection settings. See for more information on garbage collection settings.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Servers -> Application servers -> <Server name> -> Java and process management -> Process definition -> Java virtual machine -> Generic JVM arguments.

Server fails during transfer of large files; possibly with out of memory or malloc errors in logs Web container custom property channelwritetype / synchronous data transfer (sync) The use of asynchronous data transfer may require an excessive number of buffers to send data over a TCP/IP connection.

1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, navigate to Servers -> Application Servers -> serverName -> Web Container Settings -> Web Container -> Custom Properties.

2. Click New.

3. Add the following pair:

  • Name:
  • Value: sync

Click OK and then save the configuration. Restart the application server to pick up the property.

For a deployment manager:

1. Start an interactive wsadmin session:

<dmgr-profile-root>\bin>wsadmin -lang jacl

2. Copy the following block of lines, then paste them all at once at the wsadmin> prompt:

set dmgr [$AdminConfig getid /Server:dmgr/]
set webcontainer [$AdminConfig list WebContainer $dmgr]
$AdminConfig create Property $webcontainer {{name} {value sync}} properties
$AdminConfig show $webcontainer
$AdminConfig save

3. Restart the deployment manager to pick up the property.

For more information, refer to

Table 6. AIX / Linux WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
CPU is being overused or underused WebContainer Pools / 30

Web container threads are used by the application server to handle requests. If you notice that the CPU of the server is underused, try increasing this number. If it is overused, try reducing this number. Do not set the web container threads above 50.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Servers -> Application servers -> <Server name> -> Thread pools -> WebContainer.

Minimum size: 15

Maximum size: 30

Table 7. Windows WebSphere Application Server 6.1 Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
CPU is being overused or underused WebContainer Pools / 50

Web container threads are used by the application server to handle requests. If you notice that the CPU of the server is underused, try increasing this number. If it is overused, try reducing this number. Do not set the web container threads above 50.

To set the parameter, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Servers -> Application servers -> <Server name> -> Thread pools -> WebContainer.

Minimum size: 25

Maximum size: 50

In addition to these parameters, you can tune WebSphere Application Server under a specific workload by turning on Performance Monitor Infrastructure (PMI). This will provide detailed graphs showing performance data. Although you should have PMI turned on under a normal workload to capture data, this will decrease performance and it should be turned off after data capture is complete.

To enable PMI, log in to WebSphere Administrative Console and navigate to Monitoring and Tuning -> Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) -> <Server name> -> Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).

Additional resources:

Database Server Tuning

A well tuned database is extremely important to achieving a high level of performance in Rational Asset Manager. This section is specific to DB2 version 9.1, but many of the parameters here are available in other versions of DB2. There might be similar parameters in Oracle and SQL Server.

Table 8. Cross-Platform DB2, version 9.1 Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
No connections available MAXAPPLS / AUTOMATIC (WebSphere Application Server maximum JDBC connections * the number of instances)

Make sure that MAXAPPLS is set high enough to handle the number of JDBC Connection Pools that are specified in your application server. The MAXAPPLS setting must be greater than or equal to the JDBC Maximum Connections setting.

Setting location: Database parameters

Also refer to topic "JDBC Maximum Connections" under Application Server Tuning

No connections available MAXAGENTS / AUTOMATIC (WebSphere Application Server maximum JDBC connections * the number of instances)

Make sure that MAXAGENTS is set high enough to handle the number of JDBC Connection Pools that are specified in your application server. The MAXAGENTS setting must be greater than or equal to the JDBC Maximum Connections setting.

Setting location: Instance parameters

Also refer to topic "JDBC Maximum Connections" under Application Server Tuning


The MAXLOCKS parameter indicates the maximum percentage of available locks within DB2 that an application can hold before escalating row locks to table locks. These table locks can result in deadlocks.

Setting location: Database parameters

Deadlocks LOCKLIST / AUTOMATIC (20000)

The LOCKLIST parameter represents the available memory for locks in DB2. You can use the following formula to set this parameter in a specific environment:

LOCKLIST = [(512 * 64 * MAXAPPLS) / 4096]*2

Do not set this higher than the memory heap that is available to DB2. Setting location: Database parameters

Deadlocks LOCKTIMEOUT / 60

If a single lock is stopping other transactions, this can result in a deadlock. To make sure this does not happen, set the lock time out to 60 seconds.

Setting Location: Database parameters

General performance issues Statistics / Schedule regular runs Running statistics against the tables will help the optimizer determine the best path for accessing data. Statistics should be run on a regular basis or scheduled automatically.
Errors during database migrations LOG_FIL_SIZ / 10000 The migration function in Rational Asset Manager might not work on databases with thousands of assets of the LOG_FIL_SIZ is set too low.
Table 9. AIX / Linux DB2, version 9.1 Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Unable to access DB2 server *See Topic: Maximum number of processes for AIX and Linux under operating system tuning. If you cannot access the DB2 server, it might be possible that the db2agents have used the maximum number of processes.

Other parameters to check in your specific environment can include, but is not limited to:

Setting parameters to AUTOMATIC within DB2 will allow DB2 to tune the parameters based on the current workload. At first, this can result in a negative performance impact and some potential errors if certain values are not tuned quickly enough, but it is a good way to determine what parameters may need to be tuned to achieve maximum performance.

If you set a parameter too high and cannot start the DB2 control center, the parameter can be changed on the DB2 command line by using the statement db2 update db cfg for db_name using parameter_name value.

Additional Resources:

Web Server Tuning

This section provides tuning information for IBM HTTP Web Server, which is included in the supplements for Websphere Application Server.

The parameters that are described in this section can be modified in the httpd.conf file.

Table 10. Cross-Platform Web Server Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Connection closed errors MaxKeepAliveRequests / 0 This directive signifies the maximum number of requests that a single client can make before the connection is closed. Generally, this value is set to 0.
General performance issues LoadModule / ibm_afpa_module modules/

To cache static content such as images, uncomment the following line:

LoadModule ibm_afpa_module modules/

This will activate the Fast Response Cache Accelerator (FRCA).

General Performance Issues Afpa Logging / off

If you do not need FRCA logging turned on, you can turn it off by placing the comment character ('#') before the AfpaLogFile directive. Doing this will also boost server performance.

#AfpaLogFile "_path_to_server_/logs/afpalog" V-ECLF
Table 11. AIX / Linux Web Server Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Out of threads errors in web server logs ThreadLimit / 25 Depending on how many users access Rational Asset Manager at a given time, it might be necessary to increase the thread limit. To see if you need to increase the limit, check the web server logs for out of threads errors or warnings.
Out of threads errors in web server logs ThreadsPerChild / 25 Depending on how many users access Rational Asset Manager at a given time, it might be necessary to increase the thread limit. To see if you need to increase the limit, check the web server logs for out of threads errors or warnings.
Table 12. Windows Web Server Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Out of threads errors in web server logs ThreadLimit / 4000 Depending on how many users access Rational Asset Manager at a given time, it might be necessary to increase the thread limit. To see if you need to increase the limit, check the web server logs for out of threads errors or warnings.
Out of threads errors in web server logs ThreadsPerChild / 3000 Depending on how many users access Rational Asset Manager at a given time, it might be necessary to increase the thread limit. To see if you need to increase the limit, check the web server logs for out of threads errors or warnings.

Additional Resources:

Caching Proxy Tuning

This section specifically covers IBM Edge Caching Proxy.

You can modify the parameters that are described in this document in the ibmproxy.conf file.

Table 13. IBM Edge Server Tuning Parameters
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Unable to upload assets with large file sizes LimitRequestBody / 2G By default, this parameter is set to 10 M. Change this to a larger value so that users can upload large files.
Unable to upload assets with large file sizes due to timeouts InputTimeOut / 60 Minutes

Changing this parameter to 60 minutes will give users sufficient time to upload large assets.

Refer also to topic "Session Timeout" under Application Server Tuning

Unable to upload assets with large file sizes due to timeouts ReadTimeout / 60 Minutes

Changing this parameter to 60 minutes will give users sufficient time to upload large assets.

Refer also to topic "Session Timeout" under Application Server Tuning

Unable to upload assets with large file sizes due to timeouts ScriptTimeout / 60 Minutes

Changing this parameter to 60 minutes will give users sufficient time to upload large assets.

Refer also to topic "Session Timeout" under Application Server Tuning

Table 14. Additional Settings
Parameter Setting
SendRevProxyName yes
PurgeAge 3
DirShowCase off
MaxActiveThreads 110
ConnThreads 15
MaxPersistRequest 15
ServerConnPool on
CacheMemory 1200 M (max)
CacheAlgorithm responsetime
numclient 100
flexibleSocks off
listenBacklog 256

Operating System Tuning



Table 15. Windows Operating System Settings
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
"Address already in use" errors seen when testing with Rational Performance Tester. registry item MaxUserPort / 65534
  1. In the registry editor, navigate to My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
  2. Right-click Parameters, click New -> DWORD Value.
  3. Type MaxUserPort for the name of the DWORD value.
  4. Right-click the value and click Modify.
  5. Set the value to 65534.
  6. Under base, select Decimal.
  7. Reboot the machine.
To avoid session availability bottleneck (seen with 900 users on 6-instance cluster) registry item TcpTimedWaitDelay / 30
  1. In the registry editor, navigate to My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.
  2. Right-click Parameters, click New -> DWORD Value.
  3. Type TcpTimedWaitDelay for the name of the DWORD value.
  4. Right-click the value and click Modify.
  5. Set the value to 30.
  6. Under Base, select Decimal.
  7. Reboot the machine.

Additional Resources:


The following instructions are specific to AIX.

Maximum number of processes

The maximum number of processes that a user can run must be set to a high enough level. This is especially true of the database server, which can have many database agents.

To view the set maximum number of processes, use the following command:

lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc

To set the maximum number of processes, use the following command:

chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=2000

This will result in a limit of 2000.

File descriptors

In the /etc/security/limits file, change all settings to unlimited.

Soft FILE Size      -1
Soft CPU Time       -1
Soft STACK Size     -1
Soft CORE File Size -1
Hard FILE Size      -1
Hard CPU Time       -1
Hard STACK Size     -1
Hard CORE File Size -1

This can also be accomplished by using the ulimit command.

Table 16. AIX/Linux Operating System Settings
Problem Parameter / Setting Additional Details
Going to external DNS /etc/netsvc.conf Add this line to the netsvc.conf file:
Ethernet adapter is doing Segmentation Offload
no -o tcp_recvspace=65536
no -o tcp_sendspace=65536
no -o udp_sendspace=65536
no -o udp_recvspace=65536
no -o tcp_finwait2=60
no -o tcp_timewait=1
no -o tcp_keepidle=600
no -o tcp_keepintvl=10
no -o tcp_keepinit=40
The impact of these commands is affected by how big the TCP/IP packets are that your application creates, sends, or receives. The "no -a" commands are in effect until the system is rebooted. To make them permanent, add them to the /etc/tunables/nextboot file. These can also be set on a per-tcpip-interface basis. Check the "lsattr -E -l en0" and if they are not set there, then AIX uses the "no -a" values.
AIX sees a number of virtual processors that is greater than the number of physical processors. smtctl -m off The AIX smtctl command shows how many virtual processors that AIX sees. Turn SMT off with the command:
smtctl -m off
The two threads on each physical processor share a Level1 cache. If the threads are unrelated, they corrupt the other cache data, which can end up slowing down the overall throughput as the system waits for more memory fetches to refresh the cache. Consider making a couple of test runs with this on and off to see what setting is best for your workload.
NIS is running. Disable NIS. If the /etc/hosts and /etc/passwd files contain lines with '+', then the system is running 'NIS', also called YellowPages. This can also be seen by
ps -ef | grep yp
NIS is not normally enabled on AIX-out-of-the-box. If you do not need this for the application server, consider a test run with NIS disabled.
Many sockets in FIN_WAIT_2 state no -o tcp_finwait2=60

If the "netstat -an" shows many sockets in FIN_WAIT_2 state, this means "high connection rates occur" and will correspond to the "Address already in use" message that is in server logs.

This can be controlled by a "no" command. First look at the current setting,

"no -a | grep fin"

and see the default of 1200 half-seconds (i.e., 10 minutes). Try a test run with the following setting:

no -o tcp_finwait2=60

The "no" command is good until reset or until a reboot. To make it permanent, define it in /etc/tunables/nextboot.

The processor is capable of using large pages, but is not doing so. Add parameter to JVM: -Xlp/-Xlp64 Enables 64 KB pages.

Additional Resources:

Creating a backup of a Rational Asset Manager repository

To make a backup copy of your Rational Asset Manager repository that can be restored later:

  1. Log into the Rational Asset Manager Web client as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration -> Configuration.
  3. Note the location of the persist folder.
  4. Stop the server.
  5. On the machine where the database is located, create a backup of the Rational Asset Manager database. Refer to the documentation for your database application for instructions.
  6. In the operating system, create a backup copy of the persist folder

Installing the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client

This section describes how to install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client application.

You can install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse Client by the following methods:

Installing Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client using Eclipse update manager

You can install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client into an existing version of Eclipse by using the Eclipse update manager.

Your Eclipse IDE must meet the software requirements before you can install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client into it. See Software requirements for detailed requirements. You must also know the URL for accessing the Rational Asset Manager server using the Web client.

  1. Start Eclipse.
  2. Click Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install.
  3. In the Install/Update pane, select Search for new features to install.
  4. Click New Remote Site
  5. Provide the Update site details:
    1. Type a name for the new entry; for example, type Rational Asset Manager.
    2. Open the Rational Asset Manager Web client and click Extensions in the header or footer of the application.
    3. On the Extensions page in the Eclipse Client Plug-in section, copy the URL listed next to Update site and paste it into the URL field.

      If the Rational Asset Manager server is only available on an https protocol, the Eclipse client will not be able to use the update site. To resolve this, refer to the topic entitled Adding the server's public certificate to the Eclipse client.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Select the new Rational Asset Manager site.
  8. Accept the license agreement and click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Click Install All.
    Note: If you are installing the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client into Rational Team Concert, you can uncheck these features, which should already be installed:
    • IBM Rational common user assistance
    • IBM Rational common user assistance resources

To verify that the installation was successful, open the Asset Management perspective; click Window -> Open Perspective -> Other and then select Asset Management from the list. Click OK.

Installing IBM Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client using the IBM Installation Manager graphical interface

The following steps describe how to install the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client package with the Installation Manager GUI.

  1. Start the Rational Asset Manager launchpad program (see Installing from the launchpad program) and then select IBM Rational Asset Manager. If Installation Manager is not already installed, follow the steps in the installation wizard to complete the installation. The Install Packages wizard opens.
  2. The Install page of Install Packages wizard lists all the packages found in the repositories that Installation Manager searched.
  3. To search for updates to the IBM Rational Asset Manager package, click Check for updates.
  4. Select the Rational Asset Manager client and any updates to the package that you want to install. Updates that have dependencies are automatically selected and cleared together. Click Next to continue.
    Note: If you install multiple packages at the same time, then all the packages will be installed into the same package group.
  5. On the Licenses page, read the license agreement for the selected package. If you selected more than one package to install, there might be a license agreement for each package. On the left side of the License page, click each package version to display its license agreement. The package versions that you selected to install (for example, the base package and an update) are listed under the package name.
    1. If you agree to the terms of all of the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
    2. Click Next to continue.
  6. If you are installing the first package on this computer, then on the Location page, type the path for the shared resources directory in the Shared Resources Directory field; or accept the default path. The shared resources directory contains resources that can be shared by one or more package groups. Click Next to continue.

    The default path is:

    Important: You can specify the shared resources directory only the first time that you install a package. Use your largest disk for this to help ensure adequate space for the shared resources of future packages. You cannot change the directory location unless you uninstall all packages.
  7. On the Location page, either choose an existing package group to install the IBM Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client package into, or create a new one. A package group represents a directory in which packages share resources with other packages in the same group. To create a new package group:
    1. Click Create a new package group.
    2. Type the path for the installation directory for the package group. The name for the package group is created automatically.

      The default path is:

      • For Windows. C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70
      • For Linux. /opt/IBM/SDP70
    3. Click Next to continue.
  8. On the next Location page, you can choose to extend an existing Eclipse IDE already installed on your system, adding the functionality in the packages that you are installing.
  9. On the Features page under Languages, select the languages for the package group. The corresponding national language translations for the user interface and documentation for the IBM Rational Asset Manager package will be installed. Note that your choices apply to all packages installed under this package group.
  10. On the next Features page, click Next. Note that the one feature for IBM Rational Asset Manager cannot be cleared.
  11. On the Summary page, review your choices before installing the IBM Rational Asset Manager package. If you want to change the choices that you made on previous pages, click Back and make your changes. When you are satisfied with your installation choices, click Install to install the package. A progress indicator shows the percentage of the installation completed.
  12. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.
    1. Click View log file to open the installation log file for the current session in a new window. You must close the Installation Log window to continue.
    2. In the Install Package wizard, select whether you want IBM Rational Asset Manager client to start when you exit.
    3. Click Finish to launch the selected package. The Install Package wizard closes and you are returned to the Start page of Installation Manager.

Installing silently

You can install a product package by running Installation Manager in silent installation mode. When you run Installation Manager in silent mode, the user interface is not available; instead, Installation Manager uses a response file to input the commands that are required to install the product package.

Running Installation Manager in silent mode is helpful because it enables you to use a batch process to install, update, modify and uninstall product packages through scripts.

Note: For Rational Asset Manager, only the Eclipse client can be installed silently.

Note that you must install Installation Manager before you can silently install a package.

There are two main tasks required for silent installation:

  1. Create the response file.
  2. Run Installation Manager in silent installation mode.

For details on creating a response file and running Installation Manager in silent mode, see the Installation Manager online help.

Adding the server public certificate to the Eclipse client

If the Rational Asset Manager server is only available on an https protocol, the Eclipse client will not be able to use the update site. To resolve this, you must add the server's public certificate to the Eclipse client.

These instructions are for a Windows computer with a Firefox browser. Instructions for Linux are similar.

  1. Save the certificate.
    1. Access the Rational Asset Manager Web client using a browser.
    2. Double-click the security icon in the status bar. The Security window opens.
    3. Click View Certificate.
    4. In the Certificate Viewer, click the Details tab.
    5. On the Details page, click Export.
    6. In the Save Certificate to File window, select X.509 Certificate (DER) in the Save as Type list.
    7. Click Save.
  2. (Optional) Create the keystore. You can use an existing keystore or create a new one. To create a new keystore, run the following command from a command prompt:
    keytool.exe -genkey -keystore ram.keystore -storepass ibmram
    The keystore will contain the keys for the Eclipse client.
  3. Import the certificate to the keystore.
    1. From a command prompt, run the following command to import the certificate:
      keytool.exe  -import -alias [server] -file [server].der -keystore ram.keystore -storepass ibmram
      Where server is the name of the server with Rational Asset Manager server.
    2. Type yes to accept the certificate and press Enter.
    3. Verify that the certificate was added to the keystore.
  4. Launch the Eclipse client from a command prompt using the following command:
    eclipse -vmargs"drive:\path\to\certificate\ram.keystore"
    Where drive:\path\to\certificate\ram.keystore is the full path to the ram.keystore file. Eclipse will start and will trust the connection with the server.

Uninstalling Rational Asset Manager

The Uninstall Packages option in the Installation Manager enables you to uninstall packages from a single installation location. You can also uninstall all the installed packages from every installation location.

To uninstall the packages, you must log in to the system using the same user account that you used to install the product packages.

Note: If you are uninstalling Rational Asset Manager server, Installation Manager will only remove the files that it installed. If you installed the Rational Asset Manager server manually on an application server, then you must uninstall it manually.
Note: If you deployed enterprise or Web archive files using the Rational Asset Manager setup assistant, you must uninstall them manually or through the setup assistant. Installation Manager can only uninstall applications that it has installed.

To uninstall the packages:

  1. Close the programs that you installed using Installation Manager.
  2. If you are uninstalling Rational Asset Manager server on embedded WebSphere Application server, then stop the server. For example, run the stopServer.bat server1 from a command prompt in the WAS_PROFILE/bin folder.
  3. On the Start page click Uninstall Packages.
  4. In the Uninstall Packages page, select the Rational Asset Manager product package that you want to uninstall. Click Next.
  5. In the Summary page, review the list of packages that will be uninstalled and then click Uninstall. The Complete page is displayed after the packages are removed.
  6. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

Uninstalling Rational Asset Manager applications installed using the server setup application

If you used the Rational Asset Manager server setup application to deploy Rational Asset Manager applications, instead of using the Installation Manager to install them, you can uninstall the enterprise and Web archives from the application server using the server setup application, but you must manually remove any other settings and configurations.

  1. Launch the Rational Asset Manager server setup application.
  2. On the deployment page, click uninstall for each enterprise or Web archive to be removed from the application server.
  3. Open the WebSphere Administrative Console and remove changes made for Rational Asset Manager. Refer to the section entitled Installing Rational Asset Manager server manually on WebSphere Application Server for assistance identifying configurations that were set up for Rational Asset Manager.

Uninstalling Rational Asset Manager from WebSphere Application Server manually

If you want to uninstall Rational Asset Manager manually, use the following instructions to uninstall the enterprise and Web archives from the application server and remove any other settings and configurations.

  1. Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  2. Log in using an administrator user ID and password.
  3. Delete the datasource.
    1. Locate and click the Datasource with the JNDI name jdbc/RAM_Con
      • If you are using a standalone server, you may find it under the Server scope.
      • If you are using a network server, you may find it under the cluster that Rational Asset Manager was installed on.
    2. Note the name of the component-managed authentication alias that the datasource uses.
    3. Delete the datasource.
    4. Navigate to Security -> Secure administration, applications & Infrastructure -> Java Authentication and Authorization Service -> J2C Authentication Data.
    5. Delete the entry whose name matches the component-managed authentication alias that you noted.
  4. Optionally, if your server is a network deployment, delete system integration bus.
    1. Navigate to Service Integration -> Buses.
    2. Delete the bus named RAMBus.
    3. Navigate to Resources -> JMS -> Connection Factories.
    4. Delete the factory named RAM Factory. It might be under the scope of the cluster that Rational Asset Manager was installed on.
    5. Navigate to Resources -> JMS -> Topics.
    6. Delete the topic named RAM Cache. It might be located under the scope of the cluster that Rational Asset Manager was installed on.
  5. Remove the applications.
    1. Click Applications -> Enterprise Applications in the navigation pane.
    2. Check any of the applications that are installed:
      • RAM1WebApplication
      • iehs_war
      • rmcabdgovernprocess_war
    3. Click Uninstall.
    4. Click Save to apply the changes to the master configuration.
  6. Optionally, if Rational Asset Manager was the only application on the server, remove any environment variables.
    1. Click Environment -> WebSphere Variables in the navigation pane.
    2. Click the name of any environment variables that were set up for Rational Asset Manager (for example, Oracle_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH).
    3. Click Delete.
    4. Click Save to apply the changes to the master configuration.
  7. Optionally, reconfigure authentication and security settings. If you configured security specifically for Rational Asset Manager, then revert any settings to the previous configuration. If the security settings apply to other applications, do not modify them.
  8. Restart the server.

Working with IBM Installation Manager

This section deals with some common tasks relating to IBM Installation Manager. For more information, see the Installation Manager online help or the Installation Manager Information Center at

Installing Installation Manager on Windows

If you start the installation of your product from the launchpad program, then the installation of IBM Installation Manager is started automatically if it is not already installed on your workstation. (For more information on this process, refer to Installing from the launchpad program.) In other cases, you must manually start the installation of Installation Manager.

To start the installation of Installation Manager manually:

  1. Run install.exe from the InstallerImage_win32 folder on the first installation disk.
  2. Click Next on the Install Packages page.
  3. Review the license agreement on the License Agreement page and select I accept the terms in the license agreement to accept. Click Next.
  4. Click the Browse button on the Destination Folder page to change the installation location if required. Click Next.
  5. Click Install on the Summary page. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.
  6. Click Finish. IBM Installation Manager opens.

Installing Installation Manager on Linux and AIX

IBM Installation Manager is installed by the launchpad. For more information on this process, refer to Installing from the launchpad program.

To install Installation Manager manually:

  1. Open a terminal window with root user privileges.
  2. Run install.
  3. Click Next on the Install Packages screen.
  4. Review the license agreement on the License Agreement page and select I accept the terms in the license agreement to accept. Click Next.
  5. If necessary, edit the installation directory location. Click Next.
  6. Click Install on the information summary page. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.
  7. Click Finish. IBM Installation Manager opens.

Starting Installation Manager on Windows

IBM Installation Manager should be started from the launchpad program. Doing so starts Installation Manager with a configured repository preference and selected Rational Asset Manager packages. If you start Installation Manager directly, then you must set a repository preference and choose product packages manually. For more information, see Planning to install.

To start Installation Manager manually:

  1. Open the Start menu from the Taskbar.
  2. Select All Programs -> IBM Installation Manager -> IBM Installation Manager.

Starting Installation Manager on Linux and AIX

IBM Installation Manager should be started from the launchpad program. Doing so starts the Installation Manager with a configured repository preference and selected Rational Asset Manager packages. If you start Installation Manager directly, then you must set repository preference and choose product packages manually. For more information, see Planning to install.

To start Installation Manager manually:

  1. Open a terminal window with root user privileges.
  2. Change directory to the installation directory for Installation Manager (by default, /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse) and run IBMIM.

Uninstalling Installation Manager on Windows

To uninstall Installation Manager:

  1. Open the Start menu from the Taskbar.
  2. Select All Programs -> IBM Installation Manager -> Uninstall IBM Installation Manager.
  3. Click Next on the Uninstall page. The IBM Installation Manager is selected for uninstallation.
  4. Click Uninstall in the Summary page.

Note: You can also uninstall Installation Manager by using the Control Panel. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs. Select the entry for IBM Installation Manager and click Remove.

Uninstalling Installation Manager on Linux and AIX

IBM Installation Manager must be uninstalled using the package management tool that is included with your Linux or AIX version.

To uninstall Installation Manager manually on Linux or AIX:

  1. Open a terminal window with root user privileges.
  2. Change directory to the uninstallation directory of Installation Manager. By default, this is /var/ibm/InstallationManager/uninstall. If IBM Installation Manager has been installed to a location other than the default path, locate the uninstall directory relative to where Installation Manager is installed.
  3. Run ./uninstall.

IBM Packaging Utility

Use IBM Packaging Utility software to copy product packages to a repository that can be placed on a Web server available over HTTP or HTTPS.

Packaging Utility software is located on the Enterprise Deployment CD for each platform (Windows and Linux) that is included with Rational Asset Manager. If you want to place a repository that contains a Rational Asset Manager package on a Web server that will be available over HTTP or HTTPS, you must use Packaging Utility to copy the product package of Rational Asset Manager into the repository.

Use this utility to perform the following tasks:

Refer to the online help for Packaging Utility for full instructions using the tool.

Installing Packaging Utility

IBM Packaging Utility must be installed from the Enterprise Deployment CD before it can be used to copy the Rational Asset Manager product package.

Use the following steps to install IBM Packaging Utility software from the Enterprise Deployment CD:

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Deployment CD for the appropriate platform and extract the zip file from the CD.
  2. Navigate to the Packaging Utility directory and extract the Packaging Utility installation package from the compressed file ( or
  3. Locate the Packaging Utility installer executable.
  4. Start the installer executable and follow the instructions in the wizard to install the Packaging Utility.
  5. If IBM Installation Manager is not detected on your workstation, you are prompted to install it and then the installation wizard starts. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete the installation of Installation Manager.
  6. When the installation of Installation Manager completes, or if it is already on your computer, Installation Manager starts and automatically begins the Install Packages wizard.
  7. Follow the instructions in the Install Packages wizard to complete the installation.


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