IBM Rational Asset Manager, Version 7.0 Release Notes

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
   3.1 Eclipse client limitations
      3.1.1 Limitations on displaying and editing bidirectional text inside Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client
      3.1.2 Search limitations with non-ASCII characters
   3.2 Web client limitations
      3.2.1 Limitations on displaying and editing of bidirectional text inside Rational Asset Manager Web client
      3.2.2 Limitations on using search with non-ASCII characters inside Rational Asset Manager Web and Eclipse clients
      3.2.3 Limitation on the use of assets with names that contain non-ASCII characters
   3.3 Server limitations
      3.3.1 The application does not integrate with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository v6.0.2
      3.3.2 Review processes that depend on specific asset types and categories must be deleted before deleting the corresponding asset types or categories
      3.3.3 ClearCase persistence on the server might have performance problems after 500,000 assets exist in the repository
   3.4 Known Web client problems and workarounds
      3.4.1 File names are corrupted in the asset download archive file
      3.4.2 File names are corrupted when uploading an attachment
      3.4.3 Repository statistics reports contain corrupted characters
      3.4.4 The color selection panel contains corrupted characters
      3.4.5 ClearQuest review record gets stuck in pending state
      3.4.6 Forum attachments cannot be updated or removed
   3.5 Known server problems and workarounds
      3.5.1 Help unavailable when WebSphere Application Server is debug mode
      3.5.2 License server change does not work correctly in a clustered deployment
      3.5.3 ClearCase persistence mechanism requires a services-based application server to be associated with a user
4.0 IBM Rational Software Support
5.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

Important: This version of the release notes file contains limited information. For a complete and updated version, see the file available online at:

IBM® Rational® Asset Manager is a development asset management repository that utilizes the Reusable Asset Specification to describe and classify assets. An asset is a collection of related artifacts that provide a solution to a reoccurring business need for a specific context. With Rational Asset Manager you can create, govern, find and reuse any type of development asset.

For more information about this product, see the Rational Asset Manager product page at:

2.0 Installation information

For information about installing Rational Asset Manager, version 7.0, see the Installation Guide online at

Important: The DB2® Enterprise Server Edition, Version 9.1 license key must be registered using the db2licm command.

Rational Asset Manager requires a relational database to store meta data about assets. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, Version 9.1 is included with Rational Asset Manager; however, you can optionally use other relational databases. See the Installation Guide for supported database versions.

The DB2 product uses the license key information contained in the nodelock file. The nodelock file is created or updated by running the db2licm command and specifying the license file for the DB2 product. Creating or updating the nodelock file is referred to as registering the DB2 product license key.

You must register the DB2 product license key by running the db2licm command on each computer where DB2 is installed.

If you want the product or feature license key added automatically during the installation, you need to copy the license key to the /db2/license directory of the installation image before launching the DB2 Setup wizard.

Procedure to manually register your DB2 product license key using root authority:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.
  2. Register the DB2 product license key with the appropriate command:
    • /usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm/db2licm -a filename on AIX®
    • /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/adm/db2licm -a filename for all other UNIX®-based operating systems
    where filename is the full pathname and filename for the license file that corresponds to the product you are bundling.
For example, on AIX, if the CD-ROM is mounted in the /cdrom directory and the name of the license file is db2ese_o.lic, the command should be:
/usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm/db2licm -a /cdrom/db2/license/db2ese_o.lic

After running the db2licm command, the DB2 product license key information is contained in the nodelock file in the following directories: To register your DB2 product license key as the instance owner:
  1. Create the instance environment and become the instance owner.
  2. Register your DB2 product license with the appropriate command:
    • For UNIX operating systems: db2instance_path/adm/db2licm -a filename
    • For Windows operating systems: db2instance_path\adm\db2licm -a filename where db2instance_path is where the DB2 instance was created and filename is the full pathname and filename for the license file that corresponds to the product you are bundling.

3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

3.1 Eclipse client limitations

3.1.1 Limitations on displaying and editing bidirectional text inside Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client

Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, and Farsi (Persian) are written from right to left, while numbers and segments of Latin (or Cyrillic or Greek) text are embedded in this text from left to right. The dual directionality aspects of such bidirectional text are posing challenges to the way this text is processed and presented in the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client.

Limitation 1: Display of bidirectional text with complex internal structure

The Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client has some limitations in how it displays bidirectional text with complex internal structures (such as logical expressions, file paths, and so on). For example, a file path such as
(where capital letters indicate right-to-left-oriented text) should render as

However, since Rational Asset Manager does not understand that the string should be segmented according to each segment of the file path, it renders the string as:

Note that the problem applies only to the display of bidirectional text. Processing of bidirectional text occurs properly. However, the distorted display makes the application not only less user-friendly but in some cases makes the visual input incomprehensible for the end user.

For general background information on this issue and possible solutions, see following article:

Limitation 2: Contextual orientation of bidirectional text on Linux platform with GTK2 library of version 2.4 and later

In addition, on Linux platforms using the GTK2 library, version 2.4 and later, the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client supports only contextual orientation of bidirectional text.

For information about similar issues in another Eclipse-based product, please read the following technical article:

3.1.2 Search limitations with non-ASCII characters

Limitation 1: Searching full-width alphabet and number asset
The Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client does not support searching for full-width alphabet and number. For example, you might not be able to find an asset when using full-width alphabet and number as the search keyword.

Limitation 2: Searching non-ASCII characters within artifacts
The Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client does not support searching for non-ASCII characters within artifacts.

3.2 Web client limitations

3.2.1 Limitations on displaying and editing of bidirectional text inside Rational Asset Manager Web client

Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, and Farsi (Persian) are written from right to left, while numbers and segments of Latin (or Cyrillic or Greek) text are embedded in this text from left to right. The dual directionality of bidirectional text poses challenges to the way this text is processed and presented in the Rational Asset Manager Eclipse client.

Limitation 1: Display of complex bidirectional text

The Rational Asset Manager Web client has some limitations in displaying bidirectional text with complex internal structures (such as logical expressions, file paths and so on). For example, a file path such as
(where capital letters indicate right-to-left-oriented text) should render as

However, since Rational Asset Manager does not understand that the string should be segmented according to each segment of the file path, it renders the string as:

Note that the problem applies only to the display of bidirectional text. Processing of bidirectional text occurs properly. However, the distorted display makes the application not only less user-friendly but in some cases makes the visual input incomprehensible for the end user.

For general background information on this issue and possible solutions, see following article:

Limitation 2: Editing and display of bidirectional text in Rich Text Editor

The Rich Text Editor used in the Rational Asset Manager Web client has several known limitations in the editing and display of bidirectional text:

  1. Incorrect indentation of bidirectional text with overall right-to-left orientation.
  2. Inability to change the direction of Rich Text Editor after altering the indentation of bidirectional text.
  3. Lack of integrity of URL link display when bidirectional text is included.

3.2.2 Limitations on using search with non-ASCII characters inside Rational Asset Manager Web and Eclipse clients

Limitation 1: Searching full-width alphabet and number asset
The Rational Asset Manager Web client does not support searching for full-width alphabet and number. For example, you might not be able to find an asset when using full-width alphabet and number as the search keyword.

Limitation 2: Searching non-ASCII characters within artifacts
The Rational Asset Manager Web client does not support searching for non-ASCII characters within artifacts.

3.2.3Limitation on the use of assets with names that contain non-ASCII characters

Limitation 1: HTTP Error 500 with URLs for RSS feeds
An HTTP Error 500 may be displayed when clicking Links for RSS feeds that have a URL with a reference to an object that has non-ASCII characters in its name can generate an HTTP Error 500. This could happen,; for example, with community, category schema, asset type, and other names.

3.3 Server limitations

3.3.1 The application does not integrate with WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository v6.0.2

WebSphere Service Registry and Repository v6.0.2 uses an updated Web service API that is no longer compatible with Rational Asset Manager. Use the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository v6.0.0.1 when integrating with Rational Asset Manager.

3.3.2 Review processes that depend on specific asset types and categories must be deleted before deleting the corresponding asset types or categories

You create review processes by selecting specific asset types and categories as conditions. Once the asset type and categories are defined, when users submit assets matching those conditions the assets are submitted into the review process. Before you delete asset types and categories, you must delete the appropriate review processes which depend on them. If you do not delete the review processes they will be broken.

3.3.3ClearCase® persistence on the server might have performance problems after 500,000 assets exist in the repository

After there are 500,000 assets in the repository there may be performance problems when working with ClearCase. ClearCase dynamic views have performance problems when a folder has more than 500 children in a folder.

3.4 Known Web client problems and workarounds

3.4.1 File names are corrupted in the asset download archive file

If an asset is created with file names that have non-ASCII characters, the file names are not displayed in a readable form when the asset is downloaded.

The Java® API for creating file archives uses UTF-8 encoding. Many file archive creation and extraction tools use the encoding that is set in the client. When the encodings do not match, the characters are corrupted.

Rational Asset Manager provides a tool to extract asset archive files. You can find the tool on the Extensions page of the Rational Asset Manager Web client.

3.4.2File names are corrupted when uploading an attachment

When submitting an asset, when uploading a file archive that contains files with names that have non-ASCII characters, the file names may appear corrupted and unreadable in the preview contents section of the page (and subsequently on the Contents page of the asset if the asset is submitted).

Many file archive tools use the encoding that is set in the client. When Rational Asset Manager extracts the files on the server, it assumes that the archive was created with UTF-8 encoding. When the encodings do not match, the characters are corrupted.

Rational Asset Manager provides a tool to create file archives that uses UTF-8 encoding. You can find the tool on the Extensions page of the Rational Asset Manager Web client.

3.4.3 Repository statistics reports contain corrupted characters

Non-ASCII characters appear corrupted in the repository statistics file when the report is downloaded and opened with Microsoft® Excel. The report.csv file is downloaded in UTF-8 encoding. There is an Excel restriction to open the UTF-8 CSV file including DBCS characters.

To open the file, you can either open the file as the external file (in Excel, click Tool -> Import external data); or open the file with Notepad first, save the file using ANSI encoding, and then open it in Excel.

3.4.4 The color selection panel contains corrupted characters

Non-ASCII characters appear corrupted at the color selection panel when the browser is set to a language other than English.

3.4.5 ClearQuest® review record gets stuck in pending state

When an asset is submitted for a ClearQuest driven review, the reference to the associated ClearQuest record might be lost. This can occur if the review instance is modified while the asset is pending (for example, by adding or removing a reviewer or reviewer group).. As a result, the asset never moves out of the review state.

To prevent this, wait until the asset has moved out of the pending state before making any changes in the Review tab on the asset Details page.

3.4.6 Forum attachments cannot be updated or removed

Users can attach files to forum topics and posts, but cannot update or remove such attachments. Even though there is a file upload control for the attachment when you update a topic or a post, it does not do anything.

Delete the topic or post and then add it again.

3.5 Known server problems and workarounds

3.5.1 Help unavailable when WebSphere Application Server is debug mode

When the help system is deployed on WebSphere Application Server v6.0.2.x and the server is running in debug mode, clicking on help topics causes this message in the content pane: "Error 500: Provider not found".

This is a known issue with WebSphere Application Server.  For more information, see APAR PK12374.

Disable the DebugTransformer in your server by setting a JVM system property in the WebSphere Administrative Console:

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  2. Navigate to Servers -> Application Servers and select your server.
  3. In the Additional Properties section, select Debugging Service.
  4. Add the following parameter to your JVM debug arguments:

3.5.2 License server change does not work correctly in a clustered deployment

If the license server is changed in a clustered environment, only the application server instance on which the change was made will be aware of the new license server. All other instances require a reset so that they can detect the change to the license server. The Web client indicates that the change is successful, but does not let users know that they must restart the other server instances.

3.5.3 ClearCase persistence mechanism requires a services-based application server to be associated with a user

Application servers that are started using Windows Services mechanisms usually run as the LocalSystem Account. However, this user (LocalSystem) is unable to view network shared drives mounted by ClearCase for dynamic views. Because these views are mounted as a different user than LocalSystem, you must modify the application server's service to log on as the user who mounts the dynamic views. When the users are the same, Rational Asset Manager server can access the shared drives mounted by ClearCase.

Modify the user by:

  1. Navigate to Windows Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
  2. Select the service of the application server.
  3. Open the properties.
  4. In the LogOn tab, select the ThisAccount radio button and type the user name and password of the user who can mount dynamic views.
  5. Click OK.

4.0 IBM Rational Software Support

IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.

For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you will need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook at

For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Asset Manager at

For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Asset Manager at

Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

5.0 Notices and trademarks

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007. All Rights Reserved.

This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this documentation in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this documentation. The furnishing of this documentation does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

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IBM World Trade Asia Corporation
2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku
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The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.

This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice.

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