IBM Rational Product Updater Version - Local installation instructions

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2005. All Rights Reserved.


1.0 Overview
2.0 Installing the update
   2.1 Installation prerequisites
   2.2 Extracting the update from the downloaded ZIP file
   2.3 Creating policy.xml
   2.4 Configuring the Rational Product Updater to install the local update
3.0 Creating a local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server
   3.1 Downloading and extracting the files for the local mirror of the update server
   3.2 Creating and updating site.xml files for the local mirror of the update server
   3.3 Creating policy.xml for the local mirror of the update server
   3.4 Installing updates from the local mirror of the update server

1.0 Overview

This document describes how to install a downloaded version of IBM® Rational® Product Updater Version, and how to create a local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server.

2.0 Installing the update

2.1 Installation prerequisites

This update contains all previously released interim fixes to the Rational Product Updater. Therefore, you do not need to install any prior updates to the Rational Product Updater before installing this update.

You must have at least one Rational Software Development Platform desktop products installed on your system. The Rational Product Updater is installed automatically along with the first Rational software development product that you install.

2.2 Extracting the update from the downloaded ZIP file

Extract the file to a temporary directory, such as C:\temp.

2.3 Creating policy.xml

To create the policy.xml file, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to <temp_dir>\rpu\, where <temp_dir> is the location of the extracted update.
  2. Open policy_6003.xml in a text editor.
  3. Edit the file to point to where you extracted the update. For example, if you extracted the update to C:\temp, your modified file will be similar to the following example:

  4. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <url-map pattern="" url="file:///C:/temp/rpu/60/update/site_6003.xml"/>

    Note: On Linux operating systems, if you extracted the interim fix to the /root directory, your modified file will be similar to the following example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <url-map pattern="" url="file:///root/rpu/60/update/site_6003.xml"/>

  5. Save the updated file as policy.xml. Keep the original policy_6003.xml file as a reference.
  6. Close your text editor.

2.4 Configuring the Rational Product Updater to install the local interim fix

Install the update with the same user account that installed your IBM Rational software development product.


To install the update, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the Rational Product Updater:
  2. Click Preferences > Update Sites.
  3. Type the path to the updated policy.xml file that you created in the previous section.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Find Updates.

  6. If your computer does not have Internet access, or cannot connect to the live IBM update server, a warning appears in the Rational Product Updater that states that other update sites are not available.

    The Rational Product Updater will prompt you that it requires an update, and you are prompted to install it before you can continue. Click OK. The Rational Product Updater installs the update and restarts.

  7. Close the Rational Product Updater.

3.0 Creating a local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server

You should create a local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server if either of the following conditions is true:

3.1 Downloading and extracting the files for the local mirror of the update server

To create a local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server, download the updates available for your Rational software development platform products from IBM Software Support.

To locate the ZIP files for product updates and optional features for Rational software development products on the IBM support Web site, do the following:

  1. In your browser, type
  2. On the next page, select Downloads and drivers from the navigation bar.
  3. On the downloaded page, in the Category list select Software > Rational, and in the Sub-category list select the name of your Rational software development product. The search results for updates and optional features for the product are displayed.
  4. Click on an update or feature to display detailed information, including information on downloading and extracting a ZIP file of the update or feature.

For detailed instructions on installing an update or feature from the extracted ZIP files, refer to the installation instructions provided in the contents of the ZIP file.

After you download the updates, extract the files to a target directory that will stage your local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server.

Attention: You must download the IBM Rational Product Updater

Note: You can extract all the updates to the same target directory. The updates do not overwrite each other.

3.2 Creating and updating site.xml files for the local mirror of the update server

Generally, an update site and a discovery site exist for each product. The update site contains interim fixes and the discovery site contains optional features.

Note: There is no discovery site for updates to the Rational Product Updater.

Each downloaded interim fix contains a site_<identifier>.xml file in the <product>\60\update\ directory, and each downloaded feature contains a site_<identifier>.xml file in the <product>\60\discovery\ directory, where <identifier> identifies the interim fix or feature and <product> identifies the product. The site_<identifier>.xml files for updates to the Rational Product Updater are located in the rpu\60\update\ directory.

The update site and the discovery site each require a separate site.xml file. To create each site.xml file, you must combine the <feature/> information from the appropriate site_<identifier>.xml files.

To create or update a site.xml file, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a site_<identifier>.xml file in a text editor. For example, open site_6003.xml.
  2. Save the file as site.xml in the same directory. If the directory already contains a file named site.xml, copy the <feature/> information from site_rmi.xml into the <site></site> section of site.xml.
  3. Copy the <feature/> information from each site_<identifier>.xml file into site.xml.

    For example, the following code displays the result of copying the <feature/> information from rsa\60\discovery\site_rmi.xml and rsa\60\discovery\site_wbi_002.xml into rsa\60\discovery\site.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       <!-- Rose Model Import -->
       <feature id="" version="" url="features/"/>
       <feature id="new.rose.model.import.600" version="1.0.0" url="features/new.rose.model.import.600_1.0.0.jar"/>
       <feature id="new.rose.model.import.win32.600" version="1.0.0" url="features/new.rose.model.import.win32.600_1.0.0.jar"/>

       <!-- WBI -->
       <feature id="" version="" url="features/"/>
       <feature id="new.wbi.600003" version="1.0.0" url="features/new.wbi.600003_1.0.0.jar"/>

  4. Save and close the updated site.xml file. Keep the original site_<identifier>.xml files for reference.
  5. Close your text editor.

3.3 Creating policy.xml for the local mirror of the update server

Each downloaded interim fix and feature contains a <product>\policy_<identifier>.xml file that references its site_<identifier>.xml file. You must combine all of the policy_<identifier>.xml files into a single policy.xml file. After you create this file, you can use it for all product updates and reference the site.xml file that you created in the previous section.

To create the policy.xml file, complete the following steps:

  1. Open a <product>\policy_<identifier>.xml file with a text editor. For example, open policy_6003.xml.
  2. In the main directory of your mirror site, save the file as policy.xml.
  3. Edit the URL map to point to site.xml instead of site_<identifier>.xml. Ensure that you specify a universally accessible absolute path to site.xml. For example, if your mirror site is on a Web server named server1, your policy.xml file will be similar to the following example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rsa/60/update/site.xml/">

  4. Add the URL map information from all other <product>\policy_<identifier>.xml files.

    For each product that can be updated from your local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server, you should have one URL map for the update site and another URL map for the discovery site. Additional URL maps are required for feature discovery sites. The patterns are provided in each <product>\policy_<identifier>.xml file.

  5. Edit each URL map to point to site.xml instead of site_<identifier>.xml. Your file will be similar to the following example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rsa/60/update/site.xml/">
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rsa/60/discovery/site.xml/">
       <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rsa/60/discovery/site.xml/">

  6. Create a URL map for the updates to the Rational Product Updater by typing a universally accessible absolute path to its site.xml file.

    <url-map pattern="" url="http://server1/rational_updates/rpu/60/update/site.xml"/>

  7. Save the policy.xml file.
  8. Close your text editor.

3.4 Installing the product updates from the local mirror of the update server

After the local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server is available for use, users can install the product updates by using the following instructions.

Install the updates with the same user account that installed the IBM Rational software development platform product.


To install the product updates, complete the following steps:

  1. Start the Rational Product Updater:
  2. Click Preferences > Update Sites.
  3. Type the path to the policy.xml file that is in the main directory of the local mirror of the Rational Software Development Platform update server.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Find Updates.

  6. You are prompted to install and update to the Rational Product Updater before continuing. Click OK to continue. The Rational Product Updater installs the update and restarts.

  7. If you downloaded updates for additional products, select updates to install from the list that is displayed.

  8. Tip: To view the description for the update, click the update. The description is displayed in the Detailed information pane.

  9. Click Install Updates.
  10. To accept the license agreement and continue the installation, click OK.

  11. Depending on the speed of your computer processor and the amount of RAM in your computer, the update might take an extended period of time to install.

    After the installation is complete, the Rational Product Updater lists the installed updates on the Installed Products page.

  12. If you downloaded optional features for additional products, click Find Optional Features.

  13. Select optional features to install from the list that is displayed.

  14. Tip: To view the description for the optional feature, click the feature. The description is displayed in the Detailed information pane.

  15. Click Install Optional Features.
  16. To accept the license agreement and continue the installation, click OK.

  17. Depending on the speed of your computer processor and the amount of RAM in your computer, the update might take an extended period of time to install.

    After the installation is complete, the Rational Product Updater lists the installed optional features on the Installed Products page.

  18. Close the Rational Product Updater.

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