Fixes Defects: PM32146,PM34680,PM40337,PM41637,PM46755,PM47253,PM48520,PM83616,PM90802,PM95280,PM95723,PM97154,PM97155,PM97571,PM97698,PM98225,PM98365,PM98920,PM99340 This patch contains the following software changes: PM32146: Problem: Some ClearQuest commit hooks fail with the following error: "Caught An Unhandled Exception At The OLE Call Boundary - File: \bugbert.src\cqole\oadentity.cpp". Fix: The faulty ClearQuest commit hooks should now execute without error. PM34680: Problem: ClearQuest choice list hooks which call the BuildQuery API do not return the full result set if it exceeds the HARD_QUERY_LIMIT value. Fix: The SetMaxResultSetRows() API can now be added to your ClearQuest choice list hook to allow the query row count to exceed the HARD_QUERY_LIMIT value. PM40337: Problem: ClearQuest tslogger does not correctly maintain the number of logs based on the value specified in the .properties file. The accumulation of the tslogger log files can take up a significant amount of space and cause problems if not properly maintained. Fix: ClearQuest tslogger has been disabled. The logs collected by do not contain any new or useful information that aren't already in the WAS and CMServer log files. This will eliminate the problem of the tslogger log files taking up too much space on the server. PM41637: Problem: ClearQuest users can not search on non alphanumeric characters ( such as "#", ";") in multiline string fields when using a Oracle database. Fix: ClearQuest users can now search on non alphanumeric characters in multiline string fields when using a Oracle database. PM46755: Problem: The ClearQuest Attachments 2.0 and 2.1 packages have debug statements enabled by default. This could cause slower performance during package execution. It should be disabled by default. Fix: The ClearQuest Attachments 2.2 package now has debug statements disabled by default. ClearQuest Attachment package debugging can be enabled when needed. PM47253: Problem: If you apply the ClearQuest 2.0 or 2.1 Attachments package and create a new record, an empty folder on the Full Text Search server gets created and the URL to the attachment folder is filled on the record. Fix: This is now fixed in ClearQuest Attachments 2.2 package. PM48520: Problem: When using the ClearQuest Eclipse client, notification hooks that call the GetFieldOriginalValue API fail intermittently. Fix: Notification hooks that call the GetFieldOriginalValue API no longer fail when using the ClearQuest Eclipse client. PM83616: Problem: If you enabled Web application secure in your ClearQuest Web WAS profile, attempts to use the IBM Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay tool,, will fail to enable or disable the EmailRelay application. Fix: IBM Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay tool ( was enhanced to accept two new parameters to be used with a secured Web application like so: - Windows: cqperl -relaycfgdir C:\CQEmailRelay -emailrelayapp start [-user -password ] - Unix: cqperl -relaycfgdir /opt/CQEmailRelay -emailrelayapp start [-user -password ] PM90802: Problem: The ClearQuest EmailPlus 2.1 package is not properly encoding XML characters in the email field of TO, CC, or BCC email addresses. As a result, any email generated using EmailPlus with CQ EmailRelay that has a reserved XML character (such as "&") in the email address cannot be sent to the intended recipient. Fix: The ClearQuest EmailPlus 2.2 package now correctly encodes XML characters in the email address field of TO, CC and BCC. Emails with reserved XML characters are now sent and received correctly using CQ EmailRelay. PM95280: Problem: When trying to do a OSLC Full Update, ClearQuest throws a 409 Conflict error.   Fix: ClearQuest users can now successfully follow the OSLC Full update instructions without getting an error. PM95723: Problem: ClearQuest Web BIRT reports do not allow arrays of values to be passed as parameters for a dynamic query. Fix: ClearQuest Reporting Driver was modified to support processing of parameters with multiple values. Special design considerations apply when constructing BIRT reports that require this capability. PM97154: Problem: If a ClearQuest EmailPlus package payload is invalid, due to containing a none-XML character or getting truncated as a result of OSLC multi-line limit, the ClearQuest Web EmailRelay application gets stuck processing further emails whenever it runs into invalid payload data. Fix: When the ClearQuest EmailRelay application now encounters an invalid EmailPlus payload, it will skip over it and continue processing subsequesnt payloads. PM97155: Problem: ClearQuest will let you commit raw data into record that may contain some characters that are not considered valid XML-1.0. While this is supported by ClearQuest, it is not supported by EmailPlus when used by the EmailRelay. Therefore emails sent from records with these characters cannot be relayed to the intended recipient. Fix: The ClearQuest EmailPlus 2.2 package now correctly handles invalid XML-1.0 characters when used in a record. PM97571: Problem: When editing an existing ClearQuest Web query, the changed filter value is not reflected in the main filter window. Fix: When editing an existing ClearQuest Web query, the changed filter value is now reflected in the main filter window. PM97698: Problem: ClearQuest Web security problem was found. Fix: ClearQuest Web security problem was fixed. PM98225: Problem: ClearQuest Web re-sizes query result set column widths after a user clicks the Next, Previous or Refresh toolbar button. The column width sizes should stay the same width even after pressing those buttons. Fix: ClearQuest Web now keeps the column sized fixed after clicking the Next, Previous, or Refresh toolbar button. PM98365: Problem: When using ClearQuest with an Oracle database, attempting to delete more than 1000 child records in a parent child reference list will result in the error "ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 ". Fix: The sql that deletes parent_child_links from the ClearQuest database has been modified so that there are never more than 1000 expressions in a list, thus avoiding the error condition. PM98920: Problem: After doing the following 4 actions very quickly on a ClearQuest Web record: (1.) double clicking on a drop down combo box that contains a list of users (approx 8000) (2.) typing in the user name (3.) clicking on the arrow on the drop list (which consists of "Y" or "N"), and then (4.) saving the record, the drop down list changes to NULL and is saved as a invalid value. Fix: The ClearQuest Web drop down list is now saved with a valid (non-NULL)value even when the actions are done very quickly. PM99340: Problem: The CcSubproviderImpl class is no longer used in ClearQuest 8.0.x, but not all references to it have been removed from ClearQuest. Fix: All the references to the obsolete CcSubproviderImpl class have been removed from ClearQuest.