Fixes Defects: PI05605,PI12363,PI45519,PI47621,PI51867,PI58795,PI59063,PI59651,PI61359,PI61619,PI61718,PI62701,PI62729,PI62956,PI63410,PI64067,PI64193,PI64629,PI67531 This patch contains the following software changes: PI05605: Problem: IBM Rational ClearCase Windows dynamic views in case sensitive mode, case preserving mode was not respected. Names were always entered in lower-case. Fix: On Windows, in case sensitive mode (not the common default, which is case insensitive) the case preserving flag is now set correctly so names keep the case they were entered with. PI12363: Problem: In the IBM Rational ClearCase Cadence integration, MultiSite SRFM operations do not show enough information for failures arising from checkouts at the remote sibling. Fix: This fix improves the error message in the case where a checkout at a remote sibling blocks fulfillment of a SRFM operation. PI45519: Problem: A locked IBM ClearCase pvob can cause "rebase -comp" to fail. Fix: A new routine is used to remove broken hyperlinks caused by locked pvob, so "rebase -comp" can continue to create a new hyperlink. PI47621: Problem: IBM ClearCase rcleartool error handling failed to increment the argument counter for failed checkins, causing subsequent messages to be off by one. Fix: Error handling has been corrected so that output element names are now synced with actual behaviour. PI51867: Problem: If an IBM ClearCase "rmstream" operation fails in the process of removing the foundation baselines from the configuration of the stream, then the STREAM record in the VOB database is left if a corrupted state. Fix: After the failure, some internal objects are deleted but the pointers are kept in stream record. This fix checks internal objects existence before trying to delete it again on the next rmstream command. PI58795: Problem: In IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeamExplorer (CTE) sub-directories of the VOBs are not shown in the "Apply Label" wizard GUI Fix: Sub-directories of the VOBs will now be listed in "Apply Label" wizard and available for selection. PI59063: Problem: IBM Rational ClearCase automatic views mounted VOB tags (on a per-view basis) were handled in a case sensitive manner on Windows regardless of the setting of the MVFS case insensitive flag. Fix: The MVFS case insensitive flag is now used when handling mounted VOB tags in automatic views on Windows. PI59651: Problem: Users of ClearCase dynamic views on Microsoft Windows 10 may experience a Windows STOP error (blue screen), with bugcheck code "MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS (44)". Fix: The problem with incorrect IRP completion during I/O operations in ClearCase dynamic views on Microsoft Windows 10 is fixed by a Windows patch which is available in the patch rollup PI61359: Problem: When using IBM Rational Clear Team Explorer (CTE) there is a refreshing error given when performing checkout or checkin of a file element, if there is another checked out element that has been removed from the web views copyarea path. Fix: The property that provides this information now skips files that cannot be found. PI61619: Problem: When working in an IBM Rational ClearCase dynamic view, you may experience a Microsoft STOP error (blue screen crash). Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been updated to fix a defect which caused incorrect data to be accessed. PI61718: Problem: When using the ClearTeam Explorer Extension with RDz, you may find that the preference to decorate project names with view tags does not always work. Fix: When using the ClearTeam Explorer Extension with RDz, the project names are now always decorated with ClearCase view tags if the appropriate preference is set. PI62701: Problem: IBM ClearCase rcleartool was assuming that a JSESSIONID would always be available to save with cached session data. Fix: rcleartool now checks if JSESSIONID is present before storing the current settings and writes the default value if it is not. PI62729: Problem: When you are working in an IBM Rational ClearCase dynamic view, you may experience a Microsoft STOP error (blue screen crash). Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been updated to fix a defect which caused an incorrect data to be accessed. PI62956: Problem: In rare circumstances when using an IBM ClearCase VOB with ACLs enabled, a heavily loaded view_server process may crash due to invalid references to memory that has been reused. Fix: view_server has been fixed to use properly allocated ACL data at all times. PI63410: Problem: When working with the ClearTeam Explorer integrated with RDz, the CLEARCASE_COMMENT variable is empty when the user adds an element of a logical model to source control. Fix: Fixes a problem in the ClearTeam Explorer integrated with RDz to ensure that the CLEARCASE_COMMENT variable is properly set when the user adds an element of a logical model to source control. PI64067: Problem: If the ClearQuest Web session time-out is set to a higher value than the license-time out, licenses for inactive CQ Web sessions are only released when the CQ session time-out occurs and not after the (earlier) license time-out. This could cause CQ Web users to consume too many licenses during busy times of the day. Fix: Rational Common Licensing has been fixed so that inactive ClearQuest Web sessions are now released correctly according the the license time-out value as opposed to the higher web session time-out value. PI64193: Problem: When using IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer as an Eclipse plugin, running in an Eclipse shell executing on an Oracle Java Runtime environment, version 6, CTE fails to connect to the CCRC WAN server with an error: CRMAP7009: Command "Login" failed: Error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: null" Fix: ClearTeam Explorer running with the Oracle Java Runtime, version 6 correctly connects to a CCRC WAN server. PI64629: Problem: IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer may become unresponsive if the server authentication expires and the user has the preference set to store and reuse the login credentials. Fix: Fixes a problem in the ClearTeam Explorer where it might previously become unresponsive if the server authentication expired and the user had the preference set to store and reuse the login credentials. PI67531: Problem: In rare conditions when automatically re-establishing a login session to an IBM Rational ClearCase CCRC WAN server, a CTE, CMAPI or rcleartool client might consume all the sessions available on a CCRC WAN server. Fix: When automatically re-establishing a login session, a CTE, CMAPI or rcleartool client no longer consumes all the sessions available on a CCRC WAN server.