Fixes Defects:
This patch contains the following software changes:
Problem: When adding an entity to a reference list using a record script with the "Other" button, ClearQuest does not automatically validate the contents of the reference list right now. Validation only occurs when saving the record.
Fix: ClearQuest now recognizes there is a new entry in the reference list and validates immediately after the change in the reference list.
Problem: ClearQuest users are able to update schema repository connection information via the Maintenance Tool even without "superuser" privileges.
Fix: Only ClearQuest users with SuperUser privileges are now able to update the schema repository connection information in the Maintenance Tool. If a regular ClearQuest user tries, they will get a pop-up message saying "CRMMD1240E Permission denied. This operation can only be performed by a user with SuperUser privileges" and it fails.
Problem: In ClearQuest Web, when using the "DieWithCustomMessage" function in a field value change hook , its web dependent field does not update when clicking "OK" on the custom message window popup.
Fix: When using the "DieWithCustomMessage" function in a ClearQuest Web field value change hook, its web dependent field can now be updated with a custom message window popup.
Problem: When loading a template on an ALMRequest, ClearQuest Web does not show the Project field until the record is reloaded.
Fix: ClearQuest Web now shows the ALMRequest Project field successfully without the need for a record reload.
Problem: A failed login (typo) using the ClearCase / ClearQuest (V2) base integration on a Korean locale with CQ Web (CQCC_CQWEB_ONLY) causes a parsing error and then the login prompt no longer appears.
Fix: After a failed login using the ClearCase / ClearQuest (V2) base integration on a Korean locale, a CQ Web login dialog now pops-up requesting the user to renter their username / password.
Problem: ClearQuest record locks are supposed to be released when an action is committed or reverted, however, if an action initialization hook fails, the record will not be unlocked. If the hook fails for some reason, a user is not allowed to click "Revert", because the record form is not editable.
Fix: The CQ record will no longer stay locked if the action initialization hook fails.
Problem: ClearQuest Web is not parsing some characters (for example, Vertical Tab-VT) into valid XML when using OSLC to pull information.
Fix: ClearQuest Web now parses these characters into valid XML.
Problem: In ClearQuest Web, the GSU_CQXE_SubmitRecord function does not work properly when the pre-populated field value is a sub-string of " ". None of the fields on the new cloned record are populated.
Fix: The GSU_CQXE_SubmitRecord function will now work properly on ClearQuest Web. All the fields on the new cloned record are populated.
Problem: ClearQuest Web does not provide any notification that a template has been saved successfully and what fields were saved. For example: although a CQ Web tab may be *Red (has a required field), you can actually save a template and it just saves a blank for the required field. A confirmation is needed to say that the template has been saved and what fields it actually did save. Without any confirmation, the user can not tell that template has been successfully saved.
Fix: ClearQuest Web now notifies the user that a template has been saved and what fields were saved.
Problem: If there are multiple Delete actions for a record type in your schema, only the last one will show up in ClearQuest Web.
Fix: All delete actions are now visible and fully operable for ClearQuest Web.
Problem: In ClearQuest Web 8.0.x.x, if a short string or a multi-line field has an invalid value according to a corresponding field validation hook, the tab containing the control and the control's label are not highlighted in red when the record is opened for editing.
Fix: The CleaerQuest Web tab containing the control and the control's label will be highlighted in red when the record is opened for editing.
Problem: When the Rational MultiSite shipping server encounters a connection or other TCP/IP socket error on Microsoft Windows, an incorrect error message is printed in the shipping server logs.
Fix: Rational MultiSite shipping server now correctly logs (in the shipping server logs) connection and other TCP/IP socket errors on Microsoft Windows.
Problem: Rational MultiSite shipping server failed to send packet file due to the "deferred behavior" introduced from MicroSoft Windows 2008 server OS. Even if with a "good" binding port, socket connection could still fail for WSAEADDRINUSE error.
Fix: MultiSite shipping server can now handle the "deferred bind on connect" behavior introduced in MicroSoft Windows 2008 server OS.
Problem: If there are nested fields in a ClearQuest Web form, such as Owner.fullname, the field won't be automatically updated if the parent field changes, such as Owner.
Fix: The nested fields are now updated automatically in ClearQuest Web.
Problem: A security vulnerability was reported in ClearQuest Web.
Fix: A security vulnerability was fixed in ClearQuest Web.
Problem: If there is more than one dynamic filter in a ClearQuest Web query, choosing the same operator as the previous filter, sometimes causes the operator to flip back to default rather than the one you picked. As example: when the query has multiple dates fields with multiple dynamic filters. choosing "Less Than Or Equal To" sometimes flips it back to "Equals".
Fix: The ClearQuest Web dynamic query filter no longer switches back to the default even when you have multiple filters and choose the same operator.
Problem: ClearQuest record type families group entities with common fields together for querying across records of different types. If any of those common fields have database names which are different than the default value, then those queries may fail. This is only the case when the field is used for an "in" type of sql query filter. For example: if you have the field name "ucm_stream_object" which has a database field name of "ucm_stream_object_1", a query on the record type family All_UCM_Activities will fail if you filter on that field.
Fix: ClearQuest has been fixed to filter on the actual database field name instead of the visible field name as defined in the record type family.
Problem: In ClearQuest Web, if your schema has the same field repeated on more than 1 tab, changing it's value does not update on all tabs until the record is saved/refreshed. As example: if you have the same date/time field "DUE DATE" on multiple tabs, and you change it on one tab, after you go to the other tab, "DUE DATE" will still have the old value.
Fix: ClearQuest Web now immediately changes the field value on all the tabs where it appears.
Problem: During periods of heavy usage, ClearQuest Web may experience "Out of Memory" exceptions, become unresponsive, and prevent users from logging in. ClearQuest Web sometimes does not recover from this condition in a timely manner and often requires an administrator to manually kill the ailing cqrpc.exe process where the problem occurred.
Fix: When "Out of Memory" exceptions occur in ClearQuest Web, this condition is now detected and the ailing cqrpc.exe process is recycled. This means CQ Web users performing operations in the bad cqrpc.exe, as well as new users, are routed to a new cqrpc.exe process.
Problem: ClearQuest Web sometimes incorrectly collects information about lost record changes and throws an exception even when changes have not actually been lost.
Fix: A ClearQuest Web fix has been made to properly throw the 'CRVSV1100E The changes to the following resource are lost due to a server problem' exception when changes actually have been lost.
Problem: The ClearQuest Full-Text Search Batch and Update mode record extractor fails to handle certain characters. Here's an example of the error: " Character reference "" is an invalid XML character." You will also run into this same error if you try to upgrade an existing deployment from Solr 1.2.0 to 3.6.1 using the full-text search administrator command "--upgrade_solr_app". NOTE - This is only a problem with CQ FTS
Fix: The ClearQuest Full-Text Search record-extraction component was fixed to handle these characters.