Crystal Reports Toolkit for the Rational Software Development Platform - release notes

1.0 Restrictions
2.0 Language Version Issues
3.0 Platform-Specific Issues
4.0 Formatting and Rendering
5.0 Relational Databases and SQL Statements
6.0 Report Functionality
7.0 Java Viewer SDK
8.0 Crystal Enterprise JSF Components
9.0 Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer

1.0 Restrictions

The reporting component that processes reports, provided with the Crystal Reports Toolkit for the Rational Software Development Platform, is restricted by key code to provide adequate performance for development, testing and deployment of limited reporting within applications. The following other restrictions apply to this version of the Crystal Reports Toolkit for the Rational Software Development Platform:

2.0 Language Version Issues

3.0 Platform-Specific Issues

4.0 Formatting and Rendering


JRC behavior when opening report with this feature

JRC behavior when saving report with this feature

RTF interpretation

Raw RTF text is shown, but not interpreted

The fact that a field has RTF interpretation flag on will be preserved.

Report alerts

Alerts are not be triggered.

Alerting information in the report definition is preserved. However, alerting views are not preserved.

Geographic maps

Appear as blank objects.

Preserved in the report definition.

Gantt, gauge, funnel, and numeric axis charts

Appear as blank objects

Preserved in the report definition.

Crystal Reports 9 report charts with textures and pictures

Not shown.

Preserved in the report definition.

Font, line, or fill options in a chart legend

Not shown.

Preserved in the report definition.

Chart label placement

If labels are moved, they are reset to their default positions.

Preserved in the report definition.

Special fields with Crystal Enterprise context: Current CE User ID, Current CE User Name, and CurrentCEUserTime

Mapped to Vertical Page Number, ReportAuthorName, and ReportAuthorName respectively.

Special fields are preserved.

Dynamic images

Not supported.

Full support.

Parameterized sorting


Full support.

Hierarchical group sorting


Full support.

Formula function additions

Supports URL encoding/decoding, time zones (but not Crystal Enterprise time zone), shift time zones, mround, ceiling, floor, and roundup.

Full support.

Dynamic prompts

Not supported.

Not preserved.

Grid enhancements

Supports flattening column headings for crosstabs.

Flattened column headings are preserved. Drill-through view is not preserved.

5.0 Relational Databases and SQL Statements

6.0 Report Functionality

7.0 Java Viewer SDK

8.0 Crystal Enterprise JSF Components

9.0 Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer

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