To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at
The IBM® Rational Rose® Model Import feature provides users with the ability to migrate, with a high degree of fidelity, their existing Rational® Rose models and related artifacts into either IBM Rational Software Modeler or IBM Rational Software Architect.
This release includes the following updates and capabilities:
For information about installing the Rational Rose Model Import feature, refer to the Installation instructions.
This feature has no additional hardware requirements.
This feature can be installed for use with version 6.0 of either Rational Software Architect or Rational Software Modeler. Before you can install this feature, you must install IBM Rational Software Architect Fix Pack or IBM Rational Software Modeler Fix Pack
This feature offers support for the import of Rational Rose models used in Rational Rose Version 2003.06.00 or later. This corresponds to version 8.0 or 8.1 Rose models, and petal version 47 or later. For more information, see the "Supported Rose Petal versions" help topic in the product information center.
The following fixes are included in this release of the Rational Rose Model Import feature.
Defect | Description |
531846 | The following problem has been fixed: Exceptions
indicating profiles cannot be generated or model file cannot be created
The Problems view and Log view may show exceptions indicating that profiles cannot be generated or the model file cannot be created. The internal state of the Software Architect or Software Modeler model management subsystem is corrupted. |
This release note includes release-specific information, such as problems and limitations that were not available until after the product documentation was finalized.
Defect | Description |
530367 | Same font used for association and role labels
In Rational Rose, the name label on an association can use a different font from the role labels. By default, the Rose association name label is italic and role labels are roman. In Software Architect and Software Modeler, the association has only a single font setting that is applied to all labels. |
530860 | Swimlane (now partition) colors are not migrated
and cannot be assigned Swimlanes (shape compartments) are transparent by default; color cannot be assigned to them. In most cases, they inherit their container's color. |
530923 | Labels for association role constraints missing
after model import If your Rational Rose model has associations with role constraints defined on the diagram, the constraint will be migrated but the notation on the diagram will not appear. Currently, association role constraint notation as a label attached to the association connector is not supported. |
531155 | State and pseudostate elements do not show stereotype
icons Stereotype icons are currently not supported by state or pseudostate elements because the default icon is basically the same as the shape image. |
531520 | Multiple lines of text on connector labels collapsed
to a single line If your Rose model has connector labels with multiple lines of text, the text will be imported as a single line of text because mult-iline connector labels are currently not supported. Some labels may overlap other items in the diagram editor, making the diagram difficult to read. You may need to manually arrange shape and connector views to accommodate for longer name labels. |
531357 | Lifelines do not show stereotype icons or decorations
Rose sequence diagrams that include lifelines with stereotyped classes and that have an associated image (a decoration) will change after import so that the lifeline appears without the stereotype image. The lifeline's class is still stereotyped, but there is no decoration of the lifeline to indicate that this is the case. Rational Software Architect and Rational Software Modeler do not support lifeline stereotype images or decoration icons. |
531683 | Multiple Rose controlled units copied into single
model file upon import When you import a Rose model, all controlled unit content is automatically copied into the imported model. The controlled unit no longer resides as a separate file and is incorporated into a standard, monolithic Software Architect or Software Modeler model. This is not selectable. In addition, having a single large file may cause performance problems during the import process. Once you import your Rose model, you can break up your model into separate physical models. Creating models from each subsystem gives you the same control that you had when the subsystems were controlled units in Rose. For more information, see the online help topic "Multiple model approach versus Rose controlled units." |
531873 | Stereotype icon does not reflect the class that
is the object's type In Rose, an object in a Sequence diagram, Collaboration diagram, or Activity diagram shows the stereotype icon (if any) that is applied to the class that is the object's type. This is currently not supported in Software Architect or Software Modeler. |
Defect | Description |
142159 | Using import wizard while model import is in progress results in error If you click a button on the Rational Rose Model Import wizard once the import operation has started and the Progress Information window is open, an error will result. You need to close and restart the wizard. To stop the import operation while the Progress Information window is open, click the Cancel button in the window. Workaround: Do not select any Rational Rose Model Import wizard buttons while the model is being imported and the Progress Information window is open. |
246473 | Note attachment connectors not imported
If your Rational Rose model has a note that is attached to a text element through a note attachment, the note attachment will not be imported. Note attachments are only supported from a note to a UML element. |
529643 | White dot appears near Node element in Rose Classic
appearance style When using the Rose Classic appearance style in Software Modeler or Software Architect, a white dot is visible on the right side of a Node element. Note that the appearance preference is set by clicking Window > Preferences, expanding Workbench, and clicking Appearance. |
530615 | Unexpected changes in imported Statechart diagrams
In Rational Rose, Statechart and Activity diagrams are implemented in a single state/activity model. The elements available in Activity diagrams are a superset of the Statechart diagrams. Upon importing a state/activity model, Software Architect or Software Modeler checks whether it contains any Activity diagrams or elements that can only be visualized on Activity diagrams in Rose. If so, then all of the Statechart diagrams are converted to UML Activity diagrams in the Software Architect or Software Modeler model, states are converted to structured activity nodes, and transitions are converted to control flows. Workaround: If the conversion of Statechart diagrams to UML Activity semantics is a problem, you can separate Statechart diagrams and Activity diagrams into separate state/activity models in the Rose model before importing it. Because a package can only own a single state/activity model, this may require creating additional packages. The state/activity models containing only Statechart elements will be imported as UML state machines. |
531158 | Unexpected color settings for Initial State, Initial
Node, Final State, and Final Node The Statechart's Initial State and Activity's Initial Node use the LINE COLOR attribute as their colors; they ignore the FILL COLOR attribute value. The statechart's Final State and Activity's Activity Final Node (both bulls-eye style icons) set the outer circle color to the FILL COLOR attribute and inner circle color to the LINE COLOR attribute. |
531394 | Stereotype icons missing
in imported diagrams if Rose not installed If you install and use the Rational Rose Model Import wizard on a computer that does not have Rational Rose installed, the imported diagrams will not include the expected stereotype icons in the imported model. In addition, the list of stereotype configurations on the Map Stereotypes page of the wizard is empty. Note: The following workaround assumes the same operating system is being used for Rose and either Software Modeler or Software Architect. Workaround: To retain stereotype icons in diagrams, either use the same computer for Rose as well as either Sofware Modeler or Software Architect or use the following procedure to make the stereotype artifacts available during import:
531683 | Out of memory when importing large models
If you encounter an out-of-memory error when loading large Rose models, you will need to increase the heap size for the workbench JVM. Workaround: You increase memory by passing the "-vmargs -Xmx<size>" arguments on the workbench command line. For example, to specify a 1 GB heap, assuming a typical product installation location:
For Rose models up to 50 MB in size (including all CAT files), the default JVM settings are usually sufficient. For larger models, consider increasing the heap size. For Rose models of 50 MB or larger, consider re-factoring the model into smaller units after importing it. Packages can be extracted into separate models using the Create Model from Package command on the pop-up menu. This can help to reduce the amount of model data that is loaded in memory at one time. |
531826 | Incomplete import into project in dynamic ClearCase®
view When importing a Rational Rose model, if the UML model and profiles are to be created in new projects in a dynamic view in Rational ClearCase Version 6.13, then the model file will be imported, but property sets and stereotypes may fail to be converted to UML profiles. You may see an error indicating that the project in which the profiles were to be generated could not be created; for example, "Cannot create project in non-writable location: test1project_profiles." Workaround: To use ClearCase dynamic views for imported models:
531872 | Changes upon import of Association Classes and Generalizations
When importing Association Classes and Generalizations, please note the following issues:
533301 | Problems when opening an imported Rose model on Linux After importing and opening a Rational Rose model on Linux, the following problems may occur:
Workaround: Exit Rational modeling product and restart in a new workspace. In addition, the following information, available in the readme for Rational Application Developer Version 6.0, might be helpful:
960282 | Actors may not appear to be imported consistently
from Rose models When using the Rational Rose Model Import wizard, the Interpret UML 2.0 conventions in the Rose model check box on the Rational Rose Model Import Preferences page has the following impact:
To maintain consistency, do not select this check box and all Actors will be imported as classes. |
The product home page for Rational Software Modeler is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page on the product home page.
The product home page for Rational Software Architect is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page on the product home page.
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