To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at
Important Note: The uninstall (roll-back) feature of the Rational Product Updater has been disabled. Please ignore any information about uninstalling that may be found in the installation documents for this Refresh Pack.
This refresh pack includes new features, as well as defect fixes. The defect fixes are outlined in this document. The new features are documented in the Manual Tester online help.
This refresh pack contains the following new features for Manual Tester.
Capturing images while running a script
Pausing and resuming a manual test script
When running your manual test script, you can pause, return to the Manual Tester window, and resume running the script at a later time. When you pause a script, Manual Tester automatically creates a paused test log (.rmtplog ) which is listed in the Recent Files view under Test Logs (paused). To resume the paused script, right-click the paused test log in the Recent Files view and click Resume Script. For more information, see the Manual Tester online help.
Hiding and displaying custom properties during authoring and execution
When you create a custom property, in the Used during field in the Add Property dialog box, you indicate whether the property is to be set when writing the script (Authoring) or when running the script (Execution). If you choose Authoring, the property is read-only when the script is run. If you choose Execution, Manual Tester does not display the property when the script is being written. See "About Custom Statements Properties" in the Manual Tester online help for more information.
Assigning results to steps when running a script
With a new setting on the Execution Results page of the Preferences dialog box, you can apply results to steps when running a script. Selecting Allow Step Type statements to have a result activates this feature. When running a manual test script, you treat steps as you do verification points and reporting points -- in the Result section select the appropriate result (for example, pass) from the list and click Apply.
Entering comments while running a test is easier
In Manual Tester 6.1.1, adding comments while running a manual test script got easier. You click the Toggle display of the execution comments button on the execution viewer to display the Execution Comments dialog box. Manual Tester includes the comment in the Execution Comment property in the Properties view. You can leave the Execution Comments dialog box displayed as you progress through the test, which makes it easy to enter a comment for each statement. You can also type short comments into the Execution Comment property. For more information, see "Entering Comments When Running a Script" in the Manual Tester online help.
Transparency control added to execution viewer
You can now use a slider in the execution viewer adjust the transparency level. With the % Transparent slider, you can control how transparent the execution viewer is. Moving the slider to the left makes the execution viewer less transparent; moving it to the right makes it more transparent. A setting of 0 displays the execution viewer as a solid window. You can also still adjust the degree of transparency on the Main Preferences page of the Preferences dialog box. To establish the current setting as the default, double-click % Transparent.
Importing tables and charts in test documents
You can now import Word documents and Excel spreadsheets that contain tables and charts embedded in statements. The charts can be inline with the text of the statement or on a line by themselves.
Capturing data to insert or compare is easier
Two new dialog boxes make it easier to capture data to insert or compare. The Capture Data for Insert dialog box displays the text that Manual Tester puts on the clipboard when the step is run. The Capture Data for Compare dialog box displays the text that Manual Tester compares to text saved to the clipboard when the verification point or reporting point is executed. In both cases, you can read the data before adding it to the statement. You now display these two dialog boxes from the Manual Tester menu by clicking Edit > Data for Insert or Edit > Data for Compare. For more information, see "Entering and Verifying Text in an Application" in the Manual Tester online help.
Creating custom properties and results is easier
The procedures for creating custom statement properties and custom results are similar and easier to follow. For more information, see "Customizing Manual Tester" in the Manual Tester online help .
Different locations for reusable statements and lists of recent files
In a multi-user environment, users are no longer required to share reusable statements and recent files lists in order to share custom properties and custom results. The Main Preferences page has a Reuse file location field, which is used to specify the location of the reuse file and the list of recently used files. A separate field, Customization file location, is used to specify the location of the files that contain custom properties and custom results. For more information, see "Setting Manual Tester Preferences" in the Manual Tester online help.
Opening the script where a reusable statement was authored is easier
You can now right-click a reused statement in a manual test script in the Text Editor and click Open Script to open the script in which the statement was originally authored. You can also open the script by clicking Edit > Open Script from the Manual Tester menu. For more information, see "About Saving and Reusing Test Statements" in the Manual Tester online help.
The Text Editor has a new pop-up menu
When you right-click in the Text Editor, Manual Tester displays a pop-up menu with options for cutting, copying, pasting, pasting as a reference, deleting, opening scripts, adding to Reuse view, and setting the statement type.
Opening test logs on other drives
This defect was reported by a customer (APAR #PK02882). Test logs can be opened when they are on a drive other than the drive on which Manual Tester is installed. You can also open test logs that are at the root of a drive; for example, C:\MyTestLog.execution.
Results are displayed in event tree of the test log
The results of verification points and reporting points are now displayed in the events tree on the Events page of the test log. The results are displayed in parentheses after the statement icon; for example, (fail). Any custom results are displayed as defined in Manual Tester, and are not replaced by the corresponding Hyades result.
Saving statements for reuse is easier
Clicking Edit > Add to Reuse from the Manual Tester menu adds the statements selected in the script to the Reuse view. Edit > Add to Reuse is available from the Text Editor and the Outline view. The Add to Reuse command is also available from the Outline view and the Text Editor pop-up menus.
Paste as reference added to the Edit menu
You can paste a copied statement as a link from the Manual Tester menu by clicking Edit > Paste as Reference. You can also use Ctrl+R, which replaces Ctrl+L in previous versions of Manual Tester.
Backspace and Delete keys work between paragraphs as in Microsoft Word
In general, when you use the Backspace or Delete keys to combine two statements, the second statement takes on the type of the first statement. For exceptions to this rule and for more information, see "About Combining Statements with Backspace or Delete" in the Manual Tester online help.
Rational Product Updater
Rational Product Updater can now remove from your system any outdated files
after you install a new update. You can use the Clean up function to
significantly reduce the disk space that the installed product uses, and to
purge any outdated files. For additional information, see the "Removing outdated
files" topic in the Rational Product Updater help.
Note: This functionality is only supported after you install the 6.1.1
refresh pack and subsequent updates.
This refresh pack contains fixes for the following problems.
Manual Tester opens scripts imported with images
This defect was reported by a customer (APAR #PK07364). Manual Tester now opens a manual tester script (.rmt) after importing a Microsoft Word document that contains an image.
Links remain active in imported Word and Excel files
When you import a Microsoft Word or Excel test document into Manual Tester, any links remain active. Clicking on an imported link in a manual test script launches the default browser.
Graphics and charts in Word and Excel files are imported properly
Graphics from Microsoft Word documents and graphics and charts from Excel are imported properly.
Importing multiple Word documents no longer causes error
You can import multiple Microsoft Word test documents without encountering an error message.
Tables in Word documents are imported properly
Microsoft Word documents with tables containing multiple lines in a cell are now imported properly.
Word documents with invalid XML characters are imported properly
Microsoft Word documents with invalid XML characters are now imported properly.
Importing multiple Excel spreadsheets no longer causes an error
When multiple scripts are opened after Microsoft Excel spreadsheets have been imported, Manual Tester opens the scripts and no longer displays an error message.
Test documents from ManualTest in Rational® TestManager is imported properly
Data in the Description and Expected Result columns are no longer combined.
No error message is displayed when Import follows export
Manual Tester no longer displays an error message when you import a file immediately after exporting a file and vice versa.
Reminder is displayed that deleting a group deletes all statements in the group
Before you delete a group with statements, Manual Tester displays a reminder that you are also deleting all the statements in the group. Click Yes to delete the group or click No to cancel the deletion. You can disable the prompt by selecting Don't ask me again in the message box. You can also enable and disable the message on the Main Preferences page of the Preferences dialog box.
Text Editor supports bidirectional editing
Arabic entered into the Text Editor is displayed right to left. The home position for the cursor is on the right and text is aligned on the right.
Switching between the Text Editor and a test log no longer causes error
You can now switch between a manual test script that is open for editing, a test log, and another manual test script that is open for editing without receiving an error message.
The Text Editor and the execution viewer retain resizing
You can resize the Text Editor and the execution viewer, and Manual Tester will remember the size of these two components the next time they are used. However, if you maximize the Manual Tester window and then run a script, the execution viewer will be maximized, too.
Dragging and dropping in Outline view is improved
Manual Tester recognizes the location of the cursor relative to the item being dropped in Outline view. If the cursor is on the top of a statement, Manual Tester inserts the item above the statement. If the cursor is on the bottom of a statement, Manual Tester inserts the item below the statement. For a group folder, if the cursor is in the middle of the group, Manual Tester adds the item to the end of statements within the folder.
Statement-type icons are now available in Outline view
In Outline view, you can use the toolbar buttons to change statements types. You can also right-click the statement and click Statement Type > Set as Step, Statement Type > Set as Verification Point, Statement Type > Set as Reporting Point, or Statement Type > Set as Group. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to change statements types. Press F9 to set the current statement as a step; press F10 to set it as a verification point, press F11 to set it as a reporting point, or press F12 to set it as a group. For more information, see "About Manual Test Scripts and Statements" in the Manual Tester online help.
Delete is changed to remove in Recent Files view and Reuse View
In the Recent Files view, Remove removes the selected file from the Recent File view; You must use Windows Explorer to delete the file from the file system. In the Reuse view, Remove removes the statement from the Reuse view. The statements remain intact in all the scripts that refer to them.
Adding statements to the Reuse View is quicker
This defect was reported by a customer (APAR #PK04232). When you add a statement from a large file to the Reuse view, Manual Tester adds the statement much quicker.
Ability to disable add to reusable statements message
If you want to create a reusable statement using copy and paste, press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+R to paste a reference copy. When you paste the statement, Manual Tester displays a message asking if you want to add the pasted item to your list of reusable statements. You can disable this message by selecting Remember decision and do not ask again.
New Folder replaces Temp in Reuse view
When you right-click Reusable Statements in the Reuse view and click New Folder, Manual Tester adds to the tree a New Folder folder, which you can rename.
Dragging and dropping multiple statements maintains order in the Reuse view
Manual Tester no longer reverses the order of statements that are dragged and dropped into the Reuse view.
Background color for linked steps is customizable
You can change the background color in which Manual Tester displays reusable statements in a manual test script. For more information, see "Setting Manual Tester Preferences" in the Manual Tester online help.
Reusable groups cannot be edited
When you reuse a group in a script, you cannot edit individual statements in the group.
Cursor is positioned properly when descriptions of reusable groups are deleted
Using the Delete key to delete descriptions within a group no longer positions the cursor outside the writeable area of the Text Editor.
Pressing Enter in linked content no longer duplicates statements
When you press Enter in a group that is linked to a group within the same file, statements within the group are no longer duplicated.
More keyboard shortcuts added
Several new keyboard shortcuts have been added. For more information, see "Keyboard Shortcuts for IBM Rational Manual Tester" in the Manual Tester online help.
The F9 key (Set as Step) functions properly
After you press F9, Manual Tester changes the statement to a step in the Text Editor and in the Outline view.
Delete key works properly when statement labels are renamed
When you rename a statement label in the Outline view, highlighting part of the label and pressing Delete no longer deletes the entire label.
Pressing Backspace no longer switches focus to Outline view
Using the Backspace key repeatedly to delete statements in a group no longer changes focus to the Outline view.
Shift+Down arrow works properly
In a multiline statement, pressing Shift+Down Arrow selects the text from the current character down to the character under the current location. If the statement is on a single line, pressing Shift+Down Arrow selects the text from the current character to the end of the line.
Keyboard shortcuts added to the Execution Results page
Keyboard shortcuts (accelerator keys) have been added to the Execution Results Page of the Preferences dialog box.
Keyboard shortcut keys added to Preferences dialog box
Keyboard shortcut (accelerator) keys have been added to the Prompt to add statement to Reuse view on "Paste as Reference" and the Confirm children will be deleted with group controls.
Pressing Enter in a group produces expected behavior
Pressing the Enter key in the middle of a statement within a group now makes the text after the cursor the first child of the group.
Saving a file with the Recent Files view closed
You can save a new file if the Recent Files view is closed. Manual Tester no longer displays an error message.
Read-only script files can be saved to a new location
When you save edits to a manual test script file that is read-only, Manual Tester displays the option of saving the file under a new name and location. Also, when you click File > Save As to save a manual test script file with the same name as an existing read-only file, Manual Tester displays the option of saving the file under a new name and location.
Ability to overwrite read-only Files
When you try to save edits to a script that is checked into ClearCase, you receive a message that the script is read-only. You can now check out the script and overwrite the file with the changes.
Applying a result to a reusable step no longer applies the result to all instances
When you apply a result to a reusable step, Manual Tester applies the result and execution properties to the current step only.
Multiple instances of a reusable statement run in order
This defect was reported by a customer (APAR #PK03353). When you run multiple instances of a reusable statement in a script, either in order or out of order, Manual Tester treats each statement as a separate, distinct statement.
Ending a manual test script run from TestManager
When running a manual test script from TestManager, clicking Submit on the execution viewer drop-down menu no longer ends the test run prematurely.
Execution viewer closes after running a script
Manual Tester closes the execution viewer after you run a script, even if a reporting point has an Execution Attachment property.
Manual Tester window maximizes after running a script
After you click Apply for all the entries in the script and then save the result, the execution viewer is closed and the Manual Tester window is maximized.
Result values are cleared on subsequent test runs
When you partially rerun a test, Manual Tester does not apply the results from the previous run to statements that are not processed.
Restoring default Hyades custom result values
On the Execution Results page of the Preferences dialog box, clicking Restore Defaults restores the four permanent Hyades values.
Manual Tester-defined pass and fail results are mapped to their Hyades equivalents
When the Execution Results page was used to remove all result values, Manual Tester uses Pass and Fail as results for statements. If there are no custom results, the Pass and Fail that Manual Tester defines are correctly mapped back to their Hyades equivalents.
Execution log renamed test log
The execution log was renamed test log in this version of Manual Tester.
Clicking Test in the test log displays the script
When you click Test in the Summary section of the test log, Manual Tester displays the script in the Text Editor.
Exported files can open automatically after export
If you want to display the exported test log in the spreadsheet application after exporting, select Open file after export in the Export Test Log wizard.
Message or file is displayed after successful export
If you did not select Open file after export in the Export Test Log wizard, Manual Tester displays a message that the export is complete.
Test logs with no result applied are exported properly
Test logs of test scripts that contain statements to which no result was applied are now exported properly.
Results are exported for non-English-language operating systems
This defect was reported by a customer (APAR #PK07206). When you export a test log, the Result column displays the result for non-English-language operating systems. Any test log that was saved before to Manual Tester 6.1.1 does not have the result when exported. To see the result, run the script again, save the result, and export it.
Better messages when exporting to an open Excel spreadsheet
When you export to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that is open in another application, Manual Tester displays a more informative error message, but does not display an export complete message. If an error occurred during exporting, the output file for the export is not opened.
Product Updater no longer reports success when no update occurs
If Manual Tester is running when you use the Product Updater, you receive a message asking you to exit Manual Tester.
Sorting is available for the Custom Properties page and the Execution Results page
You can sort by any column name on the Custom Properties Page and Execution Results page of the Preferences dialog box by clicking on the column heading. If the arrow to the left of the column heading points up, the order of the list is ascending. If the arrow points down, the order is descending.
For information about installing IBM Rational Manual Tester Refresh Pack 6.1.1, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at
No additional hardware requirements are necessary to install this refresh pack.
You can install this refresh pack for use with IBM Rational Manual Tester 6.1 or later updates. Before you install the refresh pack, you must install IBM Rational Product Updater 6.0.1.
These release notes include release-specific information, such as problems and limitations that were not available until after the product documentation was finalized.
Windows NT is not a supported platform for Rational Manual Tester.
Distributed Functional Testing is not supported in this release of Manual Tester.
You cannot open a manual test script from ClearQuest on defects submitted through the TestManager log viewer.
You cannot open a Manual Tester verification point or reporting point or view its properties from ClearQuest.
The four Manual Tester tutorials and the Samples page of the Manual Tester Welcome page refer to sample scripts and provide a path where you can find them. The sample scripts are in a SampleScripts folder in the directory where you installed Manual Tester. The example of the path provided in the tutorials and the Samples page is not correct. The correct path is \Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\ManualTest\eclipse\SampleScripts.
Performing script operations over a network
Opening, saving, pausing, and resuming a manual test script that is saved over a network might take longer than operations performed on your local drive. The speed of the operation depends on your network speed.
The Undo command is not available. To undo an operation, save your file without saving the changes. Be sure to save your file frequently to save the changes.
User interface in Bidirectional-enabled system (Arabic/Hebrew) is displayed left to right
Because the text in the user interface has not been translated to any right-to-left languages, the user interface is always displayed left to right. However, the Manual Tester Text Editor handles right-to-left languages correctly and displays characters right to left when appropriate.
Inconsistent behavior when the Delete key is used to delete a captured image
If an image is the last thing in the description of a statement and the cursor is just before the image, pressing the Delete key does not delete the image.
Buttons disappear from the Main Preferences page
If you close the Preferences dialog box on any page other than the Main Preferences page, the Restore Defaults and the Apply buttons are not displayed on the Main Preferences page the next time you open it. To avoid this problem, switch to the Main Preferences page before clicking OK on the Preferences dialog box.
Uninstalling and Reinstalling Rational Manual Tester - issues and workarounds
An error message may be displayed when you update to Rational Manual Tester 6.1.1 and then uninstall the product, indicating that the uninstall procedure failed. The problem is that not all of Rational Manual Tester is completely removed. If you encounter problems the next time you update to 6.1.1, delete the C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\60\eclipse\jre.601bkup directory and then rerun the update.
The product home page for Rational Manual Tester is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit this product home page and click on the Support link.
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