IBM Rational
Manual Tester Version 6.1 for Windows, iFix 001 Release Notes
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2004. All Rights Reserved.
Table of contents
1.0 About this iFix
2.0 Known limitations, problems,
and workarounds
2.1 Known limitations
2.2 Known problems and workarounds
3.0 Updating
Manual Tester
software and documentation
4.0 Contacting customer support
This is the iFix for the first release of IBM Rational Manual Tester. Here is a
description of the improvements that were made to IBM Rational Manual Tester for
iFix 001.
- Cutting, copying, and pasting text in Manual Tester statement
- When you highlight all or part of a statement
and press Ctrl+C to copy it and Ctrl+V to paste it, Manual Tester
acts as other text editors – it copies and pastes the statement.
- If you want to use copy
and paste to create a reference to the statement, press
Ctrl+C to copy it, and Ctrl+L to paste a reference copy. Manual
Tester displays a
message asking if you want to add the pasted item to your list of reusable
statements. Click Yes to save the
statement for reuse. Manual Tester adds the statement to the Reuse view. If you
click No, Manual Tester pastes the referenced statement, but does not add it to the
Reuse view.
- When you copy a statement and paste it as a referenced statement in a
different location
in the same file, Manual Tester does not include the statement in a gray box. When
you edit a referenced statement in a file, Manual Tester automatically updates all the
copies of the statement in the file. When you copy a statement to a different
file, Manual Tester includes the statement in a gray box. When you edit the
original source of the statement, Manual Tester updates all instances of the
- You can paste a cut statement once; you can paste a copied statement several times.
- Verifying text in application
Manual Tester displays the Text Difference dialog box when
the actual text in an application does not match the text you expected when you
authored the script. Manual Tester highlights the first character
that is different in the Text Difference dialog box.
- Exporting log files
You can export multiple execution files to a
single .csv file. Manual Tester includes the name of the execution file as the
first column of data in the exported file. In addition to the statement type,
statement name, text of the statement, and the result, Manual Tester
exports the date and time of each statement in the last column of data in the
exported file. In the Export wizard, in the Output file field, type the
path, file name, and file type, .xls.
- Importing Word test document
- When you import a Microsoft Word test document, the data might include a
character that is invalid in Manual Tester. When Manual Tester opens the document, an error occurs. An example of the error is "Problems
opening the script, Reason, An invalid XML character was found..." This problem
is resolved in iFix 001.
- Execution log
The Start and Stop times on the Overview tab of the execution log are correct
for any new execution logs, but the times for groups are incorrect.
- Execution viewer
You can make the execution viewer visible over NetMeeting or other remote meeting software by setting the Percent transparency of execution window field
on the Main Preferences page to 0.
- Properties view
- o When you capture data for compare or for insert, Manual Tester
immediately updates the Compare Data and the Paste Data
- o When you insert image files into new scripts, the image files do not
display in the Attachment properties.
- o When you execute a script, the properties
display immediately.
- Text Editor
- o You can now copy and paste statements that contain images.
- o When you right-click the left edge of a statement, Manual Tester now positions the cursor
properly for you to begin typing.
- o You can now delete a resized image from a statement.
- Preferences
When the reuse directory is set to a location that does not contain a reuse file,
Manual Tester creates a reuse file in that location and
resets the Reuse view accordingly.
- Search operation stops when case is different from search criterion
When you perform a search by clicking the Find button in the Find/Replace dialog
box, and Manual Tester finds an opposite case of the case in the search criterion, the search stops.
You must plan your search expecting it to be case sensitive. The Replace All button
replaces all cases of the search criterion. Manual Tester always starts a search at the top of the
- Word documents that contain numbered statements do not import the number property
When you import a Word document that contains numbered statements, Manual Tester imports the text
without the number property.
- Reused statement reference not highlighted in document where statement originated
When you reuse a statement in a document where the original statement resides, there is no
visual indicator that the reused statement is a reference to the original statement. The reused
statement is not highlighted with a gray background in the editor.
- Scroll bar reversed in Semitic editor view
In the Semitic editor view, the
vertical scroll bar is on the right side instead of the left side of the Manual
Tester window.
- Reuse view updates when source script
is saved
- The Reuse view is updated when a file containing a reused statement is
saved, not immediately when a statement is modified.
- Installation Guide operating system service packs not applicable
- In the IBM Rational Manual Tester Version 6.1 Installation Guide,
in the Platform Support section, the service pack information for the operating
systems are not applicable. Manual Tester supports the operating systems with all the
latest service packs and roll-ups.
- Manual Tester provides support for the following operating systems:
- o Windows XP Professional
- o Windows XP Home
- o Windows 2000 Professional
- o Windows Server version 2000 and version 2003
- o Windows NT
- Installing .NET Framework
When you install Manual Tester, a message might display to remind you that Microsoft(R)
.NET Framework must be installed on your system. If the .NET Framework is installed, you can ignore the
message. If you want to use the Manual Tester import or export feature, you must install the
.NET Framework.
- Importing ManualTest documents from IBM Rational TestManager(R)
Before you import a Rational ManualTest document into Manual Tester, verify that both Rational TestManager
and the Microsoft .NET Framework are installed locally.
TestManager must reside on the same system as Manual Tester. If you import a Rational ManualTest
document and the operation fails, follow these steps as a workaround:
1. Close Manual Tester.
2. Navigate to your installation directory.
3. Open the ManualTest\Eclipse folder.
4. Double click rtTlbImporter.exe.
5. Verify that TMSCOMSERVERLib.dll is in the Eclipse folder.
6. Double-click regasm_mt.bat.
7. Start Manual Tester.
- Importing test documents created with Microsoft Office software
- You can import test documents you create with the following applications:
- o Microsoft Word 2000 or later
o Microsoft Excel 2000 or later
- o Rational TestManager ManualTest
- To import Word or Excel documents, you must install Word 2000, Excel 2000, or Office 2000 (or later
versions) on the target machine.
- Installing IBM Rational ClearCase LT after installing Manual Tester
If you install Manual Tester and then install ClearCase(R) LT, the Rational Licensing wizard
might start. If this occurs, you can ignore the licensing wizard.
- Manual Tester Editor window title bar text difficult to read
In Windows NT, in the Manual Tester Editor window, the black text on a dark blue background in the title bar makes the text difficult to read. If you cannot see
the text in the title bar, you can change the colors. To do so, open the Windows Display Properties dialog box, click the
Appearance tab, and select a color
- Cannot open an execution file
When you open an .execution file, and the following error message appears, "An error has occurred creating this editor," click
OK and change the UNC
path of the folder that contains the file. To do so, from the Manual Tester menu, click File > Open, and in the
File name field, enter the UNC path of
the folder that contains the .execution file.
- Empty .execution file
When you open an .execution file immediately after you save the file, the .execution file might be empty. Close the .execution file and open the file to view
the results.
- Importing a ManualTest source
If you have ManualTest files in your TestManager datastore, clear the Display files after import option before you import the tests into
Manual Tester.
- Undo is not available
The Undo command is not available. To undo an operation, save your file without saving the changes. Be sure to save your file frequently to save the changes.
- Selecting image in Outline view causes error
- When you select an image and select a statement in Outline View, an error
occurs. You must deselect the image by clicking the image to remove the grab
handles. Then, the error no longer occurs.
- Documentation errata
The four Manual Tester tutorials and the Samples page of the Manual Tester Welcome
tab refer to sample scripts and provide a path where you can find them. The sample
scripts are in a SampleScripts folder in the directory where you installed
Manual Tester. The example of the path provided in the tutorials and the Samples page
is not correct. The correct path is \Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\ManualTest\eclipse\SampleScripts.
You can use the Rational Product Updater to update your Manual Tester software or
documentation. Updates can include additional software features, defect fixes, new
documentation, and translated documentation files. IBM posts updates to the site
at any time. It is good practice to run the Product Updater periodically to check for new
updates. For more information about using the Product Updater, see the online Help.
From the Product Updater menu, click
> Help Contents.
- Installing Updates
From Windows, click
Start > Program Files > IBM Rational >
Rational Product Updater.
The Product Updater opens and displays the
Products tab with a list of the Rational products you
Rational Manual Tester 6.1.0.
Click the
The Manual Tester product name and the available updates
for Manual Tester appear in a list on the Updates tab.
Select an update item in the
list to see a description of that update in the
Detailed Information
By default, all updates for Manual Tester are selected and display a check
mark. The selected updates will be installed.If you do not want
to install an update, clear the check box next to that update.
Some selected updates depend on
each other. When you select or clear an update, the Product Updater might select
or clear an update that is dependent on or independent of another update.
Click the
The Product Updater installs the selected items.
Refer to the Support section of the Manual Tester online Help for information about
how to contact IBM Software Support.