© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2005. All Rights Reserved.
To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/rmt/61/html/readme_6111.html.
Important Note: The uninstall (roll-back) feature of the Rational Product Updater has been disabled. Please ignore any information about uninstalling that may be found in the installation documents for this fix pack. Also, do not cancel the update once it has begun.
This fix pack includes both new features and defect fixes. The defect fixes are outlined in this document. The new features are described here and documented in the Manual Tester on-line help.
Manual Tester now provides the ability to search multiple test scripts using a single query. You can search for text strings or for references to statements. This feature is useful when you want to modify or reuse statements. You can also use it to ensure that any reused statement that you change does not break the integrity of other test scripts.
You can publish Manual Tester test scripts to HTML for easy viewing by others in a web browser.
You can import Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and Rational TestManager ManualTest test documents with the import formatters provided in Rational Manual Tester. If you have test documents that were created with a different program or have a format different than what is expected by the input formatters provided, Manual Tester now enables you create a customized import formatter.
Creating a customized import formatter requires knowledge of Java programming.
Manual Tester includes an export formatter that you can use to export a test log to a CSV text file. You can now create a formatter that exports your test results to other formats, for example, a Lotus Notes database.
Creating a customized export formatter requires knowledge of Java programming.
This fix pack contains fixes for the following problems.
There were confusing exit paths out of Rational Manual Tester execution. (APAR PK12656)
Now exiting from execution mode is consistent regardless of the method chosen.
When a Rational Manual Tester script was run from TestManager and the script could not be found, no script specific events were written to the log causing the execution to appear to pass. (APAR PK12659)
With this release, a failed log event is generated if the script is not found.
When running Rational Manual Tester from TestManager, the user should no longer be allowed to "Stop and return to script." (APAR PK12661)
This capability is disabled when the Manual Tester script is executed from TestManager.
Captured images and execution comments were not being passed back to TestManager when running a Rational Manual Tester script. (APAR PK12664)
Captured images and execution comments are now being passed back to TestManager when running a Manual Tester script.
The transparency level of the Rational Manual Tester execution view had a maximum of 95%. This made the window extremely difficult to see. (APAR PK12665)
The maximum transparency level is now 85%.
Actions that were intended for files in the Recent Files View would display an error when performed on the folders rather than the files. (APAR PK12671)
The actions are no longer allowed on folders in the Recent Files View.
A log event was generated for all statements even if they occurred after the last executed statement. (APAR PK13147)
Log events are now generated only for those statements between the first statement and the last executed statement (inclusive).
Selecting an image and deleting it did not work properly if the image was the last object in the statement and there was some text before the image. (APAR PK15197)
The cursor would slide to the beginning of the statement and delete whatever was first in the statement, not the image itself. Rational Manual Tester now deletes the image.
The last entry in the Reuse view could not be removed. Also, the last entry in a folder in the Reuse view could not be removed. (APAR PK15578)
The Reuse view is fixed to allow the last entry to be removed.
When running a script from TestManager, the ScriptName and Verification Point Names were not being set correctly in the TestLog. Subsequently, when a defect was created from the TestLog, those fields could not be set in the defect record. (APAR IC46691)
Log Events created from Rational Manual Tester now include the script name and VP name.
Manual Tester editor is blank on startup unless Internet Explorer 6.x is installed. (APAR PK13082)
IE 6.x is now a system requirement.
For information about installing IBM Rational Manual Tester Fix Pack, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at http://www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/rmt/61/install_instruction/6111/install.html.
No additional hardware requirements are necessary to install this fix pack.
You can install this fix pack for use with IBM Rational Manual Tester 6.1 or later updates.
These release notes include release-specific information, such as problems and limitations that were not available until after the product or documentation was finalized.
This section describes known issues that relate to product installation, updates, and the environment in which the product runs.
In the IBM Rational Manual Tester Version 6.1 Installation Guide, in the "Platform Support" section, the service pack information for the operating systems is not applicable. Manual Tester supports the following operating systems with all the latest service packs and roll-ups:
Note: Rational Manual Tester does not support Windows NT.
Rational Manual Tester requires IE v6.x. If your system has IE5.x, the Manual Tester editor will not display.
If you uninstall Rational Manual Tester, you may encounter errors. To successfully uninstall Manual Tester, you must manually uninstall the Agent Controller and remove some left-over files.
To uninstall the Agent Controller, follow these steps:
Stop the IBM Rational Agent controller service running on the machine. In the Control Panel click Administrative Tools > Services. Right-click IBM Rational Agent Control > Stop.
Remove the install directory for the IBM Agent controller component. In Windows Explorer, delete the IBM_Agent_Controller folder, which is in the directory where you installed Manual Tester. The default location of the Rational install directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0.
Delete the update history folder, C:\Windows\IBM\RAC60.
Remove the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Rational Agent Controller. Using regedit.exe, navigate to the key, right-click on it, and select Delete.
From Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, select IBM Rational Agent Controller and click Change/Remove. Select the IBM Rational Agent Controller from the Add or Remove Programs list.
If Manual Tester is installed standalone, delete the C:\WINDOWS\vpd.properties file.
If Manual Tester is installed with other Rational products, edit the C:\WINDOWS\vpd.properties file and delete all lines containing the string "IBM_Agent_Controller."
To remove left-over files, follow these steps:
If you get errors when reinstalling Manual Tester, it may be because you did not uninstall Manual Tester completely. To ensure that you have done a full uninstall of the product, see "Errors when uninstalling Rational Manual Tester"
When you install Rational Manual Tester, do not make the install directory a UNC path name. UNC path names are not supported.
If Rational Manual Tester and another Rational product are installed on the same system and other product is uninstalled, Manual Tester does not start or update. To start Rational Manual Tester, you must uninstall all Rational products on the system and then reinstall Manual Tester.
This section describes known issues that relate to using the Manual Tester editor to author test scripts.
The search that is performed when you click the Find button in the Find/Replace dialog box, is case sensitive. If Manual Tester encounters the text string that you specify, but it includes characters with a different case (lower case or capital letters) from the one you specified, the search stops.
However, the Replace All button is not case sensitive.
When you add a hyper link to a test script, you must add a trailing space for it to function correctly.If you add a hyper link without a trailing space, the link will appear active during execution but will not work. In addition, if the test script is saved and reopened for editing, the hyper link may not work without the trailing space.
This section describes known issues that relate to importing and exporting information from Manual Tester.
Before you import a Rational TestManager test scripts into Manual Tester, shut down Rational Administrator and Rational TestManager.
Before you import a Rational ManualTest document into Rational Manual Tester, verify that both Rational TestManager and the Microsoft .NET Framework are installed locally. TestManager must reside on the same system as Manual Tester. If you import a Rational ManualTest document and the operation fails, follow these steps as a workaround:
When importing Microsoft Excel data into Rational Manual Tester, graphics in the spreadsheet will be imported only if the cell that follows the graphic contains text. If the cell is empty, the graphic will not be imported.
This section describes known issues that relate to executing Rational Manual Tester test scripts
Rational Manual Tester scripts do not playback on the Rational Test Agent.
This section describes known issues that relate to Rational Manual Tester integration with Rational TestManager.
When you are running Rational Manual Tester from Test Manager, the images captured during execution are saved for later viewing. To specify the directory in which the images are saved, set a TestManager Test Script Option for the execution of Rational Manual Tester scripts. The option must be named "RMTAttachmentDir" and the value must be the directory in which you want to save the images. If you do not specify a directory in which to save images, the images are saved to the directory specified in the "Reuse File Location" preference in Rational Manual Tester.
Distributed functional testing is available in this integration, but is not supported.
You cannot open a Manual Tester verification point or reporting point or view its properties from Rational ClearQuest.
This section describes known issues with the Rational Manual Tester documentation.
The Rational Manual Tester Installation Guide incorrectly states that the Rational Product Updater supports uninstall (rollback). This feature has been disable.
Ignore any information about uninstalling that may be found in the installation documents for this fix pack. For information about uninstalling Manual Tester, see "Errors when uninstalling Rational Manual Tester"
In the help reference topic "Import Formatters Page," the names of the import formatters are incorrect. The correct names are listed below:
Document Type |
Formatter |
Microsoft Excel |
Excel |
Rational TestManager ManualTest |
Rational TestManager ManualTest |
Microsoft Word |
Word |
The help topic "Installing the Eclipse Development Environment" is incomplete. After you install TPTP Runtime, you must install the Manual Tester interface plug in.
Copy com.ibm.rational.mt.interfaces_1.0.0 from the Rational Manual Tester installation directory to the Eclipse installation directory. For example you would copy com.ibm.rational.mt.interfaces_1.0.0 from C:\Program Files\ibm\Rational\SDP\6.0\mt\eclipse\plugins to C:\MyEclipse\eclipse\plugins.
In "About Customizing the Example Import Formatter," the first paragraph should read:
When you customize the example import formatter, you must determine the modifications to make. This topic reviews the modifications you can make and describes the classes, interfaces, and methods to use to implement them in the Java code.
In "Creating an Import Formatter," the paragraph after the heading "About Customizing the Example Import Formatter" should read:
When you customize the example import formatter, you must determine the modifications to make. This topic reviews the modifications you can make and describes the classes, interfaces, and methods to use to implement them in the Java code.
To create an export formatter, you must first install the Eclipse development environment as described in the topic "Installing the Eclipse Development Environment."
Manual Tester includes sample test scripts, which are located in a SampleScripts folder in the directory where you installed the product. Both the Samples page of the Welcome documentation and the four Manual Tester tutorials refer to this folder and provide an example of the path. That path is not correct. The correct path for accessing the SamplesScripts folder is: \Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\ManualTest\eclipse\SampleScripts.
The product home page for Rational Manual Tester is www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/tester/manual/index.html. For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit this product home page and click on the Support link.
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