IBM Rational Functional Tester Refresh Pack 6.1.1 - Release notes

For Rational Functional Tester, Version 6.1

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2002, 2005. All Rights Reserved.

To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at

Important Note: The uninstall (roll-back) feature of the Rational Product Updater has been disabled. Please ignore any information about uninstalling that may be found in the installation documents for this Refresh Pack.


1.0 About this release
   1.1 New in this release
   1.2 Product fix history
2.0 Installation information
   2.1 Hardware requirements
   2.2 Software requirements
3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
4.0 Customer support
5.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

This refresh pack includes new features, as well as defect fixes. The defect fixes are outlined in this document. The new features are documented in a separate release note, which is linked to in section 1.1.

1.1 New in this release

This refresh pack contains the following new features for Functional Tester. The new features are not documented in the Functional Tester help. They are documented in a new features release note. To view the new features release note, see the file Rational Functional Tester v6.1.1 New Features Release Notes available in the IBM Publications Center at Next, select your country, then click Search for Publications, and search for Material ID GY24-6182-01 to find the v6.1.1 new features release notes in the IBM Publications Center.

Screen snapshot on playback failure

If playback of a script causes an exception to be thrown, Functional Tester takes a screen snapshot at the time of the failure. The screen snapshot is accessible through the log.

For documentation on this feature, see the link listed above.

Stopping or pausing script playback

Playback of a script can be stopped or paused.

For documentation on this feature, see the link listed above.

Ambiguous recognition

Ambiguous recognition occurs when Functional Tester cannot differentiate between an instance of the application-under-test started by a script playback and an instance of the same application inadvertently left open previous to script playback. Ambiguous recognition will cause script playback failure unless the duplicate application is closed. This new feature identifies the ambiguous recognition and allows you to close the duplicate application, then resume playback.

For documentation on this feature, see the link listed above.

Siebel Extension

This is an add-on release to IBM® Rational® Functional Tester to enable extended functional testing support for Siebel applications. This release of the add-on is based on the 7.7 version of Siebel. The Siebel add-on for RFT allows users to capture and play back GUI-level interactions using Siebel's object model. Users can perform property and data verification points on Siebel Custom components.

This extension is licensed separately. You must purchase a separate license to use it.

The documentation about this feature is in a separate release notes file, IBM Rational Functional Tester Extension for Siebel Automation Readme. To view the latest version of this file, see the readme at

Rational Product Updater

Rational Product Updater can now remove from your system any outdated files after you install a new update. You can use the Clean up function to significantly reduce the disk space that the installed product uses, and to purge any outdated files. For additional information, see the "Removing outdated files" topic in the Rational Product Updater help.

Note: This functionality is only supported after you install the 6.1.1 refresh pack and subsequent updates.

1.2 Product fix history

This refresh pack contains fixes for the following problems:

The Tab and Enter keys do not perform as expected in the Datapool Editor.

Pressing the Tab key should move the cursor from the current location to the cell to the right, and pressing the Enter key from anywhere in the grid should move the cursor to the next row in the cell directly under the starting point. This defect has been fixed and now the Tab and Enter keys perform as expected in the Datapool Editor.

Selecting Find updates in Rational Product Updater causes Functional Tester to begin update download automatically.

There is no option not to download updates found with the Find updates option in Product updater. This defect has been fixed and Functional Tester no longer automatically downloads updates found with Product Updater.

Unable to delete a script with a corrupted script definition file.

Attempting to delete a script that has a corrupted script definition file produces an error. This defect has been fixed and now a script with a corrupted script definition file can be deleted.

.NET Datapool Editor and View do not respect IDE settings for font.

In RFT .NET, changes made to the font for Dialogs and tool windows does not change the font in the Datapool Editor and View. This defect has been fixed and now changes made in Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors > Dialogs and Tool Windows will propagate to the Datapool Editor and View.

Coordinate-based clicks recorded for Scrollbar clicks in Win EditBox and RichEdit.

Functional Tester records a click(atPoint()) when a scrollbar is clicked, but this should record a click(SCROLL_xxx) where xxx is either UP or DOWN. This defect has been fixed and now a scrollbar click is correctly recorded.

Functional Tester Java, object map editing causes refresh of Script Explorer requiring user to continually scroll to next object.

In RFT Java, saving a script in the Script Explorer causes the Script Explorer to refresh and put focus on the first item. This defect has been fixed and focus now remains on the last selected item.

Regular Expression in data verification point for a large html page produces an error on playback.

Replacing a large data verification point with a regular expression produces a java error on playback. This defect has been fixed and now no error occurs.

Functional Tester .Net, after renaming, new name of verification point is not refreshed.

In Functional Tester .Net, when you rename a verification point, the view is not refreshed, making it appear that it didn't work. The renamed verification point cannot be opened until the script is closed and reopened. This refresh problem has been corrected.

WrappedException error in recording against custom JFC JComboBox.

A WrappedException error is produced during the recording of applications testing a customized JComboBox. This defect has been fixed and customized JComboBox can now be recorded normally.

Multiple links with the same name not recognized by Rational Functional Tester.

Links with the same name cause ambiguous recognition even if they point to different URLs. This defect has been fixed and Functional Tester can now differentiate between different links with the same name.

Functional Tester on Linux: Deleted datapools persist in the Test Datapool folder.

On Linux, after deleting a datapool associated with the current script, the datapool is still found in the Test Datapool folder. This defect has been fixed and the deleted script does not persist in the Test Datapool folder.

Functional Tester Linux, cannot Select Second Datapool variable in Datapool Literal Substitution.

On Linux, at Script > Find Literals and Replace with Datapool Reference, the first variable is always selected and the second variable cannot be selected. This defect has been fixed and now both variables are selectable.

API documentation gaps in Functional Tester for Java

From APAR PQ98822. In Functional Tester for Java, some new methods for using datapools had no documentation. This defect has been corrected and the documentation has been updated.

Internet Explorer unexpectedly closes during playback while clicking HTML radio buttons.

From APAR PKD8566. During playback of a script that clicks a series of radio buttons in a website, the browser suddenly closes. This defect has been corrected and now radio button clicks in Internet Explorer are handled correctly.

Problems with data driven testing in nested domains.

From APAR PKD8384. Functional Tester cannot data drive objects that are in a nested domain. This defect has been corrected and now data driven tests can handle objects in nested domains.

Spy Heap is Locked error is produced during playback.

From APAR PKD7394. An HTML application that opens multiple windows or dialogs may produce a Spy Heap is Locked error. This defect has been fixed, and multiple windows or dialogs in an HTML application no longer produces an error.

GuiTestObject.hasFocus() does not work in Functional Tester VB.NET.

From APAR PKD7031. When the hasFocus() method of the GuiTestObject is used, false is always returned. This has been corrected.

Scripts are recorded incorrectly in the case of an application with Turkish characters.

From APAR PKD7027. When using Functional Tester for an application containing Turkish characters, the recorded script is incorrect. This defect has been corrected and now applications with Turkish characters record correctly.

Creating a TSSDatapool using the default constructor produces an error.

From APAR PKD6907. Trying to create a TSSDatapool using the default constructor ( TSSDatapool dp = new TSSDatapool() ) produces an error. This defect has been fixed and now the default constructor can be used.

Functional Tester update problem.

From APAR PKD5770. Functional Tester has a problem with locale settings after updating with the Functional Tester Fix Pack. This defect has been corrected and now updating with the Fix Pack has no effect on locale settings.

Using the same vpManual name in multiple tests using TestManager causes discrepancy in data recorded.

From APAR PKD5568. In a TestManager suite with more than one test case that call the same script, identical vpManual names are returned multiple times in the log with incorrect data. This defect has been corrected and now identical vpManual names produce correct data.

Using the Delete key to delete a Test Object from the Script Explorer causes error message.

From APAR PKD4010. Deleting a Test Object from Script Explorer using the Delete key produces an error message even though the Test Object is deleted. This defect has been corrected and now no error message appears when a Test Object is deleted from Script Explorer with the Delete key.

In Functional Tester VB.NET, deleted logs still appear in the log folder.

From APAR PKD2975. In Functional Tester VB.NET, if log files are deleted and the empty log folder is left, the log files still appear in the folder but can not be opened. This defect has been corrected and now the log files do not appear after they have been deleted.

Object data verification points recorded on html table in XDE Tester fails when played back on Functional Tester.

From APAR PKD1570. Object Data verification points in a script that was recorded in XDE Tester fail when played back in Functional Tester because of discrepancies between the data recorded by XDE Tester and read by Functional Tester. This defect has been corrected.

Updated test object properties appear as original recognition properties.

From APAR PKD1456. After updating a test object property, saving your changes, and then exiting the Update Recognition Properties window, the updated test object property appears in the Original Recognition Properties list instead of the updated Test Object Properties list. This defect has been fixed and now the updated test object property appears in the correct list.

Functional Tester script plays back in Internet Explorer 6.0 but fails in Mozilla.

Functional Tester generates a script for a web page but if you scroll down to click a button that produces a popup menu, Functional Tester does not recognize the popup menu when played back on Mozilla. This defect has been corrected, and now the script does not fail on Mozilla.

Cannot use ZIP files in class path.

From APAR IC45526. While using a resource in a ZIP file from the getBundle() method of the PropertyResourceBundle class while the ZIP file is located in the classpath, a playback error is produced. This defect has been fixed and playback is allowed.

The Japanese translation of "private" in Functional Tester is not consistent.

From APAR IC44831. In Functional Tester the word "private" is not translated consistently into the same word in Japanese. This defect has been corrected and now "private" is translated consistently in Japanese.

Upgrading from XDE Tester 2003.06.00 causes callback from JAR using Class.forName to fail.

From APAR IC44213. Functional Tester cascades the classloaders so that the same classloader gets used to load each different level of support regardless of the current project. This defect has been corrected and now scripts recorded in the earlier version do not fail.

Other APAR's that were fixed in this release:

IC44802; PQ96132; PKD8493; PKD8474; PKD8382; PKD8379; PKD8143; PKD7063; PKD7063; PKD5968; PKD3075; IC46508; IC46052

2.0 Installation information

For information about installing IBM Rational Functional Tester Refresh Pack 6.1.1, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at

2.1 Hardware requirements

No additional hardware requirements are necessary to install this refresh pack.

2.2 Software requirements

You can install this refresh pack for use with IBM Rational Functional Tester 6.1. Before you install the refresh pack, you must install IBM Rational Product Updater 6.0.1.

3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

These release notes include release-specific information, such as problems and limitations that were not available until after the product documentation was finalized.

Linux: Eclipse (SWT) menu items cannot be identified using object finder/inspector

On Linux, Eclipse-based (SWT Java) menu items cannot be identified using the object finder/inspector. GTK menus are not supported.

Product Updater is not able to update iFixes on NT4.0

The Rational Product Updater is not able to unzip and install updates on Windows NT 4.0. The Product Updater does not support Windows NT.

F11 hotkey available to terminate script execution

When playing back a script in Functional Tester, you can use the F11 key to terminate the execution. This information is not in the user documentation.

Also, in this release there is a new feature that allows you to pause or stop playback by using buttons on the Playback Monitor. See section 1.1 for details on the new feature. You can use the F11 hotkey to terminate script execution in this version and the previous versions of Functional Tester.

Japanese characters are not showing properly in the VP Editor/Comparator if language pack not installed

On operating systems such as Japanese and Simplified Chinese, you may notice that non-English characters appear as square boxes inside the Verification Point Editor/Comparator. This will happen if you did not install the language packs during the product installation. To resolve this problem, the you can run the installation again and select only the desired language packs. Everything else should be deselected. Then the characters will be displayed properly.

Need JRE 1.4.1 or greater to use HTML Log.

An enabled JRE of version 1.4.1 or greater is required to use the HTML log.

Delay Setting Preferences are not available for Siebel testing

Some of the options under Windows > Preferences are not valid for the RFT Siebel implementation because they do not apply to the Siebel object model. For example, the options under Windows > Preferences > Functional Test > Playback > Mouse Delays and > Other Delays do not apply to Siebel testing.

Cannot go back to Functional Test Perspective after switching to other perspectives

If you update from Rational Functional Tester 6.1 to 6.1.1 using the Rational Product Updater, you may have problems switching back to the Functional Test perspective in Eclipse if you switch to a different perspective, such as Rational Software Modeler. If you cannot get back to the Functional Test perspective, use the following steps to get it back:

1. Open C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\rationalsdp.ini in Wordpad.
(In Notepad you may get some formatting problems. Once you save it in Wordpad you can edit in Notepad too.)
2. Find VMArgs=-Xquickstart
3. Add the following line after it:
4. Save the file.
5. Restart the product.

You should now be able to switch to the Functional Test perspective.

For the Siebel Extension Feature, Steps to Use RFT 6.1.1 with a Pre-existing RFT Project

If you install the latest Refresh Pack 6.1.1, you will need to perform a few actions before you can successfully use the new Siebel support with a pre-existing project. You will need to add two new templates (one for script headers and one for script helper headers) that must be added to the project. You will also need to update the build or reference information for the project. The specific details for each RFT platform follow.

RFT Java Scripting and Eclipse
1. If you are using RFT Java scripting, you can update to the latest templates by right-clicking on the project in the Functional Test Projects view and selecting Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog, select “Functional Test Script Templates” from the list on the left. Select the template “Script Helper: Header of the file”. If you have not customized this template, you can upgrade it by clicking the Restore Defaults button. If you have customized the template already, add this line to the top along with the other import statements:

    import com.rational.test.ft.object.interfaces.siebel.*;

After modifying the template, click the Apply button. Next, select the template “Script: Header of the file”. Add the same line to the imports section in this template as well. Click Apply and then OK.

3. If you are using the integrated ClearCase support, after you edit the template files they will be checked out. You will need to check them back in so that other members of your team can use them. To do this, right-click on the project again in the Functional Test Projects view, and click Team > Show Checkouts. You will see a list of elements you have checked out. Select the two templates and and check them in (for example, you can right-click on the selected elements in the list and click Check in). Your other team members should update their project by right-clicking the project in the Functional Test Projects view and clicking Team > Get Latest Version….

4. Finally, right-click again on the project in the Functional Test Projects view and click Reset Java Build Path. Each member of your team will need to perform this last step, as the “Java Build Path” is local to each project on each machine.

VB.Net Scripting and Visual Studio
1. If you are using VB.Net scripting, you can update to the latest templates by right-clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and clicking Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog, select the Functional Test Script Templates tab. Select the template “Script Helper: Header of the file”. If you have not customized this template, you can upgrade it by clicking the Restore Defaults button. If you have customized the template already, add this line to the top along with the other import statements:

    Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces.Siebel

After modifying the template, click the Apply button. Next, select the template “Script: Header of the file”. Add the same line to the imports section in this template as well. Click Apply and then OK.

3. If you are using the integrated ClearCase support, after you edit the template files they will be checked out. You will need to check them back in so that other members of your team can use them. To do this, right-click on the project again in the Solution Explorer, and click Team > Show Checkouts. You will see a list of elements you have checked out. Select the two templates ft_script.vb.rfttpl and ft_scripthelper.vb.rfttpl and check them in (for example, you can right-click on the selected elements in the list and click Check in). Your other team members should update their project by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer and clicking Team > Get Latest Version….

4. Finally, right-click again on the project in the Solution Explorer and click Reset Custom Reference. Each member of your team will need to perform this last step, as the “Custom References” are local to each project on each machine.

Uninstalling and Reinstalling Rational Functional Tester and Manual Tester - issues and workarounds

If you install, uninstall, and then reinstall Refresh Pack V6.1.1, the second attempt to install the refresh pack may fail or hang.

This is caused by some files and folders remaining behind after the uninstall.

The workaround is to follow these steps if you are unable to reinstall:
1. Uninstall Rational Functional Tester and Rational Manual Tester.
2. Remove the <install_location>\rft_prod,  <install_location>\rmt_prod directories.
3. Remove the <install_location>/eclipse/jre.601bkup directory.
4. Remove all RFT and RMT files/folders from features folder ( <install_location>/updater\workspace\proxies\eclipse\features\updater.rft* , updater.rmt* )
5. Remove all files from c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\RFT\customization. Note that the Application Data directory may be hidden. If it is, you will need to unhide it.
6. Install RFT and RMT 6.1.0.
7. Using the Product Updater, find updates and install the latest update (6.1.1).

4.0 Customer support

The product home page for Rational Functional Tester is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit this product home page and click on the Support link.

5.0 Notices and trademarks

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