IBM Rational Functional Tester Fix Pack - Readme

For Rational Functional Tester, Version 6.1

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2002, 2005. All Rights Reserved.

To view the latest version of this file, see the readme at

Table of contents

1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
   2.1 Hardware requirements
   2.2 Software requirements
3.0 Fixes in this release
4.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
5.0 Contacting customer support
6.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

This Functional Tester Fix Pack contains defect fixes and new features.

2.0 Installation information

For information about installing IBM® Rational® Functional Tester Fix Pack, refer to the installation instructions at

Note about installing fix packs:

Customers who both use local update sites and have more than one Rational Software Development product installed must download the fix packs for all installed products to their local update site. The Rational Functional Tester and Rational Manual Tester fix packs are version, and the other Rational Software Development products fix packs are fix packs for all installed products must be put on the local update site because there are dependencies among them. If you have multiple products installed and download only one fix pack and run the Rational Product Updater, the Updater will give you a warning when you search for updates that one of the required updates is missing. Again, this situation only applies to customers who use local update sites.

To simultaneously install the fix packs, first download them to your local update site. Then install all fix packs at the same time from the update site by using the Rational Product Updater.

For example, suppose you have both Rational Application Developer and Rational Software Modeler installed on your system. Because the fix packs for these products depend on each other, they must be installed at the same time. Download both fix packs to your local update site and run the Rational Product Updater to update your installation.

2.1 Hardware requirements

There are no additional hardware requirements for installing this fix pack.

2.2 Software requirements

This fix pack can be installed for use with IBM Rational Functional Tester, Version 6.1. Before you can install this fix pack you must install IBM Rational Product Updater

3.0 Fixes in this release


New Features

New Feature: RFT .NET Datapools Editor, can now use keyboard to highlight in editor.

In the Datapools Editor in RFT .NET, you can now use the keyboard to highlight, like Microsoft Excel. This functionality is in addition to highlighting using the mouse and context menu (cut/copy/paste/delete), which was already available. You can now use the keyboard to highlight within the editor, as follows:

1) Shift+Arrow key, 1 key press - From current cell, hold down shift key and press arrow key once to highlight current cell and cell to right, left, up or down one cell.

2) Shift+Arrow key, repeat key press - From current cell, hold down shift key and press and hold arrow key to highlight current cell and cells to right, left, up or down one cell.

3) Shift+Page up/Page Down, 1 key press - From current cell, hold down shift key and press Page up or Page Down key once to highlight currently highlighted area up or down one full screen page.

4) Shift+Page up/Page Down key, repeat key press - From current cell, hold down shift key and press and hold Page up or Page Down key to highlight currently highlighted area up or down one full screen page repeatedly.

New Feature: Datapools Editor, when shared datapool opened for editing, first cell should have focus.

In the Datapools Editor (in both RFT .NET and RFT Java), when a shared datapool is opened for editing, the first cell now has focus. Since the first cell has focus, you can now use the keyboard to immediately input data or navigate without using the mouse.

Defect Fixes

ClearCase Get Latest Version of a script does not take the new VPs added.
If a new verification point is added to source control from another machine, get latest version (ClearCase) does not update with the new VP. The new VP is not added to this view. This was a defect on both Windows and Linux. This has been fixed and now it updates correctly.

ClearCase Multisite does not allow you to add scripts if you are not on the master replica.
On a machine that is not the master replica, if you created a script in a view, then tried to add the script to source control, it would fail to add it. This defect is fixed and it now adds it to source control.

Sometimes unable to add files to source control on first use of RFT.
In RFT 6.1, if you used a VOB that has never been used before, sometimes you could not add files. (You can tell if a VOB is new by typing cleartool lstype -kind eltype. The types rftmap, rftvp and rftdef would not appear in the list.) In a new VOB, if you created a datastore in the VOB, then added the datastore definition file to ClearCase using the file system (not RFT), then added the rest of the files using RFT, they would sometimes fail to add. This defect is fixed and they are now added to source control.

In VS .NET 7.1, RFT integration does not work with ClearCase integration if no RFT project was loaded or created first.
In VS .NET 7.1, the RFT integration did not work with ClearCase integration if no RFT project was opened or created before doing ClearCase actions to non-RFT projects. This defect is fixed and the integration now works even if no RFT project was created first.

RFT .NET Datapools Editor, cell is not editable after adding a new variable.
In the Datapools Editor in RFT .NET, when adding a new variable to a datapool, if you leave the "Type" field blank, the newly added cell can be edited; but if you type something in to the "Type" field, the cell cannot be edited. This defect has been fixed and it can now be edited.

RFT Java Datapools, cannot edit DP after starting Eclipse if Eclipse previously shut down with open script.
In RFT Java, if you opened script that has an associated datapool and the datapool editor was open below the script window, and then you closed Eclipse, then started Eclipse again, the same script is open with associated datapool open. However, if you attempt to edit the datapool, it does not allow editing. If the datapool was closed and re-opened, editing was then allowed. This defect, which was previously release noted, has been fixed, and now you do not have to close and reopen the Datapool Editor.

RFT Java Datapools, refresh problem in Datapool Editor when multiple scripts are open.
In RFT Java, if you had multiple scripts opened that have datapools associated with them, and you selected a cell in the Datapool Editor for any script and edited a value, and then you selected a different script (this opens the Datapool Editor for this script), you would see the cell value from the first datapool you edited.
This defect, which was previously release noted, has been fixed and now the refresh issue does not occur.

RFT Java Datapools, Literal Substitution does not search beyond string if next line contains same string value.
In RFT Java, if you had 2 consecutive lines containing the same string value, and you started a Literal Find and Replace in the datapool, clicking the Find button would not allow moving beyond the first string that is repeated. This defect is fixed and the Find will now continue beyond the repeated string.

Recording verification points against custom JTables does not work.
This defect was reported by a customer; APAR PK01906. When recording a Verification Point against a customized JTable, the Verification Point Wizard failed to finish correctly. On pressing the Finish button, it updated the script with the verification point line of code, but it did not add the verification point to the verification points folder. This defect has been fixed and the verification points now work on the custom JTable.

NoClassFound Exception when recording a particular JTree.
This defect was reported by a customer. When recording a particular Java tree, errors were displayed in the recording monitor. This defect has been fixed and the JTree is now recording properly.

Drag and drop support not working for JFC JTree.
This defect was reported by a customer. Recording drag and drop actions from a particular JTree was not working. This applied to recording against any JFC application with JTree control, and recording an action drag from the JTree to another control in the application. The action was not playing back correctly. This defect is fixed and now the drag plays back correctly.

RFT Java on Linux, Null Pointer exception when using Object map insert object using timer option.
When using the timer option to insert a test object against a JFC application, sometimes would result in a null pointer exception on the console. This defect is fixed and an exception no longer occurs.

RFT Java on Linux, Spy Memory Lock when running applet script, and script does not finish.
When running applet scripts on a Linux machine, could result in a Spy Memory lock. This defect is fixed and the Spy Memory does not lock.

RFT Java on Linux, does not identify table only for Eclipse 3.0 (RSM or RSA).
This defect was reported by a customer. RFT under Linux does not recognize a table on a dialog for an application running under Eclipse 3.0. But Eclipse 2.1.1 is recognizing properly. This defect is fixed and now Eclipse 3.0 based applications on Linux are working properly.

RFT Java on Linux, Playback process does not finish when playing back AWT scripts.
On RFT Java on Linux, playing back AWT scripts was not working properly. The defect is fixed and the AWT scripts are now playing back.

"Renew name in associated scripts" does not work if there is a corrupt script in the project.
This defect was reported by a customer; APAR IC05366. If there are corrupt scripts (the script definition file is missing) in the project, the "Renew name in associated scripts" feature will not work. This defect has been fixed.

4.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

Invalid test agent installs.
Do not install TestManager and Functional Tester on a system, and then try to install the Test Agent Update on the same machine. This is an invalid install. It is unnecessary and invalid to install the Test Agent Update on a Windows machine that has TestManager and RFT. Users who do this may be trying to set up a machine that can be used as both a master or an agent. When you install RFT along with TestManager on a machine, this machine can be used as either a master or a Test Agent; nothing else needs to be installed on this machine to use it as an agent. If you want to set up a machine as a plain Test Agent, make sure that TestManager and RFT are removed from the machine. Then you should install SR3 Test Agent, if you have not already done so. Then install the Test Agent Update. For this install, the machine can only be used as a Test Agent.

Changes in Registered TestObject Behavior When Doing HTML Testing With Internet Explorer.
Advanced users often use custom scripts that may involve registered TestObjects. Examples of APIs that return TestObjects include getChildren() and find(). Registered TestObjects pin an object in the software under test, and should always be unregistered as soon as possible so that the native object can be released. This is even more important with Internet Explorer, because keeping TestObjects from previous HTML pages can be very dangerous and potentially cause sporadic browser crashes. As a result of this inherent danger, the native object in the browser that the TestObject refers to is now automatically released internally when it is no longer valid. An attempt to gain access to a TestObject that has expired (except for calling unregister()) will result in a com.rational.test.ft.sys.RegisteredObjects$ObjectIsDeadException, indicating that the object is no longer valid and that invoking methods upon it is dangerous. Currently this mechanism is only implemented in Internet Explorer. Even with Internet Explorer, remember to unregister all TestObjects as promptly as possible.

RFT Java on Linux: When connecting to a project on Linux, does not compile because of encoding issue.
When using RFT Java on Linux, if you connect to a project that is under ClearCase and was created on Windows, the project will not build until you change the encoding for the project. The default encoding of UTF-8 does not work. You should change the encoding to ISOXXX. The ISOXXX encoding will work.

Applications need to be enabled in order to record.
In order to use RFT to test an application, the application must first be enabled for testing. For Java applications, browsers, and Eclipse-based IDEs, you need to enable the environment before the application is started by using the RFT enabler tool. For these applications, the enablement will occur as soon as the application process is started.

For other kinds of applications such as VB.Net and Windows, there is no enabler tool. Instead, these applications are enabled dynamically. During recording, the first action against such an application will trigger the dynamic enablement. During script playback, the first action played back against the application will trigger the dynamic enablement. The dynamic enablement commonly takes a very brief time, and you may notice the mouse freezing for a split second. On occasion, particularly with a slow machine or slow network, the dynamic enablement can take significantly longer. In extreme cases, the dynamic enablement can take so long that it causes the recorder to pause and not record the initial UI action. If this occurs, you should just restart the recorder and perform the UI action again to get the action recorded. If you find this happening frequently, you may want to perform a first UI action to activate the window, for example clicking on the window caption.

Incorrect Text in Installation Guide to start Linux agent.
The RFT 6.1 Installation Guide says the following about starting a Linux agent:

You have to set RATL_RTHOME variable to /usr/rational by using export command

This is not correct. The export command will not work in all the shells. If you use export, use:
export RATL_RTHOME=/usr/rational

5.0 Contacting customer support

The product home page for Rational Functional Tester is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page on the product home page.

6.0 Notices and trademarks

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