IBM Rational Functional Tester Fix Pack - Readme

For Rational Functional Tester, Version 6.1

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2002, 2005. All Rights Reserved.

To view the latest version of this file, go to

Important Note: The uninstall (roll-back) feature of the Rational Product Updater has been disabled. Please ignore any information about uninstalling that may be found in the installation documents for this fix pack. Also, do not cancel the update once it has begun.


1.0 About this release
   1.1 New in this release
   1.2 Product fix history
2.0 Installation information
   2.1 Hardware requirements
   2.2 Software requirements
3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
   3.1 Known limitations
   3.2 Known problems and workarounds
4.0 Customer support
5.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

This fix pack includes fixes that have been made since the 6.1.1 release pack as well as new support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

1.1 New in this release

Visual Studio 2005 support

When Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 first starts up, you will be asked to choose a setting. You should choose the General Development setting.

If you have Microsoft Visual Basic.Net installed in either Visual Studio 2003 or Visual Studio 2005 when you update to Rational Functional Tester, support for Visual Basic.Net scripting will automatically be installed. If you install Visual Basic.Net in Visual Studio 2005 after you update Rational Functional Tester to, support for Visual Basic.Net scripting will not automatically be installed into Visual Studio 2005. You can install support for Visual Basic.Net scripting in Visual Studio 2005 by running a batch file. To do this, go to the directory "C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\FunctionalTester\vsnet" and run the batch file "update_RFT.bat". Note that the location of this batch file might be different if you specified a custom install directory during the installation of Rational Functional Tester 6.1.

Screen snapshot on playback failure

If playback of a script causes an exception to be thrown, Functional Tester takes a screen snapshot at the time of the failure. The screen snapshot is accessible through the log.

Stopping or pausing script playback

Playback of a script can be stopped or paused. Press F11 to terminate script playback. Press F12 to pause playback.

Ambiguous recognition

Ambiguous recognition occurs when Functional Tester cannot differentiate between an instance of the application-under-test started by a script playback and an instance of the same application inadvertently left open previous to script playback. Ambiguous recognition will cause script playback failure unless the duplicate application is closed. This new feature identifies the ambiguous recognition and allows you to close the duplicate application, then resume playback.

Siebel Extension

This extension enables extended functional testing support for Siebel applications and is based on the 7.7 version of Siebel. The Siebel extension for RFT allows users to capture and play back GUI-level interactions using Siebel's object model. Users can perform property and data verification points on Siebel Custom components.

This extension is licensed separately. You must purchase a separate license to use it.

The documentation about this feature is in a separate release notes file, IBM Rational Functional Tester Extension for Siebel Automation Readme. To view the latest version of this file, see the readme at

Rational Product Updater

Rational Product Updater can now remove from your system any outdated files after you install a new update. You can use the Clean up function to significantly reduce the disk space that the installed product uses, and to purge any outdated files. For additional information, see the "Removing outdated files" topic in the Rational Product Updater help.

Note: This functionality is only supported after you install the 6.1.1 refresh pack and subsequent updates.

1.2 Product fix history

This fix pack contains fixes for the following problems:

RFT erroneously failed when javax.swing.JTable cell contents were returned as NULL values. (APAR PK02434)

This release properly handles NULL JTable cell contents.

RFT VB.Net uses System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex to compare regular expressions, which cannot recognize some of the escape patterns used by default in Java scripting. (APAR PK09453)

The escape sequences used have been updated to be consistent between Java and VB.Net scripting models.

RFT was not scrolling fields into view on a specific customer HTML data entry form. (APAR PK09817)

This issue is no longer reproducible in this release.

RFT could not find HTML objects on playback when the IE Information Bar was displayed. (APAR PK11853)

When the IE Information Bar is displayed, all HTML objects on the page are shifted down by the height of the information bar. This was causing RFT to calculate the wrong position for the HTML objects. RFT was modified to take the height of the IE Information Bar into consideration when calculating the position of HTML objects in Internet Explorer.

RFT did not support HTML popups, created by calling createHtmlPopup in Javascript. (APAR PK14260)

This release adds support for Javascript based HTML popups in IE.

Issues with test enablement of Mozilla browsers on Linux. (APAR PK09699)

This release resolves issues with test enablement of Mozilla browsers on Linux.

Issues with Object Data Verification Points recorded on HTML tables in XDE. (APAR PK01299)

Issues with Object Data Verification Points recorded on HTML tables in XDE no longer errantly fail with this release of the product.

Selecting a region of an HTML table for comparison in a data verification point. (APAR IC47147)

Selecting a region of an HTML table for comparison in a data verification point was not working as expected.

2.0 Installation information

For information about installing IBM Rational Functional Tester Fix Pack, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at

Before installing Rational Functional Tester updates

Close all browsers and Java applications before installing or uninstalling Rational Functional Tester updates.

2.1 Hardware requirements

No additional hardware requirements are necessary to install this fix pack.

2.2 Software requirements

You can install this fix for use with IBM Rational Functional Tester 6.1.1. Before you install the fix, you must install IBM Rational Product Updater 6.0.1.

3.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

These release notes include release-specific information, such as problems and limitations that were not available until after the product documentation was finalized.

3.1 Known limitations

Functional Tester on Windows Test Agents

On the Start menu for the Windows Test Agent, the name Functional Tester does not appear. The XDE Tester Enabler and XDE Tester Application Configuration Tool shortcuts are on the Start menu. Use these shortcuts for Functional Tester.

Non-ASCII characters (such as French) with accents play back incorrectly

For applications using an earlier version of JRE 1.4.2+, playback does not display the non-ASCII accented French characters accurately. This is a JRE issue and has been fixed in later versions of the JRE.

Netscape 4.7.x does not reflect all data cells in a table

The HTML Data Grid and Table Contents verification points in Netscape 4.7x do not reflect all data cells in the table. The Netscape native layer receives indication from the data structure that an empty cell exists. Because Internet Explorer finds empty cells, a data verification point fails if you record a script on a Netscape browser and play back the script on an Internet Explorer browser. This is documented as a known limitation of the Netscape 4.7x native layer.

Referencing a DLL in the customization directory

In Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, to reference a .DLL file, copy the .DLL file to the customization directory. Functional Tester adds the .DLL file to your script.

Updating Windows Test Agent software displays three information messages

When you update the Functional Tester Windows Test Agent software, three information messages display to inform you that Functional Tester disables the JRE, enables the JRE, and that you must start the Windows Test Agent.

Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, cannot capture data for ODVP for DataGrid

When an application uses the .Net System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid and/or the System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid control, Functional Tester might not properly record or play back the actions and verification points against the control. This issue is caused by an incompatibility between Functional Tester and Microsoft.Net framework on Windows 2000. IBM is working with Microsoft to further understand the issue.

Invalid Test Agent installs

Do not install TestManager and Functional Tester on a system, and then try to install the Test Agent Update on the same machine. This is an invalid install. It is unnecessary and invalid to install the Test Agent Update on a Windows machine that has TestManager and RFT. Users who do this may be trying to set up a machine that can be used as both a master or an agent. When you install RFT along with TestManager on a machine, this machine can be used as either a master or a Test Agent; nothing else needs to be installed on this machine to use it as an agent. If you want to set up a machine as a plain Test Agent, make sure that TestManager and RFT are removed from the machine. Then you should install the Test Agent. Then install the Test Agent Update. After this, the machine can only be used as a Test Agent.

Applications need to be enabled in order to record

In order to use RFT to test an application, the application must first be enabled for testing. For Java applications, browsers, and Eclipse-based IDEs, you need to enable the environment before the application is started by using the RFT enabler tool. For these applications, the enablement will occur as soon as the application process is started.

For other kinds of applications such as VB.Net and Windows, there is no enabler tool. Instead, these applications are enabled dynamically. During recording, the first action against such an application will trigger the dynamic enablement. During script playback, the first action played back against the application will trigger the dynamic enablement. The dynamic enablement commonly takes a very brief time, and you may notice the mouse freezing for a split second. On occasion, particularly with a slow machine or slow network, the dynamic enablement can take significantly longer. In extreme cases, the dynamic enablement can take so long that it causes the recorder to pause and not record the initial UI action. If this occurs, you should just restart the recorder and perform the UI action again to get the action recorded. If you find this happening frequently, you may want to perform a first UI action to activate the window, for example clicking on the window caption.

Eclipse select workspace dialog is not testable

Rational Functional Tester does not support recording against the "Workspace Launcher" dialog that may appear when eclipse.exe is started. You can avoid the issue by specifying the workspace on the command line for eclipse.exe. To do this, use the -data command line argument followed by the directory location where eclipse should store its workspace. Alternatively, you can use the advanced scripting capabilities of Rational Functional Tester (see IWindow in the RFT API documentation).

NT4.0 is not supported

NT4.0 is no longer supported.

3.2 Known problems and workarounds

Browser and HTML issues

"InvalidWindowHandleException" after clicking on "Cancel" button on "Print" dialog

In order to test Internet Explorer Print Dialogs, you must have a printer installed. When no printers are installed, an unsupported Browser warning dialog appears and causes issues with recording on the Print Dialog.

Changes in Registered TestObject Behavior When Doing HTML Testing With Internet Explorer

Advanced users often use custom scripts that may involve registered TestObjects. Examples of APIs that return TestObjects include getChildren() and find(). Registered TestObjects pin an object in the software under test, and should always be unregistered as soon as possible so that the native object can be released. This is even more important with Internet Explorer, because keeping TestObjects from previous HTML pages can be very dangerous and potentially cause sporadic browser crashes. As a result of this inherent danger, the native object in the browser that the TestObject refers to is now automatically released internally when it is no longer valid. An attempt to gain access to a TestObject that has expired (except for calling unregister()) will result in a com.rational.test.ft.. ObjectIsDisposedException, indicating that the object is no longer valid and that invoking methods upon it is dangerous. Currently this mechanism is only implemented in Internet Explorer. Even so, remember to unregister all TestObjects as promptly as possible.

History pop-up list in Internet Explorer

Certain versions of Internet Explorer have a pop-up history mechanism for edit controls. The history pop-up list, which Functional Tester ignores, might hide other controls and interfere with the playback of actions on the covered controls. If this occurs, end the keystroke input to the edit control with a tab character to dismiss the history pop-up list.

Enabler does not work with Netscape (6.x or 7.x) if Netscape QuickLaunch is running

Do not run the Enabler when Netscape QuickLaunch is running. Functional Tester does not work with QuickLaunch. If you want to run the Enabler to enable Netscape for HTML testing, you must first disable Netscape QuickLaunch and then run the Enabler. To disable QuickLaunch when Netscape is running in the background:

  1. Right-click the QuickLaunch icon in the tool tray on the right side of the Windows task bar.
  2. Click Disable QuickLaunch.

To disable QuickLaunch when Netscape is running in the foreground:

  1. From the Netscape menu, click Edit > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, click Advanced.
  3. In the Advanced area of the dialog box, clear the Enable QuickLaunch check box.
  4. Click OK.

Netscape Download Manager not supported

The Netscape Download Manager is not supported. You must disable the Download Manager in Netscape.

Playback does not work with Netscape 4.7x when you minimize or maximize browser window

In Netscape 4.7x, after you minimize or maximize the browser window, and a script does not play back, it might be caused by Netscape that is in the process of updating its data. The data is unstable at that time, which causes the subsequent script statements to fail. You can use the sleep method immediately after you minimize or maximize the window, or increase the delay between playback actions in the Functional Tester playback preferences. Open Web Location dialog box not supported in Netscape 7.1 The Open Web Location dialog box is not supported in Netscape 7.1. When you record and play back the Open Web Location dialog box, unexpected results might play back. Do not record the Open Web Location dialog box. To open a browser for a specific web location, use the startBrowser method in your script.

Cannot open Verification Point Comparator from HTML log when script name, test folder name, or project location contains characters outside of default character code page

If a script name, test folder name, or project location contains characters that are not on the system default code page (such as Japanese characters on a US English system), you cannot open the Verification Point Comparator from an HTML log. This is due to a JRE limitation. If script names, test folder names, or project locations using characters outside of the system default code page are necessary, right-click the verification point in the Functional Tester Projects View and click Open.

Starting Verification Point Comparator from ClearQuest disables Load Baseline and Replace Baseline buttons

When you open the Verification Point Comparator from ClearQuest, the Load Baseline to Edit button and the Replace Baseline with actual value button are disabled. To use these buttons in the Comparator, start the Comparator from the TestManager Test Log window.

Testing HTML using a Netscape browser

If you want to test (record and play back) an HTML application with Netscape and you enabled Java in Netscape, you must confirm that the JRE loaded by Netscape is enabled. By default, the JRE is disabled. To verify that the JRE is enabled:

  1. In Functional Tester, click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing.
  2. In the Enable Environments dialog box, click the Java Environments tab to verify that the JRE used by Netscape is enabled.
  3. If the JRE used by Netscape does not display or is disabled, click Search.
  4. In the Search for Java Environments dialog box, confirm that Quick Search is selected and click Search to do a quick search for all JREs on the system.
  5. From the search results list, select the JRE installed with Netscape, and click Enable.
  6. Verify that the JRE which runs in Netscape is designed for Netscape 6.x. To do this, in Netscape, click Help > About Plug-ins. The plug-in for mime-type application/x-java-vm is Java Virtual Machine for Netscape 6.x. If it is not, download a new java plug-in at

Testing Java Applet and HTML text input controls in Netscape

If the Java applet and the HTML text input controls are on the same page, the playback of the input keys for the HTML might be redirected to the text input controls in the Java applet. The Java applet takes the input focus after the applet initializes. The browser cannot determine whether the Java applet is in a ready state. The Netscape browser sees that the document is ready and begins script playback.

To solve this problem, before you record any HTML controls, record a WaitForExistence command in the Java applet. On playback, the command forces a wait, and makes the Java applet ready before playback begins. You can enter a WaitForExistence command in the script manually or use the Verification Point and Action wizard during recording to add the command.

Double-clicking to close a browser window during recording

When you record a close-browser action in an open browser, do not double-click the browser icon in the upper left of the browser window. Functional Tester does not record close-browser actions. You can use the standard Windows Close (x) icon in the upper right of the browser window.

Password field ".text" property is not available in logon dialog box in Netscape

In Netscape 7.1 (and possibly other versions of Netscape), for HTML INPUT tags of type password (<INPUT type=password), the ".text" property is not available. The ".text" property is available for INPUT type=password tags in Internet Explorer. This discrepancy causes cross-browser playback issues, when you use the ".text" property in your script (for example, when you record a verification point that uses this property).

Recording of closing a browser on HTML page with applet

When you record closing a browser on an HTML page with an applet in it, and play back the script in Netscape, the playback monitor takes a while to process the close operation. To work around this issue, navigate to a different page that does not contain an applet and then record closing the browser.

Browser has to be associated with Java plug in in order for user to launch Comparator from HTML log

If you have a JRE 1.4.1 installed and enabled on your machine, you will not be able to launch the comparator from the HTML log. You have to make sure that your Java plug in is also associated to the browser that is used for HTML logging. If you don't do this you will not be able to launch the comparator ("View Results") from the HTML log. To associate the Java plug in to the browser:

  1. Go to Control Panel and launch the appropriate Java plug in icon.
  2. Select the Browser tab in the Java plug in Control Panel.
  3. Select the check box for the browser that is used for the HTML log and click Apply.
  4. The plug in now gets associated with the browser.

Undo checkout on script with shared object map, also undoes the checkout on the map, when other checked out scripts are using

If you cancel a checkout of a script that references a shared test object map, Functional Test will not cancel the checkout of the map. You will have to cancel the checkout of the shared test object map separately. You will not lose edits from other scripts if you cancel the checkout.

Mozilla version 1.7.12 is not supported

There is no support for the latest version of Mozilla (currently 1.7.12)

MARQUEE tag not supported in Netscape and Mozilla

The MARQUEE tag is not supported in Netscape and Mozilla.

TestManager issues

TSS Datapool service with test scripts

The Rational Functional Tester installer does not install tssJava.jar and tseajava.jar and the native .dlls that depend on the two jar files. To use the TSS datapool service from Functional Tester, you must install TestManager. If you use the TSS datapool service with your XDE Tester or RobotJ scripts, you get compilation errors with these scripts. To fix the problem, you must install TestManager. You also must reset the build path for each of your Functional Tester projects from the Functional Tester Projects view.

TestManager does not compile Java test scripts

TestManager does not compile Java test scripts. If you run an uncompiled Java test script from TestManager, you get an error. You must compile scripts in Functional Tester.

Closing TestManager or Functional Tester causes ivebintagent.exe runtime error

With both TestManager and Functional Tester open, when you close TestManager, an error message appears stating that a runtime error occurred in the ivebintagent.exe file.

Closing TestManager or ClearQuest causes ivebintagent.exe runtime error

With both TestManager and ClearQuest open, when you close TestManager, an error message appears stating that a runtime error occurred in the ivebintagent.exe file.

Microsoft .NET Framework issues

Test Agent update requires .NET Framework 1.1

When you install the Test Agent Update with .NET Framework 1.0 on the Test Agent machine, the Test Agent update does not work. You must have .NET Framework 1.1 installed on the Test Agent machine. Remote execution of scripts compiled using Visual Studio 2005 requires the .Net Framework 2.0 and so is not currently supported.

RFT integration with both Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 is not supported on a single machine

When Visual Studio 2005 is installed, RFT is configured to use the .Net Framework 2.0. We do not support using Visual Studio 2003 with the .Net Framework 2.0. If you have both installed and wish to revert to the support for Visual Studio 2003, you must remove or rename the configuration files rational_ft.exe.config and rational_ftw.exe.config. These files are typically installed in C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\FunctionalTester\eclipse\plugins\com.rational.test.ft.wswplugin_6.1.0. We recommend that you rename the files to rational_ft.exe.config.ignore and rational_ftw.exe.config.ignore.

Specifying a remote drive as a project parameter

The .NET Framework security model is divided into three areas: Local Machine, Intranet, and Internet. Each area has associated privileges. By default, the applications that run in the Intranet security domain do not have full privilege. When you specify a script on another machine, or use a UNC path to your own machine, the script effectively runs in the Intranet security domain. Operations that you perform in the script context, such as file IO, are not permitted. To use a UNC path to a script:

  1. Click Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 wizards.
  2. Set the Intranet domain to Full Trust privileges.

Configuring applications for the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.0

If you test applications using .NET Framework version 1.0 and 1.1 and they are installed on the same system, you must write a configuration file using either the Java command line or the .NET command line: At the Java command line: java.exe com.rational. test.ft.rational_ft -writeconfig <full path to the executable> This command assumes that the classpath points to the rational_ft.jar. At the .NET command line: rational_ftw.exe -writeconfig <full path to the executable>.

Users have to create a folder from the file system before they can create a project inside the folder

In VS.NET, you cannot create a new folder and a project inside that folder in one step. You need to create the folder from the file system first, then go to Functional Tester .Net and create the project inside that folder.

RFT VB.NET shortcut cannot find devenv.exe on system with Visual Studio 2005

After updating to on systems that have the Visual Studio 2005/Visual Studio 8 IDE, there is no shortcut to start Rational Functional Tester in the Visual Studio 8 IDE, or if there is a shortcut, will not have accurate information. Do the following to create a shortcut:

  1. Go to Start > Programs > IBM Rational > IBM Rational Functional Test, and expand all the menus.
  2. Right-click the last menu and click Create Shortcut.
  3. Right-click the shortcut created in the menu and click Properties.
  4. Enter the location of the Visual Studio 8 product in the target field.

  5. NOTE: If installed in the default location this would be "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\IDE\devenv.exe".
  6. In the Start in entry, enter the "<Drive>:Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0" directory.

  7. NOTE: Replace <Drive> with the appropriate drive letter where IBM Rational Functional Tester is installed.
  8. Enter "VB.Net Scripting" in the Comment field.
  9. Click the button Change Icon.
  10. In the "Look for Icons in this file", enter the following:
  11. This will add the shortcut for IBM Rational Functional Tester in the Visual Studio 8 IDE.

Crash "Error signature:AppName: devenv.exe. ModName: rftvs8.dll"

Before you open an existing VS2003 RFT project in VS2005, make sure to check out and delete the vbproj file from the file system before the project is opened. You should also delete the file from ClearCase if it is checked in. The file is located under "(ProjectName)\(ProjectName)", and the file name is "(ProjectName) - IBM Rational Functional Tester.vbproj". This file is a hidden and temporary file. It is not converted when upgrading to VS2005, which will cause VS2005 to crash.

Net scripts are not playing back in Debug mode

Framework 1.1 installation is required for RFT .Net. If you only have Visual Studio 2005 and Framework 2.0, some features of RFT may not work.


On Windows 2000 systems, if the 2.0 Framework is installed on the system where the application is being tested and the controls being tested are either a Datagrid Control or a PropertyGrid control, it will be necessary to install the 1.0 Framework on the system. In addition, a config must be written for the application that makes it use the 1.0 Framework. If the application is built with the 1.0 Framework, then you can run rational_ft.exe -writeconfig <full path to the application>. If you only have the Java version of Rational Functional Tester installed, then use java -Drational_ft.install.dir=<Rational FT install directory> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -writeconfig <full path to the application>. Otherwise, you will need to write a config for the executable by hand.

Add a new project to an existing solution; add it to ClearCase, fails

Adding two or more RFT projects to the same solution and adding them all to source control in ClearCase will fail. It will also fail if you add the solution and one project to source control first, then add another project to this solution and add that to source control.

Rename of the project failed

When trying to rename an RFT project in VS2005, the solution file is not updated properly. If you want to make renaming project to work, you need to modify the solution file (.sln) directly.

Java issues

Using the Numeric keypad

Due to a known JDK defect, when you use JDK 1.4.0 or 1.4.1, the characters you enter by using a numeric keypad, to support an input locale do not play back correctly.

Changing JRE EXT directory causes application start-up failure

You can change the location of the JRE extensions directory by specifying the "-Djava.ext.dirs=" option on the command line. Part of the Functional Tester Java enablement process is to place .jar and .dll files in the EXT directory. The Java toolkit locates the files when an application starts. If you change the EXT directory, the Java toolkit cannot find these files and the application does not initialize properly. Functional Tester cannot work around this error. To prevent start-up failure, take one of the following steps:

Java plug-ins with Java JREs or JDKs

If you install a Java JRE or JDK and change the default Java plug-in, you must enable the new plug-in JRE. For Functional Tester to work with Internet Explorer, the installed Java plug-in must be v1.3.1_02 or higher. To find and enable all JREs:

  1. From the Functional Tester menu, click Configure > Enable Environments for Testing.
  2. Click the Java Environments tab.
  3. Click Search to find the Java environments.
  4. Select Quick Search.
  5. Select the Java environments that are found by the search, and click Enable.
  6. Close the Enable Environments dialog box.
  7. If your test application is open, close and restart it.

Message and error dialog boxes raised from the JFC JOptionPane class

Message and error dialog boxes raised from the JFC JOptionPane class use a different dialog class in JRE 1.4 than the class that was used in JRE 1.3 and earlier versions of the JRE. The class change causes actions recorded in JRE 1.3 to not play back if the application JRE is changed to JRE 1.4 or later. To work around this problem, update the class property to reflect the class change by using the Update Recognition Properties command in the Object Map Editor. If you want backward compatibility, replace the class property with a regular expression that matches against either class name.

Testing Java Applets

When you run Java applets, you must use v1.3.1_02 or higher of the JRE and Java plug-in.

Installing old versions of Java plug-ins

When you install a JavaSoft JRE, you can also install the associated JavaSoft Java plug-in. If you install the Java plug-in, it becomes the default Java plug-in that your browser and Functional Tester use. The Java plug-in overrides any previously installed version of the Java plug-in. If you install a Java plug-in that is earlier than v1.3.1_02, you cannot test a Java applet for Internet Explorer with Functional Tester. To test a Java applet with Functional Tester, you must use a Java plug-in and JRE v1.3.1_02 or later.

Java Applets playback

When you play back a script that contains actions against a combo box item that is not in view, Functional Tester does not scroll the item into view.

Running an application from a .jar file

When you access a .jar file using a UNC path (for example, \\yourname\.), and the .jar file is not self-contained, take one of the following steps:

File Encoding in Functional Tester, Java Scripting

A file encoding is a standard you can use to encode character data in a file. Encodings support different languages. On a US English machine, the default code page is 1252 (CP1252). For example, you can use CP1252 for US English characters; UTF-8 is an eight-bit encoding scheme for Unicode (a standard that supports most world languages). In Eclipse, you can specify file encodings for a file, folder, or project. If you specify a file encoding for a folder or project, the setting propagates to all descendant elements until the setting is overridden. If you do not specify a file encoding, the Eclipse platform uses the default encoding. You can change encodings for a resource in Eclipse by right-clicking the resource in an explorer view, select properties, and change the Text File Encoding.

When you generate Java script files, Functional Tester does not change the encoding settings in Eclipse and uses the same encoding you specify for the script when you generate the script helper file. If you perform internationalization testing that involves languages other than the default language supported by the system (for example, if you test a Japanese Web page on an US English machine), you must override the default encoding with a Unicode encoding such as UTF-8. The Unicode encoding ensures that all characters in your testing are representable and result in test scripts that are easier to read. You must apply this encoding to the entire project or a folder, and place all your internationalization tests in that folder or project. Before you begin testing, you must change any encoding instead of applying the changes to existing resources.

When you change the file encodings in a team environment, the encoding settings are stored in the file, org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs, which is located in the .settings folder of a project. The file is visible in the Eclipse Resource perspective but do not edit the file. From the Resource perspective, you can add the file to source control, or check the file out or in. If the file is under source control when you update a project, the file is pulled down during the update process. Eclipse does not merge the file but updates a local copy of the file. If encodings are altered for a shared project, you must change the encoding for the entire project, when you create the project and check in the encoding file with the initial check-in of the project. For multilingual testing with a shared project, the best practice is to set the project encoding to UTF-8 and check in the org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs file before you share the project with other team members. ClearCase does not support UTF-8 diff/merge of files, and the extended characters might appear incorrectly when you view the diff comparison. The ClearCase diff/merge limitation is a visual issue and does not impact the underlying test assets.

JRE points to wrong location in registry when you reinstall Functional Tester with other products in the default location

When you perform the following tasks, the JRE points to the wrong location in the Windows registry, and you cannot use Functional Tester. Take the following steps to point the JRE to the correct location in the registry:

  1. Install Functional Tester and any Software Development Product (SDP) product in the default location.
  2. Start Functional Tester.
  3. Create test assets.
  4. Uninstall both products.
  5. Install the other SDP product in the default location, C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0.
  6. Install Functional Tester to a location that is not the default location.
  7. In the Windows registry, change the Rational FT JRE key to point to the correct default install location of the JRE.

Enabled JVM environment potentially prevents uninstall of Functional Tester

You cannot uninstall Functional Tester because the installer JVM is enabled. An error message appears stating that all products should be closed prior to uninstalling Functional Tester. If you reboot your system, this does not solve the issue. Before you uninstall Functional Tester, you must disable all environments.

Script recording and playback issues

Before you record a script

Before you record a script, you must create a Functional Tester project and configure your applications and environments for testing. For instructions about how to complete these setup tasks, open the Functional Tester on-line Help, and open the topic, Getting Started with Functional Tester. Sometimes virus scanning software can impede the performance of Functional Tester. After you install Functional Tester, you might have difficulty starting the Application Configuration Tool or the Enabler. Halt any virus scanning software on your system and start the Configuration Tool or the Enabler again. After they start successfully, you can start your virus scanning software.

Recording ASCII characters when using a Chinese IME

If you use a Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) when you record a script, Functional Tester does not record the ASCII characters that you enter. To avoid this problem:

  1. To record ASCII characters, switch to the standard ASCII layout input mode.
  2. To switch to another input mode in Windows, select Settings > Control Panel > Regional Options > Input Locales.
  3. To resume recording Chinese characters, switch to the Chinese input mode.

Missed scroll action during script playback

If a scroll action fails during playback, Functional Tester does not throw an exception. Missed scroll actions are not fatal, script-stopping events. When the script performs actions that require an object to be scrolled into view, Functional Tester performs the action so that the object is scrolled into view.

Playing back both Functional Tester and Robot scripts to the same Rational Test Agent

To play back both Functional Tester and Robot scripts to the same Rational Test Agent:

  1. Start TestManager.
  2. In a suite, insert two computer groups. Each group must have the Rational Test Agent as its computer resource.
  3. Insert the Functional Tester script into one computer group, and insert the Robot script into the other computer group.
  4. Run the suite.

    Both the Functional Tester and Robot script executes on the Rational Test Agent.

Scripts on Windows Test Agent do not play back unless JRE is enabled

When you update Functional Tester on a Windows Test Agent, the enabled JREs and Web browsers for Functional Tester are disabled, which might prevent your scripts from playing back. You must enable the JREs and Web browsers for Functional Tester to ensure that your scripts play back.

Changing the foreground lock timeout to enable script playback

The foreground lock timeout feature indicates the amount of time in milliseconds after user input, during which the systems that run Windows 2000/XP or later do not allow applications to force themselves into the foreground.

To enable the playback of scripts in Windows 2000/XP or later, the foreground lock timeout is automatically set to 0 every time you start the Functional Tester IDE. Setting the timeout value to 0 causes the Windows operating system to keep the behavior of previous versions of Windows. The foreground lock timeout is a persistent setting. For more information, see the Functional Tester on-line Help.

If you use a remote execution of Functional Tester scripts on Windows 2000/XP platforms, verify that the foreground lock timeout is set to 0 on the Agent computer.

Verification Point and Action wizard freezes if Java is still initializing

If you select an object in the Verification Point and Action wizard while a Java application or applet is initializing, the recorder can freeze. To avoid this problem, do not perform an action on a Java application or a Java applet in HTML while it is initializing. Do not use the Object Finder (the selector hand) until the Java application or applet is fully rendered on the screen, which indicates that the application is initialized.

Eclipse might not compile Functional Tester script assets

If you have projects that were created prior to the current release, Eclipse might not compile the assets in the project when you connect to an existing project. If this happens, you must force Eclipse to rebuild the project. First, right-click on the project in the Functional Test Project view and select Reset Java Build Path. Second, from the Functional Tester menu, click Project > Clean and click OK.

Bypassing the Eclipse Workspace Launcher during playback on Windows

By default, the Workspace Launcher is not testable (is not recorded against). One solution to test Eclipse is to select a default workspace by selecting the Default Workspace check box in the Workspace Launcher window. As a result, the Workspace Launcher no longer appears when you start Eclipse. You may also use the rationalsdp.exe command line argument data followed by the full path to your project in order to specify the project and avoid the workspace launcher dialog.

Another solution is to interact with the launcher through the script. The following code is a fragment of the implementation to click OK in the Workspace Launcher. For more robust solutions with proper error handling for Eclipse problems, see the EclipseScript extension script in the sample project included with the product. To access the sample code, see the Samples Gallery on the Welcome Page of Functional Tester.

RootTestObject rootTO = getRootTestObject();
IWindow[] topWindows = rootTO.getTopWindows();
for (int i=0; i<topWindows.length; i++)
String title = topWindows[i].getText();
if (title != null && title.equals("Workspace Launcher"))
Long hWnd = new Long(topWindows[i].getHandle();
// This enables the Workspace Launcher for testing,
// the Windows domain and the window handle were
// specified. Then, locate the OK button.                                    
TestObject[] found = rootTO.find(atList(                                                
atChild(".domain", "Win", ".hwnd", hWnd),
atDescendant(".class", ".Pushbutton",
".name", "OK")));

Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting pressing the F11 key in debug mode does not work

In Functional Tester VB .NET Scripting, when you debug a script, do not press the F11 key to step into the script. Click Debug > Step Into to step into the script.

Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting returns exception or null for values of CompanyName and Product properties during playback

Due to a Microsoft VS.NET defect, when Functional Tester gets values from the CompanyName and Product properties for some .NET objects, an exception or null is returned.

Pressing F11 to stop playback

You can press F11 to stop playing back a script. You may also click on the stop button on the playback monitor, although this can be difficult while UI actions are being played back Pressing F12 to pause playback You can press F12 to pause playing back a script. You may also click on the pause button on the playback monitor, although this can be difficult while UI actions are being played back.

I18N: Functional Tester: Verification Point Comparator: UI shows garbled characters

If you install RFT on a clean machine and then immediately apply the fix packs before using it then you will see the correct font. If you have used RFT before installing the fix packs you need to open C:\Documents and Settings\<user login>\Application Data\IBM\RFT\rational_ft.pref in a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad and replace:


Please note that the Application Data folder is hidden.

Linux Issues

Eclipse (SWT) menu items cannot be identified using object finder/inspector

On Linux, Eclipse-based (SWT Java) menu items cannot be identified using the object finder/inspector. GTK menus are not supported.

When connecting to a project on Linux you may encounter compile errors because of an encoding issue

When using RFT Java on Linux, if you connect to a project that is under ClearCase and that was created on Windows, the project will not build until you change the encoding for the project. The default encoding UTF-8 does not work. You should change the encoding to ISOXXX. The ISOXXX encoding will work.

Context menu popup for SWT Motif widget on Linux does not play back

In Microsoft(R) Windows(R), the popup menus appear after a right-click; in SWT/Motif, they appear only on a right-mouse drag and disappear when you release the mouse button. Recorded SWT/Motif menu popups do not play back. Other popup menus on Linux (SWT/GTK+) play back.

Double-byte character set support on Linux

Functional Tester does not support the playback of strings with double-byte characters, for example, Japanese characters on Linux.

Limitations of running Functional Tester on Linux

Functional Tester has always offered playback on Linux. You can create scripts on the Windows platform of Functional Test, Java Scripting and play them back on Linux. In addition to playback, in this release you can also run Functional Tester in the full Eclipse shell on Linux. Functional Test, Java Scripting can be installed and used on Linux. The recorder is not supported on Linux, but you can create scripts manually and play them back. The following problems are known at this time:

XDETester variables can cause errors on Linux Test Agent and Functional Tester on Linux

There are XDETester variables that can cause errors on a Linux Test Agent and Functional Tester on Linux. You must remove the XDETester variables on your machine or set the correct path before you start the Linux Test Agent and Functional Tester on Linux. If you use previous versions of the Linux Test Agent, you might have set the following environment variables.

Cleaning files downloaded to a Test Agent when running Linux

When a Test Agent runs a test script that calls other scripts, the Test Agent does not delete the files in the directory, /tmp/rtagent_0, or in the created directory. If you no longer want the files, you must delete them.

Using JRE 1.4.1 on glibc 2.2 on Linux

JRE 1.4.1 is the default JRE that comes with Functional Tester. When you work in this JRE on Linux with glibc 2.2 (Red Hat 7.x), you must set the following environment variable when you start the agent: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL= 2.2.5. If you do not set this variable on glibc 2.2 systems, the Agent hangs when you run a script from TestManager. This same variable might cause problems on some versions of Sun JRE that run on Red Hat 7.1.

Functional Tester stops responding due to defects in the glibc package

In some situations, Functional Tester might stop responding due to defects in the glibc package, which is included with Red Hat Linux 7.1. To resolve this problem, download and install the latest updates available from Red Hat (currently, glibc 2.2.4-24).

Opening multiple instances of a browser on Linux

To play back a script on Linux that uses multiple instances of a browser, press Control+N to open the new instance. Netscape does not display an intermediary dialog box and the script plays back.

Enabling Mozilla 1.4.0 and earlier on Linux

Due to a Mozilla defect in the Cross Platform Installer (XPI), you must open the browser after enablement to finalize the installation. The browser appears as "Disabled" in the Functional Tester Enabler until you open the browser again.

Mozilla version 1.2.x is not supported

Do not enable Mozilla Version 1.2.x. because you can corrupt the browser.

Mozilla browser must be started at least once before you enable the browser

If you install the Mozilla browser and do not run the browser at least once before you enable the browser, the Functional Tester enabler cannot enable the browser.

Testing Mozilla browsers on Linux systems

To test a Mozilla browser on Linux with Functional Tester, you must install a Java plug-in that is used by the browser. You must set a symbolic link for the Java plug-in library in the Mozilla plug-ins directory. For more information, see the Mozilla release notes at

JFC Swing combo box popups

The heavyweight JFC Swing combo box popups are not supported on Linux with JDK 1.2.2.

Removing all applications in Application Configuration Tool causes error

In the Application Configuration Tool, when you remove all configured applications in the Applications list, and click Apply or Finish, Functional Tester does not complete the operation due to an error. Click Close (x) or Finish to complete the operation. Cannot use ClearCase LT with Rational Functional Tester

ClearCase LT Integration with RFT on Linux is not supported.

When connecting a datastore in Linux does not compile because of encoding issue

On a Linux system, when connecting to an RFT project that was created in Windows, the project will not build successfully until you change the encoding for the project. By default Linux assumes that the encoding was UTF-8, and it should be set to the encoding used on Windows (for example, ISO-8859-1). To change the project encoding, right-click on the project in the Functional Test Projects view and select Properties from the menu. In the Information section you will see an option for the Text File Encoding.

Eclipse (SWT) menu items cannot be identified using object finder/inspector

On Linux, Eclipse-based (SWT Java) menu items cannot be identified using the object finder/inspector. GTK menus are not supported.

Enabler Test button always gave error when closing browser

On a Linux system, where the Rational Functional Tester user is logged in as root, an error may appear when the browser is closed after enabling it. The reason for this is that the system is warning the user that as root, some things may not work properly. This is not a problem, and the error/warning can be ignored.

Auto enable run at the time of installation some times fail (throws error at installation)

When installing as root on a system, give all users permission to talk to the X Window server. To do this, type xhost + from the user that is allowed access to the X Windows server. This will allow the installation to proceed normally without errors.

Incorrect Text in Installation Guide to start Linux agent

The RFT 6.1 Installation Guide says the following about starting a Linux agent:

You have to set RATL_RTHOME variable to /usr/rational by using export command export PATH R??L_RTHOME

This is not correct. The export command will not work in all the shells. If you use export, use: export RATL_RTHOME=/usr/rational

Incorrect path for setting environment variable on Linux Test Agent

In the IBM Rational Functional Tester Version 6.1 Installation Guide, in the Starting a Test Agent on Linux section, the path for setting an environment variable on a Linux Test Agent is incorrect. The correct path is /usr/rational/test. In Functional Tester, you must set the RATL_RTHOME variable to /usr/rational/test or the Functional Tester install directory. For example, on a BASH shell, use export RATL_RTHOME=/usr/rational/test.

IBM Rational ClearCase integration issues

Trend anti-virus software incompatible with IBM Rational ClearCase

Trend anti-virus software does not work with Rational ClearCase. If you use Functional Tester with both ClearCase and Trend running, the system stops responding. To use Trend and ClearCase together without any problems, exclude the following drives and files from virus detection in the Trend software:

Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting editing templates checked into ClearCase

In Functional Tester VB.NET Scripting, when you check a project into ClearCase, you cannot edit the templates on the Project Property page unless you check out the templates. To do so, open the templates in the Code Editor, and from the Functional Tester menu, click ClearCase > Check Out.

Show Checkouts does not show checked-out files in the ClearCase view specified by UNC path

The Show Checkouts feature in the Functional Tester Projects View does not show the checked out script, files, or maps in the ClearCase views, which are specified by a UNC path. When you work in a ClearCase snapshot view, always use a mapped path. When you work in a ClearCase dynamic view, click Start > View from ClearCase HomeBase and use the mapped path.

Test scripts and files appear as if they were hijacked although they are accessible

When you check out a test script or file in ClearCase, in certain situations Functional Tester interprets the file or script as hijacked, when it is not. To resolve the problem, check out the file as if it were not hijacked.

Using ClearCase with Linux

To use ClearCase with Linux, you must install ClearCase in the /opt/rational or the /usr/atria directory, or set CLEARCASEHOME or ATRIAHOME to the ClearCase install directory.

Starting Functional Tester with ClearCase on Linux

In Linux, when you run Functional Tester from the Windows Start menu, you cannot set the view context for ClearCase and access a project in a ClearCase dynamic view. To use ClearCase with a dynamic view, you must use the ClearTool command to set the view context.

  1. Open an xterm.
  2. Enter cleartool setview ViewName to set the view context.
  3. Enter cd /opt/IBM/SDP/FunctionalTester/6.0 to specify the FunctionalTester installation directory.
  4. Enter ./rationalsdp.bin to start Functional Tester.

Incorrect error appears when you check in a file that is checked out as reserved

On Linux, when you check in a file that is checked out as reserved, an incorrect error message appears indicating that there were problems checking the files into ClearCase, and the checkin did not finish because Functional Tester could not merge the object map. The error message should indicate that the file was checked out as reserved.

Renaming test assets in ClearCase

After you rename a test asset that you checked out in Functional Tester, other users cannot use that test asset. You must check in the test asset so that others can use it.

Installing ClearCase type managers on Unix

For ClearCase to properly support merging scripts and object maps, you must verify that the _rftmap, _rftvp and _rftdef type managers reside on your machine. Before you merge scripts and object maps, you must create symbolic links for the type managers.

  1. To modify the type managers, navigate to /ClearCase Install Directory/lib/mgrs.
  2. To determine the location of ClearCase, look in /opt/rational/clearcase or /usr/atria.
  3. Enter the following commands to modify the ClearCase type managers:
  4. cd _rftmap
    ln -s
    <installdir>/IBM/Rational/SDP/6.0/FunctionalTester/eclipse\plugins\com.rational.test.ft.wswplugin_6.1.0/rtmapmergertmapmerge merge
    ln -s
    <installdir>/IBM/Rational/SDP/6.0/FunctionalTester/eclipse\plugins\com.rational.test.ft.wswplugin_6.1.0/rtmapmerge xmerge

Incorrect directory name in on-line Help topic, Setting up ClearCase to Merge on UNIX

In the Functional Tester on-line Help topic, "Setting Up ClearCase to Merge on UNIX", the Software Development Platform directory name is incorrect. The correct directory name is SDP.

Creating project in Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting without ClearCase causes Visual Studio .Net message

In Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, without ClearCase, when you create a new project, a message appears informing you that ClearCase is integrated with Microsoft Source Control on Visual Studio.Net. Select the Don't show this dialog again check box and click OK to continue using Functional Tester.

No source control history for connected Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting project

In Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, when you connect to a project that contains at least one script, right-click on a script that you added to Source Control, and click Show History, Functional Tester does not display the source control history, such as when you added the project to source control or checked in the file.

Datapool issues

When creating Datapools, cannot import data if UTF encoding

  1. If RFT is already open, close it.
  2. Check if the LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variables are set to "en_US.UTF-8". If yes, set it to any other locale (for e.g, "en_US") or unset the environment variable.

ClearCase integration broken for datapools in Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting

When you edit a private or public datapool that you checked in, you are not prompted to check out the datapool. ClearCase checks out the datapool for you; however, the Solution Explorer shows the datapool as checked in. After you make your edits and you want to save them, check out the datapool, which does not lose your edits. Then check in the datapool.

Datapool Edit Record dialog box too small on Linux

The Index field is not visible.

Copy and paste in the Datapool Editor

In the datapool editor, the copy and paste commands do not work for a row that contains cells with the com.rational.test.ft.script.State type.

File encoding in datapool import and export

When you import or export datapool files, Functional Tester uses the system default file encoding. The UTF-8 encoding is supported for datapool import (where UTF-8 is not the system default), provided that the file contains a BOM (Byte Order Mark) to indicate that the file is UTF-8. When you export a datapool with characters that are not represented in the default encoding, the export results might contain malformed characters.

Deleting all datapool records prevents you from further working with the script for which a datapool is associated

When you associate a datapool with a script, delete all records in the datapool, perform an action that might change the datapool (for example, when you insert a recording in the active script, data drive the script, or undo the checkout of the script), and exit Functional Tester, an error message displays. To avoid the error message, do not delete all records in the datapool. If you do not need the datapool association, remove the association between the datapool and the script.

Miscellaneous issues

Installing MSDN library to get on-line Help for Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting and Win32 controls

Before you work with Functional Tester, VB.NET Scripting, you must install the MSDN library to get on-line Help for Functional Tester and Win32 controls.

Rational Manual Tester does not start after Rational Functional Tester is uninstalled

If Rational Manual Tester and Rational Functional Tester, are installed on the same system and then Functional Tester is uninstalled, Manual Tester does not start or update. You must uninstall all Rational products, including Manual Tester, and then reinstall Manual Tester before you can start it.

Running the Functional Tester Tour

To run the Product Tour from the Functional Tester Welcome page, you must install one of the following versions of Macromedia Flash Player:

Searching for JREs in the Enabler

When you start the Enabler and search for JREs, the search action searches all directories, which can include mounted network partitions. On a system with a large mounted network, the search could take a long time. To speed up the search on Linux, click Add to add a JRE to the list, or use Search In to search from a root directory.

Get latest version of a script does not take the new VPs added

Doing a Get Latest Version on a script does not automatically update newly added VPs for the script. If you want to get the newly created VPs, you should also do Get Latest Version on the project (or update the resources directory where the VPs are stored).

Coordinate based clicks recorded for Scrollbar clicks in Win EditBox and RichEdit

Recording on scrollbars for EditBox and RichEdit controls, which get recorded as a coordinate actions within the text box, may not play back successfully, and should be avoided. Instead use input keys, such as page up or page down, to record navigation of the text control.

Unable to delete a script if the ScriptDefinition file is corrupted

If a script is broken due to a corrupt ScriptDefinition file, delete the ScriptDefinition file first, then delete the script from project explorer.

Japanese characters are not showing properly in the VP Editor/Comparator if language pack not installed

On operating systems such as Japanese and Simplified Chinese, you may notice that non-English characters appear as square boxes inside the Verification Point Editor/Comparator. This will happen if you did not install the language packs during the product installation. To resolve this problem, run the installation again and select only the desired language packs. Everything else should be deselected. Then the characters will be displayed properly.

Cannot go back to Functional Test Perspective after switching to other perspectives

If you update from Rational Functional Tester 6.1.1 to using the Rational Product Updater, you may have problems switching back to the Functional Test perspective in Eclipse if you switch to a different perspective, such as Rational Software Modeler. If you cannot get back to the Functional Test perspective, use the following steps to get it back:

  1. Open C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0\rationalsdp.ini in Wordpad.
    (In Notepad you may get some formatting problems. Once you save it in Wordpad you can edit in Notepad too.)
  2. Find VMArgs=-Xquickstart
  3. Add the following line after it:
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart the product.

You should now be able to switch to the Functional Test perspective.

VB.Net Scripting and Visual Studio
1. If you are using VB.Net scripting, you can update to the latest templates by right-clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and clicking Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog, select the Functional Test Script Templates tab. Select the template “Script Helper: Header of the file”. If you have not customized this template, you can upgrade it by clicking the Restore Defaults button. If you have customized the template already, add this line to the top along with the other import statements:

    Imports Rational.Test.Ft.Object.Interfaces.Siebel

After modifying the template, click the Apply button. Next, select the template “Script: Header of the file”. Add the same line to the imports section in this template as well. Click Apply and then OK.

3. If you are using the integrated ClearCase support, after you edit the template files they will be checked out. You will need to check them back in so that other members of your team can use them. To do this, right-click on the project again in the Solution Explorer and click Team > Show Checkouts. You will see a list of elements that you have checked out. Select the two templates ft_script.vb.rfttpl and ft_scripthelper.vb.rfttpl and check them in (for example, you can right-click on the selected elements in the list and click Check in). Your other team members should update their project by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer and clicking Team > Get Latest Version.

4. Finally, right-click again on the project in the Solution Explorer and click Reset Custom Reference. Each member of your team will need to perform this last step, as the “Custom References” are local to each project on each machine.

Installation issues

RFT Install: Error occurs when Restricted User opens a new workspace

When starting RFT for the first time as a restricted user there may be errors reported about enabling the default Java JRE environment. If an error is reported you will need to start RFT as a privileged user once before continuing to use the product as a restricted user.

Uninstaller does not remove the Functional Tester patch files

When you install Functional Tester, run the Product Updater to update the patch files, and uninstall Functional Tester, the uninstaller does not remove the patch files and prevents you from updating the patch files when you reinstall Functional Tester.

After using the Microsoft Windows Control Panel "Add or Remove Programs" to uninstall Rational Functional Tester, some files and registry settings remain. These files and settings may prevent a successful re-installation of the product. In order to enable a successful re-install of RFT, go to the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\RFT\UninstallRFTRMT" and run the batch file "post_uninstall.bat." If this directory is hidden, update the folder options to show hidden files and folders.

If no other IBM Rational products are installed into the install directory ( C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0 by default), delete this directory.

Uninstalling and reinstalling Rational Functional Tester and Manual Tester - issues and workarounds

The IBM Rational Agent Controller installed with the latest RFT updates does not uninstall properly. Attempting to uninstall it will result in no change in the installation state of the IBM Rational Agent Controller component.

To manually uninstall the IBM Rational Agent Controller component of the RFT update, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the IBM Rational Agent Controller service running on the machine. In the Control Panel click Administrative Tools > Services. Right-click IBM Rational Agent Control > Stop.
  2. Remove the install directory for the IBM Agent Controller component. In Windows Explorer, delete the IBM_Agent_Controller folder, which is in the directory where you installed Functional Tester. The default location of the Rational install directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\SDP\6.0.
  3. Delete the update history folder, C:\Windows\IBM\RAC60.
  4. Remove the registry setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Rational Agent Controller. Using regedit.exe, navigate to the registry, right-click the key, and select Delete.
  5. From Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs, select IBM Rational Agent Controller and click Change/Remove. Select IBM Rational Agent Controller from the Add or Remove Programs list.
  6. Edit the C:\WINDOWS\ file and delete all lines containing the string "IBM_Agent_Controller."

4.0 Customer support

For product news, events, support, and other information, see the Rational Functional Tester home page at

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Programming interface information

Programming interface information is intended to help you create application software using this program.

General-use programming interfaces allow you to write application software that obtain the services of this program's tools.

However, this information may also contain diagnosis, modification, and tuning information. Diagnosis, modification, and tuning information is provided to help you debug your application software.

Warning: Do not use this diagnosis, modification, and tuning information as a programming interface because it is subject to change.

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