© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2006. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
1.0 About this releaseTo view the latest version of this file, see the readme at www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/rad/6011/html/interim_fix001/readme.html.
This interim fix contains fixes to the version release.
- (PK16314) Parts of floating maps or forms should be transparent, allowing existing information in the display to remain visible when the floating map is displayed.
- (PK16604) A problem marker is created for valid EGL source upon project build.
- (PK16021) When using EGL to access an Oracle database, cursors are opened and not closed. Eventually the database may run out of available cursors.
- (PK17123) Validation errors are issued inappropriately, resulting in error markers in the editor and halting generation or debug of the program.
- (PK16936) Generated Java™ code for a VGUIRecord causes a Java compile error.
- (PK18266) During build of a workspace that contains EGL projects, messages are shown that indicate certain EGL projects cannot be built.
- (PK18880) A validation error is issued for EGL source that is valid. The error occurs for assignment of two interface types, where the target of the assignment is an interface which extends the source of the assignment.
- In the form editor, when adding a new field (constant or variable) on the form (through the
design view), you cannot put anything on position 1,1.- In the form editor, if you add fields through Templates > Record option, you can choose the position x,0. Once created, the fields are outside the form which results in errors.
- (PK13927) Exception error when exporting enterprise application projects. The project includes a Web project which
has references to non-existing project libraries.- (PK07454) Allow for ejbModule to not be required when using another output folder when deploying EJBs.
- (PK13103) Web Service wizard fails when starting it from the context menu of a folder in a Web project.
- (PK13000) The WSDL file is set to the wrong path in the deployment descriptor.
- (PK15405) Several project files are saved during the project build although no changes were made to the content.
- (PK16950) The EAR file export was including .runtime files for Java utility projects added to the EAR file, and for Web library projects added to WAR files inside the EAR file. A fix was made to never include .runtime files during export even if meta-data is included .
- (PK13472) Jaxrpc migration was run twice on each jaxrpc document which causes the resulting EAR file export to fail when exporting jaxrpc documents. A fix was made to run migration only once.
- (PK07729) The J2EE migration wizard does not set the target runtime server for every project.
- (PK15316) When the Closed Project filter is enabled for the Project Explorer, it does not filter out the closed project.
- There is a WCCM memory leak problem with the file.deleteonexit method.
- (PK15805)There is a deployment exception when inheritance is involved with CMP beans.
- (PK08754) EJB session facade generates incorrect code for the method get<BeanByKey> if the entity bean has multiple key fields.
- (PK19171) For an existing dynamic Web project with JSF, when JSF migration runs (due to an upgrade) it will overwrite the stylesheet.css file in the project from the one in the plugin.
- (PK18336) In the facesconfig file, if there is a <value-class> tag as the child of the <list-entries> tag, it causes exceptions when loading or saving the file.
- (PK15744) A NullPointerException is thrown during the JSF lifecycle.
- (PK18064) When a JSF datatable component with an InputRowSelect is placed inside a DIV tag the check box does not work properly.
- (PK16880) When this product is running on a locale which is not supported by WebSphere® Portal (such as nb_NO), the portlet project wizards's general settings page is empty with an error message on the wizard description area.
- (PK17800) When running a portal on a 5.0 level server, the portalPortletsEAR project reverts to the default classloader mode.
(PK14311) If an XML file with errors is imported into a Java project, errors are not displayed in the Problems view.
(PK13065) Adding a Web service reference for a J2EE application client caused an error stating that the WSDL file has no definition element.
(PK15550) When creating a table under an EJB project, the table and schema files are created under a different directory.
(PK15881) For certain EJB inheritance structures, duplicate columns are repeated unnecessarily for a generated SQL statement. This may lead to a SQL statement length exceeding limitations.
(PK18277) A null pointer exception is thrown when a Web diagram editor attempted to read a Faces config file where the <toview> tags are defined but contain no actual body content.
- (PK18020) The image system editor in the Thumbnails view fails with an error message that Windows® cannot find the file.
- (PK18727) The translation of JSP fragments into Java is incorrect, leading to incorrect results from validation and other areas. The processing of included fragments changes the ordering of scriplets, expressions, and declarations in the translated source.
(PK17202) An IWAT0113E error is displayed when launching an application after selecting an agent to profile.
- (PK09280) The ccf.jar, ccf2.jar, eablib.jar, and recjava.jar files need to be added to the WebSphere Application Server runtime classpath libraries.
- (PK11820) JAR files found in the WebSphere Application Server lib directory need to be added to the WebSphere v5.1 runtime classpath library.
- (PK15800) The JMX session in the v6 WebSphere test environment is not closed properly causing the anonymous directories created in the v6 WebSphere Test Environment to grow in size.
For information about installing IBM® Rational® Application Developer Interim Fix 001 for version, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/rad/60/install_instruction/6011_interim_fix001/install.html.
For hardware requirements for this interim fix, refer to the installation instructions.
This interim fix can be installed on top of IBM Rational Application Developer
If you use local updates and have more than one product installed, you must download the interim fixes for all installed products to your local update site. This is because there are dependencies among them. If you have multiple products installed and download only one interim fix and run the Rational Product Updater, the Updater will give you a warning when you search for updates that one of the required updates is missing. Again, this situation only applies to customers who use local update sites.
To simultaneously install the interim fixes, download them to your local update site. Then install all interim fixes at the same time from the update site by using the Rational Product Updater.
For example, suppose you have both Rational Application Developer and Rational Software Modeler installed on your system. Because the interim fixes for these products depend on each other, they must be installed at the same time. Download both interim fixes to your local update site and run the Rational Product Updater to update your installation.
The schema manifest file that is generated by the I4GL conversion tool is updated for this release. I4GL customers who are in the process of migrating their I4GL applications to EGL are advised to re-extract their database schema information to benefit from the file changes.
Changes in the generated manifest files are as follows :
- 4GL data type "CHAR" is now mapped to EGL "UNICODE". Previously this was mapped to fixed length STRING, as UNICODE and STRING are not reference compatible. The schema needs to be extracted again to get the changes.
- The schema manifest is updated with two new attributes - "isolationLevel" and "commitControl". These attributes are used by an EGL application or library project to correctly generate database connect() calls.
The product home page for Rational Application Developer is www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/application/. For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page at www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/application/support/index.html.
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