Version Differences for Security

(Example of Active Directory Configuration)
Line 10:
  User Search Base: ou=SupportUsers,ou=Support,DC=ad-env-test,DC=dev,DC=urbancode,DC=com    User Search Base: ou=SupportUsers,ou=Support,DC=ad-env-test,DC=dev,DC=urbancode,DC=com 
  == Roles ==    == Roles == 
    + == Deployment Approvals ==  
    + The minimum permissions a user needs to make approvals is read on the Application/Environment/Component requiring the approval, as well as access to the work items in the UI.  
    + The minimum steps required to set up an approval process are as follows:  
    + Creating roles for approvals and assigning users:  
    + # Create a role that will define the approvers on the Application/Environment/Component(depending on the level of approval you want), giving users assigned to the role at least read access.  
    + Settings>Role Configuration>Applications/Environments/Components  
    + # Create a role (or use the default Approver role) on the Web UI tab, giving users assigned to that role access to at least the Work Items tab.  
    + Settings>Role Configuration>Web UI  
    + # Assign users/groups to the role created in step 2 on the UI Security tab.  
    + Settings/UI Security  
    + # Assign users/groups to the roles created in step 1 on the Application, Component, and/or Environment.  
    + Application/Component>Security and/or Application>Environment>Security  
    + Configuring the Environment to require approvals:  
    + # Create/edit an environment, choosing to require approvals.  
    + Application>Environment>Edit  
    + # Configure the Approval Process, choosing the level of approval and the role that will be approving.  
    + Application>Environment>Approval Process  
  == Tokens ==    == Tokens ==