Version Differences for Components

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- Components use Component Processes to modify or deploy Artifacts to a Resource on an Environment.   + == [[Components]] ==  
- == Creating a New Component ==   + == [[Templates]] ==  
- You will be prompted for the following when creating a new component:      
- * Name - The title that will be applied to the new Component      
- * Description - A description that will help users to identify Components.      
- * Template - Components may be created using a pre-configured Component Template, and are chosen here.      
- * Source Config Type - The SCM type that the Artifacts will be retrieved from.      
- * Import Versions Automatically - If checked, the component will periodically check for new Artifact Versions      
- * Copy to CodeStation - If checked, a copy of the artifacts will be stored in the uDeploy repository.      
- * Default Version Type - determines whether the deployments are Full or Incremental. A full version contains all Component Artifacts. An incremental version only contains Artifacts modified since the previous version was created.      
- * Inherit Cleanup Settings - If checked, the Component will use the uDeploy server's pre-configured Cleanup Settings