<%@ page isELIgnored="true" %> <%@ taglib uri="cms" prefix="cms" %> Dynamically Set Agent's Environment Variables

Dynamically Set Agent's Environment Variables

Agent Environment Variables (not to be confused with AnthillPro Environment Properties) are set at the time of agent installation, and are stored on the central server. The agent-installation reads the environment variables of the machine the agent is being installed on and then sets the variables. Once set, AnthillPro does not check for changes in the machine's environment variables. However, you can configure the agent to dynamically set the environment variables every time the agent restarts.

When dynamically setting the variables, the agent needs two files in the /bin directory: one named env.properties and one named either setenv.bat (for Windows) or setenv.sh (for UNIX-like systems). The setenv shell script is responsible for dynamically generating the environment variables in a format that AnthillPro can use, as well as writing out the env.properties file. The env.properties file includes all the variables in a pattern similar to DYNAMIC_ENV_VAR=value.

When the agent is restarted, it will first look for the setenv script. If the script is found, it will be executed to update (or write out) the env.properties file. Then, the new variables in the env.properties file will be delivered to the AnthillPro server.


  • Access the agent's /bin directory.

  • Ability to write a shell script that can generate the environment variables in the proper format.

Add Files to Agent's /bin Directory

  1. Stop the agent.

  2. Create setenv file. In a text editor, create the setenv.bat file if the agent is running on Windows or setenv.sh file if the agent is running on a UNIX-like system. Save it to the agent's /bin directory.

    You will need to have the shell script read the environment variables and then writes them out to the env.properties file. The script should be similar to the example below:

    echo DYNAMIC_ENV_VAR=value > env.properites

    Note that the env.properties cannot reference other environment variables such as PATH=%PATH%;..., etc.

    AnthillPro requires the variables to be set using this exact pattern.

  3. Restart the agent. Upon restart, the variables will be updated. To update the environment variables in the future, simply restart the agent again.