<%@ page isELIgnored="true" %> <%@ taglib uri="cms" prefix="cms" %> Create Server Proxy

Create Server Proxy

If you need to access servers/repositories (such as Maven, ibiblio, Apache/Jakarta, etc.) that are on external networks, do so by going to the System page and creating a new proxy. To help secure the connection, set a password-protected user name on the proxy. To get started, make sure:

  • You must have AnthillPro administrative privileges to the System page. See Manage Security.

  • The proxy host and port must be available.

To configure the proxy:

  1. Go to System > Proxy Settings under the Server menu.

  2. On the Proxy Settings page, click Create Proxy.

  3. Set up Proxy:

    • Proxy Name. Give the name AnthillPro will use for the proxy.

    • Description. Give a description of the proxy (e.g., Maven proxy).

    • Host. Provide the host for the proxy.

    • Port. Give the port AnthillPro will use to communicate with the proxy.

    • Username. Provide the name to be used for proxy authentication. This is the name AnthillPro will use when connecting to the proxied server/repository (e.g., anthill3mavenproxy).

    • Password. Give the password (if password protected). This is the password used to authenticate the AnthillPro user name set above.

  4. Click Save then Done.