Unknown host null

com.urbancode.codestation2.client.exception.ServerNotFoundException: Unknown host null


This error usually occurs when an agent is trying to use proxy settings specified in that agent's installed.properties file, however someone has set the proxy host to null (and likely the proxy port to null as well). There are a multitude of reasons that this can happen, such as malicious user intervention, unintentional modification, unattended-agent-installs without correctly modifying the install script, etc.


Remove the null hostname/portnumber, or correct it to the valid AgentRelayâ„¢ proxy host & port. The properties that need modified:

  • locked/agent.http.proxy.host
  • locked/agent.http.proxy.port

Error Examples

(null) Host

ERROR - An error occurred accessing the Codestation Repository at http://3.44.49.XX:8080.
It is defined in the System - Server Settings page as the External URL value. If this URL
is incorrect, please change it.

Detailed error message: com.urbancode.codestation2.client.exception.ServerNotFoundException: Unknown host null