Version Differences for Miscellaneous Scripts

(Create a Folder and Append Name if One Already Exists)
Line 2315:
  BuildService.getInstance().runWorkflow(br);</pre>    BuildService.getInstance().runWorkflow(br);</pre> 
- = Create a Folder and Append Name if One Already Exists =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-134 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.folder.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.persistent.PersistenceException;      
- //The following settings are for establishing a connection to the anthill server      
- String serverHost = "localhost";      
- int serverPort = 4567;      
- String userName = "admin";      
- String password = "admin";      
- //obtain connection to the Anthill server      
- AnthillClient anthill = AnthillClient.connect(serverHost, serverPort,      
- userName, password);      
- // create a Unit of Work      
- UnitOfWork uow = anthill.createUnitOfWork();      
- String fname = "ZNAME"; //Folder name to create      
- String parent = "/"; //Parent folder      
- String copy = " (New)";      
- boolean notdone = true;      
- print("Now attempting to create a folder with name: " + fname);      
- Thread.sleep(750);      
- print("");      
- Folder parentFolder = FolderFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(parent);      
- while (notdone == true) {      
- if (FolderFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(fname) !=null) {      
- print(FolderFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(fname) + " already exists!");      
- fname = fname+copy;      
- }      
- else notdone = false;      
- }      
- print("Folder with name '" + fname + " is being created . . .");      
- Folder creationFolder = new Folder(true);      
- creationFolder.setName(fname);      
- creationFolder.setParent(parentFolder);      
- creationFolder.setActive(true);      
- Thread.sleep(400);      
- try{      
- uow.commit();      
- print(FolderFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(fname) + " has been created.");      
- uow.close();      
- }      
- catch (Exception e){      
- print("Does the folder '" + fname + "' already exist under '" + parent + "'?\n\n");      
- print("---STACKTRACE BEGAN---");      
- e.printStackTrace();      
- print("---STACKTRACE ENDED---");      
- }      
- //BMG</pre>      
  = Find All Agents Online And Offline =    = Find All Agents Online And Offline =