Version Differences for 3.8 Branch Directory Restructure

(Previous Layout)
(Initial update. Still got a lot to go...)
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- With the introduction of the 3.8 branch of anthillpro, some directories have been restructured to better accommodate a larger amount of files/directories that can potentially exist. The change will make it so instead of a maximum of 32k directories allowing for 32k workflows, it will be a maximum of 100m directories allowing for 100m workflows. Since this is a huge change to the structure of the ''\var\'' directory, a layout (with an example) is provided below:   + With the introduction of the 3.8 branch of anthillpro, some directories have been restructured to better accommodate a larger amount of files/directories that can potentially exist. The change will make it so instead of a maximum of 32,000 directories allowing for 32,000 workflows, it will be a maximum of 1,000,000 directories allowing for 1,000,000 workflows. Since this is a huge change to the structure of the ''\var\'' directory, a layout (with an example) is provided below:  
- = Previous Layout =   + = Layout Change =  
- Assume that '''%ARTIFACTS_HOME%'''[] is set to the ''\var\artifacts\'' directory of the server. The original format of the artifacts was in the form of:   + Assume that '''%ARTIFACTS_HOME%'''[] is set to the ''\var\artifacts\'' directory of the server. The table below will list the comparisons between the old & new formats.  
- <pre>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\project-buildprofile\buildlife\artifactset\...artifacts...</pre>      
    + <table border=4 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4 align=center>  
    + <tr><th>PREVIOUS FORMAT</th><th>CURRENT FORMAT</th></tr>  
    + <tr><td><font face=monospace>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\project-buildprofile\buildlife\artifactset\...artifacts...</font></td><td><font face=monospace>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\long format project\long format buildprofile\long format buildlife\artifactset\...artifacts...</font></td></tr>  
    + </table>  
    + == Example ==  
  So if we assume that we have a file called ''awesomefile.exe'' on the artifacts tab of the following:    So if we assume that we have a file called ''awesomefile.exe'' on the artifacts tab of the following: 
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  * '''Build Profile ID''': 922    * '''Build Profile ID''': 922 
  * '''Artifact Set ID''': -2    * '''Artifact Set ID''': -2 
- The directory would look like:   + The comparisons of the formats would be:  
- <pre>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\13423-922\423234\-2\awesomefile.exe</pre>   + <table border=4 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4 align=center>  
    + <tr><th>PREVIOUS FORMAT</th><th>CURRENT FORMAT</th></tr>  
- = Current Layout =   + <tr><td><font face=monospace>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\13423-922\423234\-2\awesomefile.exe</font></td><td><font face=monospace>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\0001\3423\0000\0922\0042\3234\-2\awesomefile.exe</font></td></tr>  
    + </table>  
- After the restructure, the format is this:      
- <pre>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\long format project\long format buildprofile\long format buildlife\artifactset\...artifacts...</pre>      
- So ''awesomefile.exe'' will now reside in:      
- <pre>%ARTIFACTS_HOME%\0001\3423\0000\0922\0042\3234\-2\awesomefile.exe</pre>      
  The key to note here is that 13423 has been separated out to 00013423, which forms directory 0001\3423. Same goes with build profile 922 to 00000922 = 0000\0922. And the same with the buildlife 423234 to 00423234 = 0042\3234. Only the artifact set ID# and the artifacts themselves remain unchanged.    The key to note here is that 13423 has been separated out to 00013423, which forms directory 0001\3423. Same goes with build profile 922 to 00000922 = 0000\0922. And the same with the buildlife 423234 to 00423234 = 0042\3234. Only the artifact set ID# and the artifacts themselves remain unchanged.