Version Differences for AHPTool Documentation

(Second Addition of commands)
Line 63:
  ***''-property ''    ***''-property '' 
  ****Optional. The name of the property to get the value of.     ****Optional. The name of the property to get the value of.  
    + *'''getDependencyPlan '''  
    + **Get all dependencies for a build life. This includes transitive dependencies.  
    + ***''-buildlife ''  
    + ****Required. Can be set via the environment variable AH_BUILD_LIFE_ID. The id of the build life.  
    + *'''getIssues '''  
    + **Get issues related to a build life through source changes.  
    + ***''-buildlife ''  
    + ****Required. Can be set via the environment variable AH_BUILD_LIFE_ID. The build life id to get issues from.  
    + *'''getJobProperties '''  
    + **Get properties of a job execution.. To get all properties in XML form, do not give a value for 'property'. To get just the text value of a property, give a property name for 'property'.  
    + ***''-job ''  
    + ****Required. Can be set via the environment variable AH_JOB_ID. The id of the job execution to get the properties from.  
    + ***''-property ''  
    + ****Optional. The name of the property to get the value of.  
    + *'''getRequestProperties '''  
    + **Get properties of a request.. To get all properties in XML form, do not give a value for 'property'. To get just the text value of a property, give a property name for 'property'.  
    + ***''-request ''  
    + ****Required. The id of the request to get the properties from.  
    + ***''-property ''  
    + ****Optional. The name of the property to get the value of.  
    + *'''getSourceAnalytics '''  
    + **Get a source analytics report of a build life.  
    + ***''-buildlife ''  
    + ****Required. Can be set via the environment variable AH_BUILD_LIFE_ID. The id of the build life to get the report from.  
    + ***''-report ''  
    + ****Required. The name of the report.  
    + *'''getSourceChanges '''  
    + **Get source changes of a build life.  
    + ***''-buildlife ''  
    + ****Required. Can be set via the environment variable AH_BUILD_LIFE_ID. The id of the build life to get the source changes from.  
    + *'''getStepProperties '''  
    + **Get properties of a step execution.. To get all properties in XML form, do not give a value for 'property'. To get just the text value of a property, give a property name for 'property'.  
    + ***''-job ''  
    + ****Required. Can be set via the environment variable AH_JOB_ID. The id of the step's job execution to get the properties from.  
    + ***''-step ''  
    + ****Optional. The index of the step within the job execution or 'current' for the latest step.  
    + ***''-property ''  
    + ****Optional. The name of the property to get the value of.