Version Differences for Notification Templates

(Include Error Messages in Notifications)
Line 181:
  *Then, in your template text, simply type the following to return the value of the property from the BuildRequest:    *Then, in your template text, simply type the following to return the value of the property from the BuildRequest: 
  <pre>$testValue</pre>    <pre>$testValue</pre> 
    + = Include Issue Data in E-Mails =  
    + *This snippet shows how to include issues from the build life tab in your build or deploy emails. And add this snippet into an existing email notification template (this is not stand-alone). Please feel free to stylize the table generated below to suite. This version is the very basic, very ugly version.  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-108 ====  
    + ''CONTEXT''  
    + <pre>buildLife = workflow.getBuildLife();  
    + issues = IssueHelper.getIssueArray(buildLife);  
    + issues = issues.length > 0 ? issues : null;  
    + System.out.println("issues: " + issues);  
    + context.put("issues", issues);</pre>  
    + ''TEMPLATE''  
    + <pre>#if ($issues)  
    + <h2>Issues</h2>  
    + <table>  
    + <tr>  
    + <th>Issue ID</th>  
    + <th>Name</th>  
    + <th>Description</th>  
    + </tr>  
    + #foreach($issue in $issues)  
    + <tr>  
    + <td><a href="$issue.issueUrl">$issue.issueId</a></td>  
    + <td>$</td>  
    + <td>$issue.description</td>  
    + </tr>  
    + #end  
    + </table>  
    + #end</pre>