Version Differences for Cloning an AnthillPro Instance

(Database Driver Configuration)
Line 43:
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- ### Install.db.type should get the type of database you are going to (for example, mysql for MySQL, oracle for Oracle, sqlserver for SQL Server)   + # Install.db.type should get the type of database you are going to (for example, mysql for MySQL, oracle for Oracle, sqlserver for SQL Server)  
- ### Install.db.url should get the connection string for your database (for example, one for Oracle might look like jdbc:oracle:thin:@oraclebox:1521/ORCL )   + # Install.db.url should get the connection string for your database (for example, one for Oracle might look like jdbc:oracle:thin:@oraclebox:1521/ORCL )  
- ### Install.db.password should be replaced with the plaintext password of the database user.   + # Install.db.password should be replaced with the plaintext password of the database user.  
- ### Install.db.driver needs the class name of the driver (for example, Oracle’s is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver if using ojdbc6.jar)   + # Install.db.driver needs the class name of the driver (for example, Oracle’s is oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver if using ojdbc6.jar)  
- ### Install.db.user should be replaced with the database user’s username.   + # Install.db.user should be replaced with the database user’s username.  
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