Version Differences for Comments:Database Permissions

(Drop all Tables/Content Associated with Users)
(Altering Passwords)
Line 101:
  Run the following to change the password of a user:    Run the following to change the password of a user: 
  <pre>ALTER USER testuser IDENTIFIED BY newpassword;</pre>    <pre>ALTER USER testuser IDENTIFIED BY newpassword;</pre> 
    + == Data Pumping Export & Import ==  
    + The original documentation can be found at [], but posting here for quick reference. '''NOTE THAT SQL DEVELOPER DOES NOT SUPPORT EXPORT OF CLOB/BLOB TYPES''' SO EXPORT THROUGH THE COMMAND LINE TO A BINARY FORMAT IS PREFERRED.  
    + Run the following command to setup a dump directory (if not already set up & assuming directory exists):  
    + <pre>CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY dmpdir AS 'c:\oraclexe\app\tmp';  
    + GRANT READ,WRITE ON DIRECTORY dmpdir TO testuser;</pre>  
    + Then the export can be performed from the command prompt:  
    + <pre>expdp SYSTEM/password SCHEMAS=testuser DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=testuserschema.dmp LOGFILE=exptestuserschema.log</pre>  
    + An import to a new user can be performed as following without having to create the new user first:  
    + <pre>impdp SYSTEM/password SCHEMAS=testuser DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=testuserschema.dmp  
    + REMAP_SCHEMA=testuser:testuserdev EXCLUDE=constraint, ref_constraint, index  
    + TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=replace LOGFILE=imptestuserschema.log</pre>