Version Differences for All Users in a Role

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    + Report of Total Users In the System. This will report on all of the users who are in a role, with the role provided as a dropdown. This dropdown will only contain roles that you can see. This report has to be used in conjunction with a report template such as the [[HTML Template]].  
    + ----  
    + ''Meta-Data Script:''  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.reporting.*;  
    + import*;  
    + rmd = new ReportMetaData();  
    + rmd.addColumn("Role");  
    + rmd.addColumn("Auth Realm");  
    + rmd.addColumn("User");  
    + rmd.addColumn("Name");  
    + rmd.addColumn("Email");  
    + pmd = new SelectParamMetaData();  
    + pmd.setLabel("Role");  
    + pmd.setName("roleName");  
    + pmd.setDescription("Select the role to report the permissions of.");  
    + pmd.setRequired(true);  
    + roles = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreAll();  
    + roleNames = new String[roles.length];  
    + for (int r=0; r<roles.length; r++) {  
    + roleNames[r] = roles[r].getName();  
    + }  
    + pmd.setValues(roleNames);  
    + rmd.addParameter(pmd);  
    + return rmd;</pre>  
    + ----  
    + ''Report Script:''  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.reporting.*;  
    + import*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.userprofile.*;  
    + import java.util.*;  
    + output = new ReportOutput(metaData);  
    + role = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(roleName);  
    + users = UserFactory.getInstance().restoreAllForRole(role);  
    + comparator = new Comparator() {  
    + public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {  
    + u1 = (User) o1;  
    + u2 = (User) o2;  
    + int result = u1.getAuthenticationRealm().getName().compareTo(u2.getAuthenticationRealm().getName());  
    + if (result == 0) {  
    + result = u1.getName().compareTo(u2.getName());  
    + }  
    + return result;  
    + }  
    + };  
    + String trimNull(String s) {  
    + return s == null ? "" : s;  
    + }  
    + Arrays.sort(users, comparator);  
    + for (int u=0; u<users.length; u++) {  
    + user = users[u];  
    + row = new ReportRow(output, String.valueOf(user.getId()));  
    + row.setColumnValue("Role", role.getName());  
    + row.setColumnValue("Auth Realm", user.getAuthenticationRealm().getName());  
    + row.setColumnValue("User", user.getName());  
    + profile = UserProfileFactory.getInstance().restoreForUser(user);  
    + if (profile != null) {  
    + row.setColumnValue("Name", trimNull(profile.getFirstName()) + " " + trimNull(profile.getLastName()));  
    + row.setColumnValue("Email", trimNull(profile.getEmailAddress()));  
    + }  
    + else {  
    + row.setColumnValue("Name", "");  
    + row.setColumnValue("Email", "");  
    + }  
    + output.addRow(row);  
    + }  
    + return output;</pre>  
    + ----  
    + '''Related Content'''  
    + [[AnthillPro Template Reports]]<br/>  
    + [[Report Templates]]