Version Differences for Implementing SSL on AHP Server

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- ==== These are the correct instructions for converting a non-ssl 3.8.x server over to a server that uses SSL. ====   + #REDIRECT [[HTTPS-Implementing SSL on AHP Server]]  
- :1. Navigate to the ''%SERVER_HOME%\opt\tomcat\conf''      
- ::*Notice the ''server.xml'' file, ''server-http.xml'' and ''server-https.xml''      
- ::*If you open any of these, you will see they get their values from '''conf\server\'''... example: ''Connector port='''''"${install.server.web.port}'''''address='''''"${install.server.web.ip}"'''      
- :2. Do a diff of the ''server-http.xml'' and ''server.xml'' (they should be the same, if not not stop or make a copy of ''server.xml'' first or stop doing this)      
- :3. Copy '''server-http.xml''' to '''server.xml'''      
- :4. Navigate to the ''%SERVER_HOME%\conf\server'' directory and edit the '''' file      
- ::*Change this line: '''''' to ''''''      
- ::*Add this line: '''install.server.web.https.port=8443'''      
- ::*Verify this line exists, if not add it: '''install.server.web.https.protocol=TLS'''      
- :5. Navigate to the ''%SERVER_HOME%\opt\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF'' directory      
- :6. Edit the '''web.xml''' file by uncommenting      
- ::<pre> <!--@@SECURE_START@@ and @@SECURE_END@@ --> </pre> to look like below:      
- ::<pre> <!-- @@SECURE_START@@ -->      
- <security-constraint>      
- <web-resource-collection>      
- <web-resource-name>Tools</web-resource-name>      
- <url-pattern>/tools/*</url-pattern>      
- </web-resource-collection>      
- </security-constraint>      
- <security-constraint>      
- <web-resource-collection>      
- <web-resource-name>Automatic SSL Forwarding</web-resource-name>      
- <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>      
- </web-resource-collection>      
- <user-data-constraint>      
- <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>      
- </user-data-constraint>      
- </security-constraint>      
- <!-- @@SECURE_END@@ --> </pre>      
- :7. Start up the AHP server and navigate to System -> Server Settings and modify the External URL to use HTTPS (example: https://localhost:8443/)