Version Differences for Dumps From a Java Process

(Appendix A: References)
(Changed kill to table)
Line 30:
  The 'kill' command on *nix machines will invoke a thread dump when the highest level of killing a process is inflicted. To perform the highest level of kill, and to generate a thread dump of the process that is being eradicated, run the following command:    The 'kill' command on *nix machines will invoke a thread dump when the highest level of killing a process is inflicted. To perform the highest level of kill, and to generate a thread dump of the process that is being eradicated, run the following command: 
- '''kill -QUIT process-id#''' (note that some flavors of *nix actually expect a -9 instead of -QUIT)   + <table border=3 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3 align=center>  
    + <tr>  
- This is not so much a Java command as it is an OS command.   + <th>Command</th>  
    + <th>Level</th>  
    + <th>Explanation</th>  
    + </tr>  
    + <tr>  
    + <td align=center rowspan=2>'''kill'''</td>  
    + <td align=center>-3</td>  
    + <td>SIGQUIT - Sends a quit command to the process; causes thread dump to stdout</td>  
    + </tr>  
    + <tr>  
    + <td align=center>-9</td>  
    + <td>SIGKILL - ''Kills the process''; causes thread dump to stdout</td>  
    + </tr>  
    + </table>  
  '''NOTE: -9 WILL TERMINATE PROCESS. USE -3 IF PROCESS TERMINATION IS NOT DESIRED.''' ''(see [[Comments:Dumps From a Java Process]] page)''    '''NOTE: -9 WILL TERMINATE PROCESS. USE -3 IF PROCESS TERMINATION IS NOT DESIRED.''' ''(see [[Comments:Dumps From a Java Process]] page)''