Version Differences for Comments:Database Permissions

(Initial User Creation)
(Revised with subsections)
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  I'm throwing a quick reference guide to some common SQL I have to use and can never seem to locate. I'm throwing them here instead.    I'm throwing a quick reference guide to some common SQL I have to use and can never seem to locate. I'm throwing them here instead. 
- == Initial User Creation ==   + == Informational SQL ==  
    + This section will list SQL that is more-or-less used to find out information about the state of Oracle/database.  
- This will create a username with a password, and grant the roles required out of the XE documentation:   + === Show Current Users ===  
- <pre>create user testuser identified by testpassword;   + This will show the currently existing users in all of Oracle:  
- grant connect, resource, create session, create table to testuser;   + <pre>select * from all_users;</pre>  
- </pre>      
- == Get Current Tablespace Size ==   + === Get Current Tablespace Size ===  
  If an error occurs that the tablespaces are too large, the current size can be checked with the following SQL:    If an error occurs that the tablespaces are too large, the current size can be checked with the following SQL: 
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  a.file_id,b.file_name, autoextensible,b.bytes/1024/1024;</pre>    a.file_id,b.file_name, autoextensible,b.bytes/1024/1024;</pre> 
- == Increase Tablespace Size ==   + == Altering SQL ==  
    + This section lists common SQL tasks involving already existing data.  
    + === Altering Passwords ===  
    + Run the following to change the password of a user:  
    + <pre>ALTER USER testuser IDENTIFIED BY newpassword;</pre>  
    + === Increase Tablespace Size ===  
  To increase the amount of space, locate the file from the previous section and run the following to increase:    To increase the amount of space, locate the file from the previous section and run the following to increase: 
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- == Add Datafile to Tablespace ==   + === Add Datafile to Tablespace ===  
  To increase the amount of space, add another available file to the tablespace:    To increase the amount of space, add another available file to the tablespace: 
- == AutoExtend Tablespace Sizes ==   + === AutoExtend Tablespace Sizes ===  
  To increase the amount of space, locate the file from the previous section and run the following to increase:    To increase the amount of space, locate the file from the previous section and run the following to increase: 
  MAXSIZE 1024M;</pre>    MAXSIZE 1024M;</pre> 
- == Drop all Tables/Content Associated with Users ==      
    + == Creation SQL ==  
    + This section lists common SQL tasks that pertain to creating records or creating tables.  
    + === Initial User Creation ===  
    + This will create a username with a password, and grant the roles required out of the XE documentation:  
    + <pre>create user testuser identified by testpassword;  
    + grant connect, resource, create session, create table to testuser;  
    + </pre>  
    + == Deletion SQL ==  
    + This section lists common SQL tasks that deal with deleting/dropping information out of the database.  
    + === Drop all Tables/Content Associated with Users ===  
  Unlike other database types, Oracle doesn't have a concept of 'individual databases.' Instead, it uses one database with different users/views. If you drop a user, all content associated with them will be removed (equivalent to MySQL's DROP DATABASE). To perform this:    Unlike other database types, Oracle doesn't have a concept of 'individual databases.' Instead, it uses one database with different users/views. If you drop a user, all content associated with them will be removed (equivalent to MySQL's DROP DATABASE). To perform this: 
  <pre>DROP USER testuser CASCADE;</pre>    <pre>DROP USER testuser CASCADE;</pre> 
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- == Altering Passwords ==      
- Run the following to change the password of a user:   + == Miscellaneous SQL ==  
- <pre>ALTER USER testuser IDENTIFIED BY newpassword;</pre>   + Anything that wouldn't fit under the previous categories.  
    + === Data Pumping Export & Import ===  
- == Data Pumping Export & Import ==      
  The original documentation can be found at [], but posting here for quick reference. '''NOTE THAT SQL DEVELOPER DOES NOT SUPPORT EXPORT OF CLOB/BLOB TYPES''' SO EXPORT THROUGH THE COMMAND LINE TO A BINARY FORMAT IS PREFERRED.    The original documentation can be found at [], but posting here for quick reference. '''NOTE THAT SQL DEVELOPER DOES NOT SUPPORT EXPORT OF CLOB/BLOB TYPES''' SO EXPORT THROUGH THE COMMAND LINE TO A BINARY FORMAT IS PREFERRED. 
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  TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=replace LOGFILE=imptestuserschema.log</pre>    TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=replace LOGFILE=imptestuserschema.log</pre> 
    + <br/>  
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    + <br/>  
  = Test Install Run =    = Test Install Run =