Version Differences for Miscellaneous Scripts

(Even more alphabetization)
Line 902:
  </pre>    </pre> 
- = Template for adding users to realms =      
- Script Notes:      
- * Treat this mostly as a snippet for doing something more interesting with.      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-1 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.authentication.*;      
- import*;      
- import*;      
- // Lookup Your roles      
- buildRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("Build Master");      
- userRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("User");      
- // Look-up the LDAP realm here      
- // This is a lookup by name, so insert the name of your LDAP realm.      
- realm = AuthenticationRealmFactory.getInstance().restore("LDAP");      
- // Do this for each user:      
- User user1 = new User(true, realm);      
- user1.setName("JaneDoe");      
- user1.setPassword("Bogus");      
- user1.addRole(userRole);      
- user1.addRole(buildRole);      
- = Properties Contained Within Variables =      
- Script Notes:      
- * The idea here is that the user has identified a couple agent items (a Track and technology type) that span environments. This scirpt filters agents so that the technology type must always match the technology type specified on the workflow property. The tracks are similar but some agents may participate in mulitple tracks (prod is that same for all) so prod would have a track value of something like 1|2|3 to indicate that it supports tracks 1, 2 and 3. So we need to inspect it to see if any match.      
- * I changed the Track one to just see if the agent value contains the requested value. It should work fine until you get up to track 10, then you have to do 01, 02, etc.      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-2 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.agent.Agent;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.* ;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import java.util.*;      
- public class PropertyBasedAgentVarEqualsCriteria extends VariableEqualsCriteria {      
- String propertyname;      
- public PropertyBasedAgentVarEqualsCriteria(String propertyname, String varName) {      
- super(varName);      
- this.propertyname = propertyname;      
- }      
- public Agent[] filter(Agent[] agents) {      
- String value = PropertyLookup.get(propertyname);      
- if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || "null".equals(value)) {      
- value = BuildLifeLookup.getCurrent().getOriginatingWorkflow().getRequest().getProperty(propertyname);      
- }      
- this.setValue(value);      
- return super.filter(agents);      
- }      
- }      
- public class PropertyBasedAgentVarContainsCriteria extends Criteria {      
- String propertyname;      
- String varName;      
- public PropertyBasedAgentVarContainsCriteria(String propertyname, String varName) {      
- this.propertyname = propertyname;      
- this.varName = varName;      
- }      
- public Agent[] filter(Agent[] agents) {      
- ArrayList resultList = new ArrayList();      
- String value = PropertyLookup.get(propertyname);      
- if (value == null || value.length() == 0 || "null".equals(value)) {      
- value = BuildLifeLookup.getCurrent().getOriginatingWorkflow().getRequest().getProperty(propertyname);      
- }      
- for (int i = 0; i < agents.length; i++) {      
- Agent agent = agents[i];      
- AgentRemoteControl remote = new AgentRemoteControl(agent);      
- VarServiceClient client;      
- try {      
- client = remote.getVarServiceClient();      
- String varValue = client.getVarValue(varName);      
- if (varValue != null && varValue.contains(value)) {      
- resultList.add(agent);      
- }      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {      
- throw new RuntimeException(e);      
- }      
- }      
- Agent[] result = new Agent[resultList.size()];      
- resultList.toArray(result);      
- return result;      
- }      
- }      
- /**** Start Script *****/      
- return Where.all(      
- new PropertyBasedAgentVarContainsCriteria("Track", "Track"),      
- new PropertyBasedAgentVarEqualsCriteria("TechType", "TechType")      
- );</pre>      
  = Export Project Configuration to XML =    = Export Project Configuration to XML = 
Line 1090:
  out.close(); </pre>    out.close(); </pre> 
    + = Export Project Configuration to XML Using Beanshell or Remoting Script =  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-9 ====  
    + <pre>import org.w3c.dom.Document;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.Project;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.ProjectFactory;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.XMLImporterExporter;  
    + import com.urbancode.commons.xml.DOMUtils;  
- = Set Property Based on Results of RESOLVE DEPENDENCY ARTIFACTS Step =   + String PROJECT_NAME = ".....";  
- Use this script if you need a property to define whether the resolve step was successful or had conflicts.      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-38 ====      
- <pre>import*;      
- status = null;   + Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);  
- workflow = WorkflowLookup.getCurrentCase();   + Document doc = XMLImporterExporter.exportXML(project, "project");  
- jobs = workflow.getJobTraceArray();   + String xmlString = DOMUtils.documentToString(doc);</pre>  
- for (int j=0; j<jobs.length; j++) {      
- steps = jobs[j].getStepTraceArray();      
- for (int s=0; s<steps.length; s++) {      
- if ("Get Dependency Artifacts".equals(steps[s].getName())) {      
- if (JobStatusEnum.SUCCESS_WARN.equals(steps[s].getStatus())) {      
- status = steps[s].getStatus().getName();      
- }      
- else if (JobStatusEnum.SUCCESS.equals(steps[s].getStatus()) && status == null) {      
- status = steps[s].getStatus().getName();      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- // set the property   + * A working case that is based off of having a workflow property entered at run-time which the user can specify a project name to export. Needs thrown in an evaluate step:  
- workflow.getRequest().setProperty("resolve.status", status); </pre>   + <pre>/*------------------------------------------------------*/  
    + /* Set this script up as an an evaluate script step in */  
    + /* an operational workflow within an operational */  
    + /* project. You will then need to set up a property on */  
    + /* the workflow called 'ProjectName' to pass in the */  
    + /* project you would like to export. Finally, this */  
    + /* script's output will be placed in the */  
    + /* %SERVER_HOME%\bin directory unless otherwise noted */  
    + /* by setting a working directory */  
    + /*------------------------------------------------------*/  
    + import org.w3c.dom.Document;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.Project;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.ProjectFactory;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.XMLImporterExporter;  
    + import com.urbancode.commons.xml.DOMUtils;  
    + import*;  
    + //Set a property on the operational workflow called 'ProjectName'  
    + //so that you can input which project name you want to run this  
    + //script on. Alternatively, you could remove the references to  
    + //a property and just substitute in a string.  
    + String PROJECT_NAME = PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName");  
    + //Restores the property and writes to a string  
    + Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);  
    + Document doc = XMLImporterExporter.exportXML(project, "project");  
    + String xmlString = DOMUtils.documentToString(doc);  
    + //Writes the xmlString to a file determined by the project name  
    + //and appends '.xml' to the export.  
    + FileWriter outFile = new FileWriter(PathHelper.makeSafe(PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName"))+".xml");  
    + BufferedWriter buffer = new BufferedWriter(outFile);  
    + PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(buffer);  
    + out.println(xmlString);  
    + out.flush();  
    + out.close();</pre>  
    + * This should export the dependencies to an XML file.  
    + <pre>/*------------------------------------------------------*/  
    + /* Set this script up as an an evaluate script step in */  
    + /* an operational workflow within an operational */  
    + /* project. You will then need to set up a property on */  
    + /* the workflow called 'ProjectName' to pass in the */  
    + /* project you would like to export. Finally, this */  
    + /* script's output will be placed in the */  
    + /* %SERVER_HOME%\bin directory unless otherwise noted */  
    + /* by setting a working directory. This script will */  
    + /* export the dependency configuration on the current */  
    + /* project. */  
    + /*------------------------------------------------------*/  
    + import org.w3c.dom.Document;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.XMLImporterExporter;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.commons.xml.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.profile.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;  
    + import*;  
    + //Set a property on the operational workflow called 'ProjectName'  
    + //so that you can input which project name you want to run this  
    + //script on. Alternatively, you could remove the references to  
    + //a property and just substitute in a string.  
    + String PROJECT_NAME = PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName");  
    + //Restores the property and writes to a string  
    + Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);  
    + Document doc = XMLImporterExporter.exportXML(project, "project");  
    + String xmlString = DOMUtils.documentToString(doc);  
    + //Writes the xmlString to a file determined by the project name  
    + //and appends '.xml' to the export.  
    + DependencyXml depXml = new DependencyXml();  
    + String pDep = depXml.exportDependencies(project);  
    + FileWriter outFile = new FileWriter(PathHelper.makeSafe(PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName"))+"_dependencies.xml");  
    + BufferedWriter buffer = new BufferedWriter(outFile);  
    + PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(buffer);  
    + out.println(pDep);  
    + out.flush();  
    + out.close();</pre>  
    + * Importing Dependencies:  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;  
    + import org.w3c.dom.Document;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.profile.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.commons.xml.*;  
    + import;  
    + import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;  
    + import javax.xml.transform.*;  
    + import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;  
    + import javax.xml.*;  
    + import;  
    + String PROJECT_NAME=PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName");  
    + Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);  
    + DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();  
    + //Hardcoded for now; could be modified to dynamically find the file from the bin directory  
    + InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File("Iterations_Test_dependencies.xml"));  
    + org.w3c.dom.Document doc = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(inputStream);  
    + StringWriter stw = new StringWriter();  
    + Transformer serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();  
    + serializer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(stw));  
    + String xmlString = stw.toString();  
    + commandOutput.println(xmlString);  
    + System.out.println(xmlString);  
    + DependencyXml depXml = new DependencyXml();  
    + depXml.importDependencies(xmlString);</pre>  
    + = Give Read, Write, and Security Permissions to Build Master and System Admin For Non-Ignored Agents =  
    + *This can be used to fix broken permissions on the agents  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-96 ====  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.agent.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.authentication.*;  
    + import*;  
    + import java.util.*;  
    + try {  
    + agentArray = AgentFactory.getInstance().restoreAllNotIgnored();  
    + Role bmRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("Build Master");  
    + Role saRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("System Admin");  
    + for (Agent agent: agentArray) {  
    + boolean bmHasWrite = false;  
    + boolean bmHasRead = false;  
    + boolean bmHasSec = false;  
    + boolean saHasWrite = false;  
    + boolean saHasRead = false;  
    + boolean saHasSec = false;  
    + resource = ResourceFactory.getInstance().restoreForPersistent(agent);  
    + // Determine roles don't have read access to an agent  
    + Permission[] permissions = PermissionFactory.getInstance().restoreAllForResource(resource);  
    + for (Permission permission : permissions) {  
    + Role role = permission.getRole();  
    + action = permission.getAction();  
    + if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("read")) {  
    + bmHasRead = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("write")) {  
    + bmHasWrite = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("security")) {  
    + bmHasSec = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("read")) {  
    + saHasRead = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("write")) {  
    + saHasWrite = true;  
    + }  
    + else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("security")) {  
    + saHasSec = true;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + // Give Build Master Write Permission  
    + if (!bmHasWrite) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "write", bmRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!bmHasRead) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "read", bmRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!bmHasSec) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "security", bmRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!saHasWrite) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "write", saRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!saHasRead) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "read", saRole);  
    + }  
    + if (!saHasSec) {  
    + p = new Permission(true, resource, "security", saRole);  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + catch (Exception e) {  
    + e.printStackTrace(commandOutput);  
    + }</pre>  
  = Invoke Build of Another Project and Wait for Results =    = Invoke Build of Another Project and Wait for Results = 
  This script needs to launch a build of another project that is not a dependency but treat it like it is.    This script needs to launch a build of another project that is not a dependency but treat it like it is. 
Line 1245:
  // continue processing the other dependencies .... </pre>    // continue processing the other dependencies .... </pre> 
- = Parse SVN Revision Number from Checkout Output =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-66 ====      
- <pre>// looking for "Checked out revision 19642."      
- stepName = "Populate Workspace";      
- revisionStart = "Checked out revision ";      
- revisionEnd = ".";      
- latestRevision = 0;      
- jobTrace = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();      
- steps = jobTrace.getStepTraceArray();      
- step = null;      
- for (int s=0; s<steps.length; s++) {      
- if (stepName.equals(steps[s].getName())) {      
- step = steps[s];      
- break;      
- }      
- }      
- commands = step.getCommandTraceArray();      
- for (int c=0; c<commands.length; c++) {      
- if (commands[c].getName().startsWith("populate-workspace")) {      
- log = LogHelper.getOutput(commands[c]);      
- start = log.lastIndexOf(revisionStart);      
- if (start < 0) {      
- commandOutput.println("Revision not found in " + commands[c].getName());      
- }      
- else {      
- start += revisionStart.length();      
- log = log.substring(start);      
- end = log.indexOf(revisionEnd);      
- if (end < 0) {      
- commandOutput.println("Revision not found in " + commands[c].getName());      
- }      
- else {      
- rev = Long.parseLong(log.substring(0, end).trim());      
- if (rev > latestRevision) {      
- latestRevision = rev;      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- if (latestRevision > 0) {      
- BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent().setProperty("svn.revision", String.valueOf(latestRevision));      
- commandOutput.println("Found revision " + latestRevision);      
- }      
- else {      
- commandOutput.println("Revision not found in " + jobTrace.getName());      
- }      
- </pre>      
- = Show Test Changes =      
- This is designed to be a "Evaluate a Script" step that creates a report that goes under the Build's report tab.      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-62 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildlife.BuildLife;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.JobTrace;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.test.TestCase;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.test.TestReport;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.test.TestReportFactory;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.test.TestSuite;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.paths.PublishPathHelper;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.BuildLifeLookup;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.JobTraceLookup;      
- import;      
- import com.urbancode.commons.fileutils.FileUtils;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import java.util.HashMap;      
- import java.util.Iterator;      
- import java.util.Map;      
- try {      
- // helper class for the tests      
- class TestInstance {      
- String key = null;      
- String suite = null;      
- String test = null;      
- boolean success = false;      
- int duration = 0;      
- }      
- // two maps to hold test information about this and previous build lives      
- Map oldTestMap = new HashMap();      
- Map newTestMap = new HashMap();      
- TemplateHelper templateHelper = TemplateHelper.getInstance(null);      
- // populate the sets      
- BuildLife currentBuildLife = BuildLifeLookup.getCurrent();      
- TestReport[] testReportArray = TestReportFactory.getInstance()      
- .restoreAllForBuildLife(currentBuildLife);      
- for (int i = 0; i < testReportArray.length; i++) {      
- TestSuite[] testSuiteArray = testReportArray[i].getTestSuites();      
- for (int j = 0; j < testSuiteArray.length; j++) {      
- TestCase[] testCaseArray = testSuiteArray[j].getTestCases();      
- for (int k = 0; k < testCaseArray.length; k++) {      
- TestInstance testInstance = new TestInstance();      
- testInstance.suite = testSuiteArray[j].getName();      
- testInstance.test = testCaseArray[k].getName();      
- testInstance.key =      
- testInstance.test + testInstance.suite;      
- testInstance.success = "success"      
- .equalsIgnoreCase(testCaseArray[k].getResult());      
- testInstance.duration = testCaseArray[k].getTime();      
- newTestMap.put(testInstance.key, testInstance);      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- BuildLife lastSuccessBuildLife = BuildLifeLookup.mostRecentSuccess();      
- testReportArray = TestReportFactory.getInstance()      
- .restoreAllForBuildLife(lastSuccessBuildLife);      
- for (int i = 0; i < testReportArray.length; i++) {      
- TestSuite[] testSuiteArray = testReportArray[i].getTestSuites();      
- for (int j = 0; j < testSuiteArray.length; j++) {      
- TestCase[] testCaseArray = testSuiteArray[j].getTestCases();      
- for (int k = 0; k < testCaseArray.length; k++) {      
- TestInstance testInstance = new TestInstance();      
- testInstance.suite = testSuiteArray[j].getName();      
- testInstance.test = testCaseArray[k].getName();      
- testInstance.key =      
- testInstance.test + testInstance.suite;      
- testInstance.success = "success"      
- .equalsIgnoreCase(testCaseArray[k].getResult());      
- testInstance.duration = testCaseArray[k].getTime();      
- oldTestMap.put(testInstance.key, testInstance);      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- // get the path to the reports directory      
- JobTrace jobTrace = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();      
- if (jobTrace != null) {      
- String publishPath = VarService.getInstance()      
- .resolve(PublishPathHelper.getInstance()      
- .getPublishPath(jobTrace, "Test Changes"));      
- FileUtils.assertDirectory(publishPath);      
- // create the report      
- File reportFile =      
- new File(publishPath, "Test Differences.html");      
- BufferedWriter writer =      
- new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(reportFile));      
- writer.write("<HTML>\n" + "<HEAD>\n" +      
- "<TITLE>Anthill3 - Test Diff Report</TITLE>\n" +      
- "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"/css/anthill3.css\" type=\"text/css\">" +      
- "</head>\n" + "<BODY>\n" + "<TABLE class=\"data-table\" WIDTH=\"100%\">\n" +      
- "\n" + "<TR><TD>\n" + "<H1>Test Diff Report</H1>\n" +      
- "</TD></TR>\n");      
- // output all tests that are new      
- writer.write("<TR><TD>\n" +      
- "<H2>New Tests:</H2>\n" +      
- "<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n" +      
- "<TH>Suite</TH>\n" + "<TH>Test</TH>\n");      
- itr = newTestMap.keySet().iterator();      
- while (itr.hasNext()) {      
- String key = (String);      
- TestInstance newTest = (TestInstance) newTestMap.get(key);      
- TestInstance oldTest = (TestInstance) oldTestMap.get(key);      
- if (newTest != null && oldTest == null) {      
- writer.write("<TR>");      
- writer.write("<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.suite +      
- "</TD>");      
- writer.write(      
- "<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.test + "</TD>");      
- writer.write("</TR>");      
- }      
- }      
- writer.write("</TABLE>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "</TD></TR>");      
- // output all tests failed this time but succeeded before      
- writer.write("<TR><TD>\n" +      
- "<H2>New Failing Tests:</H2>\n" +      
- "<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n" +      
- "<TH>Suite</TH>\n" + "<TH>Test</TH>\n");      
- itr = newTestMap.keySet().iterator();      
- while (itr.hasNext()) {      
- String key = (String);      
- TestInstance newTest = (TestInstance) newTestMap.get(key);      
- TestInstance oldTest = (TestInstance) oldTestMap.get(key);      
- if (newTest != null && !newTest.success && (oldTest == null || oldTest.success)) {      
- writer.write("<TR>");      
- writer.write("<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.suite +      
- "</TD>");      
- writer.write(      
- "<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.test + "</TD>");      
- writer.write("</TR>");      
- }      
- }      
- writer.write("</TABLE>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "</TD></TR>");      
- // output all tests that took more time      
- writer.write("<TR><TD>\n" +      
- "<H2>Tests that ran slower:</H2>\n" +      
- "<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n" +      
- "<TH>Suite</TH>\n" + "<TH>Test</TH>\n" +      
- "<TH>Last Run Duration</TH>\n" +      
- "<TH>Current Run Duration</TH>\n");      
- Iterator itr = newTestMap.keySet().iterator();      
- while (itr.hasNext()) {      
- String key = (String);      
- TestInstance newTest = (TestInstance) newTestMap.get(key);      
- TestInstance oldTest = (TestInstance) oldTestMap.get(key);      
- if (newTest != null && oldTest != null &&      
- newTest.duration > oldTest.duration*1.1) {      
- writer.write("<TR>");      
- writer.write("<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.suite +      
- "</TD>");      
- writer.write(      
- "<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.test + "</TD>");      
- writer.write("<TD VALIGN=\"top\" ALIGN=\"center\" >" +      
- templateHelper.formatNumber(      
- templateHelper.duration(      
- oldTest.duration), "##0.0000") +      
- " secs</TD>");      
- writer.write("<TD VALIGN=\"top\" ALIGN=\"center\" >" +      
- templateHelper.formatNumber(      
- templateHelper.duration(      
- newTest.duration), "##0.0000") +      
- " secs</TD>");      
- writer.write("</TR>");      
- }      
- }      
- writer.write("</TABLE>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "</TD></TR>");      
- // output all tests that were fixed or are new and succeede      
- writer.write("<TR><TD>\n" +      
- "<H2>New or Newly Fixed Tests:</H2>\n" +      
- "<table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">\n" +      
- "<TH>Suite</TH>\n" + "<TH>Test</TH>\n");      
- itr = newTestMap.keySet().iterator();      
- while (itr.hasNext()) {      
- String key = (String);      
- TestInstance newTest = (TestInstance) newTestMap.get(key);      
- TestInstance oldTest = (TestInstance) oldTestMap.get(key);      
- if (newTest != null && newTest.success && (oldTest == null || !oldTest.success)) {      
- writer.write("<TR>");      
- writer.write("<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.suite +      
- "</TD>");      
- writer.write(      
- "<TD VALIGN=\"top\">" + newTest.test + "</TD>");      
- writer.write("</TR>");      
- }      
- }      
- writer.write("</TABLE>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "<BR/>\n" + "</TD></TR>");      
- writer.write("</TABLE>\n" + "</BODY>\n" + "</HTML>");      
- writer.flush();      
- writer.close();      
- }      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {      
- e.printStackTrace(commandOutput);      
- }      
- </pre>      
- = Script That Optionally Cleans Working Directory =      
- * Sometimes we want to clean the workflow directory, other times we don't. The determination is property drive.      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-34 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.command.workdir.PathBuilder;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.source.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workdir.*;      
- import com.urbancode.command.path.Path;      
- import*;      
- org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("OptionallyCleanWorkingDirectory");      
- SourceConfig source = SourceConfigLookup.getCurrent();      
- if (source instanceof WithWorkDirScript) {      
- WorkDirScript workDirConfig = ((WithWorkDirScript) source).getWorkDirScript();      
- Path workDirPath = PathBuilder.buildPath(workDirConfig);      
- WorkDirPath.setPath(workDirPath);      
- log.warn("Setting working directory to " + workDirPath.getPathStr());      
- }      
- else {      
- log.warn("NOT setting working directory. Source Configuration does not support it.");      
- }      
- if (Boolean.valueOf(PropertyLookup.getValue("shouldCleanup")).booleanValue()) {      
- log.warn("Workflow property configured to clean the working directory.");      
- FileServiceClient service = new FileServiceClient(JobTraceLookup.getCurrent().getAgent().getEndpoint());      
- File workDir = new File(WorkDirPath.get().getPathStr());      
- FileInfo info = service.getFileInfo(workDir);      
- if (info.exists()) {      
- log.warn("Directory exists. Deleting directory \'"+info.getPath()+"\'.");      
- results = service.deleteFile(workDir);      
- log.warn("Cleanup of " + info.getPath() + " complete!");      
- log.warn("Successfully removed " + results.filesDeleted + " files/directories.");      
- log.warn("Failed to remove " + results.getFailedDeletionCount() + " files/directories.");      
- if (results.hasFailedDeletions()) {      
- throw new Exception("Failed to clean the working directory");      
- }      
- }      
- else {      
- log.warn("Directory does not exist. No action needed.");      
- }      
- }      
- else {      
- log.warn("Workflow property configured to NOT clean the working directory.");      
- }</pre>      
- = Script to Cleanup Job & Workflow Logs from AHP Server =      
- * You can have an operations project that runs an evaluate script step with the following contents. This is safe to run any time but should only be needed for 3.5/3.6 instances that did not do the cleanup during the upgrade:      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-92 ====      
- <pre>import;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.spring.SpringSupport;      
- import com.urbancode.commons.fileutils.FileUtils;      
- import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;      
- import javax.sql.DataSource;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import java.util.HashSet;      
- import java.util.List;      
- import java.util.Set;      
- int jobCount = 0;      
- int wcCount = 0;      
- void cleanupDirectory(File dir, String baseDirPath, Set idSet, long highestJobId) {      
- if (dir.isDirectory()) {      
- File[] fileArray = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {      
- public boolean accept(File pathname) {      
- return pathname.isDirectory();      
- }      
- });      
- for (File file : fileArray) {      
- cleanupDirectory(file, baseDirPath, idSet, highestJobId);      
- }      
- commandOutput.println("\t\tCleaning up: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());      
- String[] tokens = dir.getAbsolutePath().substring(baseDirPath.length()).split(File.separator);      
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();      
- for (int i = tokens.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {      
- buffer.append(tokens[i]);      
- }      
- long jobId = Long.parseLong(buffer.toString());      
- if (!idSet.contains(jobId) && jobId < highestJobId) {      
- File[] fileList = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter(){public boolean accept(File pathname) {return !pathname.isDirectory();}});      
- if (fileList.length > 0) {      
- commandOutput.println("Found orphaned dir: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());      
- jobCount++;      
- for (File file : fileList) {      
- file.delete();      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- if (dir.list().length == 0) {      
- dir.delete();      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- void cleanupWcDirectory(File dir, String baseDirPath, Set idSet, long highestWcId) {      
- if (dir.isDirectory()) {      
- File[] fileArray = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {      
- public boolean accept(File pathname) {      
- return pathname.isDirectory();      
- }      
- });      
- commandOutput.println("\t\tCleaning up: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());      
- for (File file : fileArray) {      
- if (Character.isDigit(file.getName().charAt(0))) {      
- cleanupWcDirectory(file, baseDirPath, idSet, highestWcId);      
- }      
- }      
- String[] tokens = dir.getAbsolutePath().substring(baseDirPath.length()).split(File.separator);      
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();      
- for (int i = tokens.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {      
- buffer.append(tokens[i]);      
- }      
- long wcId = Long.parseLong(buffer.toString());      
- if (!idSet.contains(wcId) && wcId < highestWcId) { File[] fileList = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter(){      
- public boolean accept(File pathname) {      
- return !pathname.isDirectory() || pathname.getName().equals("wf");      
- }      
- });      
- if (fileList.length > 0) {      
- commandOutput.println("Found orphaned dir: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());      
- wcCount++;      
- for (File file : fileList) {      
- FileUtils.deleteFile(file);      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- if (dir.list().length == 0) {      
- dir.delete();      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- try {      
- DataSource ds = (DataSource)SpringSupport.getInstance().getBean("dataSource");      
- JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(ds);      
- String logsDirString = LogNamingHelper.getInstance().getLogDirPath() + File.separator + "job";      
- commandOutput.println("Log files located at: " + logsDirString);      
- long highestJobId = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong("SELECT HI_VAL FROM HI_LO_SEQ WHERE SEQ_NAME = 'JOB_TRACE'");      
- List idList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT ID FROM JOB_TRACE", Long.class);      
- Set idSet = new HashSet();      
- idSet.addAll(idList);      
- commandOutput.println("Found " + idSet.size() + " known jobs - highest job id " + highestJobId);      
- commandOutput.println("Deleting orphaned job log and output files.");      
- commandOutput.println(" This may take a while, please be patient...");      
- File baseDir = new File(logsDirString);      
- File[] fileArray = baseDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {      
- public boolean accept(File pathname) {      
- return pathname.isDirectory();      
- }      
- });      
- for (File file : fileArray) {      
- cleanupDirectory(file, logsDirString, idSet, highestJobId);      
- }      
- String wcDirString = LogNamingHelper.getInstance().getLogDirPath() + File.separator + "wf";      
- commandOutput.println("Log files located at: " + logsDirString);      
- long highestWcId = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong("SELECT HI_VAL FROM HI_LO_SEQ WHERE SEQ_NAME = 'WORKFLOW_CASE'");      
- idList = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT ID FROM WORKFLOW_CASE", Long.class);      
- idSet.clear();      
- idSet.addAll(idList);      
- commandOutput.println("---------------------------------------------------------");      
- commandOutput.println("Found " + idSet.size() + " known workflow cases - highest workflow case id " + highestWcId);      
- commandOutput.println("Deleting orphaned workflow case log and output files.");      
- commandOutput.println(" This may take a while, please be patient...");      
- baseDir = new File(wcDirString);      
- fileArray = baseDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {      
- public boolean accept(File pathname) {      
- return pathname.isDirectory();      
- }      
- });      
- for (File file : fileArray) {      
- cleanupWcDirectory(file, wcDirString, idSet, highestWcId);      
- }      
- commandOutput.println("Cleanup Complete!");      
- commandOutput.println("Removed " + jobCount + " job and " + wcCount + " workflow case orphaned directories!");      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {      
- e.printStackTrace(commandOutput);      
- }</pre>      
- = Script to Update Workflow Property with Names of All Agents in Environment =      
- * You can use the script with an Evaluate Script Step. You need to change the projectName, workflowName, envName and propertyName values to match your requirements.      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-93 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.agent.Agent;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.agent.AgentFactory;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.Project;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.ProjectFactory;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.servergroup.ServerGroup;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.servergroup.ServerGroupFactory;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.Workflow;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.WorkflowFactory;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.WorkflowProperty;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.WorkflowPropertyTypeEnum;      
- import com.urbancode.devilfish.client.ServiceEndpoint;      
- import;      
- import java.util.ArrayList;      
- import java.util.List;      
- try {      
- String projectName = "some project";      
- String workflowName = "some workflow that has a multi select property defined";      
- String envName = "some environment";      
- String propertyName = "the property to update that's defined in the workflow above";      
- List valueList = new ArrayList();      
- // get all agents that belong to an environment, are configured and not ingnored      
- ServerGroup envirnoment = ServerGroupFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(envName);      
- if (envirnoment != null) {      
- for (ServiceEndpoint endpoint : envirnoment.getServerArray()) {      
- Agent agent = AgentFactory.getInstance().restoreByEndpoint(endpoint);      
- if (agent != null && agent.isConfigured() && !agent.isIgnored()) {      
- valueList.add(agent.getName());      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- // now locate the workflow property that you want to update      
- Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(projectName);      
- if (project != null) {      
- Workflow workflow = WorkflowFactory.getInstance().restoreForProjectAndWorkflowName(project, workflowName);      
- if (workflow != null) {      
- WorkflowProperty property = workflow.getProperty(propertyName);      
- // here you can change/remove the check for the property type if you want      
- if (property != null && property.getType().equals(WorkflowPropertyTypeEnum.MULTI_SELECT)) {      
- property.setAllowedValues((String[])valueList.toArray(new String[valueList.size()]));      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {      
- e.printStackTrace(commandOutput);      
- }</pre>      
- = Retrieve Stamp From Dependent Project so it is Passed as Property =      
- * This script assumes that some Project A, is dependent on some Project B. This script would be placed in an Evaluate Script Step, on a Generic Build Job. The script, looks up the most recent stamp value for Project B, and then saves the stamp as a BuildRequest Property. This allows the property to be passed/referenced by using the format      
- ** ${property: stampValue}      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-15 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildlife.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;      
- import com.urbancode.codestation2.domain.buildlife.CodestationCompatableBuildLife ;      
- import com.urbancode.codestation2.domain.project.*;      
- import java.util.ArrayList ;      
- import java.lang.Object;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.BuildRequestStatusEnum;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.RequestSourceEnum ;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.persistent.Handle;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.persistent.Persistent;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.*;      
- UnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWork.getCurrent ();      
- static final String PROJECT_NAME = "Project B";      
- //Get most current buildlife.      
- BuildLife blife = BuildLifeLookup.getCurrent();      
- BuildRequest br = BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent();      
- //Get dependency Array      
- CodestationCompatableBuildLife[] dArray =blife.getDependencyBuildLifeArray();      
- String stamp = null;      
- for (int i = 0; i < dArray.length && stamp == null; i++) {      
- if (dArray[i].getCodestationProject() != null &&      
- dArray[i].getCodestationProject() instanceof AnthillProject) {      
- AnthillProject project = (AnthillProject)      
- dArray[i].getCodestationProject();      
- String temp = project.getBuildProfile ().getProject().getName();      
- if (temp.equals(PROJECT_NAME)){      
- stamp = dArray[i].getLatestStampValue();      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- br.setProperty("Stamp_Value", stamp);      
- uow.commit();</pre>      
- = Set Output of Previous Step's Command As Property =      
- * This sets the property ''output'' on the request      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-95 ====      
- <pre>job = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();      
- step = job.getStepTraceForSequence(job.getStepTraceArray().length - 2);      
- cmd = step.getCommandTraceForSequence(step.getCommandTraceArray().length - 1);      
- output = LogHelper.getOutput(cmd);      
- output = output.substring(output.indexOf("command output:") + 15);      
- output = output.substring(0, output.indexOf("command exit code:"));      
- PropertyLookup.set("output", output.trim());</pre>      
- = Give Read, Write, and Security Permissions to Build Master and System Admin For Non-Ignored Agents =      
- *This can be used to fix broken permissions on the agents      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-96 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.agent.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.authentication.*;      
- import*;      
- import java.util.*;      
- try {      
- agentArray = AgentFactory.getInstance().restoreAllNotIgnored();      
- Role bmRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("Build Master");      
- Role saRole = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("System Admin");      
- for (Agent agent: agentArray) {      
- boolean bmHasWrite = false;      
- boolean bmHasRead = false;      
- boolean bmHasSec = false;      
- boolean saHasWrite = false;      
- boolean saHasRead = false;      
- boolean saHasSec = false;      
- resource = ResourceFactory.getInstance().restoreForPersistent(agent);      
- // Determine roles don't have read access to an agent      
- Permission[] permissions = PermissionFactory.getInstance().restoreAllForResource(resource);      
- for (Permission permission : permissions) {      
- Role role = permission.getRole();      
- action = permission.getAction();      
- if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("read")) {      
- bmHasRead = true;      
- }      
- else if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("write")) {      
- bmHasWrite = true;      
- }      
- else if (role.equals(bmRole) && action.equals("security")) {      
- bmHasSec = true;      
- }      
- else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("read")) {      
- saHasRead = true;      
- }      
- else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("write")) {      
- saHasWrite = true;      
- }      
- else if (role.equals(saRole) && action.equals("security")) {      
- saHasSec = true;      
- }      
- }      
- // Give Build Master Write Permission      
- if (!bmHasWrite) {      
- p = new Permission(true, resource, "write", bmRole);      
- }      
- if (!bmHasRead) {      
- p = new Permission(true, resource, "read", bmRole);      
- }      
- if (!bmHasSec) {      
- p = new Permission(true, resource, "security", bmRole);      
- }      
- if (!saHasWrite) {      
- p = new Permission(true, resource, "write", saRole);      
- }      
- if (!saHasRead) {      
- p = new Permission(true, resource, "read", saRole);      
- }      
- if (!saHasSec) {      
- p = new Permission(true, resource, "security", saRole);      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {      
- e.printStackTrace(commandOutput);      
- }</pre>      
- = Overwrite Dependency Pushed Properties =      
- * AnthillPro pushes properties to builds triggered by dependencies, this script overwrites the values for the properties that are defined on the dependent worfklow/project      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-101 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.BuildRequest;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.RequestSourceEnum;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.persistent.PersistenceException;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.Project;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.prop.ProjectProperty;      
- import;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.Workflow;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.BuildRequestLookup;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.ProjectLookup;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.WorkflowLookup;      
- import java.util.HashMap;      
- import java.util.Map;      
- try {      
- BuildRequest request = BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent();      
- if (request != null && RequestSourceEnum.DEPENDENCY.equals(request.getRequestSource()) &&      
- request.getPropertyNames().length > 0) {      
- Project project = ProjectLookup.getCurrent();      
- Workflow workflow = WorkflowLookup.getCurrent();      
- Map<String, PropertyValue> changedPropertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValue>();      
- for (String property : request.getPropertyNames()) {      
- PropertyValue initialValue = request.getPropertyValue(property);      
- // check the workflow first      
- PropertyValue originalValue = workflow.getPropertyValue(property);      
- // if not on the workflow check the project      
- if (originalValue == null) {      
- ProjectProperty projectProp = project.getProperty(property);      
- if (projectProp != null) {      
- originalValue = new PropertyValue(projectProp.getValue(), false);      
- }      
- }      
- // and now see if they match      
- if (originalValue != null && !originalValue.equals(initialValue)) {      
- changedPropertyMap.put(property, originalValue);      
- }      
- else if (originalValue == null) {      
- commandOutput.println("Could not find original value for " + property);      
- }      
- else {      
- commandOutput.println("Value did not change for " + property);      
- }      
- }      
- if (changedPropertyMap.size() > 0) {      
- request = (BuildRequest) UnitOfWork.getCurrent().lockAndReload(request);      
- for (String property : changedPropertyMap.keySet()) {      
- request.setPropertyValue(property, changedPropertyMap.get(property));      
- commandOutput.println("Replaced value of " + property + " with " +      
- changedPropertyMap.get(property).getDisplayedValue());      
- }      
- try {      
- UnitOfWork.getCurrent().commit();      
- }      
- catch (PersistenceException pe) {      
- pe.printStackTrace(commandOutput);      
- try {      
- UnitOfWork.getCurrent().cancel();      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- else {      
- commandOutput.println("Not a dependency request!");      
- }      
- }      
- catch (Throwable t) {      
- t.printStackTrace(commandOutput);      
- }</pre>      
  = List Everything Scheduled =    = List Everything Scheduled = 
Line 2016:
  }</pre>    }</pre> 
- = Script Which Can be Used to Trigger All Delayed Builds to Run Immediately =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-107 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.schedule.*;      
- import*;      
- buildRequestsArray=BuildRequestFactory.getInstance().restoreAllBuildLifeRequestsByStatus(BuildRequestStatusEnum.DELAYED_BUILD);      
- for (int i=0;i<buildRequestsArray.length;i++)      
- {      
- buildRequest=buildRequestsArray[i];      
- buildRequestName=buildRequest.getName();      
- commandOutput.println("buildRequestName="+buildRequestName);      
- buildRequestId=buildRequest.getId();      
- commandOutput.println("buildRequestId="+buildRequestId);      
- buildRequestDelayUntil=buildRequest.getDelayUntilDate();      
- commandOutput.println("buildRequestDelayUntil="+buildRequestDelayUntil);      
- // set the workflow to run on the next scheduled time      
- buildRequest.setDelayUntilDate(new Date());      
- buildRequest.resetState();      
- // store and schedule      
- BuildService.getInstance().runWorkflow(buildRequest);      
- }</pre>      
- = Parse Output of a Command and Create Report Containing Errors Found in it =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-20 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.singleton.serversettings.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.WorkflowCase ;      
- import com.urbancode.vcsdriver3.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildlife.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.buildlife.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.paths.*;      
- import*;      
- import;      
- import*;      
- import java.util.*;      
- private org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("ContextScript");      
- // SETTINGS      
- // FOUND_TOKEN: indication of build failure      
- // BUILD_STEP_NAME: Name of the step within the job that should be inspected      
- // COMMAND_NAME: Command within the build step that should have its logged inspected      
- // REPORT_NAME: Name of the report to publish.      
- // LINES_BEFORE: Lines before and including the 'Found Token' to include in the log.      
- // LINES_AFTER: Lines after the 'Found Token' to include in the log.      
- String FOUND_TOKEN = "error";      
- String BUILD_STEP_NAME = "Echo";      
- String COMMAND_NAME = "shell-command";      
- String REPORT_NAME = "Error Report";      
- int LINES_BEFORE = 6;      
- int LINES_AFTER = 1;      
- //-------------------------------------------------------      
- class LogSection {      
- int lineNumber = 0;      
- String text = null;      
- LogSection(int lineNumber, String text) {      
- this.lineNumber = lineNumber;      
- this.text = text;      
- }      
- }      
- //-------------------------------------------------------      
- LogSection[] getLogSectionsForStep(StepTrace step) {      
- CommandTrace[] cmdTraceArray = step.getCommandTraceArray();      
- CommandTrace antCmdTrace = null;      
- for (int i = 0; i < cmdTraceArray.length; i++) {      
- if (cmdTraceArray[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(COMMAND_NAME)) {      
- cmdTrace = cmdTraceArray[i];      
- log.warn("Found the command we want: " + cmdTraceArray[i].getName());      
- break;      
- }      
- }      
- if (cmdTrace == null) {      
- throw new Exception("Expected to find" + COMMAND_NAME + "command in " + BUILD_STEP_NAME + " step");      
- }      
- String commandOutput = LogHelper.getOutput(cmdTrace);      
- List resultList = new LinkedList();      
- String[] logCache = new String[LINES_BEFORE];      
- if (commandOutput != null) {      
- StringTokenizer logfile = new StringTokenizer(commandOutput,"\n\r\f");      
- int index = 0;      
- while (logfile.hasMoreTokens()) {      
- String line = logfile.nextToken();      
- logCache[index % LINES_BEFORE] = line;      
- if (line.startsWith(FOUND_TOKEN)) {      
- int lineNumber = index + 1;      
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();      
- // put the cached lines into the log.      
- int startIndex = (index > LINES_BEFORE) ? index - LINES_BEFORE + 1 : 0;      
- for (int i = startIndex; i <= index; i++) {      
- if (i == index) {      
- result.append("<b>");      
- }      
- result.append(i + 1).append(": ").append(logCache[i % LINES_BEFORE]).append("\n");      
- if (i == index) {      
- result.append("</b>");      
- }      
- }      
- // get lines after if applicable      
- for (int i = 0; i < LINES_AFTER && logfile.hasMoreTokens(); i++) {      
- String next = logfile.nextToken();      
- index++;      
- result.append(index + 1).append(": ").append(next).append("\n");      
- }      
- LogSection marker = new LogSection(lineNumber, result.toString());      
- resultList.add(marker);      
- }      
- index++;      
- }      
- }      
- return (LogSection[]) resultList.toArray(new LogSection[resultList.size()]);      
- }      
- //-------------------------------------------------------      
- LogSection[] logSections = null;      
- BuildLifeJobTrace jobTrace = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();      
- StepTrace[] stepTraceArray = jobTrace.getStepTraceArray();      
- StepTrace stepTrace = null;      
- for (int j = 0; j < stepTraceArray.length && stepTrace == null; j++) {      
- if (stepTraceArray[j].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(BUILD_STEP_NAME)) {      
- stepTrace = stepTraceArray[j];      
- logSections = getLogSectionsForStep(stepTrace);      
- }      
- }      
- String reportPath = PublishPathHelper.getInstance().getPublishPath(JobTraceLookup.getCurrent(), REPORT_NAME);      
- VarService vs = VarService.getInstance();      
- reportPath = vs.resolve(reportPath);      
- File reportDir = new File(reportPath);      
- reportDir.mkdirs();      
- File reportFile = new File(reportDir, "Error_Report.html");      
- FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(reportFile);      
- writer.write("<html><head><style>");      
- writer.write(".errors {");      
- writer.write(" border: 1px solid #f04040;");      
- writer.write(" background-color: #ffa0a0;");      
- writer.write(" font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;");      
- writer.write(" font-size: 11px;");      
- writer.write(" color: #000000;");      
- writer.write("}");      
- writer.write(".errors_header {");      
- writer.write(" border-bottom: 1px solid #f04040;");      
- writer.write(" background-color: #f04040;");      
- writer.write(" font-size: 12px;");      
- writer.write(" font-weight: bold;");      
- writer.write(" color: #FFFFFF;");      
- writer.write(" padding: 4px;");      
- writer.write("}");      
- writer.write(".errors_body {");      
- writer.write(" margin-right: 10px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-top: 4px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-left: 4px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-bottom: 4px;");      
- writer.write("}");      
- writer.write(".errors_section {");      
- writer.write(" margin-left: 15px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-top: 4px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-left: 4px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-bottom: 4px;");      
- writer.write("}");      
- writer.write(".errors_output {");      
- writer.write(" margin-top: 4px;");      
- writer.write(" margin-left: 15px;");      
- writer.write(" background-color: #FFFFFF;");      
- writer.write(" padding-top: 4px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-left: 4px;");      
- writer.write(" padding-bottom: 4px;");      
- writer.write("}");      
- writer.write("</style></head><body>");      
- writer.write("<div class=\"errors\">");      
- writer.write("<div class=\"errors_header\">Errors:</div>");      
- writer.write("<div class=\"errors_body\">");      
- writer.write("<div class=\"errors_section\">");      
- writer.write("<b>Step " + (stepTrace.getSeq() + 1) + ": " + stepTrace.getName() + " Failed</b>");      
- for (int i=0; i<logSections.length; i++) {      
- writer.write("<ppre class=\"errors_output\">");      
- writer.write(logSections[i].text);      
- writer.write("</ppre>");      
- }      
- writer.write("</div>");      
- writer.write("</div>");      
- writer.write("</div>");      
- writer.write("</body></html>");      
- writer.close();</pre>      
- = Put the Output of a Step in an E-Mail =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-103 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.paths.*;      
- import*;      
- import;      
- import*;      
- private String getStreamAsString(InputStream inStream)      
- throws IOException {      
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();      
- try {      
- byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];      
- int length = 0;      
- while ((length = > 0) {      
- result.append(new String(buffer, 0, length));      
- }      
- }      
- finally {      
- try {      
- inStream.close();      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {}      
- }      
- return result.toString();      
- }      
- String STEP_NAME = "ant-build"; // change to the name of the step      
- WorkflowCase workflow = (WorkflowCase) context.get("workflow");      
- JobTrace[] jobTraceArray = workflow.getJobTraceArray();      
- // find the job trace you want in some meaningful way (this uses the first)      
- JobTrace jobTrace = jobTraceArray[0];      
- StepTrace[] stepTraces = jobTrace.getStepTraceArray();      
- for (int s=0; s<stepTraces.length; s++) {      
- if (STEP_NAME.equals(stepTraces[s].getName())) {      
- // this is the step      
- CommandTrace cmdTrace = stepTraces[s].getCommandTraceArray()[0];      
- FileInfo outputFile = LogPathHelper.getInstance().getLogFileInfoArray(cmdTrace)[0];      
- InputStream inStream = FileInfoService.getInstance().getFileInfoAsStream(outputFile);      
- context.put("ant-output", getStreamAsString(inStream));      
- break;      
- }      
- }</pre>      
- = Publish Output of Step Command in File in Report =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-111 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.paths.*;      
- import*;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import*;      
- private String getStreamAsString(InputStream inStream)      
- throws IOException {      
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();      
- try {      
- byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];      
- int length = 0;      
- while ((length = > 0) {      
- result.append(new String(buffer, 0, length));      
- }      
- }      
- finally {      
- try {      
- inStream.close();      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {}      
- }      
- return result.toString();      
- }      
- String REPORT_NAME = "DB Log";      
- String REPORT_FILE = "Database_Log.txt";      
- String STEP_NAME = "Execute Database Patches"; // change to the name of the step      
- JobTrace jobTrace = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();      
- StepTrace[] stepTraces = jobTrace.getStepTraceArray();      
- for (int s=0; s<stepTraces.length; s++) {      
- if (STEP_NAME.equals(stepTraces[s].getName())) {      
- // found the step      
- CommandTrace cmdTrace = stepTraces[s].getCommandTraceArray()[0];      
- FileInfo outputFile = LogPathHelper.getInstance().getLogFileInfoArray(cmdTrace)[0];      
- InputStream inStream = FileInfoService.getInstance().getFileInfoAsStream(outputFile);      
- String output = getStreamAsString(inStream);      
- // create a report      
- String reportPath = PublishPathHelper.getInstance().getPublishPath(JobTraceLookup.getCurrent(), REPORT_NAME);      
- VarService vs = VarService.getInstance();      
- reportPath = vs.resolve(reportPath);      
- File reportDir = new File(reportPath);      
- reportDir.mkdirs();      
- File reportFile = new File(reportDir, REPORT_FILE);      
- FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(reportFile);      
- writer.write(output);      
- writer.close();      
- break;      
- }      
- }</pre>      
- = Export Project Configuration to XML Using Beanshell or Remoting Script =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-9 ====      
- <pre>import org.w3c.dom.Document;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.Project;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.ProjectFactory;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.XMLImporterExporter;      
- import com.urbancode.commons.xml.DOMUtils;      
- String PROJECT_NAME = ".....";      
- Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);      
- Document doc = XMLImporterExporter.exportXML(project, "project");      
- String xmlString = DOMUtils.documentToString(doc);</pre>      
- * A working case that is based off of having a workflow property entered at run-time which the user can specify a project name to export. Needs thrown in an evaluate step:      
- <pre>/*------------------------------------------------------*/      
- /* Set this script up as an an evaluate script step in */      
- /* an operational workflow within an operational */      
- /* project. You will then need to set up a property on */      
- /* the workflow called 'ProjectName' to pass in the */      
- /* project you would like to export. Finally, this */      
- /* script's output will be placed in the */      
- /* %SERVER_HOME%\bin directory unless otherwise noted */      
- /* by setting a working directory */      
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/      
- import org.w3c.dom.Document;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.Project;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.ProjectFactory;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.XMLImporterExporter;      
- import com.urbancode.commons.xml.DOMUtils;      
- import*;      
- //Set a property on the operational workflow called 'ProjectName'      
- //so that you can input which project name you want to run this      
- //script on. Alternatively, you could remove the references to      
- //a property and just substitute in a string.      
- String PROJECT_NAME = PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName");      
- //Restores the property and writes to a string      
- Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);      
- Document doc = XMLImporterExporter.exportXML(project, "project");      
- String xmlString = DOMUtils.documentToString(doc);      
- //Writes the xmlString to a file determined by the project name      
- //and appends '.xml' to the export.      
- FileWriter outFile = new FileWriter(PathHelper.makeSafe(PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName"))+".xml");      
- BufferedWriter buffer = new BufferedWriter(outFile);      
- PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(buffer);      
- out.println(xmlString);      
- out.flush();      
- out.close();</pre>      
- * This should export the dependencies to an XML file.      
- <pre>/*------------------------------------------------------*/      
- /* Set this script up as an an evaluate script step in */      
- /* an operational workflow within an operational */      
- /* project. You will then need to set up a property on */      
- /* the workflow called 'ProjectName' to pass in the */      
- /* project you would like to export. Finally, this */      
- /* script's output will be placed in the */      
- /* %SERVER_HOME%\bin directory unless otherwise noted */      
- /* by setting a working directory. This script will */      
- /* export the dependency configuration on the current */      
- /* project. */      
- /*------------------------------------------------------*/      
- import org.w3c.dom.Document;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.XMLImporterExporter;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.*;      
- import com.urbancode.commons.xml.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.profile.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;      
- import*;      
- //Set a property on the operational workflow called 'ProjectName'      
- //so that you can input which project name you want to run this      
- //script on. Alternatively, you could remove the references to      
- //a property and just substitute in a string.      
- String PROJECT_NAME = PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName");      
- //Restores the property and writes to a string      
- Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);      
- Document doc = XMLImporterExporter.exportXML(project, "project");      
- String xmlString = DOMUtils.documentToString(doc);      
- //Writes the xmlString to a file determined by the project name      
- //and appends '.xml' to the export.      
- DependencyXml depXml = new DependencyXml();      
- String pDep = depXml.exportDependencies(project);      
- FileWriter outFile = new FileWriter(PathHelper.makeSafe(PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName"))+"_dependencies.xml");      
- BufferedWriter buffer = new BufferedWriter(outFile);      
- PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(buffer);      
- out.println(pDep);      
- out.flush();      
- out.close();</pre>      
- * Importing Dependencies:      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import org.w3c.dom.Document;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.profile.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.xml.*;      
- import com.urbancode.commons.xml.*;      
- import;      
- import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;      
- import javax.xml.transform.*;      
- import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;      
- import javax.xml.*;      
- import;      
- String PROJECT_NAME=PropertyLookup.getValue("ProjectName");      
- Project project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(PROJECT_NAME);      
- DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();      
- //Hardcoded for now; could be modified to dynamically find the file from the bin directory      
- InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File("Iterations_Test_dependencies.xml"));      
- org.w3c.dom.Document doc = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(inputStream);      
- StringWriter stw = new StringWriter();      
- Transformer serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();      
- serializer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(stw));      
- String xmlString = stw.toString();      
- commandOutput.println(xmlString);      
- System.out.println(xmlString);      
- DependencyXml depXml = new DependencyXml();      
- depXml.importDependencies(xmlString);</pre>      
- = Run Another Non-Originating Workflow On Same Build Life =      
- *Used as an evaluate script step      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-33 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;      
- import*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.AnthillRuntimeException.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildlife.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.servergroup.*;      
- import*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.persistent.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;      
- String wf = PropertyLookup.getValue("workflow_prop");      
- Project prj = ProjectLookup.getCurrent();      
- BuildLife bl = BuildLifeLookup.getCurrent();      
- Workflow wflow = WorkflowLookup.getForProjectAndName(prj, wf);      
- ServerGroup sg = ServerGroupLookup.getCurrent();      
- User usr = BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent().getUser();      
- RequestSourceEnum rse = BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent().getRequestSource();      
- Persistent req = BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent().getRequester();      
- BuildRequest br = new BuildRequest(bl, wflow, sg, usr, rse, req);      
- BuildService.getInstance().runWorkflow(br);</pre>      
  = Need Report of Agents Not In Environments =    = Need Report of Agents Not In Environments = 
  ==== AHPSCRIPTS-117 ====    ==== AHPSCRIPTS-117 ==== 
Line 2542:
  }     }  
  return output;</pre>    return output;</pre> 
- = Replicate Permissions of One Role to Another =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-133 ====      
- <pre>import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import java.util.*;      
- /*      
- Beanshell script to be run in a Evaluate Script Step.      
- This script will repliact permission from one role to another.      
- - Adjust the role names for your use before running.      
- - Adjust the resource types at the bottom to control the types of permissions replicate.      
- */      
- addPermissionToMap(HashMap map, Permission permission) {      
- resource = permission.getResource();      
- actions = map.get(resource);      
- if (actions == null) {      
- actions = new HashSet();      
- map.put(resource, actions);      
- }      
- actions.add(permission.getAction());      
- }      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(Role source, Role dest, long resourceTypeId) {      
- resourceType = ResourceTypeFactory.getInstance().restore(resourceTypeId);      
- permissions = PermissionFactory.getInstance().restoreAllForResourceType(resourceType);      
- sourceMap = new HashMap();      
- destMap = new HashMap();      
- for (Permission permission : permissions) {      
- if (source.equals(permission.getRole())) {      
- addPermissionToMap(sourceMap, permission);      
- }      
- else if (dest.equals(permission.getRole())) {      
- addPermissionToMap(destMap, permission);      
- }      
- }      
- for (Resource resource : sourceMap.keySet()) {      
- sourceActions = sourceMap.get(resource);      
- destActions = destMap.get(resource);      
- if (destActions != null) {      
- sourceActions.removeAll(destActions);      
- }      
- for (String action : sourceActions) {      
- // create the permission      
- commandOutput.println("Adding " + action + " to " + resource);      
- Permission permission = new Permission(resource, action, dest);      
- }      
- }      
- }      
- source = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("Source");      
- dest = RoleFactory.getInstance().restoreForName("Destination");      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_PROJECT);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_ENVIRONMENT);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_WORKFLOW);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_CODESTATON);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_REPOSITORY);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_FOLDER);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_LIBRARY_WORKFLOW);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_LIBRARY_JOB);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_AGENT);      
- copyResourceTypePermissions(source, dest, ResourceType.TYPE_ENV_GROUP);      
- UnitOfWork.getCurrent().commit();</pre>      
- = Roll Back: If Step Fails During Deployment, Look Up Previously Deployed Build and Re-Deploy It =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-122 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.servergroup.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildlife.*;      
- import*;      
- import*;      
- //Get the useful information      
- currentEnv = EnvironmentLookup.getCurrent();      
- currentWorkflow = WorkflowLookup.getCurrent();      
- envShortName = currentEnv.getShortName();      
- status = StatusLookup.getStatusByName(envShortName);      
- currentBuildLife = BuildLifeLookup.getCurrent();      
- currentBuildRequest = BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent();      
- requester = currentBuildRequest.getRequester();      
- currentUser = currentBuildRequest.getUser();      
- currentBuildProfile = currentBuildLife.getProfile();      
- //Determine the last deployed build for a particular environment      
- previousDeployed = BuildLifeFactory.getInstance().restorePriorMostRecentForProfileAndStatus(currentBuildLife, currentBuildProfile, status);      
- // Create the new build request      
- BuildRequest newBuildRequest = new BuildRequest(previousDeployed, currentWorkflow, currentEnv, currentUser, RequestSourceEnum.EVENT, requester);      
- //store it      
- //Run the workflow      
- BuildService.getInstance().runWorkflow(newBuildRequest);</pre>      
- = Run Originating Workflow and Wait Until Workflow is Finished =      
- ==== AHPSCRIPTS-132 ====      
- <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.BuildRequest;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.Project;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.ProjectFactory;      
- import;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.WorkflowCase;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.WorkflowEndEvent;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.workflow.WorkflowEvent;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.*;      
- import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.project.*;      
- import*;      
- import*;      
- import java.util.EventObject;      
- class WorkflowEndEventListener implements EventListener {      
- private BuildRequest request;      
- private boolean success = false;      
- WorkflowEndEventListener(BuildRequest request) {      
- this.request = request;      
- }      
- public boolean isSuccess(){      
- return success;      
- }      
- synchronized public void handleEvent(EventObject event) {      
- if (!(event instanceof WorkflowEvent)) {      
- throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The parameter event must be an instance of a WorkflowEvent!" );      
- }      
- UnitOfWork uow = null;      
- try {      
- uow = UnitOfWork.create(UserFactory.getSystemUser());      
- WorkflowCase wcase = ((WorkflowEvent) event).getCase();      
- success = (wcase.getStatus() != null && wcase.getStatus().isSuccess());      
- }      
- catch (Exception e) {      
- throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);      
- }      
- finally {      
- if (uow != null) {      
- uow.close();      
- }      
- }      
- this.notify();      
- }      
- public Class getEventClass() {      
- return WorkflowEndEvent.class;      
- }      
- public Criteria[] getCriteria() {      
- return new Criteria[]{      
- new FieldEqualsCriteria("request", request)      
- };      
- }      
- }      
- buildAndWait(String projectName, String workflowName)      
- throws Exception {      
- project = ProjectFactory.getInstance().restoreForName(projectName);      
- wflow = project.getWorkflow(workflowName);      
- buildService = BuildService.getInstance();      
- user = UnitOfWork.getCurrent().getUser();      
- request = new BuildRequest(wflow.getBuildProfile(), user, RequestSourceEnum.REPOSITORY, user );      
- request.setForcedFlag(true);      
- UnitOfWork.getCurrent().commit();      
- listener = new WorkflowEndEventListener(request);      
- EventService.getInstance().registerEventListener(listener);      
- try {      
- BuildService.getInstance().runBuild(request);      
- synchronized (listener) {      
- listener.wait();      
- }      
- if (!listener.isSuccess()) {      
- throw new Exception(projectName + " - " + workflowName + " failed.");      
- }      
- }      
- finally {      
- EventService.getInstance().removeEventListener(listener);      
- }      
- }      
- buildAndWait("project", "workflow");</pre>