Version Differences for Remoting Specific Scripts

(Posted in AHPSCRIPTS-109)
(List Contents of a Build Life's Artifacts)
Line 6:
  * Treat this mostly as a snippet for doing something more interesting with.    * Treat this mostly as a snippet for doing something more interesting with. 
  * This script requires the following packaging changes to the remoting library:    * This script requires the following packaging changes to the remoting library: 
- :# Change 1   + :# From the '''%SERVER_HOME%\lib''' directory:  
- :# Change 2   + :## File  
    + :# From the '''%AGENT_HOME%\opt\ahptool''' directory:  
    + :## ahptool.jar  
  ==== AHPSCRIPTS-109 ====    ==== AHPSCRIPTS-109 ====