Version Differences for Remoting Specific Scripts

Line 1434:
  uow.commitAndClose();</pre>    uow.commitAndClose();</pre> 
    + = Find All Agents With Incompatible Version =  
    + *This script will return which agents the server is reporting as to having an invalid version associated with them.  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-135 ====  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.main.client.AnthillClient;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.persistence.UnitOfWork;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.agent.*;  
    + import*;  
    + //The following settings are for establishing a connection to the anthill server  
    + //Please change accordingly to your anthillpro server configuration  
    + String serverHost = "localhost";  
    + int serverPort = 4567;  
    + String userName = "admin";  
    + String password = "admin";  
    + //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    + // obtain connection to the Anthill server  
    + AnthillClient anthill = AnthillClient.connect(serverHost, serverPort, userName, password);  
    + // create a Unit of Work  
    + UnitOfWork uow = anthill.createUnitOfWork();  
    + // get an instance of the AgentManager  
    + AgentManager manager = AgentManager.getInstance();  
    + String[] invalidAgents = null;  
    + // get the list of Agents  
    + Agent[] agentArray = AgentFactory.getInstance().restoreAll();  
    + // get Agents that have an incorrect version associated with them  
    + invalidAgents = manager.getVersionMismatchAgentNameArray();  
    + // this will be used to store total mismatches  
    + invalidTotal = 0;  
    + print("\n");  
    + print("|===AGENTS REPORTING INVALID STATUS===|\n");  
    + for (entry : invalidAgents){ // get each invalid Agent  
    + for (thisAgent : agentArray){ // get each Agent  
    + if(thisAgent.getName().equals(entry)){  
    + print(thisAgent);  
    + print(manager.getAgentStatus(thisAgent));  
    + invalidTotal++;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + print("\n");  
    + print("|===MISMATCHES===|");  
    + print(" TOTAL: " + invalidTotal);  
    + uow.commitAndClose();</pre>