Version Differences for Performance Tuning Servers

(Second half of Linux Tunables inserted)
(JVM (Oracle) Options)
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  ''The following options deal with the heap size of the server java process as well as garbage collection performance. It is recommended that users perform their own analysis, using -XX:+PrintGCDetails, -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps, -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC, -verbose:gc, & -Xloggc:gc.log flags as well as -Xms64m -Xmx3g (32 bit) or -Xmx6g (64 bit), to determine what heap sizes and ratios work best for them.''    ''The following options deal with the heap size of the server java process as well as garbage collection performance. It is recommended that users perform their own analysis, using -XX:+PrintGCDetails, -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps, -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC, -verbose:gc, & -Xloggc:gc.log flags as well as -Xms64m -Xmx3g (32 bit) or -Xmx6g (64 bit), to determine what heap sizes and ratios work best for them.'' 
    + == Heap ==  
  * -Xms### | ''Sets the minimum heap size to "###". Generally for moderate systems this should be 768m. DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).''    * -Xms### | ''Sets the minimum heap size to "###". Generally for moderate systems this should be 768m. DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).'' 
  * -Xmx### | ''Sets the maximum heap size to "###". Generally for moderate systems this should be 2g (32 bit) or 4g (64 bit). DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).''    * -Xmx### | ''Sets the maximum heap size to "###". Generally for moderate systems this should be 2g (32 bit) or 4g (64 bit). DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).'' 
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    + == Garbage Collection ==  
  * -XX:+UseParallelOldGC | ''This setting allows garbage collection to use multiple threads in parallel and reduces process wait time. If running the server on a multi-core architecture this setting should be turned on.''    * -XX:+UseParallelOldGC | ''This setting allows garbage collection to use multiple threads in parallel and reduces process wait time. If running the server on a multi-core architecture this setting should be turned on.'' 
  * -XX:ParallelGCThreads=# | ''Sets the number of threads the garbage collector can use in parallel. Generally this number should roughly correlate to the number of cores available in your system but not more than double.''    * -XX:ParallelGCThreads=# | ''Sets the number of threads the garbage collector can use in parallel. Generally this number should roughly correlate to the number of cores available in your system but not more than double.'' 
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    + == Stack Size ==  
  ''The following options deal with the thread size used for server processes. Users are again encouraged to investigate memory usage patterns on their systems to determine useful tweaks to these settings.''    ''The following options deal with the thread size used for server processes. Users are again encouraged to investigate memory usage patterns on their systems to determine useful tweaks to these settings.'' 
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  * -Xiss### | ''Sets the initial thread stack size to "###". For most systems this should be set the same as the maximum stack size at 128k (32 bit) or 256k (64 bit). DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).''    * -Xiss### | ''Sets the initial thread stack size to "###". For most systems this should be set the same as the maximum stack size at 128k (32 bit) or 256k (64 bit). DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).'' 
  * -Xss### | ''Sets the maximum thread stack size to "###". For most systems this should be set the same as the initial stack size at 128k (32 bit) or 256k (64 bit). DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).''    * -Xss### | ''Sets the maximum thread stack size to "###". For most systems this should be set the same as the initial stack size at 128k (32 bit) or 256k (64 bit). DO NOT FORGET SIZE DESCRIPTOR (k, m, g).''