Version Differences for Comments:Database Permissions

(My install test)
(Test Install Run)
Line 69:
  [echo] http://localhost:80/ to complete the Installation.    [echo] http://localhost:80/ to complete the Installation. 
  [echo] Installer Complete. (press return to exit installer)</pre>    [echo] Installer Complete. (press return to exit installer)</pre> 
    + = Quick Reference SQL for Oracle XE =  
    + I'm throwing a quick reference guide to some common SQL I have to use and can never seem to locate. I'm throwing them here instead.  
    + == Initial User Creation ==  
    + This will create a username with a password, and grant the roles required out of the XE documentation:  
    + <pre> create user testuser identified by testpassword;  
    + grant connect, resource to testuser;  
    + </pre>