Version Differences for Comments:Database Permissions

(Test Install Run)
(Quick Reference SQL for Oracle XE)
Line 76:
  This will create a username with a password, and grant the roles required out of the XE documentation:    This will create a username with a password, and grant the roles required out of the XE documentation: 
- <pre> create user testuser identified by testpassword;   + <pre>create user testuser identified by testpassword;  
  grant connect, resource to testuser;    grant connect, resource to testuser; 
  </pre>    </pre> 
    + == Get Current Tablespace Size ==  
    + If an error occurs that the tablespaces are too large, the current size can be checked with the following SQL:  
    + <pre>select a.file_id,b.file_name,b.autoextensible,b.bytes/1024/1024,sum(a.bytes )/1024/1024  
    + from dba_extents a,dba_data_files b where a.file_id=b.file_id group by  
    + a.file_id,b.file_name, autoextensible,b.bytes/1024/1024;</pre>