Version Differences for Pre-Condition: Step

(Step Pre-Condition That Works Based on a Workflow Name)
Line 24:
  }</pre>    }</pre> 
    + = Property-Based =  
    + *The example checks to make sure that all previous steps in the job have completed successfully (or with a warning) and that the property named "buildType" resolves to "official". It's a simple example of only doing a particular step based on a property.  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-65 ====  
    + <pre>// All previous steps are successful and the build type is official  
    + Logic.and(  
    + StepStatus.allPriorIn(new JobStatusEnum[] { JobStatusEnum.SUCCESS, JobStatusEnum.SUCCESS_WARN }),  
    +"buildType", "official")  
    + );</pre>