Version Differences for Workflows Stuck on the AHP Server

(Workflow Cases)
(Job Traces)
Line 39:
  == Job Traces ==    == Job Traces == 
  Much like Workflow Cases, Job Traces can fail to update if an event to end the job does not fire.    Much like Workflow Cases, Job Traces can fail to update if an event to end the job does not fire. 
- === SQL to Set All Running Jobs to a Status ===      
- <pre>UPDATE JOB_TRACE SET STATUS = 'XX' WHERE STATUS = 'YY';</pre>   + <table border=2 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 align=center>  
    + <tr>  
    + <th bgcolor=#000000><font color=white>Type</font></th>  
    + <th bgcolor=#000000><font color=white>SQL</font></th>  
    + </tr>  
    + <tr>  
    + <td align=center bgcolor=#808080><font color=white>set all running jobs to a status</font></td>  
    + <td><font face=monospace>UPDATE JOB_TRACE SET STATUS = 'XX' WHERE STATUS = 'YY'</font></td>  
    + </tr>  
    + </table>  
  == Job Step Traces ==    == Job Step Traces == 
  More rare than the previous two, the step itself can still have a leftover status.    More rare than the previous two, the step itself can still have a leftover status.