Version Differences for Stamping

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  <pre>${bsh:changes=ChangeSetHelper.getChangeSetArray(); if (changes != null && changes.length > 0) { return changes[0].getChangeId(); \} else { return "no revision"; \}}</pre>    <pre>${bsh:changes=ChangeSetHelper.getChangeSetArray(); if (changes != null && changes.length > 0) { return changes[0].getChangeId(); \} else { return "no revision"; \}}</pre> 
    + = Add User Who Requested the Build to the Stamp =  
    + *This script below will output "DEV_anthillLogin" where anthillLogin is the the login name of who requested the build.  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-22 ====  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildrequest.*;  
    + String name = BuildRequestLookup.getCurrent().getUser().getName();  
    + String value = "DEV_"+name;  
    + return value;</pre>  
  = Incrementing Stamp Script Allowing For Manual Input =    = Incrementing Stamp Script Allowing For Manual Input = 
  *This script depends on a workflow property called "inputversion" where a user can specify a stamp at the time a build is being started. If inputversion is left blank, it uses the project property "my-stamp-property" as the stamp, and increments it. If "inputversion" is not null, and a value is passed, that value is used as the stamp, and becomes the new value of the "my-stamp-property" .    *This script depends on a workflow property called "inputversion" where a user can specify a stamp at the time a build is being started. If inputversion is left blank, it uses the project property "my-stamp-property" as the stamp, and increments it. If "inputversion" is not null, and a value is passed, that value is used as the stamp, and becomes the new value of the "my-stamp-property" .