Version Differences for AnthillPro Upgrade Checklist

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  Ensure UrbanCode support knows of your intention to upgrade. You can do this by creating a ticket at The support staff can:    Ensure UrbanCode support knows of your intention to upgrade. You can do this by creating a ticket at The support staff can: 
- * Upgrade a copy of your database to ensure no problems will occur with this portion of the upgrade   + * <font size=4 color=indigo>Upgrade a copy of your database to ensure no problems will occur with this portion of the upgrade</font>  
- * Scheduling on-call support during your upgrade window   + * <font size=4 color=navy>Scheduling on-call support during your upgrade window</font>  
  Backup the database. Use the tools that come with your database vendor to perform this, and consult your vendor’s documentation on how to use them.    Backup the database. Use the tools that come with your database vendor to perform this, and consult your vendor’s documentation on how to use them. 
  Backup the file-system. At a minimum, backup the anthill installation location. '''This contains not only AnthillPro, but your artifacts and job logs (''ATTENTION: var DIRECTORY'')'''.    Backup the file-system. At a minimum, backup the anthill installation location. '''This contains not only AnthillPro, but your artifacts and job logs (''ATTENTION: var DIRECTORY'')'''.