Version Differences for Maven

(Single Project with Multiple Modules)
(Project for Each Module)
Line 102:
  # Create a maven.groupId property and a maven.artifactId property in each project’s properties configuration and set the value appropriately (look in the .pom file)    # Create a maven.groupId property and a maven.artifactId property in each project’s properties configuration and set the value appropriately (look in the .pom file) 
  # Complete steps 6 and 7 above and you should see artifacts and dependencies in their respective tabs for each build life you run    # Complete steps 6 and 7 above and you should see artifacts and dependencies in their respective tabs for each build life you run 
    + = Read Version From Maven POM =  
    + *In this example, I have configured an early build step to print the maven pom to standard out. For Windows, I use "type pom.xml" and for unix, I use "cat pom.xml". This stamp context script parses the output and puts the contents of the version element in the context.  
    + ==== AHPSCRIPTS-25 ====  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.singleton.serversettings.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildlife.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.buildlife.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.commons.xml.DOMUtils;  
    + private org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("ContextScript");  
    + // BUILD_STEP_NAME: Name of the step within the job that should be inspected  
    + String BUILD_STEP_NAME = "Echo POM";  
    + BuildLifeJobTrace jobTrace = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();  
    + StepTrace[] stepTraceArray = jobTrace.getStepTraceArray();  
    + StepTrace stepTrace = null;  
    + for (int j = 0; j < stepTraceArray.length && stepTrace == null; j++) {  
    + if (stepTraceArray[j].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(BUILD_STEP_NAME)) {  
    + stepTrace = stepTraceArray[j];  
    + break;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + String outputLog = LogHelper.getOutput(stepTrace.getCommandTraceArray()[0]);  
    + // The output log contains junk other than the pom. Trim that out.  
    + String docStartFlag = "<project";  
    + String docEndFlag = "command exit";  
    + startIndex = outputLog.indexOf(docStartFlag);  
    + endIndex = outputLog.indexOf(docEndFlag);  
    + outputLog = outputLog.substring(startIndex, endIndex);  
    + // Load the POM as an XML doc and get the version value  
    + doc = DOMUtils.loadDocument(outputLog);  
    + topElement = doc.getDocumentElement();  
    + version = DOMUtils.getFirstChildText(topElement, "version");  
    + stampContext.put("version", ""+version);</pre>  
    + *The same script, but combined with the SVN\Perforce changeset script:  
    + <pre>import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.singleton.serversettings.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.buildlife.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.domain.jobtrace.buildlife.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.anthill3.runtime.scripting.helpers.*;  
    + import com.urbancode.commons.xml.DOMUtils;  
    + import com.urbancode.vcsdriver3.*;  
    + private org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("ContextScript");  
    + // BUILD_STEP_NAME: Name of the step within the job that should be inspected  
    + String BUILD_STEP_NAME = "Echo POM";  
    + // String COMMAND_NAME = "shell-command";  
    + BuildLifeJobTrace jobTrace = JobTraceLookup.getCurrent();  
    + StepTrace[] stepTraceArray = jobTrace.getStepTraceArray();  
    + StepTrace stepTrace = null;  
    + for (int j = 0; j < stepTraceArray.length && stepTrace == null; j++) {  
    + if (stepTraceArray[j].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(BUILD_STEP_NAME)) {  
    + stepTrace = stepTraceArray[j];  
    + break;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + String outputLog = LogHelper.getOutput(stepTrace.getCommandTraceArray()[0]);  
    + // The output log contains junk other than the pom. Trim that out.  
    + String docStartFlag = "<project";  
    + String docEndFlag = "command exit";  
    + startIndex = outputLog.indexOf(docStartFlag);  
    + endIndex = outputLog.indexOf(docEndFlag);  
    + outputLog = outputLog.substring(startIndex, endIndex);  
    + // Load the POM as an XML doc and get the version value  
    + doc = DOMUtils.loadDocument(outputLog);  
    + topElement = doc.getDocumentElement();  
    + version = DOMUtils.getFirstChildText(topElement, "version");  
    + // Great, now let's dig out the SVN or Perforce changeset  
    + int getMaxChangeSet(BuildLife life) {  
    + int result = 0;  
    + ChangeLog[] changelogArray = ChangeLogHelper.getChangeLogArray(life);  
    + for (int i = 0; i < changelogArray.length; i++) {  
    + ChangeSet[] changesetArray = changelogArray[i].getChangeSetArray();  
    + for (int j = 0; j < changesetArray.length; j++) {  
    + ChangeSet changeset = changesetArray[j];  
    + id = changeset.getId();  
    + // edit out the "r" character for svn  
    + if (id.startsWith("r")) {  
    + id = id.substring(1);  
    + }  
    + int num = (new Integer(id.trim())).intValue();  
    + if (num > result) {  
    + result = num;  
    + }  
    + }  
    + }  
    + return result;  
    + }  
    + // If there is no changelog, look up the previous build  
    + // and take the highest number from that (if present, else keep searching).  
    + int highestChangeset = 0;  
    + BuildLife life = BuildLifeLookup.getCurrent();  
    + while(highestChangeset == 0 && life != null) {  
    + highestChangeset = getMaxChangeSet(life);  
    + life = life.getPrevBuildLife();  
    + }  
    + stampContext.put("version", ""+version);  
    + stampContext.put("changeset", ""+highestChangeset);</pre>